The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1960

• January 1960 - - - - ----- --..............---=--. .. I"'~···----- THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST THE DIRECTOilY (Conti11ne(l) Church Pastor P astor 's Address -- ()TH~]<l() ' I . I ibl 11i. . io11 l~HI)tisf 7(. 1>~\l~ FJ \ TI_J1;}1~ 1 al,ra1·y I~apt.iHt 727 :\ I 11to1· A , 1 r. , ~l. I 1\ R:\I 1\ .r"ir t Bc1pti:t ( h11rt•l1 of Pa1·1na «"> 994 Ridge R o i1 (l 0. PIQl .~ E 111111clJlll c> l l ~aJ)1 ist 5:~4-11 1 l(i11l y 1\ v . 1. JJ<)RTS:\I )l Tl I T r 111 J)le l~a r>t ist (~all ia T \\ alle1· ( 2. Jl()RTk .. MO l r111 ,,r a it , :\ r i I si 11 a r I~ apti, t • :3. QlT1\ KER 1 ITY ~ 1 alt F oI·k Bapti.·t Rt. 2 84. RFJY. OJ,;D 13{ R 1 Bibl 11 i.\ ·io11 11a pti: t (Box 4) 5. R C 1 IIE 1 T:BJR Rochest er Ba1)ti. t 86. R 1 KY RIV:BJR G1·a · Bapti: t 19147 F.1 ru tlook R(l . 7. ' A~l)l K 1 a lvar}' 13apti. t 1012 ,ol t1r11bl1s A , 1 e. . ~' IIAR l>A . ~ 1 haro11 I3apti. ·t 3J9 '1 tan1bal1g h ~ , ~ . 0. 801 "TII f;l E ~ P\ V Ilarmo11y Baptist 90. ~• I.) ~~ CER J:.., i1-. t Bapt i. t W. l\1a i11 & 8(' hool • •t. 91. ~ •r)1~xc ·1~RVJI;J;:B~ ( J JJP11 J) oor l~aptist I{ . l{ . 2 'J :2. 8 1) I{1 ~ < 1 1~' J }ij I; I ) I1 J essP < 1 I Io J) P I~ a pt i ~ t :i l :i • i. K )11 singto11 I>lac' l !J!!. RJ>J{I ~ <; r~ JI~f; l) la1·a.11atl1a l~aJ)ti t 17()4 • 1 t111set 1\ ,r l. D4. :'rl{ (JN 1 8 \ ll1IJ~~ 1~"i1\ t l3a1)ti. t E 11 i o t t l l o 1~ t o 11 "\\ m. }:. Ottne y • KennetJ1 F t1ll r r }; . ( ~. 'I'hon1pson J)o11alcl ~~ - lVIathen , 2()90 Nor,\?<>oc1 Blvcl. Zanes, 1 il lP Oh io f> 1 (5 (;olericlge l{d . [>ai11c\ ·, rillr hio 4514 J>p1·sl1i11g 1\ ". J>,11~n1a, :-34, ( l1io 501 ()}'J' ~ t . I>ic1t1 ,1 Ol1io 1 ~()9 - 211 cl ~, tr(lc 1 t l)o1·ts111ol1t 1, ()}1io Rt. 4 f)ort.sn1011 th ()hio () ]cl \\ 7 ashi11gt-011 ()hi o I~ .1, . 1> a taskala. () 1 io I1ox ;3 Roeh1 ' t 1· ()hio Vern on K. 11illington 1276 \V st]ake A "\·e. l1al{e,voocl 7, ()hi(> Thomas \\ rigl1t l 1e. lie W. Koi. ·kovic. .1\ clam 1\. (Ja1t I). \\T. f>e l tie1~ <l lr 1111 <l r ee11,\"00 l [I a1·r y II n11r1i11g·er • • • 2~36 F ineh St. ~anclt1. ky hio 605 ~ 1 prt1 · 1\ ve. Rharo11, J)a. ]3ox 43 :\1ar l<. h111·g: , Ol1io \,1 est :\I ai11 ~ t . i 1 1)en c r , Oh·io I{ . I{. ~ ~~li cla. Ohio ~~:24 \\ <><><ls icl t' f4 J)1~i11 gf i r l tl , ()1 i o l (i~t 1 1 . J 1 , 011 11t,1i 11 ~\ , •tl, s 1 )ri 11g·fi eltl , ()}1io l ~)5:!(J I)rak l{oc1<.l ~ 1 tro11g·s,ri]l 36, l)hio Page Nine OUND COLLEGES DO NOT OBJECT! \\~it 11 ,tll t li e> l1ypoC' rit i<·,tl c,l,j ec·– t io11 s fJ·o111 ottr pi11k \111i,·c> r s itie>s ( i11 cll1cl i11g· 8 t1eh grPclt s<·hc}ols a~c.; ( 1 0 Jt1 111 IJia ) t o t l1 l g·ovp1·11n1er1t r c– ' ltlirr111 11t that s tt1 cle11ts tl1,tt \ Vct111 loar1s t111 (ler t}1 p Xatio11al J)ef 11s<> E cl11 ·,,tio11 .. \ et cl iel ,1rc> thP111spl,?rs t <> l>r a}.rai11s1 tl1 P c),' Prt 11 r o,,· of (> lJ 1· g·o,·r r11111e11t b}' fo1·< 1 P, it is refr Psl1- i11g to hc>,11· tl1is 11p ,1i·s fr c, 111 "\\~l1 >a – t o11 : ''-T<' ,tt \\ l1Pat >11 <l e> 11c,t .·e-<1 ,vh}T .. cl.ll )' 011<1 sh <)tll<l liPsitat< 1 1.o Ht ,111cl UJ> a11cl c1Pelar(~ l1i111: t11f t o t )) a lo,.. ,11 .. .\111 )1·ie,t11. Hi11<·( ' tl1 P (}ovp1·11r11er1t i~ 111a J<i11g- lo,t11s ct\'ail,1l>lf' t o s tl1 - cl t 11t s 1111cl r l' t}1( 1 ~,ttio11,ll l )Pft1r1. P ~~clt1 c·atio11 1\ t't . it t1a~" i.t1< 1 rigl1t tc> stiJ )ttla.tP tl1e ·<>t1 clitic>11 s 1111 c.l r \\' l1ich th <) lc>a11 is 111a(l r . If 111 8 tt1 - cle11t is a thor o11ghg·oi11g· .i\ 111 c>1·it an. f11 l] ,{ <· <> rnn1jtt ecl t c) c>111-- f or1n of • po, , r11n1r11t a11cl ,,·a.\' of lifc-1 . h(l s11 c> 11 l(l 11 ot b sitat e to :tancl 11p a11cl l>~ (' 011nt rc1. If n ot tie s1011lcl lil< P– ,,·isr l1a,rp th r <:<> t1rag of h is t o11- ,·i ·tio1s. }"c>1· c·ollegPs to 1·r fl1se J)a1·– t i < • i J > a t i o 11 i 11 th e } "e( 1 er ,t l Ht 11 <.le11 t l .1oa11 J) l'<>g1· ,1111 is t <> be lil\c:. tl1e 1>11arist'es c>f olcl <>f ,\·}1 <>111 the ljo1·<l saicl tJ1,tt t}l (l ~r strai11 Ollt a g11at a.11 l 8\vall o,,· a t c1111 e l . Appa1·e11tl}~ t }1 e1·e a r ·olleg ~s t h at acl111it a ( 1 01111nt111is t to tl1c) ir f,1 c.·t1lt\y ,t11 cl in - • cleecl thl1s ' L s,,·all c>,,· ,1 <.·,1111el., a11 cl tak a s ta11 cl ,1gai11st A111erieaniRn1 l>~T e 11c·o l11·a ~ri11 i!' t l1eir Htt1(l e11t s 11c) t t o (· <>111111it tl1 111 ., el,,<~.· . T }1 a \'e h r ar c I t }1 e a r g t 1111 e 11 t t 11 a t tl1e oatl1 i8 111ea11i11g·lt ss : i11te a ( 1 01111111111ist has 110 hesitatio11 111 lJ"- 111g· . IIo,,·P,"er, jt l1a.· bee11 .-11 0,,11 tJ1at p Pr j\ll')" i ~ 011 e of thP g·1·rat - st fea1·s tl1a1 tl1e c>1nn11111i: t ha.-, s i11 ee that 111a l< .: }1i111 liabl e to t he 1 a,,·. ,, ... l lJ li ,. t l1,1t thf' J1"'e{le1·al ,o,·– r r11111 e11t sl1ot1 l cl kPeJ1 <>t it of t11e fi e lcl of >(lll(·,tti o11. \\ 1 hi ·}1 i : the l)I"O' "i11.c of : t c-itr ,t11cl loeal g-<>,·fr11- 111 r 11ts ,111cl <) f 1)1·i,·at C' l'itize11s. 11 ,,._ e ,·e-1\ if loa11s are 111,1cl P a ,",tilable. t l1e 11 , \:11 r at c>11 8t 11clP11 ts sl1ot1l cl bC' g r a 11 t r c 1 t l 1 i s c> 111 > <> r 1 t 111 it ).. . "\\ ... P f i 11 < i 11 <> l1 t sit ,111 e~· i11 r t' <tl t i r i11 g t hPi r sig-11i11 g· t}1p <>at 11 , <) l ' tl1l>ir cloi11g- so . ,,~11il c' ,,·t cl <> 11c>t }{11<),, tl1n1 l 'P~ clnr,·ill c 1 is 'Pli g·il)IP l ll l( l t ' l' t l1is ..:\ l•t. ,,·p l\11c>,,. it ,,.<> tll cl g lntll ~· s,t>· tl1 t) ~a 111P. \\ 1 h r 11 l 1 t)11g·rc's" 111t'(' t"' ,, t\ s I 1 <) 111 < 1 it 11 l t, t < > t 11 · t' ( > 11 gi r es. 111 t ' 11 l\ 11 <>,, l1 t>,v ,,·e ~ttt 11< l. 1 f '''l) ci o 11ot. it 111it , · ' 'l>t' litt er tl1u11 , ll tl1i11k ~'· • l ' l1ttrl·l1 111t~111bt r s oft e11 ~1· t 1 ,, 1 f' tt l, t' 11t• Ll l), too 111l\ l· l1 ,,·eek£' 11cl . ' ' ' - ~ :) .