The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1960

'111 1 JJI lN ~I l•~Nl)l•,NT ]3APTIST F brunr-y J960 ~~'---~~--~~~--- -~~--------~--------~--~----~-- ~Cll } ~f'11 (1 • t •s ltl- l s ' . () \ 11' ) ·011 r 11n ,,,}lot" ~ ('\\TS \\ itli Paul Gonder, Sharon. Baptist Cli1ircli, Sltar011, Pa. \ t)l .. l, 1)1·~ .\( 'J' 't .. \'\]) 'f' \l ; )i":'\'r ell' ' o•if't" frOll1 (:<>tl. [)c)Jl 't r/r1rr t,11(:p p r icl r. i11 eit}1 r of' thcn1! J{e happ~·. 1'1111 of hop1 1111d thP lo,p of li ving-. Hnt rcme111lwr .vouth is al~o a tinw or ~C'rious1w~ c. pcr•ially ,, llt ll lt ( ()lllt'" ttl lllclkitl!.!_' ll(lt'l~lt>ll"'. ' f'}l (' l't)"'lllt~ <)f :0 111 (' of \ "()llr ehoiC'PS \\·i l} },1.·t cl ]ifrti1n 1 - a )if im Of • l1:11)})lll(' '" ... t)l' 1111l1<1 J)J)i1t('"~· IJi~t r.11 to 111P, ,,rill ~·0 11? ~ rt·r,·, ,,r,·cr 111alcr clll i111p<Jrta11t <1 c·i:ic)11 ,, 1 1tho11t .1,l,111~· ( 1()tl tc 11 ,]1) ~ ()\1 i11 it. II (' ' ' ill 11 "''·pr l<"'cl(l ~·011 cl~tl'H.)r. I d-Ri<li11g H a<li11 liar 11 Baptist Pa1·t~ 1 ·t)lt11g· 1>(ll)})le clll{l ~e,·t) rc1l gt1e~t" of tl1t 1 ~11clr()ll l)cl . J l~clJ)ti. t '1111r<:h ,Ii l <lo,, 11 t lit') 11ill. of a 11rc1rb\'· t'Ol111tr v·siti) cl~ tl1e,· }1(.lltl .. .. .. a ~I t> 1-Ri li11rr l)art,· cl111·i110- tl1) - .. t11i1·<l ,,·e 1\. <>f i-)a1111ar,... • 'l'l1r f1111-fillt 1 cl e,·c11t ,,·a: ·lo:(lcl lat <1 r ,Yitl1 1·efre"l1111e11tl'-I clllll lle\"O– tio11 at t11e l10111e of, cl ll,.. f' l r:1t1e1·. • )"t>11tl1 fell<>,,·. hiJ) l)I' e icle11t. • • • '1~11P ~h,1r<>11 )"C)lttl1 fel1o,,.. l1i1) r<·c·t' 111 l)· J)011 . orP<l clll c. (j-111i11111r l'l1ri tic111 111c>,·ie i11 tl1c> <'l111rc-J1 ,ritl1 u 11P ·t ') p1·e r11t f1·0111 .·e,,.e1·a 1 . t11·– l'<>1111tli11g ·l1111·c·l1e:. E11clicl– Choir ottingham ing t Rall. ()11 .Jc111t1ar,· l(>tl 1. tl1e l~tl<·li(l - • X(>tti11gl1a111 l3a11ti~t < ']111rl'h c-hoi1· J)r< 1 "P11trcl "l)P<'ial 11111. ic· at the 111o 11 t l 1 I, · ( •1 r , ·e I a 11 <1 , · <) 11 t 11 r ,111,·. • • • rfht) \ ""c>ic·p C>f ( '}11·i"tia11 ) '"011t}1. < l i r P <• 1 P cl 1), • < r , · e ~ ~ 1 t r , • c 11 . 1 1 el c 1 cl • 1·,111.,· at t11r ' eclar Ifill B,l]1ti.·t " 11 11 r·c · 1 1. 11,t<·]t . '11P11te ,ttt e11clc 1 cl ,rith tl1e> e 11 <) i r. J)re"r111 i11 g· l) Pe ia 1 11t1111br1'!-, 011 tl1 e 11111~ic·,1l l)ell~. , 1 11ea]\r1· ,,.<l Rr ,·. }Ic11· trlle1~ ,,·11<> i J)a.·tor C tl1 <1 ~tr11thr r" T{a1)ti~t Tal Je1·11ac·1r. • • • Tl1r1 11Pxt rall,.. '"ill lJe l1elc1 c)11 • Ti P l) . 2()t}1 \\ itl1 Re,r. I 1 ta111e, .. ('1ol- • li"o11 a tl1 r 111ai11 "J)rctl<Pr. , ·,1r~· Ba11ti. t C 1 l111r<·h i11 ( 1 lr , ,.Pl,111cl ,,~ i 11 l) P }1 o"" t to th r 1 i,.. P 1v· r a11,,.. • • . 'c1 i,l t l1e tc, c> t)1l >1·11sl1 1<> the tooi}1 1>a,tr I 11 t <>IJP" f>f ,,· ilcl c]P]igl1t. ·· I ·111 u<>i11u. to CYi,e , .. 011 a !.!1·eat "- r- .. l,i ~ :-;<jllt: 1 (•/(• \ \ ' J 11 • 11 \ \ • <\ 1l l Pet c > J 1 1 h t 1 1, I' i ( I o · < .1 t O- t"\ 11 i u· J 1 t. · · ... I OLLEGE FOR THE BIRD ? A\13}-;(>Jjl " "'". F 01· s11iart /Ji1·cls. th,1t i. . .i\11cl in a11othe1 .. ten , .. ar. e,·r11 tl1 e, .. 111c1,,. ha,Te t1·0L1ble • • ~:rrtti11g· i11tcJ 1Il e ·olleg"' f t}1ei1· c·hoit'e. }'c>t' i11 le. ~ tha11 t 11 ,T a1· c·ol - • l t·gp ar)J)li<·,1tio11. a1· expectec1 to <1011l)lc. 'f11i. 111e"111 . 1r1an,? al)l e .. , ..ot111o·s tc 1 1·"' 111a,· l>e t111·11e 1 clo,,·11 • r, • ~i111JJ1~,. for la ·l{ of 1·00111. 'I'o 111al\r 111atter. ,vo1·.:r, pre- 11 <)~ l Pl'CJll. ] )" lo,,· . alc1r ir. a1~e clri,?- i11g t(}() ll1 fll) ~r g;iftrc1 teaehr1·~ j11to c>t 11 r 1· fie lc1~ c>f ,,,.01·1{. TIII~ TS .. \ i (ERJ l .. 1- 1 ~ 1 IT( -4\ – 'I' r () X. So111rt 11 i11g· 1n11. t l1r r1011e abo11t it lJefo1·e it too late. "\"\-ro11't >·ol1 J1r 1 p lJ~Y" c-011 trill t1 ti11f!, to t l1e c·o 11 pg·e of )"0111· e hoire 11 o,r ? 'I'he 1~et111·11 • ,rill l)e g·1·rat01· tha11 )'"011 t]1 i11 l(. ( 1 11 R 1 N 'r ::\ r ...\ . P r .J ~ \ Y ~ s~:r~:\Il~.1l) to l>P cl l)ig· att1·ac:tio11 nt 111a11,:r c:l1l1r·<'l1(l." i11 l1io. If , ,.ol11· . ~ )'"Ot111g· peo1)le a1·e goi11g to pre e11t c111 Ea:t r. r pla)" 01· ]J,lf?.'e,111t, pl a . e r11cl ll tl1e ,,·01·d J)l11. a fe,,T 11ap– ~ 11 c) ts of l' r l 1 ea r~ al. . ....\. 1cl 1· e, , it to ~1(J ... \1·th111· . ~t .. :\ l a . 111·,~. l1io. • - - c·arrir: ~. ,,.,.11 c1t l1appe11e l to tl1e1 < 1 i1·l ,,·110 fell i11to the lrn ,... c,. r i t 1 c 1 i J 1 o· 111, t < • 11 i 11 (• ?' ,.... I""' J.. "trr,.. : · · ~}1 <1 111,l t , a ~J) (l(·tcl<·] 1 • (J f }1 (' r"P lf. • South anaan Holds Gala Party 1 eec>111 lJe1· 22 ,,ya. the big day fo1· the tee11-aO'e1-. of the • •outh ( 1 c111aa11 13a1 ti:t ( 1 ht1rcl1. 1\.. • t1c– ('C.\ . -fl1] ( 1 ]1ri ·tma. Party toppecl off \, 1 itl1 carol ·i11gi11g· ,,ya l1 el l in tJ1ei1· thl1rtl1 lJa. e 111ent. The room \v"a beautifully decor– cl t Pc 1 ,,,, it h r 1-- (_) pe paper, be 11 · ever- grrr11._ , artif icia 1 110,y a 1 hri t- 111a: tree, a11d a11 01--11ame11tal table tt111 te1·piece. • • • 'I'he ( 1 a 11aa11 }"Ot111g people have a I. o . tart eel a ·ht1r · h library com- 1 ]pte ,,·it11 a 110,, .. bool{ca. e. :Jfartl1a r:lliott i tl1e lilJ1·arian . eei11g tl1at t 1 e 11e,,T l>· p11rrha ·ed bool{ are J,e1)t 11eat a11cl i11 order. Patmo Call For Emblem Design l)i1~retor. a11cl leacle1· 0£ amp J>at1110: are ealli11g 011 all Ohio ) "01111g- people. to cle. ig-11 an emblem to lJe 11sec1 011 . hi1·t , tatio11erJ'". a 11 cl . otr,Te11i1-.. . 1r 011t}1 fello,,· ]1ip gro11p a1 .. p to 11lJ111it e11trie to the editor of thi 111agazi11e. De. ig·11: are to l)e c1ra,, 1 11 <)11 pape1· 11ot. la1·ger tl1an the a,,.e1'- _ ctg:r e 111 l)l e111. that appear on T- sl1 i1·t. . 1\11~T le. ig-11 or com bin a- ti 011 of ,,To1.. cl 1na ,T be 11.. ed. ,J l1dgeL ,,·i]] l)P (1l e1111 xreenwood, Re, 1 • K. ~111el ·p1·, a11c1 tl1e editor. .... \ cll1lt. a11d yol1tJ1 diJ·ector. maJ" ]1 lp ,,Titl1 iclea. · any help that ea11 lJr . er11 re 1 ,,,. ill lJe al lo,,?ed. II e1·e . a real cha 11 e11ge to e,"el')" t c r11-ag·e1· to l)r able to . a>" th i. s 11111111e 1· at ca1np. ' ' I helped de– sig·11 tl1 at e1n l)len1. L\ <'ro,, 1 rl1. hed o,?er to a ma11 ,,-110 l1acl j11. t bee11 lr11oc1red cl o,n1 b,:r a ,, t. Be1·11arcl clog. and then al- 11;0." t i111n1ed ia te 15r rl111 o,.. er b3.,. a f 01·eio·11 . 11ort f'a1·. ' I didn't 111i11d ~ . l>ri110· lr11oelcecl clo,,11 l)y that a111- ~ .. 111al. 't11r lllcln .aic1,,,.ea1·il3r. ''b11t tlittt ti 1, c:,t11 t iecl io hi · tail 11ea1·l) l\ille 1 111e.