The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1960
F ,})ruarv 1960 --- __________BfE OHIO INDEPENDENT_ BAPTIST___________ Page Fifteen TU DIES I N FIRS T PET E R r~y Rev. Rola11(l G. J\llP11. ~P,,a1·lt, 11io v Il cl\' i11g· gi,re11 cl ll i11tro(1l1etio11 to f l ete1·, ,, 1 (1 !--i llcll) 111al<e <l Sllllly of tll(l letter it- ."C'lf'. I11 loi11~.r so, ,, 1 e .. 1 all tal{e the tl1e1nr c)f tl1is Pf)i,tle a11cl :efl: J~'ir. ·t of c:111. let ll • 1~i ~ l1ig·h o ,r l eclll catcl1 a lJi1·cl '. eye ,Tie,,· of t l1e letter, a11cl . ee tl1 e ge11 erc1l ],1\rOllt of th l)OOl< a. a \\ 1 }10Je. 'l'i1e at1tJ101~ ,,?i h e to . 11g·g·e:t t J1e fc>11c>,,·i11g l)a ·ic ot1t l i11e : I11trod11rtio11 1 :1 ... I J 11ce11 t i \'e, to faitl1 f ll lne . 1:3- 2:10 A\ Ble .. ed11e 1 :3-16 of it. goal 1~ I11co1~1·11 ptibility of it origi11 1 :17 ') . ') ._. • ...J '1 l">1·eciou 1 e of it ob- ject 2 :3-10 1 I F aitl1f11111 . . i11 1111jt1 t uf– fe1·i11g· 2 :11 4 :19 A It 11ature l1b1ni ion 2 :11 3 :7 B It: , ralue 3 :8-22 It. pl11·if)ri110' effect 4 :1- 11 D It. cau. e for r ejoici11g 4 :12-19 ] 1I Exho1·ta tio11s to . t1f £eri11g 1111- cle1"- h epherd. of t1f f e1·ing flo ·l{ 5 :1-9 A Feed the floe]< 5 :1 2 B Leacl tl1e flo ·l{ 5 :3, 4 C ~ erve i 11 l1 t11n ili tJr 5 :5-7 D J>rotect tl1e flo 1 k 3 : , 9 l!ci 11<J li('tio11 5 :10, 11 •1cJsi11g· ~a ll1tatio11.· a11cl greeti11g 5 :12-14 ...\s the reclPe1nrcl of (}ocl, tl1e1·e are \C)me a1·eas of our li, 1 PS ,vhiel1 rr1;.i y l>~ ~o f'1111y 11ncler tl1e co11trol of tJ1e JlcJl)" • fJ>il'it tl1at ,,,e ~\ 7 0 L~ld11 t P\'<'11 1l1i11J{ cJf l)ei110· 1111f,t1tl1ft1l to b • ] c,11r l1ol'cl 1111cler tl1osc (),1rt1eu a1· 1, 1 i 1 l t ,11 i,, r1 ~ a 11 c l t t~ st i 11 gs. < 11 th e <>tl1 e1· }1,111(1 ak \\'< 1 a11<>\\ 7 tl1 sca1·cl1 - light c,f' 1l;P IIr>l y ,• 1)iri t tr, floocl 0111· Ji\' ls. 1n,111Jr arra~ arc 1· vea lccl ,, }1e1·P, 111 fl.>sl1 i~ J>,tr1 ie ttlttl'l.Y ,'1l'Otlg. • 1 QlJlCti tll PS \, 1 e HJ'e 1 lllJ)tC1c[ 1(, ( J i \ r ') 11 r) a l l ( l s i l }T \ ' \ \T 11 cl t 's t J l (' roi • ' • 11~r, 1 !'' \J./p 11 1 Pfl ,111 i11<; l11tt\ 1 C tc, 111·u·~ ll~ ()11 1c, ( 1•rlc11or f,1itl1rt1l11(1. •. n r.-, 1· 1· A x I ' t r,, 1• ,v r i t s t 111 cl < l r t 11 ( 1 c 11· 1 c 1 o 11 of 111<' llc,J. r .· 11irit ,111c1 loc,J{iJ1' l)!tc·lt <>11 J1is c,,~.111 (>X!JC•ri 11 c ! , l1f: rc>,1111<~" 111i . 'l'11<~l'ef'ore, }1 r e 111111<l. 111 ::; '"fHE WAY THIS THEME IS EXPANDED ~l1fferi 11g· l)POI>l of tl1e et r11al re– ,,·a,1·cl. a11 l approval of 011r Lor<l tl1at i ~· to be g·ai11 ~cl l>y fc1itl1ft1l - 11e:\·s to li i111 . r1 (>O ofte11 ,,·e loolc IJcl •l(\\ 1 ell' 1 011 ea rt l1ly lo 'se. ratl1er thc111 loolci11g for\va1·cl a11cl ltJ)\varcl t O 11 ec1 , re 11 l ) T g·ai11. • 1 >ete1· a 1 ·o 1·e111i11d · ll , of the sol icl fol111clatio11 0 1 \Vl1icl1 \\ 1 e are c 1 ve11 110,,, lJ t1i l li11g·. rrh e pt' eciou l>looc_l of ( 1 l11·i. t a11tl tl1 et 1·nal \\ro1·cl of (Joel \\Thi ·h fo1·1n the ba is t 11 f o Llll(la ti 011, t l1e 01·i o·i11 or b - g·i1111i110· of our alvatio11 l)econ1e al Ho tl1 01·igi11 or b gi1111i11g of our £aithf t1l11c to hri t. The e are 11ot 11bj eet to co1·1~t11)tio11 a11d cl - cay. Tl1<1y are eter11al. 'l 1 l1erefore , l>elo, 7 ec1, ,,. ·a11 hav 11othing· to lo. e l)11t e, ~erythi11g to gain. TJ1 e11 too, ,, 1 e are 1·e111i11 l l of tl1e 1)1~ ·ioll, OlJje ·t of faithfl1l11 tl1 e l Jor 1 ~J e. ll · 1 l1ri. t. 1 l1ot1lcl 11ot Ollr lo,re for l J i111 "\\ ho i, . 0 J)1·eeiot1.· to ll • tir Ol11·, l1eart · . to the fl1 ll , t 111ea. lll' '.l of cle,rot1011 a11 l lo:v·ctltv ? ~ · v,r e ]o,·e l I i.111 L1e– eat1. ire fir. t lo,,ecl 11s. ( I Jol111 4: 19 ) .\ 11cl 110,, 1 g·reat ,,,a. tl1at lo,"C . I [ a,Ti110' ."ti1~1· cl th ei1· l1eart~ to lo,,.ctl <l;;rotio11 to 1 l11·i t, }>eter .·peal<, to hi. p ople .abot1t .tl1.eir i111111ec_liate 1J1·ol)le111 of r 111_~111~11g· faitl1f11l i11 tl1 e face <)f • 11ffer111g· l1lljll8il)r . f l l)Ojlll.' ()lll tllclt t}I:> 11 cl t t Lr r of i t 1·e c 111 i l' es t l 1a t ,,, r be .· t1l)111is. ive to tl1 J) er ~ecl1to1· · <111d srPl( to ,vi11 tl1e111 by a life li,ted ,vel J-plcasi1 g to the I.Jur(l . \Vhat a ha rel le:. 0 11 for ll · to learn ~ ' B11t, you say ,vl1at value is tl1c 1 re i11 t l1is ? ,' I>eter a11s,v r , ·' 'f'h a ppro, 1 al of ( 1ocl a good eons ·i 11ce, a11d the ati:f,1etion of l<110,vi11g t l1at if ,, 1 e a1· :L1bn1i., ive 110,v lat e1· ,,·e sl1all be 1·ul r:. ' 8uffe1·i11g in the fle 11 al o ha · a pt11·ifyi11g effect 11po11. ~1 . ~Ve l)eo·i11 to 1·ealiz '.) tl1e ft1t1l1ty of a h . . Jife ,,,itl1ot1t ete1~111ty · valt1e~· 111 ,,i \\T. ,\ e ,,,oul l rath r live to tl1e glo1')" of Go 1 a11cl r ea1) eternal l'e\·vard . Dicl )"o t 1 e,, 1· 1· ) j o i · 1> e ·all · e o .f s t1 f f01·i11g· 101· 1 h1·i t 1 J>et 1· c:l~T \\ 1 f are to rejoice a11d well ,ve )lla)' £01· \\'e ](110,,r it "\\ 1 ill acc1·ue to tl1e glor}· of ( 1 l1ri ·t a11 l g1· ater re– ,v,trcl.· for ll, . • Fi11ally the pa to1~ are 0 ·1,·e11 exho1·tatio11 . t111cl 1· the "'e te ti11g <'i1·e111118ta11re:. 'l'l1e)r 11111 ·t fee 1 t l1eir people ,,Titl1 locl \\ 7 ord. '1 1 11 ,T a1'e 1'e ' J)011. il1le to lea l tl1e111 l)j' :-etii110· a goocl .,"8111l)le. 'rl1e}"' 11~11 . t er~"e l1 t1111b1J" i11 11 tter le– l e11 l 11 011 (}ocl, ,t11c~ tl1eJ~ 111u ·t ,·ig·ila11tl)T 1)1·otect their "!1 p a. ,,·ell a: tl1e111 elv ag·a111st the 1 r eac l1e1·011 , de,,.0111·i11g acl,·ers,1r)~. Sata 11. I Ia, 1 i11g eat1gl1t ct gli111J). c t1f t11 111cli11 clP,..elo1)1l1P11t of tl1i · letter. ()t11· 11 (xt st11(lie ,vill l>c to11t·er11et l ,,.. it11 ,t Ct11·tl1er 111ot"'e lU taile<l <l 11 c:11 v l i . • LOS ANGELES BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Joh 1 i R. Dunkiu, Tll.D., President THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVIN ITY DEGREE IN THEOLOGY THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN MISSIONS THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN JEWISH MISSIONS FOUR YEAR BACHELOR or ARTS Dl:-GREE IN BIBLE OR HUMANITIES - A growing graduate scliool of Baptrst persua ·ion lrt szi,11111 California Address all co,.respo1tdence to . . 560 Soutlt St. Lc,uis Street , L"os ngeles 33, (Jal1fornta
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