The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1960

February 1960 - FORREST SIDLE ORDAINED ..J Rl l llcll' 7 :_9t 11 cl eOllll <:il t'Olll- • 1 10. rel of 111 ,\ r 11 g·c 1~s frt)111 11i11c <·l111rc:l1r. 111 et at t h e ( 1 alva1·y l~ap– t j S 1 1 1 l l l'(' h C) f l ~ P l l ) f () 11 t cl i 11P i c > co11sit1t)1~ 111r a<J,,is,ll)ilit)" of sett i11g 1~,01~1· .._ t ~ iclle al cl l't 1 o 1 l1P ( ~ <)s11 r l ~li11i~ tr)r. 'rl1r 1 l111rcl1 l1acl a l1·('ady J 1 e1 I l an ex,1111i11atio11 t,1,l< i11p: 11p a ,rl1ol 11ra~Te r 111rPti 11 g s ,\ ·io11 f 1~ it. l>efo1·e <· alli11g for a <·<) 1111 <' il £1·0111 otl1er c:ht11·el1 s. .:\ f t er a lo11g J)eriocl of <J11estio11i11g tl1 r c·a11 li – cl,1te 0 11 hi.· co11ve1·"i n, eall to tl1e 111i11i t1~y, a11d p eiall y 011 l1is cloct1·i11al vie,~{s. the c:01111eil l111a11i - 111011 1,r voted to re ·0111111 e11cl )1is 01·cli11atio11 a11cl 1 0111111 11clecl 11 i111 11 J)011 hi. fin e l)e l1a, .. io:1r ~ 11d . i11 - c·Pre a11 ,, 1 e1-. . Th 0 1--d111 at1011 ,' (lr v– iee '"'as . et fo1-- t hat , reni11µ: a11(1 tl1e ladie. of the c l111rc l1 l1acl J)1--r– parecl a l)o1t11tifl11 f ast fo r thr 111e. ·• e110· r . i1 t l1e pari.·h l1ot1Hc 1 11rxt door. Re,". Ri l1 ar(1 ~[ I11to. 11 of l Ji111 ct actecl a mo l e1--ato1-- a11 1 al. o g·a,re the l1arg to t l1 e ca11di late i11 tl1e (l \ "PI1ing. Re, 1 • Dol1gla. R. ( OllCll pasto1-- of the .. '( ot1 th Iji111 a, l3a J)t ist l111rch a tecl ru cle1·l<. Re,,. l)a1r (iad111a11 of ~re11ia r eacl t l1 r l eri11 - ture Rev. Ralph T . J r 01· lJ 1111cl gcl"\ 1 P the c11arg·e to the el1l1r·el1 , R v. -J a111e~ · T . -J 1--emi,1}1 1 1·ea <: h C'<l t 1 c orcli11 a tio11 ser11101 a 11cl R e, r. (1 Pl' – a lcl I~a1·Io,\ 1 c)f B r ll efc)11t cti11 e lecl i11 t 1 e 1) 1· a)' er . J, e,, . a11cl :\Ir.· . 1 1 or1· st ~icll P l'P- (•(li,·rtl trai11i11g• i11 ( 1 ecla1•,Tille 1 01- Th is command of the Ris en Christ is bei ng carri ed out through . over forty radio stations in the Unit ed States ond nine fore ign countri es . Beame d to State of Isroc l eve ry Saturday. Many wr it e for the Prophe cy Edi· tion New Te stament and ore followed up by moil and pe rsonal co.lls whe.n– eve r poss ibl e. Some ore flnd,ng Christ os Messioh- Sov iour. We need your praye rful support. Send for free copy of our mogo· 11ne, MESSAGE TO ISRAEl . Coulson Shepherd, Director ( FOUNDED 1937) MESSAGE TO ISRAEL, Inc. BOX 682, G.P. O., NEW YORK 1, N. Y. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST____________ P__,a&_ Nineteen RO NGS OF THE EDITOR \V bcgj11 ,vitl1 the 1cl,' l Hltlt(lay Of h !) \ } 1 e 11 \ V ' 81l l)l) l j (' cl f C) r l > a8 - to1· l)o11a.lcl ~I,1tl1 c 11y at l~ oel1Ps1er. 11 c ha l 11l c1 1111 e(l 1 <> v1Hi t lo\' <'<1 011rH in W . \ 7 irg·i11ia fo r 1 l1ri · t111,1.· an l r t1t1·n to preac l1 l)ut the •11 ur · h graeiol1sl )T tolcl l1i111 to ·tay o,re r • 1 llll(l<l)' . 'l 1 hpy l1acl goocl 111 u. i , a.: u · 11 a I ,111 cl a f i 11 c> 8 J) i r it i11 all . r v ic:Ps. 'l 1 h y \\' tl r r ttttit tl11·ill cl ov r t l1e par8011 ,1g' 111 ry had l>ot1g·l1t 11cxt cJoor· a11 l w r e pla1111i11g· a lot of i1111)rovc111e11 ts. It doe ·l1u1· lh · goo 1 to l1ave . ·0 111 t11i11g to ,,vorl{ for ·o-oper a– t iv ly. Tl1 N \\ 1 l r ar 1) \g'cl tl ,vitl1 a triplP a11 oi11 tme11t . Sat11rclay 110011 we tool< a l>l1.· to Y 01111g ·to,v11. The lriv 1-- .· t ep1)rcJ 011 th floor boar l ,,·11 11 l1 r ,va . latC' \\ 1 hicl1 0 11ly o·av ll. n erv 11. jitt rrs ,vr ,v r e11 t all o,, 1· w h 11 ,,r g·ot lo . peal{i11g to t h f' I3et h,111 y Y 011 t l1 Rally at Mc– Donal 1. 'l 1 h 'ly ,ver ,1 Hl)l 11clicl l)\111 h ho,v ver a11 <l liHtr 11 d to a w Year · r11 ... ag 0 11, '0lot 13 tter Tha1 Olir Ji atl1 1·s, ' ,vitl1 1·apt att011t io11 . ~u ·}1 prcc1thin~: 1o yott11g p eople take· grace bt1t. they ]1ad it. 'I l1at ~ 1111day ,,r prea~h cl i11 t l1e bea11tif1tl l3c1·ra11 l~ap1i.·t 1 hu1' ·h for 1>a to1~ R bert 1 fill i11 the n1orni11°· a11<l for .._ t1'u the r . ~ . ]~a1)tist Tal)e1~11ael i11 tl1e v n111g. leg· a11cl T 1npl Ba11tist 1 ch ools of ( 1 h attc111oog·a 'I'e1111. They have l)ce1 p1·ovi io11ally arc I)te l J))' Bapti t Iid-l\li.. i?n Cor . ·crv1e< 1 i11 l3riti: l1 01111111)1,1 llJ) 11 ear t l1e ..\ l asl{a11 borcl 1-- a , 1 tl ,vill go els "O 11 a t lle ) r l1 avr ·1tfficil1) t .'llP_l)C) l't. l_) a:-;tor J a111 s :BJ . Ros11 1 r l11gl1l)· r (.'0111111 11 (1 this c·o11ple, ,,rho ell' \ botl1 111 e 111 l)e r 8 <) f hjs (·l1111·rl1 . J) ,1. ·tor i\ l ,lrs t ll r }1 ,1c.l a l>uc l c·c>l<l 80 it ,,,01·l<e(l ot1L j11H1 rig l1t. rlh ~re \V<1.' ll O el11ll itl tl1P lll PC'ti 11 g-- l1ow– e '" c r , 1 > 11 t c v i cl 1 11 t ,, or 1< i 11 g 8 of t I 1 ' 8 1)irit j11 a l1a 1J11y J1cJus -full . ~J a 11 . l Otl1 w,18 t l1 4tl1 a1111ivcr– :-;ary f Ji~ 111a 11111u l IJ,1pLi~ t of J>i c( Ucl ,111(l I>ct:t<)r •1ar tl t ~ 1 t1rley a 11cl ]1i~· p OJ)1 l1 acl som tl1111g to e) l l)1·at . Th ir f al 1 1· ·vi va l ha l 111c>r tha11 lol11)1 l t he n1 111be1~– s J 1 i p, a 11 cl t l 1 at lay t 1 e y b rol{ ' a 11 re lor l · witJ1 7 i11 atte11<lau c:r a 11cl a fl1ll hott~·e at 11ig·h t ao·ai11. '1 h y J 1a ve fill (l th ir ·tor b 11ilding ·J1ur h to ov rflo,v i11g a111 ju. t h ,1vr to l>1 til l ,vh th r th y l1ave tl1 111 >a11.· or 11 ot. I r ay f r t }1 111 . l >1~ay al o £01· I>a ·tor 1 I a1" l<l (}1 .. e 11 ,111d the ~ aith J apti ·t 'l1l1rch of (}1-- 11vill e. Ve clr·ov ove r i11 tl1 afte1·noo11 f'or a vi8i t a11cl ·a,,T ,·0111 thi110· of th , strltO'glc t l1at b . . 1t10 ·t of ot1r 11 e,v 1n1~1. 1011ar.}~ <' hur ·h · g:o t h1·oug·l1 . Tf a 11y 011P t hi11l{· 110111 n1i,1. i 11ar ,,To1~1.. is Pa~·y 11 '.) sho11ltl t 1·~ ! . I l o,, 1 , , 1-, tl1 r i.' t l1at IOLl rt h a11111,, r ·ary to lool( for , \'a1-- l to, for t hey h,1ve11 l1atl t 11 ir thir 1 yet. ,J a11. 17th \\' ha l tl1 privil 'g · f pr a ·l1i11 g· fo r r oih r 13 igl1t I at th l,) C 1 alva1·)' I3apti.. t ~11111· h f Ol'Wa}]{ aL1Cl it J) l.0'\r (1 a blPS, i11g· t t l1 e li tor 8 :o t1l . Tl1 att<l i- t 01·il1111 ,, ..a. fl1 l l a11 l th pirit g·oo(l. 'I l1 a1 ,,, ,1 , i11 t }1e 111or11i11g . \\ e O'Ot ho111 i11 ti111 o tal{ I1·s. t", ~ r cllu11d c1111 011r c.1a11ght r ( l a:- to1~ T11 rkcr 111ight O' t aft 1· 111 \ for tl1i~) to ,,,i it ~ ir ·t 13<1ptist i11 ~ i 11 cl l ,l ... a 11 1 h ea r 1>a~ to r I r 111 - 1n )r e1~ . }) l' ecl •J1. 'rl1 ctlt 11<1,lll C..'P ,va..· 11 1) frc)1n ,,·l1at it ll~' ('tl t<> l >' ,1 11 c.l thct \ \T r e l' H l s ig·11: 0 f lllOl'l' l>l t 8. i 11gs to ·0111c. The Golden Gate to Chriation Service On our beautiful can11Jus overlooking San Francisco Bay, higl1 school grad~ ca11 obta111 - "' A ·11RI TIAN ED <.~ATIO JlOR. LIF~ ~ ER I E. . .. h d . . Bil>l 111ajor \Vttl1 n11nor 111 Theol(!g~ Pa~to1 al B.A. a11d B ..T .. egEid C!o,, t' Mi~~io11 Mttsic Gre k , S<>(' tal c1e11t' • Edt1cation Chrt t1an ttca 1011, • -. t. . ' • . ' I l or tl1.e Ilu1n11n1 1c~ Education- P is c 10 og , 1 R t ..,.1. B "\tl<I • l le·•rli11•.r tt> tJ ... . an< . . ( grces, n so . . 4 o-op rat1 e progra11 ~ , . h t . . t ., t • M l . n ~ in BtJS lll ~s ( 111101 t ,\ 1011 . M B.A. or ..... · < gt ~ s . I · Writ fot frc'e catalog, Dept AC '1REDI1~ED. AAB \\' } ~ .. 1 r1,•:1t B P 'flS'I-, BIBLI~ ~or~I:}~(il~ I ,. ll. O. ail (iil<le1<, Il .D., Presa<I 11t f:J ( ' errit<>, al . Ilill aald 1~1111 ' tre •t s.