The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1960
~----~~~~~~ TllE Hlt> lNllE l4~NT)EN1' BAP,.rIST Ji \~ 7 El ;~ ~ KFJl~t· I F( R IE ? ..\ ,,1 ll t· 1·il >t\ r l<) 'l' lll' ~tc111rlcll'tl, tll"~':111 t>f tll t' 1~,ll)ti~t (; t'llt' l'cll ( 1 011 - fL' l' t\ l\ <~t' . rt' e<.'111 l ,· ,, r<.ltl' : ~ • \\ e • , l})J)l' t' l) i,tt e tllt)~t llt'Hrtil,· tl1t' 1·e- • f rt' ~l1i11g ,111tl ~ti11111l ,1ti11~ a.rti ·l ~ ,111tl 11<.)t <.'s i11 'l'ltt' ~ ta11tl a r l. Ilo,,· t' l "t' e<.)ll 1 tl ,, e l)e i 11 f 1·111ccl 1 011- t't' r11 i 11t?. t)lll~ frllo,,· lal)t)l'Pl'H i11 t l1 r l~t)"J1t.' l cllltl tl1e ,,.,1,.. , tl is l)l • i11g the111? ,' "\\' <> I' reive imilar ll t) t (\" )f a l)p1·ecicltio11 f r o111 0 l l l' ~ t1 l lSC ribr r .., t }1a t sa~r ll 11 tantial}y t l1e ~a111r tl1i11g·. l l t) \\ 1 ca11 t l1e Ill m– l)Cl'S of Regl1la1' 13apti t. 1 hurche. i11 l1i rejoi ,,·ith tl10 e th,1t l"e- joir a11 1 11"ay f r thoi e that 1v<>ep l r 4 TLF.J~ TIIFJ }y ~\RE IX- li RnIEI ? Tl1 ,~ 11 d to tak a11d .. l'P,l<l th ()l1io J 11depe11clent Bap- ti t. 111 ,1 11otl1 r r <·t>ll111111 ,v 1 are li t– i 11g :1~ 1101101~ b11r ·li e ,. Ilo,v we ,,·i lt t her wer more . :\laybe w<> ~11t>l1ltl list tl1 r 4-1: that have 10 or 111 r l ' 11 l> ·ril)el" t l1ot1gh i .. ~ that l1a,Te le a1'e 11e,,erthel . , 11 the Ir 01101· Ro 11 beca1isc tl1ey are doi11 O' • r> l)etter eo111parati, rely than other , ,·it 11 2 5 o l' 3 ..· u b er i l) er. . We tl1i111( it i the ·11urch that t r y ]1arcl nougl1 to o·et 10% or mor <>f tl1 ir 111 111ber to ,t1l) t"ibe th at sl1 ultl l)e l1onored. FJit h r the J>a:tor l1a " to go f r o111 h u to l1ou · to g t them or ,,?hat i bet– te1-, l1e ha. to "ee to it t h at .,ome good meml)e1" loe it for him. ~ 1 ul1 .. criptio11 · 1011 t ome f rom 1> tll J)i t a111101111 , 111en t .,. It tal{e \\"Ork. ~I a} 1 l)e ,v ·oul l O'et a f w if ,ve thr at n d to publi h a li t <.>f the 16 th at 11a, .:e onl 011e tll>- riber r the 6 that l1ave no11e. ( )f. l'<Jtlr e ,,. '"·011 t cl o t h at for the la k of lo a l c oper atio1 i11 . 11tl1 C'11t11'ehe: j tl 11ally 111tni h - 1ne11t e11ougl1. IIo,, 1 ca1 ,,·r expe t ou1· people to c·ooperate i11 oul– ,\·i11ni11g· ff or t. or in givi11 O' to • • t"' n11 . 1011. 01· for enlarging t he el1l1reh. IF TIIE)'.r ..c\RE • T T I N– },()RJfED ? V\ 7 e realize. 01n pa~tor may have l>ee11 cli:aJ)poi11t cl ,,·itl1 the l'e. 11lt of getti11g tl1eir p<>oplr to . u l s ribe. II,1lf of t l1 0 : e t h at sul) · •1'ibe r e– f 11 t C> 1· 11 r ,,., 1· do :o very re - " 111 ·ta11tl~... )Ia~r "\"\"C :11gge t that '\P 11cl i11g i 11 11e,,·s ,,~ill clo 11 o·ood • • t"l 1 f ,,tp l1a, ·r 110 t1 l) e1'i l)e1·: at horn t <) r ~ a t1 it : a 11 cl t h a t .· l lb. criptio 11 ,,·i ll ,lo littl r good if 110 11 r ,,". or ,1rt i<·lp~ ,tr<' <' \ <' r 8l' ll t. i 11 ? It i~ tl1 P e<>111lli t1nt i<)tl t h,1t 111,1}cp~ Ll1 > 111an·a – z i11 t' ,l l1lt'~~i11g· t o y<.> ltl' 1> OJ~l . l .1 t t l1C'111 r c,1 tl al) 11 r lll' o,v11 el111rel1 t) l' 11 (' ol' ) rO lll" ,'(' 1'111()11~, ,11~cl t li e.. • , rill b > • o pl aR (l t l1 y ,,·111 1·ea < l t l1e r r t of thr pa p er a11d get i11 ·pircttio11 a11(l it1:t rtt 1tio11 t l1a t you ha v LJ n t r ying for 111011tl1., to gi,, th m . Tl1e OIB i. not a11 acl led bl1rd n ,,,i. h d 011 our chur l1e and pa tor ~ l)u t a. li11l{ of fel lo,, 1 Hhip a11d in pira– t101 to mak Ollr local ,vork o·o )>etter. \Ye get what we put in1o 1t. I f ,,·e p1lt 11111 h in we ,vill get ffillch out. POSTPONED AGAIN ! \V ·till lo 1 ot kno,v whet.her tl1 ] i1' tone property an be I)t11-- iha ed for a Ilome fo r t h e 1\ ged. \ t the J a11. 4tl1 meeting the Zo11i11g· Board imply went over t he n e,v opley To,vn hip c·o11.:t itl1tio11 a11 l · e111ecl to ap– J)I'ove of it; but they p o tponed 0 11 ideratio11 of 011 1.. p etitio11 u11til F eb. 1 t . o lceep 011 pra - i11g 11nt il a lett r i ent to our pa tor a to the f i11al di po i– tio11. "\'\Te l1op that letter will )01r1e b fore our :\lar h i 11 . Re e 11 t ly ,v h eard th 1"umo1 .. that 011e pa. to1" doe 11ot take the n1agazin lJe ·a11:e h e doe not b - lieve i11 a .·tate eretar y ! W l1ope t ha t rt1mor i 11ot t rLl t)ut i11 a en e yot1r ec1itor will admit that h i. a r tar y, altl1ot1gh not an ' exe l1tiv l<ind ! ._ in e h an t afford a ·r tar},: or a11 offie h pe11d 1 ng ho11r: p oundi11g hi ovln typ ,,.,rite1.. i11 hi: o,v11 1ivi11g r orn. II e pe1 d a ln10. t a ml1 h t.i1n a11.. ,veri11g t r oubled pa tor · a. h r do s in ,, 1 1"i t i11 g up the maga- zi11e an cl he . o ,, 1 i .. he h e could help t hem. I f h wer·e an 'e. ecu – tive ecr etary mayb he rould ~ l)ut 110,,,. he ca11 or1l~r daily pra~r fo1' tho e that are goi11g througlJ cl ep ,,rat 1\ . Ile fi11c1 that hi. l1alf time jol) i: r apiclly be oming a fl1 l1 tim<> 011 <> , fo r $150 a month a1 l ,,,. itho11t par. 011ag or anything exeept tra11:p 1"tatio11 f11r11 i h d. Frec111e11tly he tal{E> , a 111 to save 011 mil age. It. l1a. l)ee11 . aid that it i not tl1<> . alar~... t l1at i. ,, 1 1· 11g·, l)11t the 1)ri11 iple of c:l hired r pre. nt}1- ti,1P. If it i. \\"'ro1 g the11 all I al – Rrir<l 1 a . tor·q 11111. 1 l )P ,,,ro110• 1 Of> M , F' l) 1' t1a1 ·y 1960 f<> r thP <> tll ,\· N<·ri1>tttrPs \\<' <'H11 f'i 11 c{ C) ll 1 l)p Sl tl>,j ><• l Hl' P t J1 p C>llCS 0 111" prir11i1i,·<' lJrPt J11·cn ll. ' C 1c> prove> t 11:-1 t 1>a. 101·~ s J101 11 l 11 ot lJP J>aid. I r it is \V rong it. \VOulcl een1 t hat (}c>cl ,,,oulcl withdraw hi s l>les. i11g.· f1 ·01t1 t l1c <1~\RJ1( 1 ,,,J1i c· l1 hc1s th1·pe J)aicl r epre. entative ·, ancl fro111 ottr as.·oe iatio11. i11 f c>,Yt-l I11- diana ancl Illi11oi. . The: kte8 l1acl t J1e eot1r age to get f't1l l ti1n<> ,,~01·kr rs ,rhr 11 they only had 40 churche e,aeh. .1. To,v t hey }1av0 g·ro,v11 to 60 (55 a11d 5f r e p ective– ly. .. l1rel.v hio can affo1,d a ,,.:or ker \\rith 11.... churche in the fellow hip. After all, yol1r r epr e en tative cloe. 0111y ,, 1 ha t the 1nagazi11e doe. - trav<>l amo11g the ch11r he. to in– fo1"m and e11th11 e them in th e er ·,?irr of Chri t- or t1'y to help a pa. tor] e. ch11r ·h get together with a man who ,,..a11t. to move. ~ o long a. he c1oe. 11ot ha, 1 e a11 ol111ee of at1thority ,, 1 hieh he . 0 evident- 1.,· doe. 11ot, why ohj ect to an in– for1nati,1e a1 d i11. pirational mi11- i. try ? I-IOW EL~E ( 1 N WE I(EEP I~FC)R fED ~ A CATHOLIC PRESIDENT- HOW SOON? .L T o,,. t J1a t ,.J oh11 K 11n cl:;," ha made hin1 ·elf available as a Demo– ·rati · ea11 ljdat f 0 1· pre ·ide11t ancl 1:C)\' 1"11or Di all l1a. pro~i eel l1im the hio delegatio11 at the June c 11, ,.entio11, ·\'r <> all fa · t l1e tro1 g probal1ility that a Roma11 "'1 atholi will oon occ11py the - \, hite Hot1 a11d the po ibility it 111a. lJe a 0011 a 1961 . If t h e J_;ord tarri . a1J otl1 r f ortv .., year I it i.· aln10. t ce1·tai11 that .·ev ra l t ~ atl10] ic: ,,·ill l1a,,.e e1~ve 1 a. p1'e ident , that 011r on titu– tion ,, 1 ill hav been ha11ged to 111ake R 1na11i, n1 t l1 f a,,01·e 1 re– ligio11, that 1 r ote ta11t mi ionarie. ,vill 110 longer g t , ,.i a to go to C1atholi la11cl , a11d that pal"OChial r hool.. ,,., ill be upported b)r taxa– tion. ~ o lo11g a Prot . ta11t have .. mall fan1i]i e a11d ath olic. have la r ~ one._ tl1at i. almo t a mathe– n1ati al c I'tain ty 1111le. . a n ew R fo1,mati 11 • plit. th papal y - ten1 or ''r lea1•11 ]10,,T to do mi - . io11a1,,., ,, .. 1·1{ at ho111 . ~ A . fo1· the po. . ibilitJ'" t l1at John I e1111ecl,· ,,·ill l)ero111r 011 1· 11 r . t • l)l' sicl e111, t l1 at ,,·ill <l 1) ~11tl llp 11 • •
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