The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1960
Febrt1ai-, 1 1960 - Ill)' '' 111(111)· l)rt>tP~t,111t ·n11 be <1l't)ll,t1<l tC) })l' 1 1 • 1 }1 )fo1·c tl1c l) l\lllO- ·r,1tie ~il1io11c1l 1 <) 11,,.c11tio11, 01· if 11eet·"~clr.)·, ,rill l)ll frrec.10111 ,tl1 1 acl l>l' }l,1rt)~ lo~' cllt)· ,ttitl , . 1l".) l'o1· ,1 l > rt) t t 1" t ( t t t 1. I ( t l 1 c I • 111 c> l' r, t 1 ~ t 1 o 11c1111i11nt 0 1' l r. l\ 1 1111 e<l)· i'<>r th;) J) rtl~itlc•11 l')", it i ' ·e1·t a i 11 t 11 ,1 t tl1(•1· ~ ,rill be t1· 11g 1)1·e Sllre 1111 011 il1 J~ c.11J1tl)lie,1118 to 110111i11c1t ,l ( 1 atl1- oli, fo1· , ri 1 })l' sitle11t. ... \ 111 c ril'a11 l ta tholic: '\"ill 1 all i11 tl1 ir l)O\\' 1· to !!·rt t 11 ei1· 1ne11 0 11 l>o tl1 ti · 1, t . l "11le ,,·e 1et Ollr OlJl)O: i t io11 be hearc.1, ,,·e ,,Till lo. Ollt 1>, t l rfc111lt.. • '1'11 '.l l 1atl1oli, 011t1·olled pre ,,·ol1ld l1a,,. 11 ._ belie, ·e th,1t 0 111:v· • bigot c111d i 0 ·1101·a11111s ; clrc 01 - J)O eel to a a th oli I pre. icl e11 t ~ but actt1al]1T tl10 e ,,·110 1~110,\T ,vhat .. Ro111 teacl1 are the 111o"t ro11- ·e1 .. 11 ec.l. .c\ , a tho 1 i · II ig·l1 Sc 11001 bool~, ....\ :\f a111Lal of 'hristia11 f) oc:– tri11e, prove tl1at atholie. a1·c taug·ht that . epa1·atio11 oC ·ht11· Jl1 a11cl tate i \'{l'o11g ( i11 · I ite of a113rt}1i11g 11ator I ,... e1111ed)" lll8)T }1i111:--ielf lJelie,,e) , a11d that Olll. 011- . tit tl tio11 11011ld be · 11 cl 11ge 1 to l>ri11g a l)Oll t a t111io11 \rith Ron1a11- .. i "m. We c1uote from page 132 a11d 133 : ' 119. "\\ 7 hat the11 i ., tl1 prin- ·iple obligatio11 of 11ea< I. of 8tate.'? '!'h eir p1 .. inci pal o 1)1 iga tio11 i to practi e the 1 atholi · 1 .. elig·io11 tl1en1- sel,1e and, a~-. tl1e)' a1·e i11 po,, 1 e1 .. to protect a11d clefe11tl i t. or he1·e v? ( That 111ea11 , outla,v 11011-(,.a t l1olic de1101l1i11 atio11 .) re it l1a. th 1 .. ig 11 t a11d th d tl ty to do ·o botl1 for tl1e g:ood of tl1e 11atio11 ' 120. Ila tl1e .. tate tl1e rigl1t a11cl the 111ty to pro:cribe ·chi 111 Pt11cl for tl1at of the f,1itl1f11l tl1 111- . elve .... ' ' 122. l\Iay the State epa1--ate it .·elf f1.. 0111 tl1e 'hu1 .. ·l1 '? ~To. be– <·au P it 111aJ" 11ot ,,,ithclra,,, f1~om the ~ t1p1· 1ne 1 .. ule of ' l1ri t. ' ' 'l' }1at 111ea11.~ tl1,lt ae ·orcli11g· t o ( iatholic cloet1·i11 c~ Pparc1tio11 of ·l111r<'l1 a11tl ~tc1tr i · agai11st ('l11·ist. · l t cl pf i11 <'. ~ U C' 1 e})al'a tio11 a ._ J ,i lJ ~1·a] istn a11cl tl1 11 a)r : ' ' 124. \~hy is f1ilJ r,1li~111 1o b •<J 11 < le 11111 1 l '? 1 I l · ,111." <') 1 t < 1 t1 11 i es al l s t11>or<li11atio11 of tl1<1 St,ttc t o 111 c , l 111 r · }1 • • • • ' \\T • ,visJ1 ,1 ll l)e111ut·r,1t . ,,, }10 Jll'itlP 111 'l ) l. pJ \ ' CS () ll l><1loi1g·i11g· to tl1e l1il>t)r,1 l J)~lr1)', c~<)tl lcl r ,tlii'P 1{ <)1tl< is ,l ·111a11,r c1111i -Jil>< raJ ,lll<l • f a,ror a clc\i..,l)Ot ic g<>'' ')1• 11111 11 1, \vl1• 11 ( 1 ,'P t' s li< 1 ,lar ·~ as s J1 • l',l\'<) J' •c l I ll8~<1lj1Jj ,lll(l st ill f',l \ ' (>I'."" ,~, 1'H1lf'<) • 1 • Ill ~f)clll1. \\ lint ,, 1 ,,11lcl 1\ 11·. l(<·1111P<l , <lo if • , 1 p · t r· , 1 't <-> t < , 11 , 1 h i 11 g· t ( > c , rr < ~ 11 c. I ( '>J11i11 \1 cl 011 J):1, 1 e 5) THE OHIO J1NDEPENDENT_ BAPTIS'I' ----------~~~~~- Pag Thrc' - JOSHUA 1:9 BE STRONG- tl1ere are so many bur– dens Of home and church and state to bear; The multitude in human weakness Is trusting to thy manly care. BE NOT AFRAID-a heart courageous Can ~"out a. thousand fo1ms of wrong, And kindle 1n the good that spirit That mak es them militant and strong! BE NOT p ISMAYED- thosc str ange surprises, Tha t s ta £{ger minds of lesser mould Are a ll foreknown to Him thou serv~ est; And He his servant will upl1old. THE LORD THY GOD is with tl1ee daily Wher e ever He may lead thy feet– Thy mighty Captain of Salvation, Who neve r yet has called retreat. - R. T. N. 1\.}Il~X l~R()Tll l~R .. ~\.::.\! :\I RRI ._ ! "\\ pol\eo11tl1 ,"' ttl)je·1 : ' 'I ele- , ·isi 011 •• ({ 1· lcl test 1~, l'cl ll 1. \\r c s110,,Tecl 110,,, tl1 tle ·e1 tio11 · fixe , ' ' ' fr,1t1cls , a11cl 1·igs of the tele– ,·isio11 :rc111tlal -. ,,,e 11,1\ 1 , l1e,1 r cl ·o 11111 ·11 al)o11t a1'e 111e1·e 1 il{e1· ·, eo1u– J)a1·ecl to t l1e deceptio11 111i r e1)r c– se11 t a tio11 111i ·i 11 f 0 1·111.a tio11 ,111 l l1arm 1·es11 l ti11g f r o111 the aclverti:i11g, g l,t1110 1· i z,1 tio11, g· lo1·i firc1t io11 a11cl p1·0111ot io11 of booze clri 11l\i11g· 011 t l1r tele, 1 i ... io11 11 t,,l'o1·lc . 'l l1e .. 1·ig·gecl ' t le\ 1 i iOll hO\Y ., \\ 1 l' P<.:]{ <.: <.l 110 }10111 ) ' l' .'ll] t l)C.l i11 110 jclil se11tc1ll'l' . a11cl tlec1t l1 J)e11alti0. , ·1· ,1 tecl 110 t l'i1 ff ic .. 1aught01· a11cl J)l' C)cl 11ced 110 liel 1)less. l101)t"\ 1 c~s JJ<>, 1 <.-1 rt)' a11c.l ill11ess lil\e ,1 lcol1ol clc)l'S. Ir t l1c g·o, 1 e r11111r11t, the 1 1 ,("( 1 ,ttlll tl1 i11cl11 ·ti·) ,,~n11t to l)roteet tJ1r J)tt1)1ic ag·ai11 "' t dlee11tio11. 1ll<'Jt 1Pt tl1< 1 lll l>cl ll fllt' ,lCl\'l"1'1i~i11g· of be, ·Prctg~t alt·ol1o1 f ro111 the <l ir ,,·,1,·p~ lJPt',lll8C it i" tl10 lJigg·rst fr,tttcl , clceL 1 J)tio11 n 11 <l l1<l,l'\ i~1 r,1~lit> c> r te lci,· isic) 11 . 811el1 l 'g·1'il,tt1c)11 ,,·c)ttlc1 11ot <>111)' b<' , t clr:v , i<·tt)l'). it \\'()t tl cl l>t1 ,l 11c1ti<>l1Hl trit111111l1 (1f 1><)llPS1 \ ", i11tt1 lli g·e11v(l, j11~ti('l' Hll<l • f:-,1 r ,1 )'. <)II~ t•P,l<ltlt'~ <>11g·l1t i<) <10 lllOl'l' 111 H11 SH \ < l l l l P I1• r 1, l 1(') <J l l g ·}1 t 1 l > ,, 1·iif 1 t<.> t11t•it· •011g·rt1~s111 \11 ,111<1 11 1' g· (• 1 lt H t l' l' i l l l l' \ ' \ I } g cl I' l t .\ , 11 I <,l ll 1- l. () h() l cl ( 1,,(' l' f is i I \ ll' I)( I l) H 1111 ('{ l I l' () 11 l 1P}<'\' isi<)ll. ' l'Jipri ('()l'l'll})f t1t'~ ' ' il) l1c>I) 1 1' al>r,11t l'rt•r sJl< 1 P<·li · l>11t ,vhnt \VP lll'l 1 (l i11 ll1 P..'( 'I'\ tl,l)S is l'l'eC' cf< >lll f <> J)l'<>{t 1 <•t t)lll' )1 )111 \ fl'<)lll t) I' • J'llJ)f l<)ll. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'f Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Per Per Publica tion Office 118 E. Oak St., Butler, Ind. Editor RALPH T . NORDLUND 586 Maple Street Fostoria, Ohio Circula tion Manage1· MRS. JOHN KAUTZ 4519 Wellington Ave . Parma 34, Ohio Sub cription Rate: single copy .............. $ .15 year . . . ....... . . ........ . $2.00 DEADLINE FOR NEWS: 15th of each month Advertising Rate: P er column inch ...... . ..... $ 1.50 Pe r half page . .......... . .. . $21.00 Per full page .. . ........ . .. . $40.00 Entered as second class matter at the Pos t Office at Butler, Indiana under the Act of March 3, 1879. Postmaster: Please send form 3547 to The Ohio Independent Baptist, 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, Ohio. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Chairman Rev. Geor ge R. Gibson 3550 W . 25th St. Cleveland 9, Ohio ecretar Rev. Adam A . Galt Spencer. Ol1io Trea tt rer Rev . T. Fred H usse 26 E. Church St. Niles. 011io Mi ·~ ionar)' hn1. Rev. R. Ke1111 tl1 S1nelser 125 Frieridship St. 1\1 di11a, Ohio outl1 llirector fl \' . Gl 1111 (i 1 el'Il\\'OOd :115 Ker1si11gto11 Plac Spt 1ngfielll, Ohio l) tl1e 1· i\ I e111 b r~ llOWAll D {.; 'Y l)llNt. ALLAN l1~. LE\\'IS ("E I} 1~ 'K~EFE l , \ l1 •, i;___ llAl ,L D l TE[, EAI~J.., V. \\'1LLE'il
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