The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1960
MID-MI Re,T. a11cl Mrs. Allen E. Lewis l.1,l , t ~ll\'t>111 l le r ,tt t11) <f ll<1rte1·l3.. l'l>11fr1':)11 · ,1t Jlt1~l~eg·o 11 ::.\liel1io·a11, tl1e < ,t111( 1 ral l 'ot111c:il of 13a11ti ·t Jl icl-:\1 i". io11: exte11(1ecl a ·all to Re,·. ~ \ lla11 E. I ;e,,Ti. })a. tor' of 1~: l1 ·li(l-~""c)tti11gl1,1111 l~a1 ti.·t ( 1 l1tircl1, to 11eco111p 1)re"ide11t i11 a ftt11-ti111e ('al)cl<:it~~- . \ l'tl)l' a lllOlltl1 (>f l)I'a)r– e rf ll 1 <·<)11"'icll'ra1 io11, thi ...\ f1'ita11- l1or11 111i.. io11a r3r . ·011 of Re,·. ""'\. . .J. 1.Je ,,·i" ec1111c to t11cl co11cl11. io11 ex– pr·e.. eel i11 a lett r \\''l'itt 11 1 ee . ~ :3r·c1 ,1 ·011 r lll. io11 hi. l)rethre11 in tl1e 111i11i ·t1·\,. al1no. t ,,·i l1e 1 lie .. ,,·ot1lcl 11ot co111e to anll vet ,,Tere .. ~tire h r ,,·ot1lcl: · ~ J)r,1r li1·otl1e1· :\Iil11er: .. rl,l1t1 aetio11 of tl1e 1e11eral ,<>1111<·il i11 :\f 11 l(eg·o11, elr ·ti11g 111e pr·e. icle11t of l3a11ti:t :\Iicl-:.\Iis. io11. . e11t 11 tc) 011r l{11ee: l)efore tl1e Lo1·cl tl1at ,,·c 111igl1t a. ee1·tc1i11 IIis ,,·ill 1·eg·a1~c1i110' our f11t111 .. e 111i11- i. t1·,,.. .. · · 1,11) ~·<:)a1~ i11 tl1e pa. torat ha,..e lJee11 ext1·e111e1~.. J1a IJPY 011 e a11cl it i~ 11ot ea , .. to t11i11l{ of l)1'eaki110- .. tit-' t l1a t l1a,·p l)ee11 \\·o,Te11 ,vith the tl1r<>,1cl c>f lo,·r c111 l fello,,~s}1ip < l111·i11g 0111· el , ..e11 ~~ear · ,,·itl1 the }:11,·licl-~otti11g·}1a111 n,1pti. t 1 h11rcl1. Tl1 rP i 110 cli~illl1 . io11111 11t ro11- eer11i11g tl1 ') cl i111e11 io11 c111cl tl1e cli f fi ·11 l tir of the ta l{ aheac1 for tlie ,,·or]cl 111i"~io11a1')"' pict11r i~ a <·<)lllJ)li ·c1tecl 011e. ··\\"'e 1·ejcJi<-e i11 1l1e fac·t tl1at Bap t1 t ~I id -1\ Ii. ion. i. tl1e I..101'd '. ,,,orlr a11cl Il e i"' tl1e 11 e ,,,110 k110"\"\~. t 11 e e11 cl f r<)111 the l)eg·i1111i11g. The ] •l)t'\lHJ~ lf)(iQ --~ LL REV. ALLAN E. LEWIS (There'll be Jeit dry eyes amo-rig tlte f ri 1ids of Rev. and Mrs. Lewis and of BaJ)tist M id -Missio-ns wlie11 tltey read this storJJ-at least t1i e editor 11i 1tst confess lie cried to tlie Lord ivlien he heard tlie first i1iti'niation of t}ie call. He wa11 ted to write post-ha.ste to Brother Letvis a1id say, " Please stay at E1tclid-Notti1ighani ' a1id then de– cided lie better leave hint with the Lord. He pretty well kiiew how it would be decided-there just wasn t m1Lch of any otlier a1isiver to sitch a call b1tt "Yes!" We know Jiow liis church feels, but they got hi1n from missionary parents and will feel it is a privilege to give hi1n back-now as their mis– sionary.) IJor tl l1a. o'i,·e11 tl. peace co11ce1~11- i11g· tl1is 111c1tte1' a11d o it i ,,Titl1 <Jl1jet <·011£icle11c·e i11 the I o,,,er of 1 ocl that ,,·e e11ter tl1i 11e,,, field <>f ser\·ie . ..\: Ile l1a, g·i,Te11 ll 11e,1 ·e for Ol11· l1ea1't ,-. ,y·e feel :u1·e l I e ,r i 11 gi ,,c 8t1·r 11g'tl1 a 11 l ,,·i. clom j' 01' Olll" er,riee. "\\Tl1il c 1 ,,·c 1~110,, 1 lie ,vill 11ot l1ave tl1e tj111e 1c> gi,·r to 0,11-- • tate a. - soc· ic:1 ti 011a 1 ,,·or 1{ tl1at 11 e ha · give11 i11 t l1e J)a. t. ,111cl tl1at a11 l tl1e o·oo l <)f thi · 011r larO'e, t c}1l1 r ch ,,rer e our 011l~Y" 1~ea~011. for~ ,vi hing he might 1·e111H i11 af,., l)a.·toI' ,,·e lo rejoice that Re,·. a11d l\Ir . IJe,,ri.. a11d <·l1ilcl1·(.,11 ,,·ill eo11ti11ue1 to live at thrir 110111<> i11 E11c-li 1. \\ 7 e tru t 11 e ,,,ill at lea t be able to f i11i. h 011t l1i~ ter·111 ,,..itl1 l l o111e a11 l 1a1np c111tl 111av l1e able to co11ti11ue be- • , ..011 l t l1at. \\Te fee I \Ve 11eed ]1i • ,,·i. e eol111 r l a11cl exp erience. ' 'Te gi,re tl1e J)il·tu1·e of ~Ir . l1e,ri: alo11g ,,·it 11 l1i f 01· he ha been a bout a. a ti,re i11 the ,vo111en' ,, 1 orl{ i11 tl1e . tate a. he ha been 111 tl1e ,,,01~1~ of tl1e ol111cil and Il c)1ne a11c1 ( 1 a111p. .1\ t El1clid- . Tott i 11 g l1 am ~· l1e hare the l1 011or s of maki11g t h e pa torate t}1e1·r ,l 11ote,,,ortl1, 1 011e in the hi - .. tor,r of the cl11trcl1. Ile can1e to • tl1 olcl X otti11Q:ha111 cl1urel1 i11 the • .·111r1111er of 194- a11d oon th e place ,,·c1: e1'0,v led to the door . ...\n aclclitio11 ,,,a: l)11ilt a11cl every a,,ail– al>le i11th of pace l1, cl, u11til the par:011age ha :l to be u e 1 for .. t111- tla).. . c· 11001 pu1--po e . The fir t 11nit of the 11e,v church ,,,a. beo-u11 Mr. George S. Milner i11 195..J: a lar;e tl11--ee-. to1·y bt1ild– i11~ that all Of ll ' ,,rill ha \Te an op– l)Ol't11uity to ee at ou1' a11nual 111eet i11g the1--e 11ext ctober. It ha alread)" bee11 .filled to the J)laee ,,~ l1e1·e t,,·o 11101·11i11g· ·e1', 1 ice a1 ..e l)ei11g· helcl, ,,·ith a, n1ember hip of l) l:5 a11d a mo1--11ing· atte11cla11ce t 11,1 t . 0111et i111e. · exceecl that. f l1i ,,·01·1( i11 the l1io - .·oe iatio11 a. frelllle11t co1111cil mem- 1) 1' a11 l cl1air111a11, a11cl a chair- 111a11 of th boarcl of t1 .. 11 tee of Ilo111e a11 l a1np nothi11g need to be ·aicl ex ept to tha11l~ hin1 for all 1<110\'r of l1i.· acti,Te leader· l1ip a111011g· ll:. \\""hat ,,·e 111l1,., t explai11 is tl1at a fl1ll-tj111e acl1ni11· trator of Bapti t 1\fid-::\Ii ion beginning - } r l) l' l1 c11 ·,.. f j r . t , l 1 e ,vi 11 ·yra 11 t to • l, ep b11. ~" a111011g· the cl1111 .. che a11cl 1 re._e11t tl1e C'11alle110'e of adeqt1ate sll l) 11ort f 01· the 617 111i io11a1'ie. 110,,· :c1--,·i11g a11cl tl1e need of e11c1- i11g out many 1nore willing candi– date._· to field that are white to l1a1·,·e:t. -\..11d l1e ,vill indeed 11eed ottr l)I"a)·er. a.. he eel{ to leacl tl1 i. co-oper,1 ti,re e11terpri e of a 11 t l1ese 111is io11arie a11d of man}· .fieId council in 22 foreigi1 com1- t1·ie. , i11 the l1omela11d in la l{a a11 1 IIa,,~aii. He ,vill ha,Te the eo11ti11t1i11g er, 1 i e of Re,~. :\Iilto11 D. 1\ 1'11old, rtht1r G. Fetzer Re,r. J) e11ze l bt11--11, Re,". Robert R,,.r1-. e :\fi 1lacl,r. Bai11e of • I R e,, . Go1'c1011 l\Ielli. h a Ca11adia11 · 1· 1)1~e. e11tati,..e a11d of Re,r. Leo ~ i a11clgre11 a r epre entative 011 tl;e J.>arific oa t.
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