The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1960

I a 'I'lll!J HI() lNI1fc~I> i NDENT l3APTIST F l)t'U8J'Y 1960 FROM 'DIE WO S POINT OF VIEW ~Ir" .. \ 11<.lt\1',<.)11 g,l\"0 l1t)r 11,tir cl ln,t ttllt(·h c111tl t·,11·l)f11ll,· ll llt 011 l1<'r ,t~·l i,11 lllc1e1': l1i1t. ·: ~<). ·' sl1c t}l()\l~·l1t. ·· 1 \ \ ()11 '{ S( 1 l'\"l\ ()1) tllclf \ (lllllllltff'l' clll(>tllt.>l' ~·c,11· . rl'l1 , .. l1,1cl Il<l rip:111 ttl t·c1ll ,l 111e(' ti11p: , 11ot lt)t 111e 1'-lltl\\. • • .... \ ~ sl1e. a fe,\" 111i1111t<.)s lat<.'l'. e11tPretl t l1r eh l11· ]1 l' cl"'t 111()11t ,rl1 r 1'f' c:111 tl1e cl1111·cl1 ln(lies ,,·er' g·,1t l1 'ri 11~· fo r thei1· 111<.l11tl1I .,,. 111i ~i<)ll«l')" 111e ti11g, .. he v,111~c) f,tee tc) f,lte ,,·itl1 ~ [1·.... . Jo1 c., v l1c111·111a 11 t)f t 11 <' a lli 11g co111111i tt ee. ·. l ;ot)tl 111c>1·11111g>, .. :\ I1-. . .r\ 11 le1· 011 ~11,l J)J) t' 1 ' "t' r~· l'() 11~... . a11 l l1t1r1~ie 1 tt) g·t) ()11 i11to th e e <lt 1·00111 t o o·et r ,1,,·<l~· fro111 l1e1· · · frie11d. ' ::\ I1 .... ,Jc)11e, l1atl t1·ie(l to l'al l l1e1· atte11tio11 f <ll' ~l1t1 ,,·a 11 t P(l tt) P x l lai11 that the,,. l1acl lt) ·t tl1 P li . t of t h 1 on11nittc/e 111r111l)e1·~ ,111<1 .·l1r ,,·a." :01·r,· t l1a t t 11e~· li1)11 e 1 11 1) 011 ]etti1{g her 1\ 110,,· ,,· 11 e11 the c-0111111i t t ee met t 11 la~t ti111e. I~l1t Jlr. . ~.\11cler. on ,,..a: <t11il'l~l~· l1111·1·~· i11g i11to the Jcittl1 11 a11cl . 11r l1c1(l 110 opJ)ort1111it,.. to ex- 11lai11. ]>p1'hap. ~·ot1 ,·e g11~ . eel it. ~l1e ,,.. ,1~ s11ffe1· i11g £1~0111 a bi ()' 1o. e of ".Pl f-11 it.'·. Tl1P foe al poil.1 t of l1<1r 111t e1 1·e:t ,,·as 11t)t th e <·0111n1ittee 01~ \Y}1at · he llliitht tl O fo1· tl1e f Ot'(l tl1ro11g:l1 "er,,,i11t?, 011 it. l>llt it ,,~a . ~ET~r__, i11 c-~l pital l rtter~. l ) icl .'·c1\1 r,·r r l1a,·r a11 a<.·<t11ai11t– H11t·r ,,·h<)111 ~·011 l1a<l to · · 11a11cl l e \Yit11 l{i<l gltY\'e~? · · 'fl1at ,,·a. the c·a ·r of :\Irs. ~\111er. 011. Tl1eir feel– j11irs get l111rt . 0 ea.. il,·. \\ne11 \ '"011 c111al~·ze thP111 ~"011 ·cli:('o,.. er tl1at tl1 rjr tro11blr i · tl1t"\" a1·e tl1i11ki110· <>f tl1ri1· o,,·11 1·ig}1t.· ; a1 cl if t 11 ; arr ( 1 h1'1stia11 , t l1 r,.. l1a,,.e foro·ot– tt:>11 t}1at t h r ~· a1·r .'·11 J)J)O ed t~- l)e · · c·r11tifiP(l '"·itl1 ( 1 l11·1st ·, a11cl ( 1 h l'ist 11011] cl lJe cl oi11g the li,,.i11g- i11 tbe1n. The abo,..e lat1,.,. ,,,.ould not ha,· e,..en noticecl tl;at . he 1\ 7 a . killecl if . 11 e l1a cl l)ee11 r ejoicing 111 ,,·l1at ,,,.as aC'C'o111pl isl1ec1 fo1~ th T~o1~ 1 th1·011al1 tl1eir effo1·t: . ft }1a1.., lJPe11 cti(.1 tl1at the letter · · I · · i i11 th e <· e 11 ter of the "\'\"Orel •• i11. • · c111cl it i . t11·e1,.. t1·l1e t l1at "t>lf i, at tl1e (· f>l'P <>f a.11 . i11. Tal<e tliP . ~·Pr.,· fi1·,t 011r fo1· Pxa 1111)le. T.1 ll<·1f Pr ,,·a11trcl to Pxalt l1i111. rlf ,ll )<,.,·f> :c,<l ,111<1 tl1P 11a . age i11 l,a1,1]1 14 :l~-1-> ,,·l1iel1 cl,_.. e tilJe~ ! J 1, t t i 11 <• i < J l' l l t <•() 11 t ,t i 11, t l 1P J > r o 11 C> l l 11 111 tl1<) f1r~t J)<'l',r>11 . ix ti111r. i11 to Mrs or for OUR WOR T ENEMY 1,,. > , t\ r:-;es. \ \rl1 11 Sett a11 <' a 111e to E,·: Hll 1 xl1r )riel(1Pc1 t<> t 1111 tatio11 ~Pl l 'cll l eel h r 1· t ,va11t that heau– tift~ l frl1it to sa1isf)r hr 1· \\'11 ap– }) 11t (l. 'Tl1 P 11 tl1erP i~ a11otl1 1· l<i11d of 1·e1:11l t t J1a t eo111 : f 1·0111 ~ ·c l f. 11 1--:. J31'0,, ·11 ~1<1c~ ~re11 b1·ol1ght up in a ...,,Tert h1·1~t1a11 h me a1 d k11ev;, J1 cr l3ibl r a11cl lo,red th Lorcl but ,:he felt sl1r ,,~a. 't apable of tea h - 111g ~ 1111da)"" chool . The phon 1·a11g c1111 ... he lried he1-- hancl f1 th di. 11 pa11: It ~ .. a the l111day :· .hool . 11per111te11cle11t a. king h er ~f s.h e ,,·011lcl talre a. la i11 the .1l1111or l e1 art111e11t. Iler· 111i11d ,ve11t l)atl< to all the trai11i1 g she had J1a 1 i11 l1 e1· l10111e; l)t1t tl1en . h tl1ol1gl1t 110,,~ n111ch better ome <~tl1e1' teaeh 1-. di (l the job and f-.011~11 he1-. ·elf 1a)?i11g .l~o l\Ir. 81111th, I 111 afrai 1 I co11lcln t do it. I 111 j11... t too l)tl . y. Ye. Ye ~ '111 aJ,,Ta}'S there bl1t- ,,re}l l ~ .J tl:t 11ot a ~:ooc1 t ea lier. I ba,1 to lea1·11 n1or fi1·. t . ' ' h poor -:\ Ir . . Bro,,,. 11 ~ ~ h e j t1 t pa eel by ct " "011_ l erf 11 l oppo1~tl111ity to do so111rtl1111g' fo1· the T..Jo1·c1 ,,.. 11 0 111 • he lo,·e.-, j11st l)e('a11. e . ]1 th o11ght of 11er <)\\"11 ,~ral(11e.. ( ~ 1£) i11. t.eac1 c)f thr TJor 1 .· .--t1·e11g-th. rr11at js ,,·J1 pr p 0111· ic1e11tit,,. ,vitl1 ( 1 l11·ist ('0111r. 111. If Ile i. 'li, 1 i11g tl1ro11gl1 11. , ,, 1 e ' ·a11 clo all tl1i11g. tl1ro11gl~ 1 hri:t ,,Thi 1 h tre11g·tbe11- cth ll ,' . Too 111t1ch l1111nil ity 1nay be ea111ot1flagecl . elfi. l111e.. . The 1·r. t of Galatia11. 2 :20 ,,.,hich I :ta rt ec1 to c111ote a bo,,.e a:st, ' . . . 11()\'Cl'th rl r .. · J li,re )"et 11ot l b11t C 1 l1rist 1 i, 1 Ptl1 i11 n1 e ... . ' \\That a stre11g'th e11i11 g· to fee l 0111~ ic1e11tit,,. ,,·it l1 1Tin1. , Did yoll e, have 011e of tho e co111fortalJle f rie11d ? One who ,,.._a 11 t ,,T o 11 d e r i 11 g. if you c11 111 t f i11d tin1 t o ,,,1·ite for 111011t l1. · at a ti111 b11t 11nder tood tl1at )"Oll j11 ·t ,ver , o ,rery bu... ) r 1)11 t lo,,.ec1 t he111 jl1. t t l1e . a1ne 1 That ~ t l1 e ki11cl of frie11d who clor. 11 't l<)O]< fo1· a11 exp la11atio11 if )'<)tt to1) 111 t<) c·l1}lt ,vith om otheJ' f 1·i c11cl a11cl l)cl:. 1·ig'l1t l)y thei1~ 11 011.·r fo1· l c1ek of ti111e. · . , \rp all 11,l\'f' 111is e 11e lll)" to fight. 1c>l' \\'P el l '<' 1>01·11 ,,:itl1 t hat :i11ft1l 11 att11·p i11 ot11· hea1·t lJllt John h acl tJ1c ,111. ·,yr r le> t l1 probl<>111 111 ~Jol1 11 3 ::3() - I I 11111~t i11 C' J'Pa~ci, l1t1t I 111 l t st cl rrrra8(l. FROM THE RECIPE FILE ll (),.r I I . C 1 l IT :~ r11p.· £lo11r 11-i t. p. . alt 3 t:p. bal{i11g· J)o,vdrr 7 le,,el T. ri. io 1 ·. milk (. ,, 1 e t) • i ift cl r~,~ i11g1~eclie11 t.· together 111to a la1·g·e bo,,l. "11t ( 1 1·i, o into tl1e flo11r n1ixt11re. ( I ean do it l)etter ,,,. ith 111y ha11c1 · 1naybe yot1 ta11 too.) ~ 1 tir 111ill{ i11 liahtly witb f 1'1<. T11r1 011t 011 flo11~ecl boarcl a 11cl folcl i11 a11d o, 1 er liahtl,r a fe,v ti111e. t111til it i :n1ooth. Roll ol1t abo11t 1, ~ i11eh tl1iel{ ancl c11t 011t \\Tith a ·111all 'lltter or a jt1ice gla.\ ·. Pla e 1/ 2 i11 ·h apart 011 a11 1111g·1·eas cl c·ookie sheet. Bal<e at 4()0 about 15 n1i11l1t • or until g lde11 b1·0,,·n . CORRECTION 111 t11 e Decen1 he1-. i u e of the O. I .13. ,,·e p1 tl)li ·11 cl tl1e 1~eeipe for ,\Thol , '\Tl1 at r eac1. "\, e aid to grea · tl1 ta bl a 11d l1a11 c1 ,,Titl1 . 101·te11i 11g to ,,·orl{ th clol1gh a11cl t l1at .. ho11 l tl l1a,,.e bee11 })ecificall,· la rel f 01· if 3 7 0 11 ll e ,~egeta bl'e sl101~te11i11g it n1a)" tick to your ]1 a11 cl ·. '\\ e a1·e . 01·ry for tl1e e1'r01'. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Inc. Our 56th Year A staff of fourteen dedicated workers devoted to the task of taking the Gospel to the tens of thousands of J ews in Cleveland, Youngstown and other cities in N ortheast e~ Ohio · Charleston, W. Va., an d Sao Paulo Brazil . Visita tion , Bible classes radio and wide spr ead dis tribution df literature are the me thods u sed to win J ews to Christ. Write fo1~ free informative maga– zine, "The Trumpeter for Isr ael ." Rev . Gerald V. Smelser, Supt. P . 0 . Box 3556 Cleveland 18, Ohio I