The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1960

TRE Hl 1NDEP'li~DEN1' BA "fIS1~ March 19(i0 ' ''" (Cont i11\t cd from lJage 2) t)(\t co-OJ.1l't·,~t"' if tl1c ~l)l'~lker 1~ 111od rnist1c or if oi1e of tlll'' ~o-oi:-it rat i11g pnstoe~ is . I .. 11 1 t tha t criptura ll. right? \\ ll, ~11ottld tl1 ,, . ... \lPl>llt t n ~i)ec,ker who ridicul s the ir f\111"i,1111 "11tal1s111 or pr acl'1c.'s sa1,,a t io11 by \vorks ins tead of $.ct' l r ,, 11, sl1ould tl1ev 1 a,,f\ a con,,ention tha t tole r– ~l tl'd 111od 1111 111 :.-\tld tl1c11 co-op rate with oth r denomina – ti 11.. tl1at ar n1\1cl1 111ore mod rnis tic? It 111a)· 111 '" tra1 g for lo,,ers of the Cross to r efuse to 10111 1n a Good F rida)' ser,·ice, or for an evangelistic cl1t1rcl1 to sta, ou t of a union reviva l ; but we can only 10111 ,\tcl1 f forts if \V e feel su re on the local leve l that tl1crc ,, ill be no co-operation w ith unbelief. lost of our people do not believe tha t Christ died on F)·ida\·, for the1 he \vould h ave been only one day and t,, o ni~ht .. in the h eart of the ea1i;h' (Matt. 12: 40). They can o, ·erlook that point and often do; but in most Good Frida, · ser, 1 ices at least one speak er says that Christ was 11ti taken ,vhen he cr ied out, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Why should they support such a denial of the blood a tonem ent? The same pr oblem a rises in evangelistic and youth "'er,·ices. Even if th e main speaker is sound or even a Baptist. some of th e su pporting churches and ministers are often rankly modernistic. Those ministers will be honored \\·ith parts on the pr ogr am. This is contrary to II John 7-11. \Vhen i t comes to a World Day of Pray er or other meet– ings spon sored by the Na tiona l or World councils or their auxiliaries, ther e is bound to be involvement in unbelief , for th ese organiza tions are lar gely led by modernis ts. We do not accuse all of them of unbelief, but mos t of the leader s have been notorious for it. Think of McConnell, Fosdick , Buttrick and Oxnam! Others from Europe are Communists in doctrine whether they belong to the party or n ot-some are secre t agents: J anos, P eter, Veto, Hromadka! Other s love to praise the socia l ideals of Communism, such as E. S tan ley Jones and Edwin T. Dahlberg. P erhaps the most dangerous thing about the National a11d Wor ld councils is their promotion of the Ecumenical Movement, which a ims to unite all denominations into a World Church, includ ing the Roman Catholic. They al– !-eady h ave t h e Greek Catholics in the ir unProtestan t organization and h ave let them hold a service in what was t h en the F ed er al Council quadrennial meetings and worship the Virgin Mary! If they put on a world campaign of Bible teaching to uni te all on Bible grounds, we could join with them; but their theor y is tha t union must come by mutual compro- misc. Alr ady th y have manag d to ge t denominat1onc1 ] I adc rs in th ar t of worship a nd most of the a r chitects sold on the cr aze to r emode l a ll our churches and put in alta rs. cand les and liturgics. Why? Exbishop Ivan Holt gave the s cr et away r ecently wh en h e said tha t Me thodists and Episcopa lian s should unite because they h ave the same creed and the same liturgy. Tha t could not h ave been said ev en 20 year s ago. Quietly Methodism (and Presby– t erianism ) h as been changed by the devotees of the Order of St. Luke , so that every Methodist will in fact b ecome an Episcopa lian. . But wa it-each year the Anglo-Ca tholic party is gain– ing more control of the Prot est ant Episcopa l Church . Candles burn night and day and in some churches even bread 15 r eserved . The r ectors now a r e priests and a r e ca lled fathers . Soon the word "Protest ant" will be removed in the in– ter ests of union with Rome. When tha t fina l union comes who will h ave made all the compromises or robbed thei; children of the gospel truths their forefa thers loved ? Baptists who believe the Bible do not intend to go will– ingly to their own slaughter , or t o en courage the trend even on the local level. The age of civil and r eligious liberty promised world-wide Christianity and freedom as it grew from 1776 until 1916; but a n ew a ge was born in October of 1917 that has now grown lar ge enough to spread its shadow of totalitarianism and atheism over half of the world. The strange thing is that this r evolution against all religion has brought about a gr eat r evival of Romanism in the free half of the w0rld as the hope of freedom. when it is itself a r eligion of absolute dictatorship. Ye t the stranaest thing of all is tha t churches that h ave been free now V:ant to go back under the yoke of a World Church , which is bound to be episcopal and ritualistic, and which very likely will be Papal as well. Regular Baptists do co-oper at e with other fundamental denominations tha t belong to the A:nerican and Interna– tional councils-organizations tha t are doing al] they can to fight modernism , Communism , Roma11i£m and the Ecumen– ical Movement. We do not claim to be perfect, but only try to preach a p erfect Saviour and call all who hear us to fa ith and devotion to Him. If y ou are saved and be– lieve the Bible and want to u se your life in defen se of the Faith, we invite you to attend and join a Regular Baptist Church. As the shadows of apos tasy lengthen, we are sure it won' t be long until our Lord sh a ll r eturn according to promise. We want to b e in fellowship vvith believers and not with unbeliever s when that day comes . TilE l10lT ... D i F F F.J I.J L \\ ~HIP lo,,recl 1) ) " 1) ) 1 t hei1.. ' 011, ·ie1 tiOl ,' fello,v Lo<Jlri11g· al1eacl i .· a g·oocl ,,Ta)'" to l\ee1) £1--0111 falli11g behind. ( 011ti11ued f rom page 9 ) 'l 1 l1 i , ,lCC'Ol111 t: f 0 1· the po,1it io11 ta l{en 1)~~ 111a11)" ,yl10 cl o 11ot ' 1"'igl1tl:y .. c1i,,. ic1 tl1P ,,To1·cl of t1·l1t l1.' Xot 0 111~,. cl c)es I)cllll (•0111111a11cl 11: to • ,,Titl1clra,, 1 , b11t al , o clecla1 ..e.· ha,Te 1 0 c 1.1 - l)a11,"' ' ' ( , ... l ± ) . T o co11cl11cle t l1at I a11i 1·ef e1· ou1, .. to t l1e i1111necliate ci1'C'l1111. ta11C'e · that p1·0111pt cl hi. rxho1 ..tatio11 "..-011lcl o·i'\ 1 e occa: io11 to r ef11te r111·1·e11t a1) plication of all ~ 1 t1·iptu1·e. l)otl1 ld a11 d 1ew T e. ta111e11t 0 11 th e lJa. i : t hat the)T ,,~e1·e i11te11clecl 011ly fo1· t l10 e to ,vhom the 111e . age ,,Ta/ i11itially cli1 .. ectec1. " 1 l11· ly. cli or le1 .. l:r· 1)1 .. et h- 1·e11 (e 1)eciall3-.. elcle1-. ) 11eecl to be 1·ebl1l{e<l l)efo1· e all. that otl1er. 111aJ"' fea1·. ~ I Tim. 3 :20 ). Thi.· l oe. · 11ot <·011 clo11e , .. itll perati, .. e C'o11cl t1et l)tl t 1nal{P it a . 'e1·iptt11·al })1· i 11C'ipl e t o · · l)eal{ the t1·11tl1 i11 lo,·e. ' Fail - 11re 011 thr l)a1·t of t l1e l)1·eth1 ..e1 to · 'aclo1·11 the doct1·i11e 111t1 t be fol- r o11c l1t .·i o11: [8 it 11ot sig11if ir a11t that . e,T 11 .· 11cl1 l)o1111d.· 0 1· lir ·t1111:er ipt io11 · of fe llo,,., l1ip a11p ea1· to ·o, ~e 1· t l1e ,,·l1olr ga11111t of ( 'l1ri:tia11 a..~oeia- t io11 ? I 1 the.-·'..) la. ,t cla)'"·· ot11· ·o-ope1"'a tio1 i. 11a1·1·0,,Ti11g·. ()11 1· l o, ·e for t he l)1"etl11· 11 l1as u ot cli111i11i. h cl : l)ttt ol)eclir uce to t l1e , 1 oi re of the H1)irit tl1rol1g·l1 tl1e "\\T or cl 111t1.-t b r 1)ar a11101111t a we Pa r11e. tl, .. eo11 t 11(1 f 0 1· t l1 F ai th . · ' '- J l1.: t ic C <t11·ti: ol{ P e1111. , ... 1 , .. a11 ia .., ~ llpl" Elllle 1 0 l11--t li. t t fi, 1 e of the pri111a1 .. ~y·· c all. e of j11, 1 e11il (le li11 1t1e11 ·y a11cl c1 ..i111e. Yet tnot1°'h 11 111e11 t io11 .- 0 11l v fi·v,e a111011g '- 10 ze 11. . -1~i111e a11 l ,Tiole11 e 110,,T on T a11d movi cr een i li tecl a. · 011e of tl10:e five p1·i111aI')" eall e. . CLEVELAND HEBREW MI.SSION Inc. Our 56th Year A staff of fourteen dedicated workers devoted to the task of taking the Gospel to the tens of thousands of Jews in Cleveland, Youngstown, a:1d other cities in Northeastem Ohio; Charleston, W. Va. , and Sao Paulo, Brazil . Visitation, Bible classes, radio and wide spread distribution of literature are the me thods used to win Jews to Christ. Write for free informative maga– zine, ' The Trumpeter for Israel." Rev. Gerald V. Smelser, Supt. P. 0 . Box 3556 Cleveland 18, Ohio •