The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1960

'I J 11•~ I I I 'I"' 1 l ()(:, 11 () ~ 1, ]} tllt) llt)\\l"' tlf tilt\ ~cltl<>llH } l ,< lttieil 1,\,ltlt\t'"' ()\ t\t• ,, l1n t a 11 . \ ir - 11,<,rt•t' lllH I\ \lH l ,,l \, cl \)<l\l t l '(Cl lll- • lllllllt ,l\l lll tilt' elllll't•ll<.' , ()lll) g )l\S tt, l'l'l)\(' tl1nt tlll' ,\t•v11, nti<)11:-. nr 1rllt\. l'l1l'ir }l<.)l it i<·n 1 l)l)\\ er 111c1)· }1a,·l ll'<l rl'l t()lllcl ~ ~ . {;tlt<\S, Olll' ~ t'el'l'tcll"\ ()f l)ef<.tl~, to HJ)<>lt)g·ize • tllltl l>l'<.lllli~t' t<> ,,· itl1tl1·,1,,· tll t' 111,111- lt,11" : l111t ll<' ,tl~<) !!.cl,.<' t l1r <>l'<lPr tl1,1t <l111., tl1t 1 11,1111111~.r of i11cli– ' i<lt1,11~ ~ll<ltlltl l)<' tlel 'te<.l i11 tl1<1 rt'\ i~ >tl lllcll\llcll. r1 l1c1t lllllit·,1tes tl1,1t l1t' l)t'li ,·,~ tl1e el1c11·g·('s ar t1·l1e. 'l'l1e g<.'11p1·al cli~l1011e.:t)· of tl1e ~ leac.lers is ~·e 11 i11 tl1e ,,·a,,. • tl1 ,. 0111 , · ltcl<l tl11·ee .· 11 rt s 11- • • t t'11ees r 11<>1·t cl ,ls b i11 °· o t'f e11si ,·e1 , ,,·11 e1·ea s t 11 t 1·t. 1 ,,. PrP se,· e1·a l l ., ,1 g:es of tl }taile 1 ,ltt·11:·atio11: tl1,1t tJ1e,,. • <li~Iil(:rtl 11111cl1 11101·. 'f'l1e 011e ~ t ,1 t e 111 e 11 t t l 1 a t ·· it is f () o 1 is 1 1 t o 1·e111a1·l{ tl1,1t . \ 111e1·iea11s l1a,re cl 1·iul1t t() 1~110,,· ,,·l1at': ff<)i 11g: 011: · l1,1<l 11t)tl1i11g <li1· <·tl)T t<) clo ,,·it}1 t}1e111 at clll. rl}1 ). 0111)· ol>j tfPll tt) that l1alf of a 1)a1·aµ:1·a111 l>e1- tal1se tl1e)~ tl1ol1gl1t a l<1t of l)eo- 1) 1 e , ,·o l 11 cl a o· I' ee ,, ·it 11 t l 1 111 t l 1 at tl1 I e11tag·c)11 i . (lietato1·ic1l . a11cl . o ag1· e ,,~itl1 tl1 n1 i11 tl1 ir tl 11 ic1 1 :,., of 01nml111i:111 c1l . l>. ct11all \" t l1a t • • tate111 11t t 11ti11l1ecl to .·a\ 7 tl1at • i11 ,,·a1· }l: i11 footl),1 11 ,,. 11111:t kee1 tl1 <)tl1er sic]e g·l1eH~·i11g·. <111<1 th,tt · ·if ,,·e tell 0111· :ec·rEt8, ,,Tear 1ik:c>l,.. to l)P l>rat e11 .' 1£ t l1e1· l1ac1 • • l)ee11 ho11e:t a11 l <111otf l the ,,Tl1olc })cl 1·ag1·a })11. all \\' Olllcl a 0·1·ee ,,ri tl1 1J1e 111a11t1al. Tl1 1·ea] fc)lk: ,,·11 0 c1011 't \\Ta11t .L 111 e1· iea11, • to 1{11(),,r ,,·}1at i g·oi11~: 011 ar tl1e lea le1·s <)f tl1 ~ ~( 1 j11. t a<l. Tl1e,· ,,,.a11t • to . llPl 1· • . a11y xpo.·111· of tl1 i1· J)lc:111.: to g:et R cl 1 11 i11 a I'E c-c)g- 11 izecl. a11cl tc> :-;o ·ializ Olll ' fre - <~11tel'J)l'i P .').'. tPlll. Tl1e 111a11l1al cl icl 11ot .·a,~ t l1a t • 111<l11,~ of tl1e 111i11i:t 1-. i11 tl1 • ~ "a ti<)Ilcll ( 1 c)1111t·il a1·e ·01111111111i~ti c·. lJtlt <>111,- tl1,lt fellcJ\\"-t1·a,·ell e1~~ ~ ]1,1 , ·e i11filtrate(1 l'llllr ·lies a11cl ecll1- c·atic>11al i11~titl1tio11.· . Re111·e:p11ta– t i ,· e \\,..a 1 t e r ~ . 11 P a c 1 < > f t 11 e H (> 1 t. · l "11-,\111p1·i<·a11 ... \C'ti,.. itir: 1 01nmit– tee. i11. i. t tl1at tl1e1· i: a11 abt111- cla11 • of ,-icl 11t tc1 p1·0,·e tl1e <• 11 a r µ· c 1 s c > f t h e 111 ( 11 1 11 a l . ~ e i t l 1 (l r tlicl it "',1,· tl1at :30 of tl1 95 t1·a11:- • la t or~ <J f t h P I r, r i ~etl \ .... fl 1• 1 <) 11 <) t 1l1c· l{il,lc· ,ll'c· ('cll'(l -c·,tl'l'\' i110· ( 1 c,111 - . ,... 1111111 i, t ~. 1 > 111 o 11 l,· t 11 ,1 t t h c·, ~ ,, Pr ' • • () l l I'(' (. () l ' ( l 'l "' I 1 cl \ i I\ O ' 1 H\ I() I l Cl' { \ l 1 1() ,-. ,..... Jll'() - ( \>tllllllllli~t fl'()l\1~. It 111ig·ht h,I\(' l)P('ll l>p((C't' ii' tilt' 111n1111nl betel t(>l<l lie>\\ 111H11, c>f thP • t l lc'11 it 11c1111t'cl ,l l'<' ~ti 11 i11 J>l'<>-( ~<>111 - 1111111i~t fr<>11t~. ~<)Ill<' 111a,· l1n ,·c, clrc> J)J1<'<1 <>ttt a11c l it is 11ot ·fai1· to c·c>11ti 11lt <' tc> l)rct11cl cl 111c111 ,,·l1c l1a. l' <' l> ltclic1t<1cl ( 1 <>1111n1111is111. Il o,,· , 1 er ,,.( \ (l<.) 11<.>t l{11 c.>,,· c>f cl si 11g·l t 1 0110 f tll<.'~P 111P11 h c-1,·i11g; l'PJ)lllliate l their fc>r111p1· ('011 11 cet io1 .~ c1 11 cl 111a11) 7 of t 11P111 cll'C' :till i11 ,-l loze11 01· 111or e () f t 1 (> tll l'l'{' 11 t f 1'011 ts. rl, 11 (' ,,ror t of tl1c' J) r es<.111 t X '1 ( '1 1«:a lP1-. · a1· 11 ot ,·011 11 c1 111 rcl . . ·11 1 l1 a. it." p1 .. e i – clP11t. l ) r. Ecl,Yi11 1. l )al1ll) J'g" an 1 l~iRlt <) J) ()x11a111. FAITH'S ANSWER Brief is our little day, Back to the mouldering clay Flesl1 must return. Yet by our faith we trust Death cannot turn to dust These souls that burn. Life is a heavenly 1 iame, Quicltening our mortal frame 1'ill the candle enc.1!:5 · Not to the darksome grave, But to the God who gave, Life then ascends! - R . T . N . ( \•' r O l' t J l p l{ ~ \ T 13 i b1 it 1ni 0 ' ht l)r ,rrll tc) sa,· ihc1t its ,,·c> r:t feel- • t t 1 1·e i · 1 <)t t l10 I)i 11 lc ti11g·r of . 0111e c1f it:,., trc111:lato1·8. lJllt its J)1·ejl1cliee i11 fa,Tor c>f f.1il)<-> r a l i11te1·1)1· tatio11 C)f thr text . Tf tl1 \ T c·ol1l l 11ot • t,,,jst t l1 P ~I cl,,. ·01· tie t xt of t l1e { l(l 'I' e~t a111<111t to f i t tl1ei1· 1 - te1 r111i11atio11 to l>lot Ollt 11~opl1e 1 ie. l)Olllti11g to .J (-lSll.' ( 1 }1ri.·t , t}1 J'" 01"– l'C'<·tt>cl t J1c II el)r e\,·. I f a11y 011e c 1 o, t l 1 ts t I 1 at • 1 et 1 i 111 t 11 r 11 t l 1e J) age: l>,·e r a11cl ser ho,,· oftc 1 11 the1' i , a ••C 1 11,, clt t l1e botto111 of tl1r 1 age. ,,·l1ith 111PH11 .· tl1at tl1e orio·inal l 'el 1·p,,· <>f so111r ,·e1'. · :i l1a. bee11 < l1a11µ:<'ll. ~Jost of tl1 r 111 l1a,re 11ot l' cP11 c·h c111g·p l 1) 1 l'clt1se the Ifebt"c,,,. ,,·a: <>l)S<'llre. l)tlt 1) ea11.:e tl1 111e11 (licl 11cJt lil<e ,,·l1at tl1 1I br· ,,. ai(l . . ·o, it i: t I 1 e 1 it 1 o g· that l 1 o,,, ls. 'l'llr 11lc1lllla1 t•Otll c.l l1c1,?e 1 ,r t cl ] ()() 11a~:rs tcJ 1 01111111111i. 111 i11 the el1111·t h rs a11c1 11 t exl1a11:t c1 t l1e fac ·t" of tl1e ·a:e. I t 011g l1 t to be 1)11t i11 t l10 l1a11 l." . 11ot 011ly of ir– r,"orc·e officrrs. l)11t f a ll 111 1·i– c·a11 ( 1 }11·i:tia11. . . o tl1e:v·· ra11 eitl1er • <· l <1c111 l1< ,11~c· <> t' g'< 1 1 c,1 11 f>f 111c· cl r - 11c)111i11<11 i<>tl~ t l1,1t c11'fi1ict1<' ,rit h A1>ri l I Dr;o 111i~ c·c>1 111 c·il. .\lr,,a,1,· clll <>ttl -..: 1<1111 - • • lllg J)HSf <>I' <>f' rlll J 1 ;\'Hll' ' 'C' li~I ic• l ~11it<'<l l ~r <'llirP11 ( 1 h11rc·Ji i ,~ ]Jin1a l1c1"' t' P~ig11c cl. ra1 Jic'r t hr111 <'<>111 i1111 p tc> "-i lll>]) <> r1 ~ll<·li 11 111 Pli c·t'. 'I' . c• lctrµ:<•st c· l1 11rc·h 111 1h<' A\1 11c 1 ri,·<111 l ~c1 1>t i~t ( 1 <) 11,·p11tic>11. 111<1 1~ 1 irsl I ~aJ> - 11~1 ('ht1r<·l1 of' \\ ic·l1ita~ l{ ,"1 11 ~<1:--.. J1,1" , ·otPcl fc> ,ritl1l1ol<l ,t ll f1111<ls f l' 0 11l t h C <' 0 11 \ ' (' 11 t i C) 11 rt J l ( l i t s H l l \. - ilia ri Ps 1111til it ,,·itl1clra,r: f1 ·(J111 tl1<– ~ Ta ti <> 11 c1 I ( ' (> 1111 c · i I. \ Te 1 ·:\· l i l< e11 , .. 1 h c, ~ . leacl ers of th r <·011,ye11tic)11 ,ri11 l'clthrr losr a <·111t r c·l1 of -1,->(H) 111P111- l) c> r: t J 1 a 11 g rt <> l1 t <> f th c> X cl t i <> 11 a I ( 1 o 1111 < • i l ; l > l l t a t 1 <'cl ,· t o11 c c • 11111 · < • 11 is l>c>i 11p: .·tirr<} 1 to ,1etio11 l)v t l1i .· ,\ ir-I~ 01·ce 111a1111a1. ...\ 11 · otl1er T?iJ ,lc-belie,,. i11g· a11cl loJ,.al ... \ 111e ri– ca11 el1111"e l1 e: ot1g·l1t to joi11 i11 aet– i11g· al. o. Thc111l\ ( : c>c.l. 011r c-11111· ·hrs cli (l Htt , ·ea r: c10·0. .. THANK YOU, DR. POLLARD! I J 1· . I~ a 111 s r}• 1 > <) ll cl r c. 1, 1) re: i c 1 P 11 t <>f tl1r ~ 1 0l1tl1cr11 aJJti:t 1 011,·e11 - tio11 a11cl :t1 ~ ·e::01· to Dr. R. T. l.1ef i11 :\I e111pl1i:, : J)Ol{e 1· ·e11t l~· cl: fol lo,, ·s. a.· 1·e1 01·t cl i11 tl1c.) clail) 7 J)1·e.· : · T ,,~ill 1101 . ta11cl b:'" a11 l ltee1J 111,.. 111ot1t l1 ~l111t ,,~11 e11 a 111a11 1111clc1· • c·c)11trol of th e Ro111an 1 atholie ( ·h 1 i r · h r1111: f 01· p1~ ·ic1encJ.. of tl1e1 l '"11itecl • ftate: . I ,,·ill 11e,·er }~elie,·r ,,·I1at tl1e lJOIJe of Ro111e . R)"S H l)o11t g·oo<.1 ,,·ill a11cl l)1·otl1e1·– l1c>o 1 t111ti l I :p _} so111 e,·ide11 ·e of it i11 c-01111 t ri P.-. ,,. l1e 1· e1 the Ro111a 11 C 1 r1t]1olir ( 1 h11rch i: clo111ina11t. ' ' \\""e a1·r 11c>J)i11~r tl1at tl1 ·tate cl le~:a tio11: fro111 tl1e . 011tl1 r11 state"' to t 11 e J_; e111oc1·a ti · 1 011,·e11- tic)11 ,,·ill r e111 e111l:er t l1at D1·. Pol- 1a1·c.l . ·11ol~e f<>l' o,·er 9 00().000 Ba1)– tist., 111ost <>f ,,·110111 li,·e i11 thei1· o,,·11 :tatP.·. \\"" e l1ope tl1e}" ,,.. ill nlsc> r aliz<> t h at li e 'l)Ol~E £01· o,... e1· !),()()(),000 othc1· J3a11ti:t.· of t,,·o 1·,1te: ,111<1 ~r,T01·al c_i()11,·e11tio11: a11c.1 a::o ·ia tio11~. for 111ost of tl1e111 feel tl1e :a111< ,,... a)· c1l)ol1t it. 111' l T. l1isto1·,,. 1> ol\s 111a,r 0111,.. 1~ corc1 . .. . l)riefl)T ,,T11at I3a1)ti.:ts : ·11ffe r e l 1111- cler tl1e ~\ ngli ·a11: f E11g·la111 a11 l the I)t11'ita11. of ~fa, sach11 ·ett , bllt l3aJ ti. ts .·till r e111e111 l1e1· tl1at 111o~t of t11 t,,·o 111i llio11 l )11ttl1 ~\ lbi– g <l 11: j ,1 11 s cl l l 1 ... \ 11a - I3 a}) t i. t: t 11 ,l t ,,re r e .:·la11gh terec1 fro111 1100 to l (i()() \ .T) . \V< 1 rc· 1>111 1<> (lt>atl1 1111<1('11· ( l '011 ti 1111<1< l <)ll 1J,1g·p :5) -