The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1960

11 1 1 ; \ ' l ~ ( 11 ( l J 1 11 :111(1 l~t'1 , .irtfltl ,,rjt f1· >lll \ " t'llPZllt\l:t. 'l }l "_\~ fill(l 111 tr,111Jlll':l1l11·e lt<)t nll 111(' ti111'. \t f 1 ,, tllt'Y' }l:l({ llll\" t,, tl l>:ll'l' l' ll)ll\" :111 i a 11 :'111 t() li,rt; lll, l)tlf il1:1t l1a"' l>t'l'll itllj)lt),t'\ l . \l:1rtiti() ll" 11a,r ' l t\l'll Jllll 11\. n11tl ( 1 lllll)tlcll'(ls Hlltl "HlljJ\l't,. 1)l111ttl)i11t., tlll(l elt'cit ri eit~r )1al·(' ) ' 'll "llJlllll 'tl. Hlltl "'tllll(' i'11r11it11re. 1)<.l tl i" 1t'«lv11i11~· 1~: 11l!.li8ll ,,· '<.1~ ,lH) , n11 l l~ t'1 t~· 1 ' ,1 1 l1 e~ t~· 11- i11~. ,,l11el1 111t'clll" ,,itl1 110111 0 ,lllL1 \ l1111· v l1 ,,t)rl tl1e · 111t1~t UL' tt>rrilll,T • • • lltl~)· ) ? l't tlll' ) l1a, t:) <)tl jo)~. (111d tl1at 1, , )111.,, ·11111i11g·. ...\t cl r ()ee11t ,t rcf't 111 '.)t,ti11g. six ,,.L'l' "'1,·rtl. 11 ~1111tl,1,· a11otl1t' l' ,,·c:1s s,1,·ccl i11 the • 1)re,lel1i11g s01·,·iee. So it ee111 111<111~· t l1L\1•p cl 1· Ol)<'ll 1 o th l}o. - 11 :\1 c111d e,111 be 1·t'ncl1ecl. ~( l rr 11 .\ :\IEI}I .L\ J.Ts XEEI) ' ...\~II ~ T rll\'" )lr l ~ai11 ,,·1·itc " of the dif- • ficl1lt ie~ tl1e,· l1a l l1at1 i11 .._ 011th • l{1·c1zil t fi11c1 a 11itabl J)laee £01"' cl >·011tl1 ea11111. } 01· t\\'O 3'"ear t11ey l1,1c.l 1·e11tecl g·rot111cl , bt1t the3-.. ,,,..e1·e ,·t: 1·,· l111sa ti~f actOl"' '\T. Then a lJea lt- • v tift1l a11d ,,.. 11 ec111ipped fa1--111 o,,·11ecl l)J. a11 ..(\.me1'ica11 ottple ·a111e 111J f 01-- sale for t • 40 00 . T t 11c:1 1 :..: ac1·e.· . \\Titl1 tl1r e ·p1--i11g· an i a mil a11d a half of 1--i , ,er f1·011 tage. th1·ee c1,,e lli11g. ,,·i th l1eat1tiful f t11·11ishi11g lllocle1"11 el e– tri ·al e<1t1ip111e11t. tool l1op aud S<.> 011. \\re}}. t}1at .:eeruecl illl)O '– :i)>l ). bl1t tlie)'" <.:oulc] g·et it ft)r • 1 ·3.l)OO l -.· if tl1ey paic1 £01· it i11 a ~·ea1~. ,,~ith 011ly . ·; 000 do,'"·11 a11cl . ·:..()() a 111011tl1. .. io by faitl1 th y tool<: it a11c1 ho1>e th ~i1· frie11d: lll l1e1~e ,v·ill lie1 I l >).. :e11 li11g o'if t · to 13apti t ~Ii 1-:\Ii ':io11.' de~ ig·11atecl to '·. '( utl1 B1--azil Bapti t ( 1 a111p Fu11d. ' ' O ROOM FOR RO MI GS \\ e , 1 e had a bu y, v\Tonde1--ft1l 111011tb. but ,,-c 11eed 2 000 ub– . c1'il)er o ,,Te ca11 ,1ffo1'd to l1ave :2-:l: J)age. . 01· el --e d1 .. op ome ad– ,~e1·ti i11g. "'\\ ILL D Y TR 1 II TRliII IIELP 1T and do )·ol1r part f 01' the a ociation 1 Y ... TTHETIC Tl1i i an age of ynthetic dye , dr11g . cloth, etc. It i also in our c11ltu1·e, jcll1cation, a11cl-sad to ay in our religio11. LO ANGELE I VITE I 11 <11\( ivitlnt iclt\ <>I' 1t1a11) fr1<'11<l~ ' i ~ 1 t i 1l g t 11 (' ~ (' 11 l i l ) tl 1') '\ l 1 i I(' H t - te11tli11g· tllt' l ,c>11µ: l) l'Hc· l1 111'<11111g ·s. ' ' (' Hl'( 1 tr, 1110· 1() l>1·io·l1t<1tl llJ) 8()1ll (l • ~ l""' of ()lll' ~<'lllillcll'\' f<1eil1(tt'S. ' 1',}1<1 • c1cl111i11i"tr,1ti<>11 l)ltilcli11g hn8 1· .. ('(:\i, 1 e(l it" ~l'('()ll(l l'Oclt <>F \\ 1 }1i tl' 11,li11t c)ll tl1p <>t1t .· ic.l . ,,·l1ile i 11 . icl 1 r clreo1·<1tic>11 11,1. c1lso l1egl111. Hr11io1'8 a1·p lrc11·11i11g· of 01 e11i11g· · Jor thei1· . r r,riet"., <l11cl ,vr cl:lc for s])C'e i,1 l l)l'cl)Te1· f 01· 111 r111. The g·1·,1cl.11,1 ti11~: e 1 ,1. i .. cl j o)r to our ]1 r a1·t a11cl ,,re l) lir,·e t l1at each 111e111 l) 1· ,,·ill e1--, re ~o l £,1ithfully . t1r 'Bapti t Gicleo11 proje t l1c1 · al1·e,1 l~y· i11el11 l 1 ·0111 ,,·011de1·– ll1l a1 . ·,,~er\ · to I)l'c13·e1·. T )10 ch 111·e 11- <'S H<'l"<>'-1~ iltP llH1 i<>ll Hl'<' \ll'g"( '( \ 10 <' < > 11 s 1 < l <' r i h i ~ ] > 1 · f> j <' c· t c1 11 < 1 P11 j o)· ,t ~har<' i11 <'\.1 ri f',1ti110· 111<' • •p1ni 11Hr, 1 n ., 1'rc)111 i11clPl>tC'cl11rks. \\rp are ,.,r. t'J' µ:e,1t<'f'11 ] f'c>1· nc~l1 <>11<' t l1 tl1 t1a.· ]1< 1 ] })C'Cl. \~ P nre lc)c)h:i11g fc>r,Ya1·c1 1<) <>111· N1>ri11g l~c111r111ct cli 1\T,1libt1 J~rarl1, ,1 11 c1 111 11 lo our Barea1at1reatc , •rr, 1 it-P, .J 1111P :3 \\ 7 }1e11 I rv. Irvi11g 1>r 11l)Pl·tl1~T of (Jccla1· 1\, 1 e1111e Bclp– tist ( 'l1111·ch F1--c ·1 0, 1 alifo1~nia, ,rill lJe tl1c . p ecial ~ pca1{er. Com- 111 11c 111e11t i . ·heclt1led for June 17 ,111cl i to be l1C:'ld at alvary l~clI)ti.·t Tal1er11acle a. ,vcll a. the l-3 clee ,1 l c1111·0at e ~ 'l ervice. WESTERN HAS A FELLOWSHIP IDEA ()11 tl1e e11oi1 .. tol1r tl1i , 1)1·i11g rl'l1e 1~ ello,,r.,hip of ( 1 111 .. i ·tiau Lea1 .. 11- i11g ,,Ta. int1·ocll1cecl a11d i: 110,,· be– i11g 111acle a, 1 c1ilable to all i11ter . t d r> <'.)1--.. 011,' . "'-.\.11 •\ off-ea111pu hri - 1 ia11s ta11 f llo,,r l1i1) fi11ancially ct11cl i11tcll )l't11all)· ,,·itl1 tl1e t11 :l 11t, i11 tl1ei1· lea1·11i1 g ex1)e1"ien e. l\Ien1- ber ..~hip ,,Till be $25 yearly ,,,. ith . ·1;3 to cl ·<·0111pa11)"" tl1e appli atio11. ...\ 11 ,1tt1·c-1c·ti,·e · rtifitat ,,,.ill be i:.·11Pcl ,,·it11 tl1c 1ne111l)er '. 11an1e a11d s ig·11 rtl l)\' tl1e l)r .· i lc11t of \\r \' t- e1·11 l~cll)ti. t BilJ]e C,olleg . Tl1e 111e111 lJe1· ,vill recei, 1 e a Ii. t of recom- 111e 11tle(l boolc fro1n whicl1 a bo11u ~r ift boo)( 111ay be ele ·ted. There– after li t . ,,rill be e11t tl11~ee ti111e cl )rectr a11c1 me1nl)e1-- 111ay elect lJ011 t1.· l)ool{. . 11ot to exceed three cl )'ear. Thi ,,ray the member 111a~T l1ave fe l lo,,,. hi1J i11 the learn– i11g· p1·0 ·e al. o and tucly much t l1e . ,1111e lri11tl of bool< that are 1·t)L'<l111111 11clcd to tl1e ·t11dent ·. JOHNSON CITY ANNOUNCES COMMENCEMENT PLANS '1 1 he I~ c,T. .J ,11110 · T. J e1--e1nial1 ])re. ·i le11t of '1ec1a1 .., 1 ille 1 olleg-- \\1ill J)1·caeh t 1 Bae alat11·ec1te er- 111011 at ;3 J).:\ I. , fJu11e 5th. D1--. Ro lJc1--t T. Ket , l1a111 .l Ta tio11al Rep- 1· e11tc1ti,ye of tl1e (JA\ RB ,,rill de– ]ive1· t11e c•o1n111c11 c111c11t ad lre fl l111e 6th. rrhe e111i11aire I,1le Quartet ,,1 ill 111alte c:1 11 exte11 ive tollr J lllle to ...\ t1g. 21. J>art of tl1eir time ,,,. ill be 1)e11t clt the n11l1al Con- Fro1n ti111e to time the editor get atlverti en1e1 t addr e ed ,vitl1 a ''Reve1--e11d'' a11d he open t hP1n lll) to find a fl1ll a 01 .. t1nent of pipe . ' 'Plea e tal{e home a11d 1·ea 1 ,,rhile you 1 .. elax they ay a11cl t11r11 t~ll hi111 }10\v rel axi11g· tl1ei1· l)il)C · al'e ! ..r\. jol<e tl1at tl1e. \\Ta te thei1· money on ending £ere11c: of tl1e (i RB at Long Beacl1. They ,rill lJe mini t ering i11 ·l1l11· l1e i11 16 tate . .1\ of .A.\ p1·il fifty-t,,..o ap· l)lication. fo1· the 11ext year h ave al1-- eacly l)ee11 appro, 1 ed. Thi i abol1t 011 a par with la t year. A11y one i11tere ted in The Bap– ti t J5ible eminary hould write £01 .. a catalog to l\feacl rm trong, I eg·i ·t1·ar, Bapti t Bible emina1·y, J 01111 011 1 ity, J. T. Y. . t1ch ad ,Terti ing to preachers, you ay ~ Ye , it \Vas a joke when the:y.. got hold of a G RBC man– l1al, for ,ve dol1bt that there is 011e n1oke1.. among them; but t here 1nl1 t be eno1.1gh preachers t 1 at , 1n ol<:e to 111a]<:e j t pay or r 11 cl}' ,, 1 01111 ·0011 top ,vasting thei1-- money. ad, isn't it Y