The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1960
F i\li\ .. \ l F~L l 1\11.,t~'l'.1 iqt1n t ,, s l1ns ' t1lll(' 1 t ()tll tlll' clet l, C)f tilt"' t.l11.11·t·l1 tl'\at I .,stt)l lnrt'll<'t' t,,, t 11 It'\ 11. ~ r igt1ld a11cl tllLl\ c.'d to l\l1c l1i gt\11 11, I11d.. ,, lll'r, 1, ~ l1ns t,,kt' tl n11 - c. t 11 '1 job. l It.' 1,~,s llt'l 11 a ,, 01 k111g pr 'rt ·l1 "l' 1..: , , "l' s111cl~ 11 "' ,tdt tcd tl1c 1,t1rc.~l1 o , t. l fot11 , \.',1rs ,1go. n11d de– "'"'r,rcs :l lot (I{ ('1 Cctlt f 01 ,~lCl'lflClc:"\l 5('1' \ - ll t' St ttdt'r1t~ { 1 01r1 c da r, 11 le l1a, bcc11 ,ttl-lPl~ 111g s111ce t l1e last t111da, of :\Iarcl1 Tl1crl' 1 a reCc1l f 1c ld a{1<.l a ~r<.'i.1t 11t:Nl for ,1 fltt1da111e11tal Baptis t cl1t1rcl1 111 P1qt1a. \\''11,:1t 1s d f1111t ely 11c..: cded 1s f 111a11cial help until th local co11gregat1on becon1cs stro11g enougl1 to l)e self- ·t1pport111g. THREE GOOD BIBLE CO FERENCES The Faithful \\l'ord Bible Conference ,, ill b l1eld Ma)· 30th through J u11e 2r1d at the Bible l\11ss1on Baptist Church of R )'nold burg. It i located one mile ea t of Re) 1 nold burg and about half a mile south of Rt. 40 on Taylor Road . Pa tor Le,vell~·n Thompson is the di– rector. and the speakers are Rev. Paul Tidball. a sis tant superintendent of the Cle,·ela11d Hebre\.\' Mission, and Rev. George Mundel, a gifted Bible teacher from Darby, P ennsylvania. It begi11s ::\Ionday night at 7 P .M. and continues \\·ith morning, afternoon and evening • sessions. T\.\-·o Blessed Hope Bible Conferences are announced for June 13-16 and Aug. 15-18 at the Bible Mission Baptist Church of Zanesville, where Rev. Walter Yeager is pastor. The teachers in June v.·ill be Rev. B . F . Cate of Tallmadge, Ohio, and Rev. Frank Torrey of Lancas– ter. P a. In August George Mundel will be back, and Rev. G. V. Smelser, super– intendent of the Cleveland Hebrew Mission. will be the other speaker. Room reservations for those who wish accommodations will be $1. Meals will be ser\ 1 ed. Youth groups must have counsellors. Folders can be gotten from Rev. Le\.\-·ellyn Thomposn Box 4, Rey– noldsburg. Ohio. SPEAKERS FOR OUR ANNUAL MEETING So far H . K . Miller of Lorain, Rob– ert Hausser and A . D. Moffat of Cedar– ,·ille. Clarence Townsend of Bowling Green, Lynn Rogers of Northfield , Lewellyn Thompson of Reynoldsburg, E. J. Virgint of Troy, and John Reed of Stryker have accepted our invitatio11 to speak at our Annual Meeting at Euclid-Nottingham Oct. 17-20. Last, but not leas t, expect Dean Henry to tell u s just what to do to furnish the Home and e, rerything else we will want to know, for we expect it will be ours by that time. We are still hoping our missionary speaker can be William, Fusco, who will be fresh back from Ital) 1 • We are also hoping Rev. Lawrence Newans. State Missionary for Indiana, can be with u s to lead us in a forum on state missionary work. The full pro– gram will be given in the September • issue. MEMORIAL BAPTIST, Columbus ··The Lord has richly blessed the Christains at Memorial. Even though \\ e have been pastorless since Nov. 15. we ha\ 1 e received rich blessings from real men of Goel. Pastor Vernon Bill– ington v.,rill begin his ministry with us .Jun ~ l nr,o OU R FELL OW SHI P PAGES • • • i\ln, 15tl1. \Ve."> nr' }) t·a)1i11g ro<l s l 'ntl– i11g .111<{ l) l ssi11g as })as tor a1tcl J) "OJJle lal)()l' 1oget11c r fo1 tl1 ' sa lv(1tio11 of sottl s a11ci tl1C' sprt',1d111g elf tl,c go~})Cl." l\Irs l\'Ic rli11 W. Ecl\varcls . report r . 81,ES~ED TIOPE BAPTIST, S1>r1t1gf 1 ld An international Dinner was a unique event for some 60 guests April 23rd at the Blessed Hope Baptist Church. Eight foreign students from four different schools prepared dishes from their home land and served them to their guests. However, the experience of tasting foreign foods was overshadowed by the blessing of coming in contact with these students, some who were mem– bers of other religions. Sushil Joseph of India and Hublall Sookman of Brit– ish Guiana both witnessed to the sav– ing grace of Christ. Miss Chung Sook Chu sang a Korean folk song. A heart stirring message was brought by Dr . Paul Jackson, president of Baptist Bible Seminary of Johnson City, N. Y. In the picture fron1 left to right are K arim Arbash, Kuwait Arabia, Win– fred Balraj, Tanjore, India, T etsuo Hoshino, Gifu City, Japan all of Wit– tenburg University; Mahin Behbehan– ian, Iran, Wilmington College; Dr. J ackson · Chung Sook Cho, Seoul, Ko– rea, Wittenburg U .; Sushil Joseph, In– dia, Asbury Theological Seminary; Erol Oktay. Turkey, Wilmington Col– lege; and Hublall Sookman, British Guiana, Cedarville College. The purpose of this annual event is to show friendship to foreign students and present Chris t to them. Pastor Glenn Greenwood reports that their visitation program has paid off and Stlnday school attendance is at an all time high. The six youth groups on Sunday nights now average a total of 100 plus. A newspaper heard of this ,1vork and came out to take pictures and get the story. L ater they came back to picture the nursery in action and gave another feature in the Sunday edition. SECOND BAPTIST, Cambridge "Rev. Benjamin Green of Clarksburg, W. Va., worker under the Fellowship of Batpists for Home Missions, was at our church April 10-17. He brought wonderful message on the life of Christ leading up to His crucifixion and resur– r ection. Our church was blessed by his messages." I BTBI."F-' BAJYrIST, North Maclison T11.c NHomi-RL1th Missionary Soci •ty pt1l) )1chcs a 1nonthly Missionary Bulle– ti11 w1tl1 interesting letters from the m1ssio11aric's lhc cl1urch ~uppol'ts. May 15th was obsc1 vccl as "C Day," which rncans Ca11vass Day. The aim was to canvas!:; son1c 1500 homes 1n the area oI the church . Pastor Rolland Globig reports that Vacation Bible School will be held June 6-17 . FIRST BAPTST, Galion ''The ministry of Ev. Don Winters was blessed of the Lord during a week of Pre-Easter Services. We rejoiced to see ten souls come to the Lord ancl several others make known their de– sire to walk more closely with him. This is the second time Rev. Winters has been with us and his ministry is well received. We also enjoyed the min– istry of the Philadelphia College of Bible Chorale." - Pastor Wilfred Booth CEDAR HILL BAPTIST Clevelancl The Easter Cantata, "Olivet to Cal– vary," was broadcast in its entirety by WDOK on Easter Sunday night, direct– ly from the auditorium. This was a real tribute to the recognized worth of the Cedar Hill cl1oir. HEBRON JUNIOR-SENIOR BANQUE'f The Hebron Junior-Senior Banquet, held at the Junior High School at Berea, May 13th was as one put it. 'a great, gala, gorgeous affair." Rev. Lynn Rogers of Northfield acted as chairman, the men of Berea and North– field served, and the women of Berea prepared the sumptuous dinner. The music during the dinner and the musical and vocal numbers on the program were excellent. The message was by Rev. Charles Hocking, missionary un– der Baptist Mid-Missions in Brazil. The theme verse was Matt. 6: 19, 20 and the programs and favors featured treasure chests loaded with jewels. One of the songs was fittingly, "A Child of the King." CALVARY BAPTIST, Bellefontaine Specials in April were the messages of Dr. Arthur Williams, Dean of men at Cedarville, April 24th. and the pictures and message of Rev. Gerald Barlow of the First Regular Baptist Church of the city on April 28th. He had recently visited British Guiana. Trinidad and Jamaica and gave and gave an interesting report of the mis– sionary needs and work on those fields. May 1-8 the Hi-Point Youth Crusade was held at the Armory, with Ev. Jere Brubaker in charge. Pastor Rosner and his peonle felt that this was a time of spiritual blessing for the young people of Bellefontaine and to his own church. FIRST BAPTIST, Parma Pastor Elliott Horton writes: "Bro Scott Andrews of our own church just conducted a very blessed meeting here. Rev. Andrews has conducted services in 23 GARBC churches and speaks reg– ularly at the City Mission. I recommend him highly to any church needing a supply or desiring an evangelist who will proclaim God's Word in power and with a compassionate heart." (Continued on page 13 )
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