The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1960
Jun 1960 PRING RALLY OF THE OHIO WOMEN' MI IONARY UNION 1 1 }1 r l J ,,.. i ., .\ ,·e1111 e 13,1 ptist (,l1t11·<·l1, 'I 1 olc\ lo, ( J1icl ,,·a 8 tl1 pl,lee \\' l1 1· tl1 e ~11ri11 g· l~all,· of tl1 e ()l1io \\.,. c>111 it 's l\ l iH. io 1' 1 a 1 ·,T l ,.11ic>1t ,va ." 11 1<1 0 11 'l llP8Cl cl\' A1 1 ·il ~ (j , 1~) ()0 . Tl 1r 1 ·e , r e r :2 (i :5 · ~ \ 7 o 111 e11 r<~gi .:t 1·e1c.l <1~ 111 r 111 r 1i11g·, rep1~ - se11t111g· -t-.3 c>f 0111· () .I .I~. 1 J1111·e h s. '1'11 11101·11i11 g · s s~i <> 11 ,,·c1s <>]) 11 r. cl b,)' t}1e l) I' icl e11t, l\ 11-.. J~cl,,rarcl H l111irl{ 1 a11to11 ()}ii<> . ~\ , , r:)' ,,·a1·111 ,,, l ·01110 ,va s t11r11 exte11cl e~l to t}1e ladi . h)" 11 ,,riff' <>f tl1e I)a:t<>l' of t l1e 110. t c·l111r·c·J1 , ! f 1., . I\ e 1111et 11 Hot1s 1·. The d e, ,otio11 . ,,·e1·e o·i,r 11 lJ,1 n ,r l\I1-- ·. Geo1·g' Hl111t E1111na11t1el l~apti .. t l1t11~ ·11 , Tol do, )hi o. H 1· tl1oug·h t were ce11 t 1·ecl a1·ol111cl 111·a)"i11g· fo1· Ol11· mi. sio11a1~ie:. ~ •11 e eJ1all 1 g·ed t1. a. v\' g·o baelc to o t11· J10111 e~", to d t 1·n1i11 e to ] 1·asr more fo1· 0111· n1i. : io11a1 .. ies . 0111· 1ni::io11a1·y ~ J)eak r· f 01· the • • 11101·11111g· s · 1c>11 ,~.ra: Ir:. 1\1 arti11 1 t1·olle 1'epre enti11 g· the I-Iia\va– tha- l1a11cl J11 l e1)e11cl 11t Ba1Jtist l\Ii: . io11 .· cl t e,,,be1--r3", .l\Ii r l1ig·a11 . "lie ~ra,'e 11 · a baclcg·1·ol111 lo[ tl1ei1· \vo1·l{. a11d al o n1c1n).. i11trresti11g i11 . ta11ee · of l1 e1" ~0 11taet .. '"·itl1 tl1 p opl . 'I h e c lllll' (• l1 at L\ e,,rl>e L'I'\" i. 11 0 ,,T a11 . elf 11ppo1--ti11g· c· l1111'cl~ . Rhe a:kecl 11.· to e. peeiall~,. 1' e 111ent– l>e 1· to pI·a3.. 1'01· t }1 c 1 t 11 e b il(l 1·e11 of • • • 1111s. 10 11ar·1 e . I 11 t 11 a ft e1·11o o11 s r: s i <> 1 J , \ ' c l1ear 1 ,·er~~inter . ti11g· reJ)o1·t. eo11- eer11i11g: the p1·oj ·ts ,,·l1iC' l1 \\' (' 11 el JJ to . 1tppo1't: Th e Ho111e for th \ ge 1, 1 dar·,rill 1 oll eg·e, a11cl 1 amp Patmo.· . ()ti t· 111i:: jc) 11a1·.\ ... 11r·f . e 11ic1 tio11 <)f tl1e> afte1·110011 ~ 1 a . g·i,· r 1 b)" lis: H J r 11 \'\rel]111a11, R. T. , 1'e J)re "e11t – i11g· I3apti:t :\1j tl-~f is8i<>ll8 i11 l 1i – l) ria . ..:\fri ·a . J'i h e ga,.. 11: "1 11 j11- tc~ rPsti 11 g pi('tl1re of th \\·orlc j11 I .1 i l > er i H . 'J' 11 er r i 8 a g 1• r a t 11 r e cl for c·<,tl f) ] a11cl 111 e 11 PS]) c-i,1 11~~ f'<> l' t}1i . area. ~ 1 l1r alsc) 1o]cl tis <>f' 111c la11 - g·1laµ: bc-11·rie1·~, t l1P cliHJ)r11 .·ary \\()J' l<, 111P l c 1 J>l'OS)' <'<>1<>11,\" a11cl tl1r \\.<>rl{ c,f tl 1c 1 <lav sC' ll<>C>l. ' l'<> t l1e • t t t 1 1 ~ <) r ' I 11 t <> l\ 1\ 7 I I r a i- t ,•, c.; l 1 e • 1a1ig-l11 11s: \\-r}1itc) ,1 1·c 1 1J1c• f1rl ls, \11 <>\' (-11· tl1 e1 ,, <>rlc l . () ~J)P,tl< 1<) 111.,, J 1 e a J' 1, J J () l ' < 1 , J(~ S l L . rj ' < > µ: <) < > r S t cl ~ , 'l' c> iri, 1 <' a11<l JJra.,· , () :-,J)P,1l< 1<> 111)' JJP,!}'1 I J() J'Cl ,J PRtl~. 1'1 r·s. ~ e1·a Icl 1 1 :,1. t, ~ • ,,. rc 1 t ,t r-.r· 'l'J1c· tlP\ il's lJ(,S1 \V<>rlc i:-, <.lo 11 \ I>.)' 111,111\' \\' lie, c·lai111 1<J J,,,rc• tl1 <1 1 ; ( , 1 I) . . THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page., Fifteen APRIL GIFTS TO THE OHIO ASSOCIATION T. F red Husse.y, Treas ., 615 Washing·ton Ave., Niles, Ohio rr; 11 it y Ji{'Pti~l ( 'hul'd1 - Lorai11 , Ohio ............................................... $10.00 (.a J\'a i·.v ,rp11_:-; t ( 'hurd1 ( ' IP\'('la11d , ( hio ........................................ ;)_()() 1 .,~ 1 \~H~~r .a 1>t1~1 ( 1 h11rc·l1 - ~<> 1·,,·c1 ll{, )]1ic1 ·-···-···- ---------····--··--··-········ G.00 c',ff; 'i'?~~i~l ' h_ureh - <lallipoli " Ohio ................................................ 10.00 BE'( HI' J> I . h ipti :-;t ('ht1rd1- ('] ,·ela nd . Ohio ····················· ··············· u3.00 F-1 >r r a 1 >HJ ) i1. · t 1 l~ l1 r el1- l~ r r ra ()J 1 i<> ............. ······--······--····--····-·-··········· 10.0() > t1111 s >lll'g· I1a11t.1~1 ( 1 h11rc-11- Ti t1111sb 11 r·g·, ()}ii<> .................................. 1:5.()(1 1>e1J1l l~ r 111 lJa1>11Ht ( ~}111 r <· l1 - ( ~]p,·r1a 11 cl, ()1 11 <> ····-·············-·· ·· ··-····--·--· :"),0() ~1·oc)lts1cl<") l la])1 iHt 1 l~1t r <' l1- ( •]0,·r. la iicl ()lii o ........ ·--·········--·-·----······ :5.()0 ~.ortl1 l{ O) r<~l1011 l~,l l>t 1st ( 1 ht1rc·l1 - Nort}1 I-<oyalt o11, hi o ·····--········· ~.()() r~i 1!·: t I~~l)tLs t ( 1 11.lll'tll 110,, 1 li11g· (1r e 11 , Olli ··· ···············--··-·····--·- :1.()(1 ( :, l111t.<) ll\ 1 1l lr. Bc1J)11s1 "1 '111rC'l1- ( 1 olt1111b11 . , OJ1io ···········--··············· ··-- .5() J~11el1cl <>tt111g·hfl t11 l {HJ)tist ( 1 l111rc·h - ~~ll<·li l ()]1i o .......................... .. GO.()() ( ell \ ' ell')' l {aJ)t iH1 ( 1 l1t trc·}1- ( 1 }l 11to 11 , ()l1io ............ .. ..... . ............ .. .......... 25.00 ( 1 a l,, c11·>r B ,1p1i81 C 1 hl11·<'l1 - f a.,8ill o11 Ohjo ··········-·······-······-·········-- f5.7 1 1.> i b1 B a 1) 1 i st ( 1 11111· e h- K or t J 1 l\ l a cl i s, > 11 , ( ) l 11 o ._ ..._ ._ ......___ .._ ....._ .... _ .._ .. 1 I . o O l 11 cl PJ)r11cle111 Ba1>ti .·t ( 'i l111 r<·l1 - . c> rtl1 ,Ja<'l<: .. 011 < J1i o ........................ : 9.!"i(J 1\ g·, ti11 ,,, \\' <>11 lcl st r Pss tl1 11 ee l of n101· e 8llI)J)Orti11g; C' l1t1re l1e:. ,,·itl1 e,·er)' c1sso(' iat e1 l t l1111· c· l1 g· i\' i11µ: :0111rt l1i 11µ: reg·t1l ,1r l)", \\' h th r r 1110 11tl1l ·, <1t1art e1·l)' or ct111111all y. Ho,\ 1 l<)11g· is jt .· i11c·e ) r<)111· t ht11· t l1 c·o11tril>11trcl tc> 1 l1r as.'o ·iai io11 ? r1,} l \ ' cl l t 1() 0 f - .\ t' loc·l, is i1 it:-; r <:> ])11i <1t i<>11 f<)l' ae – c·111·a ·,·. • ~\ ,,·1·e11C' h is i11 it: ;.tl lil i1.)' t<) acljl1:-;t <l J) l' 0 l )] l 111. - - -- \ ear is i11 it~ al)i lit)"' to pc r fo1·111 ,,·e 11 0 11 th P ll r>-g1--ade. . \ 8ta111 1> is 11 it s c1 l>jlit).. tc> stie l{ to t}1c P 11 cl o f cl jo11r11e~"· .. \ l)a ir of H<·iHsors is i11 ii s al>ilit)? to <·0-<>1 1·a t . A\ ta<·l< is i 11 jt s l1 Pacl t l1a1 ,,·ill 11<)1 le1 it g·c> too fell' . MEN and WOMEN FIVE YEAR -- FOUR YEAR MAJORS in THREE YEAR Courses for High Sch ool Graduates Th .B. and B .R .E . DEGREES Accredited by B oard of Regents. New York Approved by GARBC 450 tudent - 25 or1 Ful l Time Faculty APPLY NOW FOR FALL19& 0 ,r rite fc,r l 'a tulog BA JJTJ T BIBLE P.;t UL ll . J 1l 'K 'O ~ D.D., J•r,~. f 'l l 1,A. L . 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