The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1960
11 \ " I, 111 1"' ,~ I~IJI l G () 1~: Il 1-\ z , , 1 >t rl l ,l I' ' ,,·t, ,l1<,tl Ill ,1,l~ ,, lt('t ltt\l' it ,,·i ll t\ \ ' t :\ r st()}l lh'ill~,' t 1 1'H ~~. t't)J" ,Jp1•l•- 111i :1l1 ,,11cl i11 ht, <la,· tl1at c1ll 11<1 - • t i )lls }1,t rl clr1111k: t)f tll<' \\ llll' of ]1 n l)\. < l \ l cl 11 t { \ \ 1 l ' 1' <\ l l l cl < l. \ .,. < 1 t \\' l • • ,li ltl t i f t}\. t'l' Hll <l!.!' l \\ ,l" ('l'HZlPl' t 11 a 11 ) , 1 r < , , • 11 . f < > r 11 <) , , a 11 l 1,l , e t'llt)\tgl1 Ptllll'clti()ll tt) f}1i11l, 111P)' l,11 c) ,,· l10,, tt1 r1111 tl1e 1111i, r:·t 1 • ,111<1 l' \ Cll ,t \ltlt'lll, joi11 \\"11 }1 11~ (l(lit <)l'S i 11 ,11t' H l,i11~ tl1 i1· l)i ·e. ( 111>" t]1e)" tl1rt)\\ 1·oc.·lt. i11"trc1<l >f ,,·riti11°· <' <1 it ori,1 l" \\" l\ <lr t l1i11l,i11~ of tl1e . t11cle11t ri<)t , t l1,1t 11<1, e tc>111)lc(1 011r g·o,y– Pr11111e11t ,111(1 t1·i d to o,·ert11r11 ()111 _)1·~. Tl1e,· 111,1,.. 11,1 ,·e ma11y • • l!ri l\ ,111ecs, b11t tl10~· ,11· too >·01111g to 1·ealjze tl1a t nit) b a ·tio11 l ea cl. to llit· t c:l t (.) 1·"'}1 i J). 110 t t () ll ()111 oe1·a t)r. 1 ~'or t ~ ·- t l 1r e ) ·ea r: a g· o 8 t 11 c 1 11 ts t<>olt ()\·er i11 R11.. ia a11 l ,,·e ha,'e 11,1c.l t 11 '"tliet,1t(>r:l1i11 f tl1 1)1·o]e– t,1riat· · c,· 1· :i11 · , 0 1' 1·,1tl1 r the <lietc1to1·.. :l1i1) of a littlr. 1·11tl1le '." l'lic111 . r1~,,·o )"ea1-. ag·o a .· tt1 l e11t r ),·ol11tio11 11treede l i11 tal<ino· o,·– )1· tl1e go,· r11111 11t of 1 t1ba. It l1a 1Jpe1111101· li('t,1iorial tl1a11 the olcl. ,111cl 111cl\' 1111·11 C)llt to l1e a R.11:8ia11 • ba e ,,Titl1in O'llll hot Of )I i,lll1 i. \\Tl1c1t ,,·ill l1aJ)l1Pr1 i11 ~011tl1 1(01· a 1111le.. ,111ot l1 1· ( 1 }11·istia11 cl e pot t,11,c o\·er ,\·l1e1·e ~ 1 )'"11g1na11 Rhee lct•t off. i. a113-" 011 e·., g·11e.. . I t 1nas· 11ot 11d 1111til tl1osE> f1·e cl<)111 lo,Tit1g: tt1cl 11t ha,.. 1111,\'itti11gl~,. l eli,·– ~recl tl1ei1· eo1111t1·,r i11to tl1e J1c:111cl , • (Jr X o1·th l( <)1·ea. Tl1c1t i.· ,,.. 11,r ,,re • l>clie,·r t}1r ,Toti11g age 011g:l1 t to 1J c 1·ai.·rc1 to ~5. abot1t tl1e ti111e a ) · 01111g 111a11 lea1·11 . 110,,· to clri,·r e11 ibl,· . 1~atl1r1· tl1a11 I ,,.. rr cl tc) "- 1 "' . \ .. 011110 l1<)t-l1eacl.· '"'ill l acl a 11ati<>11 i11to ,,·ar 11111el1 c1l1iel<e1· tl1e111 c)lfl ·ol111 , 1101·. ,\·}1<> 11a,·e . e n an 0 11 cl of all pe1·fertio11.· ,,.... ,11'<-! ell . o t11i11lci11g of tl1e ,,·<)rld-,,·i(l 111~010 ·t that l1ave ari t 11 o,·e1· tl1 lo11g cl la~--e 1 acl- 111i11i tratio11 of jl1:tiee to a 111,111 ,\·110 ,,·a .-- ,1 rr1)eati11g c·1·i111i11al. ~1e1· – ,. rt. kicl11,1111) e1' a11cl n1111~cle1~f1·– < ctr,-1 1 l1r . 111a11. \\Tl1at l)t1:i11e:,.;~ is • it of l .. 1·11gl1a,.. a11 . . ~,"·ecle. . a11<l .._ . It,1lia11~ ,,·l1e1 ,,·e clo ,,·itl1 a . e1f- t r)11fr..,~e cl ,111c1 11n1·ep 11ta11t 111111·– ,l er 1· ? I o 11<Jt 111cJ. t of t l10.·e eo1111- tri e.--- exr('11t e "'11 ·11 11e111ir~ of ~<>- 1· i et,. ,111 cl cl<J it 11111 · l1 c111i c- ]{ e1· 1 • .\ ·t11,111,·. t11e 11101) i11 l(or a a11cl • ~, l ll'l{ P,\' . ,ll l (l 1l1P J)r<,1P",1Pr~ Hµ,~lit1~1 ·,1 11 i t ,1 l 1) l t 11 i .., l 1 r 11 11 t , ,l r 1• e 1 > e] ~ llh H:!.!.Hlll,t t}l(' (>l'<li11Htl<'P~ (lf (tel<) . \\~lt<'tl cl 11 I t :1l1c111 <·riPs 1>a~~ic>11c1t <' l.\' t I 1 cl t l 1 ) , , i 11 ~ 1) i t <> 11 t I 1 r r i r ~ 1 .\ 11t(' l'i('<llt l1 e1 tll t'<'ts. clll<l ,,l1c>11 a ll<ltllrc1liz<>(l "\111Pri<·a11 r "11c>t111 c· )~ l1i~ <·i1i1.r11~l1i1> O\'rr J1p .·s111,111. t J 1 (l .\. f' l 11' 11 1 S l 1 111 < 1' C 1} l H11 H l l P X cl l l l l) 1 (l <>f' tl1e ,r,1~· 11~J·c· l101>atl1ie l <'0111<1 1·<1- cl <_. t t <> 111 cl s: p1·0 })cl ga 11 lcl- t 11 C,\' s l 1 o,,.. l 1 o,,· lJ ) J) 1 e 1 o. · a 1 l se 11 . <1 ',·11 (> 11 t l 1 ) r rebel a g· a i 1181 (} 0 1. l t is ,l J>c11·t of tl1at :pirit <>f la\,,]e :- 11css tl1at tl1e I ibl e l)rccliets ,,~ill tL 11 r i11 111 c1i<'t,1tor. J1i1 of tl1e i111ti- "l1ri.· t. THAT SUMMER SLUMP I)o },.011 p1'eac·l1 e1·: like to .· e t 11 ' l 11111p ·· begi11 i11 l\l ay ? "\"\Tell it cli l for th ( IB ! ,,re 1 a l too 111a11y xpi1'atio11: a11cl too f e\\: 11 ,,T :11b C'riptio11. o l<.eeJ) abo,re tl1e 1700 1narl{ ! I, Pa c.1 t J1 :) p oe111 r a c 1 a l t 11 e N1)1·i11g· Rall)T of the \ \ .,. ome11 ·.: i\l i ·io11a1'v l .,.1io11 at To1e lo. Tl1e \\' Or11 11 lil{e l it. \y 011 'an I)I'O\' }' Oll lil{e it to h}'" g·etti11g· t1: ~,r Rr~ ._ ~1 n s t I{II T I<) i Ts! 'The po,,·er tl1at be are 01·- cl,li11rcl of C:o 1 ... r11le1\ are not cl t e1·ro1· to g·oocl ,,.<> rk.· b11t to t l1 p,Til ... 11 \ i~· th mi11i. te1· of (1o(l to tl1ee for g·otlcl . .. h beareth 11 t t lie . ·,\To rd i11 ,..ai11, for he i · tl1e 111 ini ·t 1· of ( 1o 1 a 1'e,~e11ger to ex– c>e11 te \\' rat lt 11 po11 hi1n t l1a t cloet 11 1 , • j 1 .. (R < > 111 . 1 3 : 1--1 ) . I t i. . i 11 v to • 8llf{g' .·t that the worcl \\ 1 a, only c:1 '\'·1 1bol of al1tho1'it,r fo 1· t l1e11 it . ~ \VOltlcl b ,,·01·11 i11 ,~ai11. 1· t1l e1· (loes 11ot ' ex e11te ,,,1 .. ath' ,,·itl1 a flottr~ir-;]1 0 f a , , r1n l)olir ~ wor l. llr ~ g:o,Te1·11or· :ay: tl1at capital pt111i . l1- 111 '11t i.· a r e11111a11t <>f tl1e ,·e11- o· a11e e a11cl ·1·t1elt,, of a lJa1·lJar·ie r-- • 11a:t : l)11t that 0111J"" p1~0,Te · li e cloe.· 11ot 1{110,v or· cloe. 11ot belie, Te the Di– l>l e. I t teaC'he. t11at {o(l cle111a11(l ' tl1 e clfatl1 I 11alt)? ro1· tl1e cle– libe1',1te 11111T·cler er 11o t i11 , .. e11- i.r r a 11 t e b 11 t i 11 j 11.· t j t e ~ i 11 1' e p <> c- t fo1· t11e . a11etit) .. of ]ife a11 l 11ot i 11 c 1 isre~· 1) et t o f j t . '1 11 e n1 a 11 \\' h o l1ad cle1ib 1·atel \ 1 .·h e 1 111a11 '. bloocl • i: i.r11il t~r befor rocl a11cl t 11 e la11cl that lor. 11<>t J)1111isl1 l1in1 i g·11ilt~.. el 1. o. ' ' "" it11 11tter li. ·1· s1 e ·t fo1' l1l1- 111 a11 life or rig·l1t. g·1·0\vi11g at a fe arf 11l rate, it . e 111 a , ,er}.. p oo1' ti1ne to le'- e11 t11e pe11altie. or tl1e lc1,,·. ()111~· e1·azy IJ ot1le 1 t (lo,,·11 111P 1>,ll'~ ,vl1r11 l<1vvl<1 ,·:11r~.· is <>11 tli<> l<>Ost\. ~ 1 t1c l1 tlt1 ·a tors .'O ·iol<J- Jun<' 1960 g ist~ Htl<l l'ttlPI'"-; HJ'P c·1·c1ztf'I" t hr111 tll<' 111acl 111<>11 tl,at f lr1~l1 µ,1111"' c111cl tl11·c)\\ r<>c·I<~. '1111 P la,,·Jp~~ Ht 1Pas 1 lc110,,· ,,rh{1t t ~l<'.\ 1 \VclJlt, l>tt1 S ()l))C g <) <J < l JJ <' <> l >Ir c1o 11 1. WE' LI_J I_JET NOEL ,MITH Y IT \"\.,.e <111ot cl I r. J>c>llarcl <>f' tl1c ~~011t l1er11 l ,aJ)ti:t ( 1 on\Te11ti<>11 i11 l\ l)I'il t<> p1·0,·e that ot1r opp<>siti<>11 to a '1atl1olic pre>. ide11t ,va: not tl1e1 <· 1'a 11k jclra of one eclitor of a :mall state pap r. "'O \\' ,,·e ,,,ill let l)r. Aoe l ~ mith, editor of the Ba1)ti. t T1"ih1111e, , p al<. v'\T e do :o i11 J1111e, .· o 110 c>11e ·a11 a ·c11se 11. afte1~ the 11atio11al 11on1i11ati11g con,re11tio11.· of fa ,,ori11g· the Reptl bliC'a11 J.:>art,T. ' 'Te Illa~, 11ot ha,.. a11y filOl"e to . ay a boltt it afte1' it become. a pa1·t~, n1atte1· b ll t Ollr co11,,ietio11 \\. 1 i}l :ta11cl tl1at \\ 7 e will 11ot , rote for a e a11cli lcl t f 01· tl1e pre. ·icle11c~.. ,,. ho i a 1 atholit, 110 111atter ,,·hich })a1·– t3r he be] 011g· to l1n1 e:: l)ot 11 par– t i e. 11omi11ate a atholi · a11cl \\'e \\' ill ha,·e to , ro te for the l ea ·t cla11gero11 of tl1e two. I t i. 1tot ,1 partJ.. matter, 11or i it 1Ji o·otecl oppo. itio11 to atholic me11 a :t1cl1 . \\re ha ,·e ne,..e1' a l<ed 011r el,·r~ ,,·11 tl1 r 111i11or ·a11cliclates ,,·er I>1·ote ta11t 01" a tl1olic ,vl1e11 \\'C }1,1 v·e 0'()11e to tl1 e poll:; b11t ,,re cl 11 t like to e me11 \\' Ol'n to loy– al y to a ch llrt h and to a fo1·eiO'r> l)Otentate i11 a11~T poli ·y-111alci11g· ])O, ·itio11, llC h a ma~'"Ol', g·o,rer11or or pre. i l e11 t. To t l1e la. t ,,.. e a1'e OJ)po:ecl tl1 e n10. t. for he head. 011r na tio11 i11 it i11ter11a tio11al 1'e– la t io1 . a1 d ha the po,ver to appoint a111l)a ador.- a11c1 to 111al{ ,,·ar·. TT c c·a11 11c1ke t1·eatie. l1at \\"011l cl fa,·- 01' tl1 •ath<)lie ]1111· ·11. a11cl ]1e 1110... t lil< ly ,vo11lcl app i11t a .._ ec-1~e– tar,r ()f 1 tate \\ 1 l10 ,,·01111 r £11 e to .. p1·ote. t agai11, t atl1oli, pe1, e 11- t i o 11 i11 ot he 1~ 1 a11 1 . 1 I mi o· ht al. o 111,1kf it c1iffie11lt fo1' 111i. io11arie to g·e t , ,. i., a . to ll ·1 la11d . l ~llt 110\,. to let Di~. ~ 111itl1 a11.-· \,. 1~ t11e C'harg· tl1at ,,e are big·ot. ,, 1 l1e11 ''{e rai ·e tl1e t'eli o·ioll i .. lle : ~I R. l\EXXEI ) \ "'" 1 T A.\ RTED I T 111 a11 a1'ti ·le i11 tl1i pape1· la t ,,""eel{ , it ,,,a tated that .J a111e. R 8t 011, t 11 i ef of t lie \\Ta l1i11 o·to11 Blll'ea ll Of t l1e ... Te \\f ) ar 01~ lr Ti111 e~ , ._· tate l i11 a ·<)l1l11111 of l1i. i11 tl1e ~t. I -'011i • Po. t-Di pat ·11 tl1at e 11. ,Jol111 P. K r1111rcly l1im. rl f injerte<l till ]{ (>t11,111 l 1c1 t ll<>lie is:--itt e i11to t 11 ., •
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