The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1960
l ,l ~ I '\ l 1, I1 \~ I i (ltlt illll('li frl>lll 1>:lg(' 1 !J ) l()lllll\:lll<l 1<) < 1 0111\~ss ll itll llt'l't) l'l\ Jlllll. ~I\ lllisslt)ll t'ttlfillt tl. I 1' '- • tl1l'lll"'<1. ()Ill.,· lt fi11tl 1)1;11 lll> lll<lt }t - l r 11:1,l sllJ)}) l :l\\ :t > lllt() 1 1 ;1t)l'll11,, . \ \ ,.lll)l'l ! ()111, li t\ l, l ltl\\". l)tl1 lll \ • • ntltlf)tetl <>l1i,l 11t(ltl1t1'. ,, l 1t..\11 s l1r ' ,,.. 111) 1\)\ el)~ l' J)l t'"" l(.)ll ,)r l )(•c\l'l' <)l\ 11\<)1 }lPl ·, :t,•t' Ill tl('il t 11. t lt<)l l ~..?.' l l t .. , < l1c1<l nee'})1<tl tlte ~ n,i<ltlt'. <)11 tllP f)ll<l\\111u· 11ttlr11i 11!.r. c1~ I ",l1 l , t', i c. l l:' ~ l () t l 1 t' r , . l v () 11 l < l t 11 i 11 l <)1 11 )t l1i11u btl t t 11 , , , t) l'tl". "I ) T .1 c.' , 11 ..... ] 1 )\'. <' 'r' l1l'e. 1 l, 11t1,, ' I'l1ott nr1 111111t.·· \ 11 th t"' ,, c1 ,- 1t) t l1 • t't"'lllt'tt'l'\ tllt"' 111 :\1()(1 \ t)I' 1111:.,.. 11, 11111 • • • l,t'l)t ri11gi11g· i 11 111 ~ tll 'S c111rl e 11- <· 11r,1~ 111<) 111 , • cl<1 11 ,11·1. ' l l 1 n, ' <) t' t 11 , , o 11( l ') r \<l s i 11 e : I>itl l l) 1·igl1t to ft) l'~H l, e 111,· .. 111 )tl1er ,lt t11t') ,·c1·,· 11 l of li er life • >11 e,11·1 l1 . \\"' c1" 111 }" I ;01·d plea eel ,,· itl1 tl1i~ ~clc r if i t•(' ()f lrc1 , ·i11g 111)"' ',lrtl1l , t rt,1st1 r t <) fo llo\\" lli111 ? I • () l ? 1 ~ l;' 1 <_, I .I I 1 t) \ \ T s][ l l > I) 4 \ ( ; E s (Contiinued from page 13) BIBLE MISSION BAPTIST, Re~,noldsbu rg Attendance now averages above 100. T,,·o F oldors to make more class rooms are being ins ta lled. Pastor Lewellyn Thompson is busy, as usual. On a Mon– da),. . v..·h en some preachers rest, fish or help their wives, h e made 8 or 10 calls tha t t ook him all the way to Byesville. He r eports that Missionary Sam Hornbrook in Mexico had hacl hepatitis a11d ther e is n eed of prayer for t he others that they m ay not get it. EVANGELIST CHERDIN DIES Rev. A. W. Cher din of Philadelphia passed away April 5th, while holding meetings at Topeka , K ansas. He has been great ly u sed of God. F'E:T,LOWSHIP BAPTIST, Young·s Corner Pastor Lewis Hunter announces a revi,~al meeting is planned for June 8-19, w ith Rev. Don Rutledge of Ten– nesee as the evangelist . The church is just north of Rt. 18, 7 miles east of Medma. BEREA BAPTIST, Berea The annu al missionary confer e nee \\ as held April 24-27 £eaturing ABWE roast beef d inner. Clar ence Navorski fields represented by Dr. Viggo B. Olsen in Pakistan, Rev. Earnest Olsen in Chile, and Rev. Wm. Reid in Hong Kong. The ladies and men of the the church cooperated with the Hebron Youth Fellowship 1n th eir banquet for gr adu– ates by decorating the local high school, and making an d serving a delicious l ( l\ l' tl Ill,\ lll<lf l1 e 1· <l<\<'lll~· , lJlt t I he ' ~n, t<)tt1 ·'" "aeril'i<·t' <>11 1h<' <' l'<lss <l l' <,nl,nt') lor tltt' 111n«l< 111<' t"<' ctli 'l. (\ fllctt 11 <"' }1c1tl SH\' <<l lll l' 1°<)1" thi" lt1g}1 ,lll l }tC)l) < 1 ctlli11 g ( l r (p}}ill!.! <l tl1<\ 1•s 111nt ll1<1rc· is n l'f>H<l 1o l l <' cl e < c1 11 < 1 ,l , , H.' 1,) h r n , <' 11 , a 11 < l t I 1 n t t I 1 \ 1 Jo r < l r J t\ s t 1 s ,. I 11• i st i.· 111 c1 t. \\ H) , Hll<l ll t' j~ t}tHf l)c>C)I' rJ'lti s .i<>,\ ()r l)l' ()(•lni111i11g· snl,,,ti()ll 111rc>11 g· l1 ( 1 11ri . 1 t 111,~ c>\\' ll l,i 11~- • tllt' 11 ,111cl t l1r <1P11t ilc' s to<) l1c1 . l)c- eo111(l 1]1p g'l'l'Ht ,lilll clll(l g <>Hl of 111)' l if. . 111 ll i: ,,·11 ,,·i. clo111 ,lll(l lo,·e . t l1 c l ;or l l1a: 1) e1·111ittrt1 t l1i~ Roll– i11g· (110,,· I;i,· ly ) to11e to 1·011 llael< t <l th B a11ti1'1tl ()l1ic> ,1ncl b r– t 111e cl pat't f a 0' 1' ,1t fa1nilv of .. 1oc1' bo1·11 ap:ai11 ~l1ilclre11 of the J 1 11· ·t 1 a1)ti ·t l1t1rcl1 of "" il . I t·o1111t it a l1ig·l1 p1·i,·il g· to l1a,Te a l)a:to1· t ,,,110111 (1od ha o·i,re11 ,,·i 10 111 a11 1 a11 l111cle1· ta11di11g l1ea1't. Tl1e1· i11 tl1e n1i(l8t of tl1i. was chef. The Northfield ladies fur – nished pies. SHARON BAPTIST, Sharon, Pa. P astor Thomas Wright reports that they had a blessed time of revival May 8-15 with Rev. Glen Greenwood doing the preaching. Conversions had already begun before he came, with a total in three weeks of 9 saved and 13 baptized. Prayer meetings have also been improving and are now averaging 45 each week. WHEELERSBURG MISSIONARY BAPTIST One was saved and one came for complete dedication May 15th. This makes 25 saved, 26 baptized and 40 new members in the first 20 months of Rev. Martin Holmes' pastorate. The at– tendance is growing. Five members have been granted letters to start a church at Franklin Furnace, six miles south. The pastor will moderate the organiza– tion meeting at 2: 30 P .M., May 22nd. It will be called the Midland Missionary Baptist Church. MAKE THE MOST .. OF COLLEGE YEARS AT Gain a Christ- Centered education with degree in ARTS*, SCIENCE**, MUSIC • offering majors in Bible, Music, Histor y and the Social Sciences, English, and Physical Education. ••offering majors in P~sical Sciences, Bio– logical Sciences, Chri,tion Education, and Business Administration. Also available : Psychology and Education courses. WRITE FOR CATALOG TODAY .J t 111 , IUGO lJ <, 1( > \ 1 P , l ,· <J 1111 ), 111 ~' • I 11 a \' <, a ~ (, 11 8 P () r llPl<>ll g' i11 g fc) cl 1'r1111il \ h<' l' P • ~ () 111 {\ I' <:.' ' l 11 ) 1 I() \ p ll 1 ~ }I 11 ( I \ v h O Ill I l<>\P <l<1a1·l.v tc> tltP l ,<>1'<1 . I r1111 H1 8n ~ rat 1'11) fc> })<' 011 (' <>I' tlJPi1· sist<'l'H ,111cl Hll <ll><)s tlc' , v l1c,111 tl1 ·~t J1r1\'C (. () l l l l l l (' 11 ( I(' (1 1() t h p \ v() r I< () r (' \ T <I 11 - ~ el i "'111 1 <> I ~ r <l Pl t 111 t l P t 111 P I i aI> 1 is t ~I icl -~l i"si<>tl~ <> I' ( 1 IPV P)c111<l ' l'hc·r l'- rc>r c ,\ <>ll C'Hll \lll<( P l'S1Hll<( \\ h.)r, ~ i 11 c · <' t 1, ,11 c I r1 ) ' i 11 H(' 1)1(' 1 n 1 >" r 'J r l!)--1-7, 111<' ()hi<> \ ra)I C' ) 1 h,1~ l)( ' ('())l) P 11 l () l' r 11·(l I I s (; (> 11 ( l i 11 g l \' I) p H l t 1 i r 11 l ' t<> 111 for it, \\' cl , th cr 111 lJ<)rcl (>l> 11 ecl t]1 c l)c)o1· elf' }J p,1,·t•11 a11,l l)acl' 111 c> 11t P r: '· I 1·i1'1i11g· \v' i111 tl1 e c·t1rrc 11t cJ<>\\lt ,1 moo11l i g-11 t st r ea 111 \\rl1il P al)c)\TC' 111 1 l1c·a,·r11. i11 lhPi1· o·} OI'V o·}ea 111 · h • b BeaLttift1l ()l1io i11 111y (1r )a111"' agai11 I ee, <: o 1 '. f 01· etc1 . te of l:-Tea,, 11 1 o n1 . ' NEWS FROM THE SWANSONS Rev. L. A. Swanson writes from Dol– ton, Illinois, that God is blessing his church there even though they still have to meet in a school building. The attendance has risen from 44 to 66, or exactly 50% . They are running second in a contest with 12 Chicago area churches. Pray with them they may soon get a building. The Swansons were with the Ambrose church until early 1960. ALBANY BAPTIST, Albany Pastor G . Howard Hein writes that he has played the tape of the editor's ser– mon, which he preached back in March while there, in 15 homes with a bless– ing to many. He, at least, should know it forward and backwards by this time! We appreciate the compliment. HOMEWOOD BAPTIST, Lima May 22nd was a day of rejoicing for P astor Horn and his people, for nine were baptized into the fellowship of the church. The attendance was 72, and on Easter it was 85, which is al- _ most double what it was a year ago. CEDARVILLE OHIO JAMES l JEREMIAH, President •
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