The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1960

J t i f.y 1960 OUR FELLOWSHIP PAGES (Conti11u d from page 11) We did not have the information 011 ,vl1ich to give an aclequate write-up v,1l1icl1 \Ve feel both Rev. and Mrs. Fellenger deserve, or we would have done it in this issu e. He preaches his last sermon at Road Fork June 26th and begins at Bethesda July first. Ma · the Lord bless both churches. FIRST BAPTIST, Stryker God is continuing to bless the min– istr:} of Pastor John Reed. Two mor11- ing services are now being held. June 12th the combined attendance of the two services was 163. Sunday school was 146, and the evening service 83. ===-==================--==============-· ROAMINGS OF THE EDITOR Tl10:r ,vl10 111iss Olll' ' 1 <)a111- i11g· · · . ·J1011lc.l 1~e c1 cl 0111· • e: ro11 cl ec1i– to1·ial 011 })Hg· ;3 a11cl g· 1 t l)llS.) 7 to hel11 ll5 ~:et a 24 1 <lg·p J1<1 J)Cl\ or· the~.. ,,·ill l)r a tl1i11g· of t 11c' l)a t. b~cl ·11 111011tl1 ,,·e 11,1,,e> ,,, rittr11 llp ·0111c 1 , lJ11t t l1c l ri11t~r jli:t <·a11 't f'i11(l 1·00111 a11cl t l1at is th f i1-. t Sowing the seed and reaching milfions with the message of salvation, giving each one his own personal copy of a Gospel in his own language. Back of thi s continent -wide campaign have been the prayers and gifts of thousands of the Lord's people 1n America. Without this . support we will miss an opportunity un– paralleled 1n the history of Christian mis sions. With your continued prayers and gifts, we shall d1str1bute another million Gospels to another mill,on African s in 1960. Africa desperately needs · NOW, TODAY - the Gospel of Christ. For a fascinating picture of the cur– rent scene an Africa today, write for free copy of the PTL QUARTERLY. Remember this grea t work an prayer and stewardship. ALFRED A. KUNZ INTJ,i~~~ 1 fRNAL . I POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE. 49 HONECK STREET, ENGLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY 'fIIE OlIIO INDEPENDEN1"' BAP'l,lSrl, SCHOOL AND MISSION BRIEFS . l 1 J~~ I) .i \f,\T] l1l.i l~: ( 1 () 1.i l JI~:c~ J·~ ]1 ,1cl 1t:,., lll<>~t ,,·c>11cl r rft1l c·,>111n1P11c·c>111r11t ,,·it l1 ;1;3 ~?.' l'H tl11a1ris clll(l ,ri1 11 .')()() g· 11 P:..;1s a11cl ~t 11cl P111s i11 ,1tt,, 11 clH11ee. -' \ 11 cl ) 7 r t 1 h r r P ii-; 111 c > r P 1 c > <• c > u 1 e ! 1\lr<)ct<.l)· ,tll t l1 P s111cl P11ts tllP:\T ea 1 1 c·a1·0 f () l' ll cl\' (' l'Pg'iH1Pl'P( I r(;l' 111c fall tr1·111, c111<l l }11el' ,l J)J)lica11t .· ,,,ill 1ta\rp to l)(' l)ll f () 11 cl ,,·,titi11µ: list . 'rJ1e t fll 8 1 ('CH }la\r(' \ '<>1 P(l t() (' l' ('<•1 ,l 1 ,,,o-1111it clc) r111i1 01·)" i11stPacl c)(' rr- 111 ocl )l i1 1g: 011e <>f t}1e prPHP11t hl1ilcl– i11g'.. So i f }' Ol l ] ()V(:' ( 1 et l,tr, 1 ille ( 1 011 g·r l)raJ'" c1 r1 cl g·i,,r 11c)\\', a 11 tl ]0 11 t l )Ll t it off. J f ) '"Oll ta11 l)tty ,l bo11 cl 1 .. P111 e111l>er it P,1r11. 5% j11 - 1r1·pst a 11d ,,,ill l1 e1 1· )J)aicl. (Jift . of all : iie. ,vill al so l)e 111uc·l1 ,1 J)– J1 r e e i at c 1. TIIE \\TET~~~RN I P\ I )l\ITt\I - 1\ :-J REJ>l TJ)ljl arp o·v·e1·-jc)3rccl 0 , 1 r the sre11 ri 11g · of <l 11 ,,, lo<' cl ticJ11 fo1· their 111,1i11 r l1ureh i11 ( 1 it1clacl rl, r ll j i 11 o. I 1 i. ] <l r g· c r , o 11 a 111 a i 11 s 1 t · cct ,t 11 c.l i 11 <t 1 111 t <.: 1 111 or c l) o 1) 11- l,1te l ect io11 . .L\ ttc11cla11er h,ts g·r o,, 1 11 1 o ,111 cl\' rage of 75 a11cl cl l1i gl1 c>f 91. l~ s i(l c., o\Tcr 1()0 C' J1i] – cl1·e11 a r c 1· cl 1 hrc1 011 ._ att1rclayH i11 Bil)l e las. es. Il e lJaJ)tiz cl t\vo 0 11 East r r a11 cl l1as 1:l e 11 roll eel i11 ,1 111e111l> r . l1iJ) C' la. H, c1 11 cl ~ \'e1·c-1l 111or \\' 110 h ,1 , ,e eo1111) letc( l tl1 e • l ,1H, · t l1i11 g· h e et1t: 011t aet·orcli1 g to Ol lI' O\\r] l i11 . t r11 1 t io11 .'. So el l] ,ve 'a11 c1o i, 1 .. eJ)o1·t ,,·hL 1 rP ,v l1a,Tc JJrca J1ed Hi11ec Oltr l,1 si 1·r1)ort i11 t lie ..£\ p1·il i H11e : \J)r. ;3 Eltcili l -No tti11ghc1111 BclJ)- ti. t, ,le,, la11d , ::3() 10 :30 a11cl 7 : ;3 (). ....\ p1·. ] 0, 1 a l,rary 13a 1 ti~t, ( 1 ,111to11 , 10 :3(), :3 P .1\1. 1 al,ral') 7 1~ a l) t i 8 t, l\ f ,ls. il lo11· } f ig·htH I ::J(). 1\1 )1·. 17 J1 1cle1)P11cl e11 t 1~H f>1ist. ~ r. "J ,1e lrso11, 1() ::3() ,t11c l 7 ::~(). ( ontint1ecl on pag·e 16) MAKE THE MOST .. OF COLLEGE YEARS AT Gain a Christ- Centered education with degree in ARTS*, SCIENCE**, MUSIC •offering majors in Bible, Music, History <!nd the Social Sciences, English, and Physica l Education. ••offering majors in P~~ical Scien~es, Bio· log1col Sciences, Chr1\t1on Educa tion, ond Business Ad minis tr o tion. Also available: Psychology and Education courses. WRITE FOR CATALOG TODAY cl l l ( l H 1' P j I l t h <' :1 1) l < > 11 t l 1 s 1 <·~ 1 i 11 µ: ])('l'iO< l l >fl f'<)l'P. f }1 e> Hl'P }> ,lJli li'PCl . \ 'c 1 1·11c)11 J1c1 s l)PC'll <·lec·10<1 f'i('lcl })l'('Sl(lP 11 I (>f thP l ~H J)ti ·1 ;\Jiil .\lt'-i– ~i{) ll ,,·or l-~ 111 1}1c> islc111cl. l ;( )N .(\ x (: 1~~ J; 1~~ s l{ L\ I>'J 1 J~'l, '1 1 I I E ( > J 1 () ~ I 1 .l \ J J H 1~~ 1\ I I ~ .. \ I { \ T i ~ H '\ ' Pl')~ } l 11 ~ )r l) ] H <' (' f l J i S S ll 1111 l l U l'. '1'11<1 lil)t' cl t'.\" is hci11!2. Pll lHrgPcl, ,l 1 ) a 1 i <) , "cl 11 r r r <• 1 P c l , (• Hr J 1 c> t J, 1 i < I i 11 11lc' ell<l})Pl , ,1 l>H~l<Pt hall ('()1 ll'1 l>P– i 11 g· c ·o 1111 ) 1 r t rt l, sc · 1• <1 c> 11 ~ i 11 'i 1 cl lI <' c I• f'loc)r til P laicl - a11c1 sc>111 e c>f' t l1<1 fc-1e11lt,,. s111< l, .. i110· fc>J' l1i,,.he1r cl •- • • M ~ g:r<•c1.. I jilrc all 011r g·ro,, i11~· S<' h <)C)l.', 1)1 0,'\"' 11 PP<1 lll()llP)" iC>(J. ..\I1'I' .c\ -J .L\( 1 ( )13 f 1 ( f\ '\\TJ{J 'I' l~S ( > .. T c ·c > N <: <) R1 'r t,. 'I 1 1 ( ~. s 11 <> i s ,1t I~a11g·ass<)t1 111 t}1(' ( 1 e111trctl .L\ friea11 ] P])ltl >li c·, l)lll c·lc)sp tc) t}1e ( 1 011g·o \\'lt J1 ,tll ifs tlLl'lllOi} <)f' •']>( 1 - (• <J 111 i 11 µ: fr r , ' ,v11 i C' I 1 \vi 11 111 <' H 11 sl,l,re1~}r to (l ietcli<>l'ia} PX1 l'Pl1ll~{s, • if 1101 tc> ( 1 <)1111111111ists. l\I,111,, 111i~- • ~io11,t1.. ic\ arc flPei11g ,le ross tl1e lH) l'(lr1· 01' ,l i 1PH81 fctl{i11g· tl1Pil' f'clllli]j p, ac·r<)SS. r~~," 1 11 j Jl ( 1 ... \ .T , < > 1c 1 l~ 1• e 11 (' l t 1 1 : < 111 a t or i ,1 l ...\ J' 1· i c·, t , ,1 'S ,"P 1L 'r cl t <> <' a 11 it , 1 h <' 111 is. i c) 11 ,1 r i e ~ c1re1 l)e i11g· 1o lc1 the 011 13.. ,,·01·1~ t l1c1t c·c)u11 t .· is stalJ lis l1ig· n1<) r r sell<)<)lH ,ltl<l t c,1el1 Pr -tra i11i11g· sel100I~. ~I rs. ,T cl<'<>l)s<-1 11 }1,ls l10r11 ,l~l'°t cl 1 <) l10,1tl 111) s11el1 H trcl<'l1rr trai11i11p: . el1ool ,lll(l sll <' c1sl{s 11" i(> ])l'H)' t l1a t ('hri. t 1a11 111issi()llctrie~ 111igl1t ll, Hl)lP 1t) 1Hl,c' cl<l,·,111t <1g·p t1i' 1l1is (1t1 - 111 ,111 cl t o b r j 11 g· r Pa 1 ( 1 l 1r i s 1 i ct 11 e cl t 1- <·cl 1 i o 11 t c> 1h ' 1 e 11 i r, 1 1 ..\ fr i (' ,t 11 I> <' 1111l>lie. '\\ .,. c> 1 n i o · l 1 t n < l ( l i I 1cl t t l 1 1 <.. '\) 11 o· < > ~ ~ is l l O t 111 c (} t 1 l ~ (_ l { l l l µ:pl' 'i J) () t . s () l t 111 - e r 11 I 1 < 111 t i s i 111 i s ~ i o 11 nr i t' ~ i 11 .. 'T i .u· r r i < t 1· <, 1 ) or t 111 c-l t 111 c> r (l 111 a 11 11 a 1 r () r 1 h l' i r <' llLll'Vlt PS }lH\'P ))('l'll }>lll'll('(l 1>, l', • 11·c,111is1s :\ I i....,sic)11a1·ir-.; J1c1,·p })('P ll \r, l 1' l l l l lg· <> f 1 J 1 j ~ f <) l' t } 1P }H "1 t <' Il ., C'cl l'S. • r<)\\ ,Y<' lllll,f J)1'H., cl~ ll '\'"l'l' lH 1 f<) 1'(' . CEDARVlllC OHIO JAMES l JEREMIAH, President