The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1960
, November, 1960 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page Fifteen ~~~__;,~~~~~~----------------~~----~~~ ~------~--------~~------------~~ ' 'Go North, Young Preacher, Go North' ' By Dale Alaska, like the old west, storied for its Godlessness, gold and greed, is today occupying a pro1ninent place in the future of thousands of Ameri– cans. Prior to statehood, Alaska was con sidered a frigid frontier beckon– ing only the hardiest of pioneers , trappers and prospectors. The elevation of Aiaska to the 49th state has brought some changes . Im– prov·ed roads and modern housing with its ease of li, 1 ing ha attracted multitudes. Fired witl1 an urge to achieve something in life, many f~mericans are looking 11orthward. Alaska's wealli1 and fun.ire lie in the untouched resources n es tled in an unsp oiled and uncrowded wilderness. The minerals and forestlands guaran– tee a good co1nmercial and industrial development. This material wealth has already attracted foreign interests ,~ho are spending millions of doJ– lars in the forest lands of the south– eastern section known as the Pan– handle of Alaska. Her vast tm– populated regions of mountain ranges , glaciers, lakes and streams will a t– trac t tourist travel of generations yet unborn. This largesl state covers an area one -fifth that of the "South 48." I t has a population of little more than one-tenth of one percent of the total citizenship of lhe United States. Ad– vocates of Alaska's growth foresee a 1,000,000 population in the next two decades. Tl1is prophecy is based on the fact that the D epartment of In– terior in \Vashington, D. C., receives 10,000 le tters ,veekly in quest of in– formation on our last great fronti er . Mt1l titudes are looking orthward. Out of the multjpJied thousa11<ls mak– i11g inc:Ittiry, ma11 y thousands are al– r ady moving north. The west 110 longer c:11all er1ges the pio11eer spirit <>f our people. Tl1 .. rapidl y ir1c:reasir1g popt1IaticJ11 of t}1 ) 19t11 s late l1a~ c.:r ated ,l 11ew arid 111aJ01 1nissi<Jr1ary c:li ctll 11ge i11 tl1:. fj ]d of Iiom M jssio11s. B,1p t1 sl 1'1icl-Miss1()IlS is se ca kirig to lll l Ll1is 11 ~ :1cJ. rj ~}l r ar,~ t}1re 1niSSl(JJl St ,l - tio11s 011 t11 K<!11 ,1i J) ·11i11st11tt ,111c1 t,-vo cJ11 Kc,clirtk Isla11d. rl }1 e ity 01 Kc,di,tk is t} 1 • SC.: J l ~ .,f <>tJr lat .)st \' 11lur,.... J{ 1 \ ' . a11cl 1rs. D avis, Baptist Mid-Missions Missionary to Alaska H ome on Furlough, Rt. 2 , e11ia, Ohio Iage numberu.i g more than 200 na– t ives. Rev. a11d Mrs. David Selden are now in tl1ei.r f Ollrth year in OId Harbor . This , illage ,vas first invested for the Lord b y 1 1 Iiss iolet _Able ir1 19.5~. H ers \vas not a11 ea y task. The mis– sionary arm of tl1e Russian Orthodox Church had unprisoned the souls of these Ale11t Indians i11 superstition a11d ignora1c:e. Tl1eu· l1old upon the heart and mi11cls of the nati ves meant she was unwelcomed a11d ltnwanted. H er love for the people motivated l1er many acts o1 ki11d11ess. H elping them ,vith tl1c1r e eryday problems of life wo11 their confidence. Even so it took ma11y years of lovi1 g serv– ice before sh e was accepted by the village folk. Jn 1957 Rev. a1 d Mrs . David Selde11 replaced Miss Able for her furlough period. She left the village loved by ilie people who longed for her return. Rev. Selden , a talented young man with a love for the 11ative, l1as con– tinued that work. H is ability i11 con– struction was an open door to many homes as h e helped them with their b11ild ing problems. At the request of the Departinent of Educatio11 , h e ,vas asked to teach in the grade school. This too was another op– porh.1nity to contact the children , a11d t1 us win their love and confidence. The seed of the Word, planted by Miss Able, ,vatered and 11ourished by the . eldens, has proved frt1itft1 l. Today a goodly nur11ber of Aleut Christians walk the pathwa)'S of the illage re– joicing in hrist their Saviour. T l1e Kenai P e11insula, loca ted in the sot1tl1 ce11tral ec:tio11 of the stat is considered by ma11y ,1 tl1e 011e are,1 with t1 e brightest future. H erein lie th vast oil fi elds 110\v bei11g cle, , loped. omn1er ci,:1l f ishi11g, co,11 and timber are also playing their part in the growth of the Peninsula. Leaving Anchorage, Alaska's larges t city, we travel sou th by car over newly paved road . Motoring through • • GERMAN Martin Luther, FRENCH John Calvin, ITAlrAN Giro~amo Savon– arola, ourc1• Erasmus, and swiss Ulrccii Zv,ingli. PTL representati ves have been work ing in t hese five coun tr ies, cont inui ng t he mini stry begun by such hc;-..oes of t he faith - the eva ngelizat ion of t he peopl e of West ern Eu rope. This f all and winter the Pocket Testament League wil l embark on an expanded evangelization and • • Gospel dist ribution campaign 1n t h is vi t a l area. 250,000 more Gospels and Testamen t s have been prinJ.ed for distribution in Germar~'; 100 1 000 for France; 40 000 for Italy; 25 1 000 for Hal .. la~d and 10,000 for Switzerland. I t is estimated that at least a mi ll ion Gcspels will be needed as the campaign progresses. Pray - 0 0 .. 1- w lLJ .... ,- a::: 1- (/) ~ 0 w z 0 I m 'q" er 0 l– o w a::: - 0 that fL •r.ds to purchase these t3 I-· ~ large quantiti es of Scriptures mh~Y z be provided in time t o meet t 1s • • n:: ~~ pressing need. TL -..,~~ ~ Write for free copy of the P lb z Quarterly. LOS ANGELES DAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY John R. Dun.kin, Th.D ., President THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN THEOLOGY THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGRCE IN MISSIONS THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN JEWISH MISSIONS . FOUR YEAR BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE IN BIBLE OR HUMANITIES - -- JJ :. t lis 1 ...... 1 r tt jc1t1r11 y ><l to laski1 tJ1is st1111111c~r ,t11ll ar ~ 111aki11g t}1(• i11- . itial st J)S i11 c,11 11i11g tl1is \\'<>rk. ()le.I J-fa1 })c,1 , c,r1 Kc)dia Js la11tl , js a11 A growing graduatf! scliool of Bapt1st per.sttasio,1 i1t su 1t1t JJ ,aliforrtiu Addres all corre~'"J)ondence to i olated a11 cl J)riJ.T)iti , .. l ttlia11 ,,il- 560 South St Lo 1 ,is S t 1'eet, Los 1lngeles 33, alijornia
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