The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1960

~ ::;:__-~ ----- --------T_H_l_i )HlC) l [ FPI 1 NDFN_'I --._ D_A_PT_l _' ~_r __________ _:...N.:.:;!.., _::1~9~60 le ,,.1" t ht~ t'\l1 t1..1'~ ~r1, ilegc co t.1ke in ell(' t ~ \hl~ '""'t1t cr e n 1..t" .tc l\t)\\ ling reen " t' J't . ' ,\ nd ) ~ l 1gl1t p~tstl) r .1ttended .ti ")r p.1rt 1..1t tl1, "cs io n , a11ti n1any l.l) r11cn .1c1'-l ,, 1..)n1e11 .11, \.) ,tttentied. One l .1. t1..'r l'\r" ugl1t l1.1l f a '-lozen " 'omen to l ~t 11 1 n ,, 111 lc cl1t r, 1 stors que t1o ned the 1 .. t..,tcrn Rer,resent.1c 1,,\ _\. l teJ o l,,ell, i11 .tn .1ln1L · t t1 r1 r11 .:? , l., tu l n1i\nne r . Oh. the\ ,, ert al l tau n<. 11 u ~'lJ: Orte r · o f the i: \ RB . but for that , ery rea on felt the, ha'-! .t right to cr1t1c1ze p as t and pre:enc n1ethod · and ati v1se fo r the fu - ture le \, a the fin e ' p iri t of Bro the r Col- ~ e ll that n1ade it " o rth "h1le for all of us. H e " a no t there to d ictate to u , but r0 Ii ·ten and learn . If he had an explana– t io n for ome of the things criticized, he gl adly gave 1r: but qu ite a of ten he said. " \X' e " 111 repo rt that feeling to the Chi.. cago of fice." e,·en que tio11 had been sent to the pas tor in advance a nd these were taken up o ne by one, as well as many others tha t rhe pastors brought up. The seven " 'ere amazing to one who remembered the promo tional methods of the old con– venr100 . The first o ne asked whether the oasto r felt that it would be better co disband the GARBC and go back co an un o rganized mass of independent Bap– t ist churches. The o chers we: e just as radical . They were not asked just to get the t•of course not" answer, but to en– courage pasto rs and people to dare to get all dou bes and resentments off their chest . The preachers availed themselves of the opportunity, and pulled no punches. All at Bowling Green were 100% for the GARBC but they were not all sure it go t its organizational blue prints from heaven . Especially, they wished there co:..: ld be some better way to choose the co:.i ncil of 14, even though no one knew wha t ch at way would be. Brother Smel- er 's idea, g iven in the October issue, was reported by the editor, who leaked it out in advance; but there seemed to be su ch a thing as a "Hiscox' Manual" in the way of that suggestion that the ch urches elect the counci l. Not that we oeed to worry too much about some Baptist manual , since some day some o ne will undoubtedly write a Regular Baptise Manual ; but the question does intrude it– self as to whether churches can elect of– f icers for an association without becom– ing so many fractions of a regional ' 'ch u rch ." hould we continue to do it even in Ohio? It seems to work well, b u t is it Baptistic? ome good things were said about the Regular Baptist Press for our Sunday schools. All the pastors seemed to wish that they could persuade all their teachers to use i t in all their classes. They even seemed ag reed that all churches in fel– lowship with the GARBC ought to sup– port the association. They were a ll for the various pro jects of the association , b ·1 r v1e:e , ·ery frank co po int out weak– nesses. M os t of them had t:o:: ble on the loc: l f 1eld and often in their own mem– l: e :sh1p with our strict p olicy of separa– c·on . T rey were fo r the doctrine as one of t he p lai o teachings of Scripture, but they were not sure we should be so f lac footed in stating it. They even dared to st1ggec;c that we shot1ld lea\Je sech n1ct1 ,ic; ll1lly ' ral1,1n1 alone 50 t ar as 1)£ 1nted <. <.>nden1nat1on "' as <. On erne..l. Pe rhJ{) the e(iito r sl1c>uld noc da, e to repo rt it. but re1X>rt1ng ougl1t co be f.1ctu.1l. e arc JU c repo rt int~! Almo c a help[ul a S J t h cr1c1cisros and ugge t1ons '\\ ere, as the oppor– tu nity to g et rumors 011 the t>reachers' grapevine expressed in pu blic and q uelc l1ed. '"fhe la test sucl1 rumor was th.1c Dr. Paul J ackson resig ned t rom Bap– tis t Bible eminary just in time to make THE FARMER'S THANKSGIVING By Ralph T. ordlund When the grain is in the garner, And the corn is in the shock, When the f ruic is 1n the cellar, And the h oney in the crock, I look backward o 'er the season With a sense of manly pride, For it represents my labor And my wife' s good work beside. When the poultry yard is empty And the freezer full of meat, When the hog is in the cooler And the beef in wrappings neat, I look forward to the winter With a satisfaction keen, For I 've been a good provider And the pickin' s won't be lean! Now I would not have you think me Quite forgetful of the Lord, For I feel these brimming blessings Are His bountiful reward. For the soil and rain and sunshine I must render thanks today, And for dai ly strength to labor I must look to Him and pray. • himself available to be chosen as Dr. Ketcham's successor as National Repre– sentative. Bro ther Colwell had the facts that laid that rumor in the du st for good. We report it so chat all ethers will know that there is not one word of truth in it. As Rev. Colwell said, "The Lord had it pre-arranged in heaven all right, but it was a complete surpr ise to Dr. Ketcham when Dr. Jackson resigned ; and it was just as much of a surprise to Dr . J ackson when he heard Dr. Ketcham read his resignation." There wou ld have been nothing wrong about D r. J ackson mak– ing himself available; bu t even with I Tim. 3: 1 in our Bibles, we a re glad he d id not know that Dr . Ketcham was . . going to res1gn. WHAT ABOUT OARBC CONFERENCES? As we sat in the First Bapti st Church of Bowling Green, we could no t help but think that similar conferences about our state work might be helpful . We are about as harmonious a group as can be found anywhere, . bu t there may be hid– den resentments and criticisms that ought to be brought out into the light aod healed . Surely we are not doing as much as we shou Id to serve our ch urches in home mission work, youth work, ,. home for tl1e aged, or in promoting revival l Io,v can we do more in a united way? How can we rectify some of our wrong n1eth0Js ? At present we have seven distria associa tions and there are three othc areas 1n which there has been talk ol starting one. That makes ten areas in which we ought to have such confer lnces th1s winter and nex t sp ring and summer. The annual mcet1ng of each as so,1a c1on would make a per!e c time tc ha \-e the state represen a t1. e to come ir and hold a round cable <l1s_uss1on -o at least to be invited to sit with the breth ren. In the three unorganized area a committee of pastors could call the meet ing and issue the invitations. We bel1ev1 i t would be a good thing. Who will hf the firs t to say amen? ermon film will from oon be cience' ' gospe • accompany1n~ ~re,\~ of merican ubmarines 01 lengthy under urface t rip . 'l 1 hi ne,v u e for the e fi1m producec by Moody In tit~te of cienc, can1e a the re t1lt oi their recom mendation for ub..l1arine u e b, the t1antic Fleet cl1apiain. · In 15 year~ of t: e b J the mili tary Moody film ha \·e been see1 by many million o~ j}l en. An< there appear to be n o le senini of the demand f 01' the f ilm . Re cently 111 hipped more tha1 500 film print and 500 f ilmstrip to the rmy and the Ai1' Force bringing to more than 3,000 th1 total number of prints in use. rh1s command of the Risi Christ is being carried o through the media of abo 50 radio stations from co~ to coast and several forei1 stations. Heard in Sta~ Israel . Many write for the Prophe· Edition New Testament. The are followed up by mail a1 personal calls whenever po sible . Classes are held wbe Jewish people gather in h orn• Some are finding Christ Saviour-Messiah. We cot your prayerful support. Send for free copy of our rnos zine, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL . Coulson Shepherd, Director ( FOUNDED 1937) MESSAGE TO ISRAEL, Inc. · BOX 682, G.P.O., NEW YORK 1, N. 1 .