The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1960

m n' P<)int Of Vi w 11)' ~l rs. 'l ' l1c'<>t1a,. ~111 ,Jscr, J cli11n Ol1ic> (' l "' l,,~ ,~ \(1 , . S1tll'l,c'r's f ii1al t'<> nlril >, 1lic> n ,l"i <'tlitc>1 c1 ltl1 c>t11l1 \Ve l1 <> JJ • s l1 \\'ill <)ft('ll \('llll tcl(\\~ Ill \\ l' lfl,ltlk J1 er fc>l }1 'I' f~till1fttJ11c~~ f ( )I C)\('l' l\ () ('HI'S . '"rJ1c 1 '\.V • ('<.ltl<>t ,,111 l>c' i\(1 \ ( .. c'<> S. l 1l11t'1 .. :127~) \\ 1 ;1rr<' 11S\ 1 illt· l~cl .. Sl1ake1 llc•igl1ts 22, Ol1i c>. ," <-'ttll l1 r·r 11c ,, ~ r1ncl 1<.l<.',1~ ft c>111 <> \tr 1111s~1c>11nr)' g 1 c> tt p .) \ 1,tll\ \,lt (l J\l t r<. (' l'lt tl, tllc t \\ l1t'Tt ,ltt' ,, ,1 . ,1 littlt.• girl sl1 rtl,, tl~ ~ tl1\l\1gl1t it ,, <)ttltl l)e f1111 tt) b a 111i ·– ,1<)11,11, <)tl f11rlc>t1gl1. 11 r1,,, tl1 111tl'tl .. l i11 111i:s1011i1r1e. ,,110 can1 110111(') tc1 t 11 tl1cir tor~ of tl1 fi lcl ; l,11t \ t ll cl!\ ,\ ,}1ild ·l1c se11 d th l1artl..·l111) · of tl10 at·ro tl1e tl . Tl1 re , e111 to ha, bee11 o n1a11 y .. c.1-c,1llell t1\1gedie~ a111011g the L ord ' ,}1c)ictst 111i io11arie latel}'· \ Ve 11,1tt1r,1ll, ~1r i11cli11ecl to qt1e tion, • ''\:\ ·11, ?'' Tl1 11 ,, l1e11 the 1nar elou g1\1c~ a11d cot1ri1ge of tl10 e \,·h o uf– f r i · felt cl11cl ,, it11e ed by· other , ,, ca11 bt1t bo,,· our head a11d ay ··Lord. Tl1, ,,·ill be clone.'' e , in # pite of all, it 1 a ble ing to b e a . . 1n1 1011ar,r. # ... fe,,· )·ear ago the ,,,orld vva hocked b)· the martyrdom for five ~·ou11g men iI1 Ecuador at the hand of the t1ca Indian tribe. Ye t from that lo has come great triumph! \ "olume ha\·e been ,vritten to the glor)· of God concerning those mis- ionarie uch a "Through Gates of plendor" and cc hadow of the Al– might}·" by Betty Elliott wife of Jim Elliot \,·ho \\'as killed tha t fateful day; and "J tingle Pilot"-the life of I ate aint \\:ho hared in that martyrdom. A glorious seqt1el is daily b eing en– acted to that torv for the Lord is " calling H i O\\TI from among the At1ca . Dayuma the Auca girl who has bee11 teaching Rachel aint and Betty Elliot the langL1age is now liv– ing back in her jungle with a testi– mon)· for Chri t. Througl1 the witness of Rachel a11d Bett:) 1 all five of the killers at Palm Beach who are still li,mg have asked the Lord for His forgi\ 1 eness. In the meantime Be tty is stud)·ing more of the Auca lan– guage so that she might be able to gi\,.e them God's \Vord in \vritten fonn. Delilah, the girl who was with the killers on Palm Beach , is now sa,·ed and \\·hat a change in counte– nance since the Lord Jesus shines from her face! • !any of you may kno\v of Phil aint, brother to X ate, \vho is using his wonderful art ability to present the gospel in outh America. Our hearts \\'ere touched last Spring with the 11 ' S lC) 11C\\ s tl 1a t tl1 1 hacl lc>st tl1 ir clattgl1- t er. ,1 \\ ,l 11C\ er s tro11g a 11c1 tl1e Lorcl jt1 t took her l101n . Th pr - ~iot1 par nt , althot1gh gri v cl at tl1e lo . , trt1 tecl tl1 Lord' pcrf ct \ ill a11cl ga Him all tl1e praise. What le so11 to u. of svveet p eace a11d )'ield d11 s! La t ear \Ve , ere sf1dd 11ed b y th e h orn goi11g of Iis io1 ar Miller in Ea t Pakist an . H e co11tract ed p olio and in onl)' a fevv days ,,,as with the Lord. T ears fillecl my eyes as I read of the grace his family and wife \\'ere given. The little girl on h ear– ing of h er daddy' d eatl1 aid, "Oh Mother , isn't it vvonderful t o kno,v Daddy is t1p in H eaven with Jesus?" ,v e que tion why until \Ve see the blessing Mr . Miller ' t estimony has b een ince that loss. P erhaps b efore this is even printed v\ 7 e may all be up in Glory inging praises to our , vonderful Lord! The st1mmer issue of "Th e Harvest ," our Baptist Mid-Missions paper , t ells the s tory of the h ome-going of two other precious missionaries-Ruth Mc– Allest er Reiner and David L ee Bab– cock. Da id, the thirteen year old son of H airy and Peggy Babcock who are in Brazil , was :in Mid-Maples at "\Vh eaton, Illinois. ews suddenly came to h is shocked pare11ts that h e had been in a car accident and the Lord sa\.\, fit to take him home . That dear Christian boy, wh o had been a r eal little missionary in Brazil before he cam e to the States, had b een on his vvay to help , vith a service with the otl1er studen ts and in his Bible ,vas found the outline of the little message h e had planned to give at Racine, Wisconsin. What loss for his family and yet what joy to know h e loved the Lord and is in H is pres– en ce! On March 30 of this year Ruth Reiner ,vas called up to Glory. She left behind her husband Harold, mis– sionary in Brazil, and four lovely children. She is r elieved of much suffering and leaves b ehind h er a S\veet testimony and many Brazilians who loved her dearly. The Reiners have returned to their field and we need pray for them in this difficult time. R ? o clottlJl ll1e1c are many other insta11ces of 1n11c l1 sorro\v ~ pain, anc.l gri f 011 the mission fi Id . Freel Crozi r a11cl his ,vif i11 laska lost the ir littl girl tl1is y ar beca11se of leukemia. Agai11 a ri11ging tes timony of trit1mph was \Vritten in their cir– cular letter to their friends back home. Ht1man logic \\ ould say that those who give tip home, friends, and com– forts to go to the foreign field should not h ave to endure such sorro\vS. But Romans 11 tells u s "ve cannot q ues– tion God' ,vays. They are far be– yo11d our fi11it e minds. The precious missionaries are tender and y ielded and through their heartach es many have b een s trengthen ed and blessed. Through the loss of 011e p erhaps many have felt the call t o fill the gap and take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. I Thessalonians 4 : 13 says, "-that ye sorrow not even as others who have no hope," for we h ave our gaze raised toward H eaven and our Re– deemer may come back for us any minute! What a purifying HOPE! H ave you prayed for the mis– sionaries today? Do you know some of them b y name? Pray for those mentioned in the above article: they need it so very much. BACK FllOftl ALA KA: Rev. and 1\fr . Dale Da,ri ha,re been erving at Homer la ka. Jtme 30th they tarted driving back to Ohio on the la kan Highway and hope to ar– rive for t h e Bapti t l\1id-)Ii ions eminar at edar,rille and from· t her e will go to leveland. They r eport that 1960 ha. been a time of ble ing in our mo t northern tate. ormally the winter a.nd pring month are lean becau e of difficl1lt travelling condition and ickne , but this year attendance has gro"'·n 11ntil it is almost doubl ed. Evanaelistic meetings ,vere held in 1\Iar ch and they turned into r eal 1~evi,ral for the hri tian and alvation for ma.ny of the lo t. ow the church build 4 • ing i much too mall and funds to build will have to be ecured.