The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1960
111 l ( l l ' I .. ( .111 lt i< 1 t ,, itl1 l lc1 k \ (l,1111 :alt tl11t tlt<t( ,,t~t(' 111\ ll,l)lti~111, 11, tl,e ll 11c l ,, it 1) ,rti1•g. a,•cl ,, t~l' 1,nlf ,\ 111i11i ))) g1, l;'ll t() l\\l~~ll)ll' \\ 11, { tlt1Jd11 't ,\}1 )1,\\ t' l t'} {ll'l(' l l <) S\\ { lJ tl \,,, fig,1rt'~r \\ 1,~,t ., tl1t'rl ~•11ll11 111 tt 11i11g ,, l1at tl1c l..,c>1cl 11.1, cl<>tt<' fc>r , , \\ t' 11\)] t' tl1c ' tlll1c r .1() ... J, t1t l' llt' · c n, l11<li,1l! tl1t' (ltlt , llt"t t t'<.'t' t\ t cl ) ,, ill ,c.•11c1 i•1 tl1t '... t' ,t.tt1 .... t1 t·~ tt(ll l.,t 't tl1a11 ()\ ,~l tl1 . l "l1t) rt'l)tlt'l tlll ( "',ltlll) l ),l llll<)S l)\ 1 irt' ' l <> t (~l<:' 1111 ( :rc·<.'11,, C)C)Cl ,, ~, . tl1c l) ~t t , t' t. Ile ~111110,111t' .')cl tl1at 11 '\.t , e"ttr 0 11c. 111a11 ,, 111 .. :er, c as clir ctor c)f clll tl1c. cl1111p~ l111c.l ·o 111,11' ) for a l)t">ttt 1 l)rogi·,1111 . ., i11c ,, e 11 ,1, paicl ~1t' l1 ,, e kl, clir c' tor , .30. it i · tl1ot1gl1t .. 0111e t caC'l1er ,, ill C()111e for tl1 a111e fi<-!l1rt"). tlt1d tl1 0111)· extra e xpe11 e ,, ill l)e for th f ecli110' of l1i fa1nil\. ; ,, l1icl1 ,, ill 11ah1rall) ,, a11t t o pe11cl tl1e t11111ner ,, ith l1i111 011 the grot111cl . Tl1en tl1 re ,,·ill be tl1ree age grot1p i11 "tead of t\,·o : Jt111ior , age 9-11; Jt111ior Higl1 12-14· a11d enior Higl1, 1- -1 . Our trea urer for ho1ne a11cl camp, Elton C. Ht1kill ga\·e u the ,vonder– ful ne,,, that 6 000 had been paid on the camp d ebt, bringi11g the total left do,\rn to 9 000. To lighten hi burden '"'e ,vill ha\·e two treasurer from no\.v on. H e \vill continue to recei,·e gifts for the Home, but Rev. Leland Ho,,,ard, R.F.D. l , Oak Point Rd. Amherst, will erve for Camp Patmo . A vote of thanks was given to Brother Hukill for all hi years of • ervice. The rest of the afternoon was taken up ,:vith workshops to help our peo– ple learn better ho,v to ca1Ty on the ,\~eek time activities of the church. f rs. Bo 1 ,d Berry of Medina led one on v, 1 omen's ocieties; Rev. Edw. forrell of Bedford on Evening chools; Rev. Roy Clark of Cleveland on Boy' Brigade and Pioneer Girls; Rev. George O'Keefe of Cleveland on f en's Fello,vships; Rev. Paul ch enck of Twinsburg on Sports Ac– ti\.ities; Rev. Louis Tulga of vVelling– ton on the Awana Program; and Mrs. Earl Helfrick of Cleveland on Child E\·angelism. Pastor Lynn Rogers of the X orthfield church was the chair– man and gave an explanation of the \ 'alue such activities can have in the reaching and holding and training of people. \VED•.ESDAY EVE I G \ \t ednesda y e\·ening is a time for area p astors to go home to conduct their O\\'TI prayer meetings, but their absence is 1nore than made up by ( Continued on page 9) '1111• ()111( l l l~P l 1\ . 11 lJ'l '( ,I II ~~ () I {<'\. ~ \ Il ,1ll' l1i''<ll1 l1 as ~t) ' 11t l,1s ltll' 111 a,1cl n<'a t <' 11i n. 111 l ~):32 l1t' ll<' ~att t)l'H)' l 'l' 1 1 '<'l i11 g, ,111cl a S1111 (la, , c l1 cH1l tl1at ,, as <1rga11iz 1 <1 as tllt' l..,,11,<' St l \,11)lisl ( 'l111r ·11 a11tl re'- cei, e<l i11to ot1r Ohio Association in 1940. Later tbe na1ne \.\'a changed to En11na11t1el Bapti t , a11d he co11- tinued as pastor until 1930. His p resent church began with a Bible class in the Y.M .C.A. in the fall of 19.50, and ,vith a11 open air t111day school in the p ark in the st11nmer of 1952. That fall a build- N(lvcmbct, 1960 I J> R it1g \\' HS c1rf <.'l' '(l le) )1 i111 ll} ' a j '\\' is}1 r 11( 11cl , a11cl ·la\~ a11cl S1111cla y s ,}le) )1 ,, ('l'C' 111c·rg<'c I ,111{1 tra1 tSff·r r ·cl lcJ t 11 l111 1l (l111g c111 ff ,trl>ii1(' 1\,,c,. 1ne1nt>< r– sl1i JJ \\:ts gn tl1crecl a11cl c>Jg;11111c'cl ir1lt1 n. ·h11rcl1 n11cl 111 1954 ,t "''~ts re ·iv cl i11lc> tl1(' (;c11c 1 1 al a11cl OJ1ic) associa– ti on~ as ll1c> ~ C'r1ia 811)1 c:h11rcl1, ]{ cg, 11 ,lr Ba1Jtis l It 11 ,is grown s lowl y t111til it "'',1S c1ble to st1ppc>rt Brc>tl1 r II,1l c:l1i sc>11 well e11ougl1 <io tl1at hP c<>t1 lcl r tire from l1is many years of scr, ice wi th ears a11 cl Roebuc·k C:c>m p ,111y. It is still a s1nall work scJ f ,1r as 1ne1nl)ersl1ip is co11cemed ancl m,1y lc>ok to a Cedarville College sh1- cle11t for its 11ex t pastor. Ye t with th tr 1ne11dot1s grovvth of Xenia the last fe\v years, it should not be long t11 til it ca11 have a full time pastor. secure a large building and become a stro11g testimon y. Pastor Hutchison has been greatl} hi11dered the last two years with the ill health of his wife, who had al– \\1ays been a great help to him both mt1sically and as a teacher and work– e r . He plans to combine selling of natural food suppliments with a house to hou se ministry of personal evan– gelis1n. May the Lord give him many souls, and Mrs. Hutchison better health. and 2 1·2 ACRE CAMPUS We take possession September 1st. It offers new oppor– tunities to Baptist Bible Seminary students. The purchase price of $125,000 is needed promptly. Write /or Brocl,ure on this property. Send de$ignated gift. to Baptist Bible Seminary., Johnson City, N. Y. •
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