The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1961

l :t e: 1 teen HI P ... J. ·10L , r ..ontin1,ed froni page 15) r· ll1 at1011 t111cl Ol tr l)ropo. eel book -..t<Jrl ,, ill l1elp 111eet tl1e 11eecl i11 pro– , i l i11 g rcad111g 111,1terial for tl1e l)<)111i111l·~111 1)eo1Jle~ 1)la11 · ,1re 011 foot for ot1r r(1c.lio-111i11i ·tr)' u11der Bob ~l e~ 1 er· cl1rectio11; ,, e l1a\·e plan11ecl cl ,tep-lll) i11 Otlr Bible traini11g l)rO– grc.1111 111 tl1e cou11tr, cl1t1rcl1e a11d • pre,1chi11g c·e11ter , teachi11g tl1e111 to reach tl1e1r o,, 11 people \\"itl1 tl1e Gos– p ;)I ancl to e tal)li 11 i11digenous <.'l1t1rcl1e a11cl can·v on the ,,·ork. • \ \ orker are cle per,1tel)' 11eeded to <p e11 11e,, 1 to,,·1 to tl1e Gospel a11d (>t1r Bapti t te timo11 1·. Belo,,ed , this , ~1 call to t1rgent prayer for the Lc)rd' ,, ork throt1gh Baptist Iid– :\1 i · ·ion i11 "L::1 Tierra qt1e n1as a1no -·01011.. . . . tl1e LAl'\D THAT COLlT:\IBlT LO\ "ED ~10 T. ----------- I tl1is , ot1r last i st1e ??? Be sure • to re11e,\ to ~tr . Kautz. ee page 3. Why Pay Exorbitant Prices? We can supply stationery, envelopes 1nd ocher printed material to churches ind pastors at greatly reduced prices. Letterheads, cop-grade paper, 8 1-2 by 11, $11 per 1,000, pre-paid. No extra charge for a picrure of church or min– tscer oo letterheads . Other printing at similar bargains. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pay after you have approved your order. Write for free samples and prices. CHURCH PRINTING AND SUPPLY P.O Box 248, Lancaster, Ohio 1· 1 ~ 11 l l l l I ) Ii 1 1~. Eva nge lical Baptist Mission Representatives l{t•\ S l !J ( ) ,1k('' ( 1 -- ft ) <>f fi: 11glc'\\ <)<l< l, ( <> lclri1c l<J. a11c l I{<'\. l\c)l)ct l 'v\7. S111itl1 l I i ~ I 1 t ) C) f St 1 > t ' t <' 1 s 1 l t tr g. I• I c > 1 i c l n , I 1 a,,(~ l1t•c11 .111 11c1i 11l t'cl t <> l•c•l11 11a"i lc>r~ clt•\c'lc>1) ,l " () \ 111 < l 1111,, 1CJ 11 ar \ l 11 c>gra 111 . l , (', . () n k C', 11 .. l, llc'c'11 :1 11~l,t<>r. a11cl l{c·,. S111itl1 n 111i~– " 1<111;11 \ i11 1\ f l'l('cl. l .. <>1 ,11<•,1k111g t' 11gng 1n 11t~ ,,1it' t c> 1 1: , t111gclic,1l 1~,ll)lis t ~1 i~~ ic)11s , 116 '\Jclrtl1 . C\ C11lll ., I J.l t CrSCHl 2, . J. THREE NEW PASTORS CALLED 1\ ugusr, 1961 \ \ ' c ,, isl1 ,,. h ,1d th ir 1Jic tt1res a11c1 more 11cw about them , but we ar gl<1cl tl1,1t tl1ree 1nore cl1t1rcl1e l1,1ve p ,1stors to leacl tl1em. e\v Harmon} 7 Ba1)tist Cl1t1rcl1 of ou tl1 Olive h as called Gilbert Ct1bbison , who h elped to <)rg<111izc tl1 Bible Iis io11 Baptis t ht1rch of Ql1aker City. He a11d l1is f,1111il) · li, ,e i11 ..alcl,vell ,~,hich is six 111iles north of _ e,v Harmony. 1 1 1s is r 11 olcl c11l1rch ,\·itl1 a lo11g l1istor}' · It came i11to ot1r association 24 year~ '"1go. ~I , )' tl1e LorcJ :cl1ly bless tl1is cl1t1rch and its 11ew p astor! 'fh e Xe11ia Bible Church ( 7ARBC ) has called Lauren H. Sch enck, a tt1cle11t cl t Ceclar,till e oll ege, to serve as i11terim pastor. H e b egan his 1ni11istr)' J t11 1 211d. Prevjously h e had taught the adult class and served as clenco11 a11cl h·t1stee. H e \\'l.·ites that h e is looking for,vard to supporting the O RBC and GARBC in addition to seei11g the local church go forward in spiritt1al tl1i11gs. Tl1at is a fi11e spirit and ,ve h op e that all our readers will pra)' fc)r this you11g p astor and tl1e church. T l1e 1'roy Bapti t Cht1rch 11ear Garrettsville h as called Rev. Edward Simm of .Akro11 ,111d h e accepted as of Jt1ly 9th. Some years ago l1e was pastor of ,, l1 ,1t is 110,v the H ighvie,v Baptist Church i11 Akro11 and has since kept bus}' t1ppl 1 1 ing pulpits along \\ 1 ith his secular , vork. Tl1e rfroy cht1rch ,,·as organized i11 1951 as a Bible Church, but soon ::1c.lopted tl1e 11a1ne Baptist a11d came i11to our associatio11 under its first pastor, C. Ricl1ard Phelps. By the ti1ne he resigned in late 1957, it had gro\vn to 61 111en1ber . Re\ '. Norma11 Hoag pastored the cht1rch u11til this spring a11d a\\' it grO\\' t o 7.5. v\ 1 itl1 110 nearl)y ft1ndamental churches, Troy Baptist sl1ot1ld becon1e the spiritt1al h o1ne of many gosp el-hungry p eople in Hiram and G,1rrettsv·ille, as ~,ell as i11 its O\\' TI n eighborl1ood. vVe welcome Brother iI111n tc) our fello,, ,ship and pray that n1a11y blessings 1nay attend his ministry. ------------- MAKE THE MOST • OF COLLEGE YEARS AT Gain a Christ-Centered education with degree in ARTS*, SCIENCE**, MUSIC • offerin g ma jors in Bib le , Music, History a nd the Social Sc1e nces , Eng lish, a nd Physica l Education. ••offering ma jors in Pt,,ysica l Sciences, Bio– logical Science,, Chri,tio n Education, and Business Administration. Al•• available : Psychology and Educati"".– cour,ea. Wri te to Cedarville College Cedarvi lle, Ohio --- - - - ' CfDARVfllf OHIO JAMES T J(lfMIAH, , ,e,idenf