The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1961

August, 196 1 - TRAITORS FOR TEACHERS? ··Axis Sally" Gillars is out of prison and plans to take a teaching posi tion in Columbus. Will it be ~ public grade or high school or a university position? If not, we are at a loss co imagine wha t kind of a pri– vate school v.•ould hire her. There muse be some softhead on the board of public 1nstruaion who has convinced the others that she 1s thoroughly reformed and should be gi, ,en a chance. Ir would be just like the liberalism chat has put every other nation first and America last. We agree that she should be g iven a chance to earn an honest living, but why can't she find a faaory or office position? What good can she do America as a reacher of our children or young people? Even if she takes a kindergarten class, she will in– fluence the mothers. A teacher is no t a mechanical conveyor of facts to mechanical brains, bur an inspiration for good or evil co rhe lives of her pupils. Her life t eaches as well as her v.•ords. Ir is certain that Miss Gillars cannot hide her former prost1tl.!t1on of voice and influence, as she sold them to our enemies; and so she will have to defend or con– demn her former life constantly by word or demeanor. If she talks too much against her former paymasters, her pupils or their parents v. ill wonder v. hether she is a double turncoat. First she turned against her country because it paid, and now she turns against the defeated az1s for the same reason T o those who Vlondered she v.•ould be useless as a teacher. I f, on the other hand , she defends her former role, sl1e v.•ill still be a traitor at heart. If she is faced "'i th nei cher alternat1ve, and no one cares whether she v.ias once a traitor or whether she 1s reformed, all we can say is that patriotism 10 America 1s at Jo,ver ebb than v.'e had thought. If the 1,arencs of Columbus do not protest the l1iring of "Axis Sally' G1llars as a teacher, \\'e can only 1)ray that \x.e shall d ie befo,·e rl1eir internationalized children con1e to 1)0\\'er and l1aul Jo\\ n the Stars and Stripes! DR. BRUNNER AGREES WITH US! Accordir1g co Cl!urch Ser\'ice, Dr. l.inil Brunner, farnous ,viss tl1cologiar1, l1as ,,, icten ar1 article in v.,hich he \Varns tl1e \Xf est chat cornmunisin 1nay be vic- 101 ious and also accus-::s Karl Bartl1, Bert- 1and llussell and cl1e World Council of Cl u rcl1cs of aiding 1hc lled eff<)rts . I le ought 10 knO\\' ,... hat l1e is talking abouc, for l1e JS 1ankeJ w1cl1 Karl 13arrh as c ne of tl e great ~sc of living theologians. J le is nor a des1,1sed 1:u11dan1encal1sr, l,ur a respecied leadei of leo l)r cl1odox}'· lie 1~ lso ce J1nicall~, a 1ne1nl,er of tl1e "¥.' orJ :I o nc1J tl11ougl1 l11s S,\ iss deno1ni11at1on. ~,/e r~ not con1111e11d1ng }11s t11e0Jog)'. \Y/ e cake 1t cl1at J1e 1s aln1osc as bad, 1 11<l t a er Z}, as l11s for1nc teacher, K rJ l~arth ~ e a1111 Jed one o 13ar tl1 's books once nd ,,e1e cured from ,er \\anting to aste t1me on one of l11s 1>u1,1Js \; le k nov. J11cJe bout 13runner' 1,art1 ul I br nd f eo Or111 do } nd are Jess XIJ1 t \\ e do \\ nt (0 J Oil)( OU( IS th t J1 re JS ;\ orJd f n1ou 111,er 1 \\ 110 agree , 1ch f 1 •I t1ng unda111 nt 11 t 1n our tJ I t of cJ 'orJd ( ounc1l of hurcl1 s THE OH IO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST If thi~ article 1s "a keen analysis of the peril now th:eaten1ng the free world " "-'hy are ,ve apostles of discord when ;e say ~e same thing? If he is great when he f1ghrs his former t~cher by name, '"' hy are we smal l :ind mean cri tics ,vhen v.•e name such arch-inf1dels as Bishops ~1ke ~nd Oxnam? If he is a friend who 1s tr1r1ng to wake l!S up, why are v.,e secret agents of the Kremlin when we accuse the Nati onal and W orld Councils of softness toward communism? Will the World Council crow~ start calling Brun– ner names next, for the same reason they call . us names, because they cannot ans,ver him? Ir rema ins to be seen. Will We C U Oct. 16-·19 at Immanuel Baptist, Columbus? Numbers make for enthusiasm and enthusiasm for growth! Plan to come and help us make this ou r best attended annual meeting. ~ook for program in the eptember issue. SHOUTING PREACHERS Nearly a year ago a correspondent asked whv most Baptist preachers shout so m11ch. \V/ e ansv. 1 ered personally then, but think i t is worth an editorial. The first ans"'er 1s that it is son1ewhat traditional with Baptists, even 1f they have never sho·1 ted as much as some others. You ng candida tes for the ministry are apt to rake up the preaching methods upon v.. h1ch they have been rai sed. We must remem– ber thar one hundred ) ears a 0 0 very fe\\ Baptist preachefs haJ a college and semi– nary education-they Ief t the farm or shop and ans,,·ered the call of God the best ,vay they knev.'. It is onl, 10 Jate ,e,1rs that they have bccor.1e as ,veil educ,1tel{ as their Presb) terian and E1,1scopalian l)rethren The second anS\\ er is that earnestne5s 1s apt to ex1>ress itself in a J)hys1cal ,, ,l). £j11, unday ra!1 all over the 11latfor111, ,,·aveJ l11s coa t as if at a ball g.1n1<.., stoo<.1 on the 1,u lJ>i t an<l smashed cl1a11 s. \\ c are 11ot defending his mccl1ods, l1ut l1e ,..•as intensely in earnest and ex1)rcssed lus feelings in \\'ays natural to hin1self and did far 111ore good chri n s111ooth orator: \vho 111ay have er i cicized l1in1. All of us re11d tC> raise c)ur voices ,vhcn \VC are in e.trnc~c, \\' bcrl1e1 ,vc are in a l ul1>it or kiichen, so ,vhy should \\ e l>e r1tical of .1n e,1rn st pro Jai1ner of the rr-o!) t in11,orcnnc n,e~~agt: in all che ,,01ld. l~x rre111c Jou lncss is noi only of e1nsi\ e co educaced J>COJ>le, l)uc J1ard to l)e under– rood by tl1e deaf, and yet a lo,v, 111onoto- • • nou , 01 e 1s , en ,vors , c )ea c for r11e ha1 d of h rjng. Noc Jong ago a or- 1 .. J>Ondent com1,J ined an the l1d}l tl t 13uJ lcl1n th t J1 r J>, cor al,,, y Jo,, red 111 vo1 e ,, 11en J1e ,, ant cl to en11,l1 size , 1 01n1 and h could 11ot 11 ar 111 n10 t J1111 orcant \\ ords ood JlubJ, SJ e k r ,ar} che1r cone n t1n1e tl1e) ,,111 en11lhas1ze ,,01nt ,. ith a fe\, shouted (Co~11tin11 d 0,1 7Jag l The Ohio Independent Baptist Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 153 South Jefferson, Ber e I d n , n . Per Per Editor RALPH T . NORDLUND 586 Maple Street Fostoria, Ohio Circ11lation Manager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ 4519 Wellington Ave. Parma 34, Ohio Subscription Rate: s{r°gle copy _____________ $ .1 5 ear __________________ s2.oo DEADLINE FOR NEWS: 15th of each month Advertising Rate : Per column inch Per half page __ -=~- ----- $2 .00 s~,.oo Per full page _ _ ___ ---- -- --- --- 50.00 econd class postage paid at Berne, India na. Postn1asrer: Please ·end form ) 5"'9 to The Ohio Independent Baptist 45 19 \Xlell1ngton Ave Parma 34' Ohio. , ' COUNCIL A~D or-1:1cER CJ;air111a11 Re\ l-I,111 D.tuttl, 1 2 '9 e(onci .._ c Po ts111otJth, t. ref 1r1 Rt\ :\ lan1 A. G,ilt "~"'encer, Ohio Treas,,, er Ile\ 1· F1 ed l-l us ey 615 \\ .1,hingco11 .1\, e. I e , Ohio 1\fiss1011ar} .h,,,. Rev. l , 1n Rogers 7 s~ l30} 1 den 1 TorchiJcad, ()htc) ) ' 01, th Dire tor Rev. )1enn 'reen,vooJ 1 . Kensin~ ton Pl e pringfield, hio --------------------------------, ......