The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1961

I t fl \\ll\1 11 \\ 11 11 ( 1 "t \1,1~ 1 1·1· " 1 ~ llll' lllllt ,lg ,\ t(l} UCC't ( '{>lll} ,\ll\ 11t l ,ll kn , f •ig.lrt.. ltt's ll ... 111t• J11n'l1,-.. lie c1l I c1, ,, 1tl1 ti, , f \ Xl l .111.1- t1<.111. ' \ \ t: .11 , st: 11di11g , t t1 .1 l ac~k.1ut c1! t11 111l' t 1g.11 '- t tc~. \ \ l1<ll)t' \Oll ,,111 \l'-' tlltlll l<l \Cl\1 " s.1 t1,f,1 - • tic 11 .111d ,, .111t 11i< rt . ~ ( )n t' tll t l1t l c , tilt..' i~.,re tlt' ' · !111 c l ,, rot' l, k. ·1 rt ·i, < cl tll<' }),l<. l...1gt of 1 ,1.1·t tl ·, ,ltl i 1,.,•t1 tl1t•111 1t1 ,l <1,1art 0 \\ lt<.: I \\ }1i }1 l 'l)l ,l\ ('cl ()tl <.)lll' lltl J I l \ , ('d l \', l l \ l 'l 1 t ' l ; \ l' l \ ll t l g dit . 11,e ~ig.11 t•ttt, .. 1r<. ,ttrf' got><.l l , ,ltl. 1 ,,-.111t 111t>1 ' 11(' t ~1)ri11g if ,lll\ l t ~' \\11'\ i,,l..... • 1\ k I I ' ~l .. , I 11, l 1 · t () l 1 e Ip , 1 o ti , l)J) , llt)l..11 g. J l .. Sl .. ,,11cl. '('0111" ,111to 111e ~111 ) ' e ,,·110 l.11><.> r a11cl ,lrt 11 .1,, l.1dc11 ru1tl 1 ,,ill {!1\l' \ 011 l C~t.' 1 I,1tt. 11:2 ~ . B, ~Ir~ Liza K,1ne ---------- Tl1 111j11i ter ·top1)ed l1i · ·ermon, ] , 11ecl f or,, 1 i1rcl ir1 111 pt1lpit, cleared J 1 tl1roat a11d • .1icl, •<l rp tl1ere in t 11 g~1ller,· tl1ere· ,l fello,,· l1t1ggi11g (1 )"Ot111 a lacl~· a11d \\ l1e11 l1e, through, J ·11 l)egi11 ... --------- p_ TOR. ! I \\"ILL l "OlT H \ TE .. l"B CI, IPTIO.. r CA~1PAIG>J in ) ot1r c.-l1t1rcl1 ept.-Oct.? Ap1Joint ) o,1r c c111tai11 ar1d l1elpers a11d solicit c, 1 er)· ta111il),! l "ou can double the OTB circulatio11. B CRIPTIOX C,.\PT1\I~ -,lie ) 011 011 tl1e job getti11g p eople to r e- 11e,,·? \:\"it11ot1t )'Ot1r l1elp ,,·e lo e l1~1lf of tl1e111. wr A_ T ED ettled, consecrated, separated Ch! " ~·oman as macron of girl's home If 1nrere ced. \·vr1re 1frc::. W . H Keisler, P . 0 . Box ;, H unt1ngron 6. W. \ 7 a. o r call JA 3- (25 . H unt ing ton. 16 BLACK CHOIR ROBE . practically ne~'. The) are Bentle, robes Bargain at S 100. Faith Baptise Church .&3 ~ est Fourth t. C... l:1mb~s . Ohio · ~---=a=-=---------------------- THE CH ILOREN'S GOSPEL HOUR _ ...0 ~ 1 o n WEWS-TV, ch 5, Cleveland, Ohio 9 :30 A.NI . on arurdavs Junio r Choirs-Bible Q·uiz Bible "ories WATCH PRAY and TELL YOUR FRIENDS THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Henry C. Geiger, Director Livingston, Tenn. ·-----------------------=---------- I l 11 Editor Return \\ e ,11 pre i it<."' thnt uns<>li iced .1rti<lc b ,> r good frie nd. 1\ll.1n y; I .. c\,•is! \X-'t f he h 1, n, cr-1.1tc.:d u , l1ut \\'C d<> like th,lt ,uP~~l\t1,>n th.,r .,11 ,, h<> like the ( 11\ 1·ct hu,, .1nd get at lt ,l, t t>nc 1norc , uh,~ri1 t io n fron1 , l friend ~ ' c .11,o ho pe the l rc.tlhtr, ,,h,> ·'l l)tt c1,1r<. \\h,1t \\t; .ire.."' tr yi11c. t<> de> ,,·ill he lp to keep us l"'U'}· l<)f it l<><>h. ,lS if \\IC \\tll Otlf)' prt\ ll l1 c,, o ~und.1, ~ 1n August and so far 11.1,c onl} one ur1day lined up for ep ten1ber. ~rhac I tl1e 17th . All else 1s 01cn Well, there as no room to go back ant{ te ll () f all cl1e places '" e l1ave preached 1 nte ou r la t " Roamings: · I nscea<l we ,, 111 report on the kind o f , acat1on v. c managed bet,, een the August and ep– tember issues We let the printer do our proof-reading, a nd so got o ff for C harles– to n. . Va , Aug 3 rd and arrived in time for a ,vonderful dinner that nig ht \\'1th old friends. The nex t day we visited as mu ch as '"'e could and then took the W. Virg inia Turnpike and got as far as Pearisburg, Virg inia, that nig ht. I f any one wants to see beautiful mountian scenery, he should by all means travel from Charleston to Princeton on the W . Virgi nia Turnpike. Spring, summer or fall there is nothing like it. Of course, we had a purpose-to arrive by arurday evening at that other Charleston down in ou th Carolina, where we were to see a little g rand daughter we had never seen before. We found her to be adorable ~rith her b ig brov;n eyes and golden hair. If \\ e could only have stayed three more days than we did and helped her celebrate her first birthday, ,ve would have been altogether happy, but even so i t v:as wonderful . Thrown in to m ake the trip even better, v. 1 e saw o ld Charles– t~n, p roud of its colonial look, and Fort empter. Yes, we had a dip in the ocean too; but the main thing v. 1 as that grand daughter! 'VI.' e a ttended the Citadel Square Baptist Church twice on Sunday and on prayer meeting nig ht. It is an old historic church th"t goes back to Revolutionary times, b:i t is very much al ive. Like m ost larger outhe: n Baptist churches, it has a mis– S!On. Atten Jance a t the tv.o p laces was ScJ ternl)cr, J 96 l From Vacation c)vcr 90(). ·1~hc rnc1r ni ng service \Vas spir– icu,d and ch.dlcngi11g and the evening scrvi c w~1s in charge c>f sc>mc 70 young 1,c·o1Jlc who had been tc> their <>v. 1 n citadel ~quarc churcl1 cam 1) ()ne had been con– verted and t hrcc young men an<.l cwice th'1t rnany girls had <.ledicated their Jives tc> full time scrv ice. You ,vould have chougl1t t hey had Just gotte11 back from amJ-, Patmos' T he only t\VO disappoint– ments ,verc 1n the unday school lesson and in t he almost prayerless prayer meet– ing. We had a sermonccte in the men's class, but no study of the Bible. Why people came in such large numbers to prayer meeting we did not know, but maybe they <lid a lot of silent, personal praying while the three off1c1al pray-ers said theirs out loud. We were glad chat back home we have real prayer sessions. Yet we are glad to say that jn this church as in many o thers in the Southland, they still preach the gospel of salvarion. On our way home we stayed with friends in Beaver , W. Va., and attended a Saturday nigh t revivial meeting. The next morning we preached for Pastor George Bailey at the Stanaford R d. Bap– t ist Church just outside of Beckley and saw what a fine work is being dooe in this FBHM mission. T hey haJ 62 in unday school and it h ad been up to 81. They had had 69 enrolled in D . V. B. S. and it had four conver sions. T hat night we preached at Mt. Tabor for our good friend, Pastor Albert Ostrander. The work there is going well in spite of the many who have moved into O hio and elsewhere to find work. Over I 00 were out to the service, and Sunday school is running around 140. Vacation is over and we are ready to go to work! D oes your church need a Bible conference or revival meetings, or is there a field near by where you would wan t surveying done to get a new work started? If we can help you, let us knew. SEND IN N E ' "' S E\ lERY ~10~TH ! Gen eral 11e,vs to editor, ,,,01nen's to ~1rs. Milner, youth to Da\ e Go,ver. On our beautiful campus overlooking San Francisco Bay, high school grads can obtain- A CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR LIF'E AND SERVICE. B.A. and B.Th. degrees ; Bible major with mino1·s in Theology Pastoral Education, Christian Education, Missions, Music, Greek, Social S«tlence, Education-Psychology, or the H11manities. Co-operative programs leading to B.S. and R.N. degrees, also B.A. and M.B.A. or M.S. degrees in Business Administration. Write for free catalog, Dept. I ACCRED11'E:D: AABC WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE Rev. H. 0. Van Gilder, D.D., President Hill and EJm Streets, El Cerrito, Cal. •