The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1961

LET'S RALLY TO COLUMBUS! ..h Ill, 111 \\ rk (. l1r ist l\ '-i() l1<. () 0 (he 11 111 1 Ii f. \ 'lll ,,t.\.k re.., ,,t.t.•k 1n the rd1nar, hur" 11 .1 ti , 1t1c, , l ut 1..ic,e, 11 t 111ca11 th 1t t in1e l )Ut f<)r ,ln .1nnu.1l rail nr RL...:. ul.1r l ,ll"tt,t fl',rt<.5 1s nt)t ,, rtl1 ,, 1111 . l t l , rJ tnt'lk h1, dt~( 1i)lc · 31"· r t r Ill , ... l () \' ds fl () rl1 (ltl1l' CO f"1n1 • • nd \\l h.l\t the , ,lllle nceJ ot p ,. ,n1.ll f ~:\. h ~ r !! 1n~ c1t1r L).1tcer1c ·. \X'e ' , h.1ve .tn( thtr rt .l'\On tor eek1n~ fo r L" ,, 1t ou r .1nnu .11 111ect1ng· th,1t Je u "id O('t h.1, c ,, l1en l1e called t"elve lone ,-i t .1r.1 t \\ e h.1, C .in opportunity t t) -.1cn1c.:'l n ·tr.1te the "it.1l1ty of our I f~i tl1 tt l1un1..lreJs ot thousand of p(.'\ l"lt. ,, ho rc.1"-l tht Co lun1bt• daily r'· 1 rt. , Th<. (..1chol ic ( ' l1u rch knO\\ the va ~ l o t the cro,, d that attend ~ I r t. r e.ichari.. tic congresse . The J e- • l 1L , .ih \\ 1 coesse have impressed ~ -u t:h bla e ' c1t1es as Chicago and I "e,, \~ork ,,·1rh ten of thousan<ls gathered from their small local ~ 1 group all O\'er the " 'orld. As we i "rice chi . ~fayer Willie Brandt 1 ha Just addressed a rally of 200,000 •· 1n \,..est Berlin to put pressure on 1 both Russia and the U A. If o thers acrifice to make big demonsrra- 11 tion. ,vhy cannot \\ 1 e? We know what .,, a value our crowds were at Winona Lake this summer at our GARBC I meetings and big attendance at Co- 11 lumbus will be just as valuable. I: All ,ve need to cash in on that value 1s for every pastor to be present \\'ith as many laymen and women from his church as his enthusiasm, ad– ,·erc1s1ng and telephoning can enlist. It takes all of these to gee very many to come. but the enthusiasm they will bring home " ·ill be worth it. With Columbus as central as i t is, and with six churches 1n the ciry to draw from for local support, \\-e should have the largest attendance the OARBC has ever had. We realize that a few pastors will be pre,·enred from coming by sickness and tcnerals, and one or two may have had co schedule a revival just then or miss ou r o n a nat1on?lly known evangelist. u relv no loyal Regular Baptist pas tor v. t>u ld schedule a revival for the third v. eek o f Oaober v.·ithouc compelling rea– sons We grant char a revival is more important than attendance at our annual meetings. but the year has at least 25 other good v. eeks 1n " ·hich to hold it. Our pas to rs a nd me:1 should rake a le-s ) n from rhe " 'omen. "'ho rally spring anct fal l i n great n umbers. If we could only persuade chem to come for the whole program, or ac lease come on Wednesday anG stay over o ne night, v.e \\ Ot1ld easily double our attenda nce If they JUSt can– not do char, ,ve " 'ish they v..•ou ld bring thei r husba nds. fathers or farl1ers- in-law for che one day . so v..·e cou ld have as big a 1fen's Forum as the W omen's 1fis– siona ry H our ! They might ha, e to hog– rie them the f i rsr year: bu t \\'e like to rhink chey V.'OL' Id en;oy the forum so much ~t:ey \vould \\'ant ro come the follo" ·ing year. pf\ TOR BROCK lJ. \ 1 ITE u i\ ugus t 4 th he ,vroce, We certainly do INl)l Pl 4 1) 1.N 1· BAr>1·1' 1" ,, ,l nt c, c1 \ (>nt to cornc and \\! di l<>ok f()r cht l.trJ!C5t .1ttcnd~1ncc c"tr ,lt rhc ()111(> .1nnu.1l n1eet1nP t \\ 1 I l d<> our hcsr • t<) .1tco111n1od.1tc folks 1n homes a11cl 1n the t\' ,tr tutur<.' \\ tll end out .1 r>crson.11 invit.1t1011 to .111 tl1e churcl1cs." e ap p 1ct11te this cxcr,1 etfort on his i),trt and hope 1 t \\ 111 d<) mu(l1 good. I le .1lso gives us directions as to how re> t inJ his church "1-11e cl1urch 1s lo t ated t,,o blocks souc l1 of Route 1l) West . l ~he easiest \\'ay to find it is to turn ouch f ron1 We t Broad treec Rt . 10) at any 3000 nun1bers. Go c,vo blocks LOVE O E ANOTHER By Ralph T. Nordlund "Lord, g ·ve n:.e a gre1t command to obey To pro e my faithfulness day by day!" I ljsceneJ and heard tr.e avior say, "That ye love one another." "Lo1d, help me to prove co my doubting friend That the Bible is true from beginning to end! ' ' "Just live," He answered, "the creed you defend, And love one another ." "Lord, grant our church a prosperous year– The last was checkered with failure and fear.' ' H e whispered, "Your troubles will all disappear When ye love one another. " Yes, love will engage our uttermost powers, And faith will grow like the springtime flov. 1 ers, Our churches experience revival showers When \\ 1 e love one another." south co Palmetto, turn west on Palmetto and to the church.,. You will know you are there when you see the sign , "Immanuel Baptist Church." LET'S SEND IN ACCURATE STATISTICS That should be done before the an– nual meeting, of course, but the other editorial has suggested this one if this can be called another. Before you read this each church clerk will have gotten the statistical blanks from Brother Galt, with his new address in Erie, Pa. If they are not already sent in, be sure to get at it at once; and let's all do it accurately this time. Your pastor will help you gee the local , missionary, build– ing fund and to tal giving columns to balance if you have trouble with it. Report what has been received under each cate– gory, but do not report borrowed money. Also, do not report balances from the year before. Your pastor may also be able to help you tally membership gains and losses so that they balance with the report you sent in lase year. Sometimes that is quite a task too, for it is easy to forget to mark off members who have been let– tered out or who have died. ometimes people are baptized into the membership and never reported! The pastor usually has a list of his own and so it pays co check with him. Each church is free to make either a full or a partial report, of course; but if it is going to mean \e~y much as a resc1mony of our work, it should be com– plete and from all our churches. Let's ptcmbcr, 1961 rc:.1d Acts 15: 1.,1 ,1nd then very likely \VC ,vdl all he g lad t<> m,1kc the report . PICKi NG BEANS Af er readjng twelve days of accumulaL· cd mail afcer our vacation, writing six Jccccrs and getting the material ready t<> go to ,vork on th s eDtember issue, it might seem that pi ...l~1nJ beans woulcl be pure relaxation. instead ,ve grumbled O\ er the scooping, with n) milkin.3 stool to sic e n, an<l o·. er rl e te: r1ble cro~ b ie of pinching thirty pods on each vine to decide whether they were Just right for freez,ng! Making one hundred de– cisions a minute was hard work! Then the divine purpose in it all came to mind, and we are not joking. The Bible makes 1t clear that God had a benevolenc purpose in mind when he cursed the ground for man's sake. It was not Just for the sake of punishing him for his s ·n, but for his ,.eco,.marion and salva tion. The first le..s ~n th :? t came to us ( on our way home, far enough away from our frustrations to g row philosophical ) was char any necessary task is work for the one who does it and relaxation for the onlooker. Our two-year-old grandson did not think that his grandparents were working, for his equally great physical exertions were voluntary and therefore fun. It occured to us that grown-ups feel the same way about their pastor's calling. When they voluntarily visit a friend, it is fun, so why isn' t it fun for the pas– tor? Only a salesman can appreciate the work of calling, and even he cannot understand the pastor's heartache. H e puts brain-swear into sell ing things people want; bur the pastor tries to sell the mystic idea of receiving by faith a sal– vation they do no t want, and their re– fusals break his heart. Of course, the pastor does not try to knock on a hundred doors a day the way a salesman does, so he may not appreciate why his salesman member is too tired to go to prayer meeting. A ciry man thinks farming is healthful fun in the sun; and the farmer thinks chat desk workers have a pretty soft job. H usbands can't understand why their wives are so tired at nig ht, and wives can' t understand why strong men should be so tired after on ly eight hours of work. Many of our misunderstandings stem from the simple truth chat work looks easy until we get into it! The second lesson was that planted l ima beans reproduce lima beans, not Kentucky Wonders! We got v. 1 hat we sowed and were reminded of that verse in Galatians that says, "Whatsoever a man sowech that shall he also reap." If v.·e had sown weeds, that is "- hat we would have reaped-in faa, after one hoeing and rwo plowings, "'e did have a few weeds to pull out-grim reminders of the parable of the tares in the wheat. In our heart's garden we have enough trouble without caking moral holidays every so often and flinging weed seeds around! H ow wonder– ful life would be if we had as much spiritual sense as we have gardening sense.