The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1961

_e~p_:e_m_~_r,_ 19_6_1______ _ _ ____ ~_E_ O_H_I_O_ IN~D~ ~END~TBAPTI~ &~~ee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--=~ le seems tha t we enjoy sin because it is largely volun tary and purposeless and we feel r ighteou iness is hard work because it 1s obligatory- which links our second point with the first. The third lesson did nor come home until we v.~racked our brains at our desk, since we picked our lima beans after supper and not before : beans out of your own garden taste so much better than those you buy! So do those first radishes or that first mess of lettuce or peas or that first ripe tomato! What blessed rewards people miss who cannot or will not raise their own garden produce. They know nothing of the joy of " being first partaker of the fruit ," co quo te the Apostle Paul . While they are spared the discovery that gardening is hard work, they rob themselves of a far greater joy. Modern lawn-mowing, golfing preachers will never know how good beans out of their ov. 1 n garden taste; but they can kno" .r the hard work of sowing pure gospel seed in their parish, of cultivating their field and even watering ic with the r tears, and then the heavenly joy of reaping a harvest of souls! Yes, any kind of work is wo rk, but it brings blessings that the indolent never know. Enjoy your own calling and don't be Jealous of those whose business seems so easy. Above all else, be sure co work for the Lord, for the rewards he gives are everlasting. DIVINE OR BODILY HEALING ( The Constitution and By-laws of the First Baptise Church of McDonald con– tains an amendment to its articles of faith on Divine Healing chat 1s so balanced and sensibly Scriptural that we re-produce it here as an editorial. We commend the whole constitution and booklet as mosc excellent. Editor. ) We bel1eve that sickness , together with every ocher disorder and evil 10 human life and the world, are the effeet of sin. The New Testament clearly teaches that · C..hrist died for our sins · and "That He was made s1n fo r us." Divine Healing is noc in che atonement made by C..hr1sc in the sense chat salvation and the fo rg iveness of si ns are in Hi s atonement. The suf– fer ing and deach of Christ was substitu– t ionary, penal and vicarious ( Rom . 4 :25; I Cor . 15: 1-3; 11 Cor . 5:2 1; I J>ecer 2:24; 3: 18). Jr is no ~,here raughc in cripture tl1at llrisc died fo r the ef feces of si n l')u t [c)r si n. R o r11. 6:6-12. 1"1 e e ffects o f sin did 11oc nc:ed a sat isfacto ry 1,enalty mered out , bu t sin dicl, because J i:s an infri1 gernenc of li is La,v and W ill and a r1 0 F ! 1~ A A l T T 101)' l JOLl I . hrist, therefore, bore che 1> nalr)' of si11 1n 1 I1s sufferi11g and de. cl1. ~'e f unl1 .. r l,el1cve cha'l ,, hen 1a tche\l.' 8 1 quotes J s 1al1, ··1 J 1n1sel cook our 1nfJr1n1c1e:s, nd l,are out si kne ":Jes," it v. riot thac lie: took 1}1 n1 10 the ense c 11 t lie dJed for tl1e111 and 1>u t l h 111 \ a) s l ie: did c11e ins of tl1e bel1evc1, l>ut s rl1e oncexc Jc I ly re, c...~ls b} "l,ea1 1ng 1l1e111 JO tl1 en e of }'fllJ atl1 c1call) l r1ng cl1 n1, so rl1 c l ie to k cl1en1 ,, } I>) } e J1ng cl1.. 1cl J1e J ss learl} r f ers co \\ 11 t c ok J la during c>ur L rd s 1 ubJ1 m1n1scr) nd nor ,, 11 c cook 11 Jn l I d th J J-i1s , JC r1 u <leacl1 t r1st l ore cl I n Jc, of 1n 11d n1 1J1 h a Id n11c1on 11111 , rs e,er) possible ef feet of sin and will therefore, V:7hen H e brings in full and eternal redemp– tion , pu t an end co all sin and sickness ' as well as co every ocher disorder in the world because of sin. We believe that the present dispensation of Grace is discinaly and preeminently the rime for spiritual salvation and of spiritual blessing in the heavenlies. During this dispensation the Lord heals the body in answer to believjng prayer, bt1t only ac– cording co His own sovereign will and for His glory, and not because He is bound to do so because of what He has accom– plished on che Cross. The W ord of G od does no t make a promise of specific bodily healing to the Christian in the age of Grace, but the child of God can bring h is physical needs to G od in prayer just as he brings all his ocher burdens ( Phil. 4: 6-') . Furthermore, the W ord of God does no t authorize public healing meetings fo r the Church Age ( James 5:14) . We believe that when the Lord Jesus returns, according to His own promise ( John 14 :3 ) , and the revelation of a great mystery through Paul ( I Cor. 15 : 51- 53) , as well as the special word from the Lord through Paul ( 1 Thess. 4 : 13-18) , the saints of the present dispensation will receive glorified bodies and shall then possess and enjoy the full benefits of an accomplished redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ. Until then Christians carry about with them a sinful nature and a mortal body, which is subject to pain, sickness and death. When the Lord Jesus returns and triumphs over all H is enemies, sub– duing chem and putting an end co them all, H e v.rill bring in the eternal Day of God when heaven and earth and the , . existing nations shall know and enJOY t he full eternal benefits of the redemption He has accomplished by His death upon the Cross, ( II Peter 3: 10-1 3; I Cor. 15 . 24-28; R ev. 2 1 and 22 ). The healing and deliverances of Christ in connection w1rh H is earthly ministry were but the evidences and manifestations of His power as the SON OF GOD A D THE ERV– A T OF JEHOVAH, as v.,ell as 1llusrra– rions and forecasts of the power that shall be manifested 10 His earthly kingdom , when He will reig n over restoret1 I srael and the natio ns of the earth ( I aiah 11 : 1-9, 35 18-25). Why Pay Exorbitant Prices? \Yle can sup1,ly st tt ionery, en,·elope a11d other 1>rinced rna ter ia l co cl1ur he ,nd 1>a~rors ac grc, ti }' reduce(l prices. I e rce1 head , ro1,-g1a le p, per, 8 1-2 by 11, 11 1,er 1,000, 1,1e-paid. o e ~r cit, rge £01 a 1,1 rure of chur h or n11n– t!)ter on lee terhe.Lds Ocl1er 1,r1nt1ng at sin1il r b rgain . cisfaceion gu r nt d. l ' ~ , cer )'OU h , e 1,1,roved }our order \ XT rice for free an1pJ nncl 1.,r1ce . ll J>] I 1 TI J lJP I ' Jl 130 2 8, I n a ter, 1110 The Ohio Independent Baptist Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OP REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 15 3 South Jefferson, Berne, Ind. Editor RALPH T. NORDLUND 586 1,faple Street Fostoria, Ohio Circulation Afana,ger MRS. JOHN KAUTZ 4519 Wellington Ave. Parma 34, Ohio Sub1cription Rate : Per single copy _____________ $ .15 Per Year __________________$2.00 DEADLINE FOR NEWS: 15th of each 1I1onth Adverti1mg Rate: Per colullln inch ------------ $2 .00 Per half page ------------- $2 7.00 Per full page ·------------- $50.00 Second class postage paid at Berne, I ndiana. Postmaster . Please send form 3 579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist, 4519 Wellington Ave., Parm2 34 , Ohio. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Chairman Rev. Hall Dautel, 1209 econd t . Po rtsmouth, Oh10 ~cr et ar'}' Re, Adan1 A alt 1,,1enter. (.)hio ·1·.,-eas1,,.e, Rev () l 'l ~ Fred Hus ev • \\ .1~h1 ngton Ave. lts hio ,\ I issio11a 11 _ JJ 11l. Rev. 1..ynn l{oger 7 5 1 • Doy len 1 ortlif1eld, 1110 ) ' 011t}J Dire tor Rev. len,1 reen, o d 15 . Kens1n con Pl e prin f 1eld, 1110 Other 1e11lbers -~:, 1----------------------------=--'~--