The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1961

October 1961 - - - w AT historical facts of the church during the fifteen years. A very interesting history of births. deaths and marriages was read. Russell Gibson v.·as a lad of seven when rhe)r came to Cleveland and is nov., en– ~aged to marry the daughter of one of the deacons. Pastor Vernon Vork and v. ife of Idaho, who were married by Pas– tor Gibson 10 °49, were vacationing in Cleveland and assured him that the knot ~·as securely t:ed. God's Word cells us that there will be 1 1 nde:--shepherds 10 the last days v:ho will lead their flocks astray, but the people at Calvary praise the Lord that their pastor has nor led them astray, bur has many times v. 1 arned them, brought wanderers back, and sought to awaken them out of sleep. After the program delicious refreshments of cake and punch were served from a beautifully decorated cable. The center piece v.·as a lovely cake that looked like an open Bible. WHY LEAVE TIIE GARBC OUT? In the 1961-62 Stewardship Faces, pub– lished by the CCC, the ten best giving denominations ( containing 100,000 mem– bers or more) are listed, v.·ith the Church of the azarene listed first with $13 5 .51 g1ven per member, and the Church of God ( Anderson, Ind ., group) second v:ith SI 04.51 given. No Baptist group is listed, and yet Regular Baptists ( GARBC) shou ld have had second place with S 110 plus. They could have seen in our 1960 year book that we numbered 136,000 and gave a total of S 15,000,000 or nearly so. Was it prejudice against a "splinter group" that led them to ignore us? MARA ATHA BAPTIST, pringfield The film, "Operation Abol1t1onti and the filmstrip, "Commun1sm on che Map," have been shown recently Pastor Houk announces that Evangelist Carlyle Scott 01 Crawfordsv1lle, Inc.i , has been sc.heduled to hold revival meetings ov 5-19. FAITH BAPTIST, Amherst Pastor Leland H oward annou11ces that dedication services for the new ,v1ng on their bu iJ<ling ,.viJl be held at 3 p.m., Ocr. 22nd. The editor l1as been asked tc, give the message. Tl1e auditorium \\'as used Sepe. 10th for tl1e first time but is noc yet quire complete. ·1·RUTl:f ABOU'I~ BOYS T()W 1eorge . Bancrofc, executive of the Presl,yterian Sy11od of Ncl,raska, l1as fj11ally l1ad tl1e courage to J>ublisl1 cJ1e facr~ al)ouc this famous tho) ic scl100J ( or L,a<l boys. Procesrants sl1ould know rhar for all tl1e n1oraJ good done, tl1is scl100J J)ucs all i~ind of pressure 011 })1 <1cc~ta11t l:>oys tllere to tur11 atl1olic, in SJ>ire of all its lever advertising 1nay sa}'· 'J.}1e}' have to go co rJ1e arl1olic scl1ool on rhe grounds, \\' here t11e teacl1ers alle d, essed ir1 religious garl>. Uncil vigorous 1,rocesc~ v. ere 1nade, J)rotesc- anc serv1c s on unday ,ve, e 11 ·Id i11 dor1nit0r)' room; ar1d ev n no,,, tl1ey are 11 Jd 1n }1a1> J in the fjeJd 11ouse, ,,,J1iJe tl1e I> ut1fuJ n1 ,norial }1a1,eJ 1 u ed cx– clus1 ,eJ)' l,}' rl10J1cs. lore c11a11 tl1at , 1vfr B ncrofc de I r s t11 c ;vitJ1 o much 1 , n b)' Jlrot<:sta11ts nd atholi s like, 130} To 'n 11 s 1nu }1 Jarg r in on1e THE OI-IIO I DEPE DE1 T BAPTIST R R E than it needs. Why should not Protestants give to such an institution as the tarr H ome for Boys at Albion, A11chiga~, which also operates a home at Van Wert, Ohio? The founder of it was a Baptist. AVO BAPTI T Pastor Homer E. Graven reports a week of special prayer services from Monday through Friday, Sepe. 11-15 . The average attendance was 33, with a high of 58. The pastor gave devotional n1essages from chapters 10-13 of H ebrews. One of the most earnest prayer requests in thi s church ove1 the past year was answer{'d on Wednesday of the same week! FELLOW HIP BAPTIST CALLS HAROLD WINTER We are glad to report that the long months of waiting are over and the Fellowship Baptist Chu rch has called and secured Rev. Harold G. Winter of New Y ork tate as their pastor. By next m onth v. 1 e hope to have his picture and more nev:s about him, but we do welcome him to our state and associa– tion and wish him much success. His address is Box 242, Rt. 1, Wadsworth, Ohio. BLES ED HOPE BAPTI T , pringfield Next month we hope to have a report of the state meeting of the American Council, which vle just could nor attend ept. 18, 19, just when this issue of the OIB had to be typed up. No,v v. e v. ill let Pastor Greenwood tell of the evangel1st1c work the church did at the Clark County Fair: HWe have just finished the Clark County Fair, and this year our church had a rest tent for the people who came. Then, the Hammond Organ tud1os put a Ham– mond organ and tone cabinet in the rent for us at no cost, and our secretary and church organise played hymns all day and throughout the evening. Ir mer ,v1ch a great response as far as the peo!1le ,, ere concerned. We handec.i out thousanJs of Page Eleven ARE pieces of l1terarure tha t were desi,; ,,.d especially for a fair, and the Gosi:el pene– trated into many homes v. here otherwise it would not have gained entrance. The fair closed on arurday. and unday morn– ing v..-e had three fam lies v. ho v. ere here as a direct res·1lr of our ministry ac the f JP air. MEMORIAL BAPTJ T, Cnlumb'Js Vacation Bible school had unusually good attendance. l\fiss Bech Odo r brought a missionary message each day Camp Pat– mos also was a bless· ng to several boys and girls, who repor ·e3 char the food v.·as better than ever, and a ls ) the so1~irual food and recreation. P 'lstor Billington at– tended the l\fen's Fellov.-sh1p there and also came back with good reports pec1al speakers and supplies v. 1 h1le the t'asror was on vacation have been Rev. r,e:ald V . melser of the Clevelan..:l Hebre~ Mission, m1ssionar~es Dale D :1v1s .1nJ Bill Compton, Rev. Richard Bov.·<;e... a 1'){ al minister, and Dr. Arthur W1lli:1ms ot Ce.:iarville. 1nce vacation is over a ttend:l nee 1s climbing rapidly and their ne,, church bus is a big help 1n br1nging ne~ ones in. Revival meet1 ngs v:ill start Oct l ch . \'\ 1th Rev. D on Winters as the e·. angel,sc. UB CRIPTIO. C.A.PT .\I:\' -,1re ,.,ot1 011 the job getti11g people to re– ;1e,,,? \ \ "ithot1t ) ot1r l1elp ,,·e lo e }1~1lf of tl1e1n ! Will We CU Oct. 16-· 19 at Immanuel Baptist, Columbus? Numbers make for enthusiasm and enthusiasm for growth! Pl~n to con1e and help us male tl11s our best attended .innual n1eet1ng. On our beautiful campus overlooking . San Fra11cisco Bay. high school grads ca11 obta1r1- A 1 HRJ TI 14~0 1,10 1-~0R l .,IF' ' I> ... ER ' I 1'~. B .A . nd B.1'h. degr es; Bibi 111ajor \ i th 11!inor i11 11 ,ol<?gy • toral ~dttcetio 11 , l1ri~tian Educatic,11, i ~i!)ns, us1c, l .re k, ..: <•rial ... 1 nt , Education- Ps chology, or tl1e llu111an1t1 .• o-opeiati progrruns I ading to B. : . 11d ~ . . tlegre . , also B .1 . nd M.B .A. or . ". degr e in Busin s drr mt trat1on. \V rit for fr "atalog, D pt. I A RF..DITED: AB W 4 fl .. R ' B P'fl BIHi, • . II. . ' an ild , D. ., HUI and "Im tr t ' •