The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1961
tion to the erectio11 of 11ece sa11' buildings and other equip111ent p erti– nent to the mission l1eadqt1arter's ,,·ork. a school for the traini11g of 11a– ti,1e leadership, also a scl1ool for the missionaries' children as ,,,ell as dor– mitOI")' space and residential prop– erh' for those missionaries engaged in ., the ,,rork centered on this prop- ert)'. As of Aug. 31, the ladies' grot1ps of ,·arious chtuches ha,,e co11tribt1ted $353.50. This amount represents fi,,e contributio11s and inclt1des 8120 from the \\ 1 .~1.U. of the G A.R.B.C. This is a project that all of our churches can be proud of, and a piece of prop– ert\' that manv of you ca11 enjoy visit– ing, inasmuch.. as it can be reached by automobile o,rer good high,\·ays. "The G.A.R.B. church in Enid, Oklahoma, has extended a formal iI1- , itation to the Area Field Council to conduct a missionary conference ancl council meeti11g there Nov. 8-12. All of our fexican missionaries a11cl mis– sional)' candidates ,~.7ill be present. This includes all of the f exican ,vork i11 Colorado, in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, and in 1exico. Ot1r desper– ate 11eed today is the ste,vardship a11d the prayers of God's people a11d of the churches of our own consti h1- encv. ' ' • Editor's note: I hope our readers \\ 1 ill \\ 1 rite the office and ask for tl1is splendid article in fl1ll, prepared by BrotJ1er Osburn of BM~1. ----------- Let llS the Lord ,vitl1 Ollf ,,,l1ole heart, ,111ticipate 1-Iis comi11g 1nome11tarilv The one who is sur- .. re11cl ;l1 eel f i11ds it joy to pra } 1 , gi, 1 e, t ~stif}', st11dy l1is \\ 'ord, hear hi<; \\ 7 ord sir1g, give l1ospitalit}', etc. For 111 ( .. J1risti,111 it ~}1ot1lcl lJe "11e\ 1 er a dt111 IllfJ1ne11t." A1ne11? A1n 11! - - - - ---- Hebrew Christian Society ( An Independent Baptist Mission) 2524 Euclid Heights Boulevard Cleveland 6, Ohio • • • • PRESENTING CHRIST '111rough Means of: I-'it~rature Distribution Ho • - to-Ho~e Vi:,itation Youtl1 lass s Junior sp rs Adult orums Camp Nathanael- Huntsburg, Ohio • • • • PRFS rnTING 1"HE JEWISH NEED To Cl1ri tians by MeanB of: 'HEBR ;JW ClfRISTIAN VIEWS AND NEWS" Station W RF-FM, Cl veland Station WDLM, . Moline, Ill. ublic tion: STAR OF DAVID V. ALA . MET L.F, Director M . John . Berm tt, r sident Page Seven BIBLE BAPTIST OF NEWARK ORGANIZES ome one once said, "The church mt1st be of the Lord, or it ,,,ould h,1 \·e disappeared long ago." ~1ost of tis st1pposed that the missio11 star tecl l)y Gordo11 Dolloff at e\,vark i11 19.58, and contint1ed by James paulding uncler FBHM in 1960 hacl disappear– ed from the map ,vl1e11 he gav·e up early this year. He tried his best a11d the people dovv11 there love him, bt1t so1neho,v a few of them reft1sed to give up and God gave tl1em a leader i11 Captai11 Jin1rnie L. Smitl1 of Gra11- vil le. e,v families have come in, eight have bee11 baptized, and Sept. 17th fowtee11 convertecl and baptiz– ed Cl1ristia11s ba11ded themsel,·es to– gether to form the Bible Baptist Cht1rch of e,vark. So1ne \\ 1 ere pre– \·entecl from atte11cling tl1e orga11iza– tion meeting, led by Editor Ralph T. ordlu11cl. e,,en more had sig11ecl tl1e co11fession of faitl1 a11cl indicated tl1at they ,vished to unite ancl so1ne hope soon to be baptized. One Deni– son University sh1de11t \\ 1 as led to put her trust i11 Clu·ist at the previous mor11i11g se1, 1 ice. By the ti1ne tl1e charter me1nbership roll is closed Ja11- uary frrst it is hoped tl1at at least 25 ,,,ill be members. A constitution will be adoptecl i11 tl1e meantime and i11- corporation sot1ght so they ca11 buy tl1e property 11orth of to,vn in ,,·l1icl1 tl1ey have met tl1ese tl1ree years. It is owi1ed by t,,,o 1nen ,~110 ,vere it1stru- 111e11 tal i11 starti11g the ,,,ork. God ,,,orks i11 111ysteriot1s \v'a)'S, as Isaac ,,,~1tts sa11g 1na11 1 ) ears i1go. Captain Jimmie L. Smitl1, of tl1e U11ited States Air Force, his \\life ar1cl three chilclren, ,,·ere transferrecl to Granville to ser\'e as an instrt1ctor of the R.O.T.C. at Der1ison Uni,,ersit}' · He had been raised in a Bapti t Church of Arlington, \ 7 irginia. ,,·hich is i11 fello,,·ship ,,rith the G.t\RBC. \\ 1 hen they dic1 11ot find a fundamer1t– al cht1rch i11 N e\,·ark, they het1rd of the 1nissior1 i.i1 ~ e\,·ark ,,·here Brotl1er paulc1i11g hacl jt1 t begl1n to ser,:e. Tl1ev liked it a11d soo11 became bt1sy .. in the ,vork. Often the)· brot1ght stt1- clents from tl1e u11iversitv· ,,·ith tl1em, • ancl also startecl a Bible class i11 tl1eir hon1e at Gran,·ille for interested stt1- dent-only a handful, but girls ,, 110 ,vanted to lea111 abot1t the Bible. Last spri11g '"·l1e11 tl1e I\' e,,·ark grot1p became pastorless. it fell to tl1e lot of Captai11 1nith to preach a ,,,ell as ser,·e as t111da,, scl1ool urJer- • i11te11cle11t. As ofte11 as possible l1e brot1gl1t i11 otl1ers to do tl1e preacl1- ing, btrt more ofte11 it ,,·a tip to l1i1n. He has doe a fine job of it. for i11- terest a11d atte11da11ce l1as gro\\rn t111til 1nore tl1an 011ce tl1e,· l1a,·e hacl -16 • prese11t. He l1as t,,·o n1ore )·ear · to er\'e at Gran,,ille, a11cl hopes b 1, the time he is tra11sferrecl that ,l ·elf– st1pporti11g cl1t1rcl1 ,, ill be left l)e– l1i11cl ,,,}1icl1 ,v1ll be ilble to call a11cl st1pport a l)a tor. Let ti -- pray to tl1at e11<l. It 1Jla11 to seek fella,,, l1ip \\·itl1 ot1r ~lssociatior1 011ce it 11,1 for111t1l,1tecl ~111cl ,1cloptecl ,1 co11 ·titt1 ti 011. - - - ----- ·------------------------------------------------------· BAPTIST BIBLE E~II AR TRAI LE DER ! • B. B. . Gra<lziate .4r ert zn ° JTI it/1 Disti11ctior1 at H on,e <111d <J11 tl1 e f i ' • l () 1l If you are cal!ed to full time Christion Service, you should prayerfully consider what Baptist Bible Seminary offers. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE TO DR. ARTHUR WOOLSEY, PRESIDENT ThB. Bre & Diploma Course BAPTI ST Bl BLE SEMINARY JOHNSON CITY, N. • - - -
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