The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1960

i~s Les 1 i Fitch 43 ..53 Cer,ter 1·td • , Avon Oh io OIB ,.,i ilO \ 7 olume XXX_II_I--------------- DECEMBER, 19~6;::-;C~) ___________ _:_:__.......============== _ __ ______:N...:..:umber 2 • • - . • • ' _ .. - • ( ,r1111e l lrfLi11 fit t/1 r: T1'e ll of tl,r 1\[(ll!,i 11 ear Betl1lel1r>111 £)j ccure furnished b} the B1bJ1c,1l Rc. ':><:dtt h oc1tt\ 1 1()()5 Verdugo Ild . Lo!) Ange le':> 6), ,1l1f<)rn1,1 - .. Whether cht \X 1se ?\: fen wacercd their can1els ar rh1'i exact ,,ell or nor n1atter" lictlt It doe, rnatrer ,vl1echcr bv fa,rh in the incarnate, ciucificd and r1~en hr1'it , \\t drink of the ·\\ ell') l> t ~.,1 - • • n va t 1<) 11. '