The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1960

December, 1960 TI-IE f IDDLE MA (Co11tin11ed fro111 JJage 10) 1 ot c:1 , ·e ,1 n1oral being ,:1gai1 st l1is ,vill. _And tl1e atler1 ati\ 1 e to a ,vorlcl of free 1noral beings is a n1ecl1a1 ical \vorld of robot . \.\' l1at doe the Book Sa)' abot1t it? \ "ou ki10,v ,,,hat it sa)'S: It sa~ s all ha,·e inned, and it says tl1at H e has laid 011 the ,fiddle Ma11 tl1e i11iqt1ity of us all. It ays: "For God so loved the ,,,orld, tl1at l1e gave hi only be– gotten on, tl1at ,,,hosoe,,er b elieveth in him should not p eri h, but h ave everlasting life" r Joh11 3: 16] . \Ve are told by ome that Paul teaches that God arbitrarily ch ose a handful to be saved a11d that H e ar– bitrarily c11ose the va t majority to b e damned. But ,vh at does P aul liimself say about the ltniversality of the Atonement? "For there is one God, and one mediator b etween God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all'' [ 1 Timothy 2:5, 6 ]. And ,vhat does Peter say ab out it? "Th e Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slack– ness; but is longsuffering to u s-ward , not willing that any should p erish , but that all sliould come to repentance ' ' [2 P eter 3:9]. God loves the human race. God loves all the human race. God cil– ways has loved the human race. God always will love the human race. And God's Io, 1 e for the human race is an active love. From Eden's c losed gates to the swaddling clothes of the latest infant born into the world. God, says Peter, has been offering the race a Saviour. H e loves all of u s. That 7 s set– tled forever. And not only loves us, but is doing all H e can, consistent with H is nature, and our n a ture, to save every last one of us . I ask no more than thatl Bless Him, I can worship, love and serve a God like that . Christmas means the coming into the world of the Middle Man-to save all \vho will p ermit Him lo save them: Adam ashamed and hidir1g in the bushes; ai11, with a sin-offering l>eckoning to J1im ; AlJrt1ham i11 Egypt; Jacob witl1 his limp ; David 1n his adultery; l~al1 ,1b i11 l1cr harlotry; ic;od 1nus ,vitl1 l1is morals, ,l11d s~1ul c,f l",1rst1s \~.ritl1 }1is sc:rolls- tl1 :) wl1c>le \.\ 1 id > \\'C)rld ! So111 ... t}1i11g trtt1 }' \V<,11<l :)rf til a11cl >t r11ally ~1 l>icli11g J1 ,1p1J ->11 cl i11 I3ct11le– l1 111 of Jud a 111 tl1 days of ~a s,11 At1gt1st11s. rr·11 !\1icldl" 1 ,t11 ,t I)I)t•,tr ·cl. A11cl , I l)<"li ;>\ 1 c:•, ca111 .. t c> st~t y- lo r .._ r11air1 for , , r. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page Ele~en BOOK REVIEWS "HERE' I-IO\,V TO UCCEED v\' IrfH YOUR M01 EY"-George 1. Bo,,,1na11 (Moo,cly Press , Chi– cago> Ill. Pric $.3.00 ) \ i\ll1at is s 1rprisj11g is t l1at a book like this has 1 ot appe,1r cl before! Possibly there l1(.1v l)ee11 1na11y books 011 this st1bject, bl1t this is the first 011e tl1at has com to 1ny desk \vith a clisti11ct Christia1 appro~1cl1. Mr. Bo, 1nan does a1 exc:ell e11 t job creating i11terest i11 tl1e st1bject throt1ghout the 11tire book as h e disct1 ses an area of thi11ki11g lo1 g 11eglect ec1 b y ma11y pastors , missio11aries , and laymen. Ma1 y believe there is O formt1la for building fi11a11cial indepe11de11ce. In his book, Mr . Bowman sets about to d ispel thi s iclea a11d the11 proceeds to set down a very prac tical formula. One will never b e able to meet this formul a if they set about to "keep up with the Jonses" says the author. The author 's practical Biblical ex– amples as l1e dealt with su ch sub– ject s as : taxes, tithing, credit buying, h ome o,vni11g, car owning, budgeting time, etc., were most illuminating. I highly recommend this book t o every p astor, mi sionar y, and lay p er– son; certainly a11 excellent book for those just emba rki11g upo1 their min– istry for the Lord. Much good sound advice, if h eeded, vvill l1elp to stay many "financial failures ." - Reviewed by Rev. F. Donald Worden PREPARE YOURSELF TO SERVE - By Dorothy Strauss (Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois $2.50) This book ,vill b e a stimulus to every Christian, esp ecially the young pastor and l1is wife, missionary, and Christian workers of a ll types. In a practical vvay, it teach,es many things that only exp erience could reveal, however, ma1 y of our older Christia11 workers certainly need this book of MAKE THE MOST .. OF COLLEGE YEARS AT Gain a Christ-Centered education with degree in ARTS*, SCIENCE**, MUSIC •offering majors in Bible, Music, History and the Social Sc1ences, English, and Physical Education. ••offerang ma 1 ors in Physical Sciences, 810- fogicol Sciences, Chn,tion Education, and Business Administration Also available : Psychology and Education courses. WRIT E FOR CATALOG TODAY advice a11d gt1ida11c . It covers al– most everythi11g fro1n 011r pl1ysical ,1p– pearance, to 1nc)11ey, tic1t1ette, ,111cl life i1 tl1e 1na11s . It is ery asi ly rcacl and not hard to t111 clerstan<l. Eve11 thol1gl1 it is a weal th of pra.cticaJ gt1icla11ce, it lacks c rtai11 <lei) tl1 ,11 cl pt111 c:h i11 1na1 y places. - Rev. Max E. Tt1cker WORD OF 0~1FORT- l)y I-Iall Dautel ( Dt111ham pt1 blishi11g Cc)m– pa11y, Findlay, Ohio.. 35c ) This is a. repri11t of raclio 1nessages Pastor H all Dautel gave while h e vvas a yot1ng pastor in r e,v York tate lJack in 1943. There are fi ve com– forting ch apters a11d one of his so11gs , "I t Matters to God." Much as Pastor Dat1tel h as grow1 with the years, we doubt that h e or any 011e else cot1ld do better to comfort sick or sorrow– ing ones tha11 h e did 17 years ago. vVe would suggest tl1at all our pas– tors get a copy, orderi11g from Rev. H all Dautel, T emple B~ ptist Cht1rch , Gallia and Waller Sts., Ports– mouth, Ol1io. Ask him how mt1ch they are i11 qua11tity and we b elieve you will order more of them for dis– tribution after you h ave read your ov,,n copy.-'I.,he Edi tor ((DARV ILLE OHIO JAMCS T JEREMIAH, President