The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1960
December, 1960 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page Seventeen ith Our Approved Schools HO\:V TO HELP CEDAR ILLE BUILD A E DOWME rf A couple of years ago ,ve learned the hard b-uth that ot1r state accredit– i11g agency "vill not give ft1ll ac– creditation to a college without a minimum endo\vment of $.500,000, a ,,rell as requiri11g a higl1 academic rating good equip1nent, etc. Ever since Cedarville College has bee11 concerned about the building llp of endowme11t funds a11d a small be– ginning has been made; but with ~ucl1 a great need for more dormitory space, more class rooms, more books in the library, and all tl1e other im– mediate demands of a growing school, not much has been do11e to appeal for endovvment funds . The trustees recently voted to ac– cept "matching gifts" for the En– do'Arrnent Fund and to ap1)eal to workers in corporations that offer to match the gifts of any of their em– ployees for educational institutions. If the company ,vhere you work makes such an offer in the interests of education, (and you can ask the p er– sonnel manager if it does ) le t Cedar– ville College kno\v about it and tell them too ho,v much you can afford to ha, ,e taken out of your pay for your share. They will write back a1 d tell you just how to go about it so tha t yotrr gifts can be doubled to h elp Cedarville to bl1ild an endo,vment. This is a fin e idea. The modern– istic institutions are receiving great sums of money from corporations. Cedarville can11ot profit from the ordinary method companies use to distribu te their O\\'n gifts until it is accredited; but it can profit from this p1a11 of matcl1i11g gifts. Wl1y 11ot look into tl1is idea today? LOS ANGELES SEMI ARY CAI S llE OG ITIO 11d r cl,1te of SeplemlJer 26, 1960, tl1 3 S 1ni11,lr}' ha~ l)ee11 11otifi ed that it 11 ,1'> l)ce11 approv cl for lisli11g i11 tl1e Ed11c·alio11 Direc·tory, Part 3: JI igl1 er I~dz1c·c1lio1z . 11fc> rtt1 11,1t ly st1ch listi11g 111t1s t a,vait tl1 ~ pt1l)lic·atio11 of ti c> l 961-1962 l)irc>c: tor}' s111ce the l <.J(j{)-61 edit1011 11,ts ,1Jre,tcl) ' 1) 11 pt1 b– l 15 ] l ~cl. J_,is li11g i11 t11e <lir 3 (· lc>1} c1t1alifi >s our 13 1) gr,tclt1,t tes fc>r ·l1 a1)lai11c.;y ir1 t]1 ~ ar111t•u fcJJ'(.; ~s, ,lJ)Cl ,LIS<) t >stifi ·~ to tl1 ftcrtcl >111i • st 1 e11gt]1 (>f <Jtlr \\'OJ k. 'i\' ~ ]1,t\' j11s l fit isl1 '>tl t,vo s11I ~11clicl s, ri s <)f 1 ·tt1r >s l)y l):1~t,,1 1_,]oycl 1311t– tcJ11 011 tl1 ,<>SJ)>} c,f Jc>l111 , a11cJ Dr. Robert L. Powell on Psalms. These men contribute the favor of the pas– torate to ot1r more acacl mic atmos– phere, prodt1cing a regt1l,1r Bible 01 ference atmosp]1 re. This Fall the stt1dents l1ave done a great d al mor Sl1pp]v preachi11g tha11 last a11cl the area chl1rch s are b eing he1ped. Ot1r apprenticeship program has b e 11 i11terrt1pt d by these calls, but it achieves the same e11d to have the me11 getting pt1lpit • experience. Sixty-five indiviclt1als or cht1rche have conb~ibt1ted to ot1r Baptist Gideon project which reduces our debt to $28,215.00. The Lord knows ,vhere more "Gideons" may be found and we trust Him to prompt their participation. " ' hen such facts as: faculty en– largement, property improvement, stu– dent body increase, apprentice pro– gram, l)asketball team,. and debt re– duction are gathered, we believe we may responsibly seek the financial support of our fello,v Baptists across the cot11 try. Surely more of God's people sl1ould be co11tributing to trus impor tant minishy. B.B.S. HOMECOMI G HUGE SUCCESS The Baptist Bible eminary Al11m11i returned to the campu ovember 8, 9 a11d 10th for a thr e-clay co11fer– ence. ever before have so 1na11y Alum1 i rett1rned for this eve1 t. One of the high]igh ts of the co11- vocation ,vas the presence of Dr. John Ba]yo of the edar Hill Baptist Church i11 Cleveland, Ohio, ,ls key– note speaker . A St11c1e11t-Alt1mni ba11qt1et ope11ecl the co11f rence s s ions ,vitl1 11 arly fot1r l1t111dr d and fifty att 1cli11g. Alt11n11i a11cl frie11 cls fro1n m,111y states a11cl foreig11 la11c1s V\ 1 er c cl1al– l 11ged l)y Dr . Dc1 lyo' s 111essc1ges ,vl1icl1 carri cl ot1 t tl1e the111e of lhe co11f r- 11ce, "K110\vi11g tl1e Ti1ne.,, c)rksl1ops clc,1lt \\ 1 itl1 st1(·l1 st1l)– jects as p :.1st c)r's fi11,111ces, l)<)stc.)r 111i1k– i11g, s r1no11 pre11ara lio11 , a11cl fil i11g sys l 111s. A11 11tl1t1s1:.lslic ere)\\ cl ,,,it11ess \cl ,1 tl1ri]li11g C)\'er ti111 l>i1sl e tl)rtll tilt l)e– t,v ' '11 ll1 'e111i11ary J. \ '.'s ,t11(l tl1c <) lcl gi ,1cls. '"l 'l1c> llc),trcl a lsc> \ <)tt"cl l(> 1) t1rc l1 t1sc' ,l 97 .t ·re fn.r111 acl ji.t<· ' 11t le> tl1c· l ~,t111c>ka l.. , l3ar)l1st ~a1111) nl '"J~} t<.>11t' , 1 c~,, ) ' c>rk, ,, l1i (:]1 is c>,v11c 1 cl ,t11tl <>1)ernt ~cl b}' tl1e ~c· l1 c>o l. 'f'l1<.' ,lc·c1t11~i t101l of this property greatly e11larges tl1e facilities of tl1e camp. The st11de1 t bocly at Baptist Bible e1nir1,1ry nt1mbers 449 this semes ter. \VE TER BET,.fER THA E ER The Bible College h as lJeg11n its school year with the larges t enroll– me11t i11 its history, a total of lvvo l1u11- dr d ,1nd hve1ve s tt1dents. i11ety– eigh t stt1cle11ts are vvorki11g 011 the A.B. progr ,1m, eigl1t on the Th. B. ) four 011 tl1e B.S., 1 i11 etee11 011 the diploma program, and others, p ar– tict1larly freshme11 , have not yet selected the area of their mi11or. The Bible College was recently the subject of a11 illustrated "u· ticle i11 the Berkeley Daily Gazette. The story, accompaniecl by pic t t1res of the ca1npus and stt1de11ts, was headlined, "El Cerrito boasts famot1s College," a11d b ega11 \\ 1 ith the lead sente11ce: "One of tl1e 111ost distincti\'e colleges i11 the ,vest is located i11 El Cerrito." '"fhe entire article was i11 the 1nost fri enclly a11<l sy111pa the tic t o1 e, and ,vas a11 e, ide11ce of the stancli11g vvhicl1 tl1e scl1001 has achiev·ed locally. ext ·ummer , the Bible College is i11 ,1t1gt1rati11g hvo programs , vhich ,1re i11te1 decl to be of ervice to ma11y of the ollege constitu ncy. One of tl1ese is a tour to Et1rope ,111d I r,1el. This ,,,ill be conclt1cted bv tl1e i11- , str t1ctor in history ,111cl ,1rchaeology, tlr. Robert lle11 , a11cl , ill ·over the period fro111 Jt1ly 24tl1 to t1gt1 t 2211cl . Tl1e total cos t i expec ted t o b e ap– proxin1ately $1,200 . The otl1er progr,11n is to l)e a. st1111- rl1er c1sse1nl1lv 11 lcl 011 the ca1 1pt1s f rc111 ~1 01 <ltl)', t1gt1 t I -1th throt1gl1 rriclay, At1gt1st 1 th . Tl1e \\ eek ,vil] l)e gi\ 1 e11 ov r t Bil)lc ·t t1cl)', i11spir,1- tic)11,1I 111cssc1ges, :111cl ,,,ork')l1op · i11 ltc:11 ar as of practi cal 11 erl as t1r1- cl,1,1 c1 ool, )'Ot1tl1 \\'Ork , , ·,111g lis111 i11 ll1~ locc11( 1 l1t1rcl1 , n11cl otl1ers. Tl1e Brt} rea of .alifor11i,1 i · a.11 iclenl 't1111 - 111 r , ac:i1lic) 11 s1)ot, a11 cl , isitt)rs fro111 astc."r11 s lates ,,,ill fi11cl c:lCC:t)111111c)cla– lio11s C)11 tl1 c·n1111)t1s. n ~011ge11it1l fcl– lo\, sl1i1), l1el1)ft1 l ~tt1 tlics, a11cl 1)l ,11111ec.l sigl1t-s(•c•i1tg tc>t1rs a11cl rec·rf'at1(>11 tc> 111 ,1k("' tl1is ,, t~ek ,l 111e111()ral)lc' t"'\.l)et 1- t.\11ce. .L\ ('('<)111111()clatio11s \\ 111 l)e ,l\ ,\11- ,ll)l t"' fc>r <)1110 lr,11l(' t s n11cl tf·11ts <)11 tl1e C'cllll!) llS. ----------- I, i tl lS() ll \\ cl l llll e, ' bt><l.,r ll[) tll" 111ct,r11111,' l>tlt it ~t.'t'lll Ink: tlt\., "()()l"' <>rr l> ('t'(• <lf' t'\t\11i11· ~('r,1<·t' . ~ I 11 s e < l l J 11 e ' t1 ~ L () ~ P .
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