The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1960

D __ ~_em~be_r_,_19_6_0~~~~~~~~~~-T_H~E~O~H~IO~I=N~D~EPENDENT BAPTIST Page Seven ~~~~~=-=-~~~~~~--~~~~~~~-=-~~- church' n1i io11ar)' societ y, tl1ey will put the1n to good use i11 purchasi11g nece sar)' ite1n for the cl1ool . Pl ase e11d them to Mr . George ilner , 3279 \\ 1 arre11 \~ill Rd. , Apt. 1,5-D, baker Heights 22, Ohio. bove all el e reme1nber tl1e trt1 tees, preside11t, faculty a11d tude11t i11 yot1r prayer s and support . Prayer is our most im– perative resp o11 ibility i11 ervice for Him. UBSCRIPTIO FOR CHRISTM A The Ohio I11dependent Baptist , our tate magazine, a11d The Bapti t Bt1l– letin, our national magazi11e, are ec– ond to none so fru· as you and I are concerned, b eing members of churche in the OARBC and GARBC fel low– ships. As Intelligence bulletins are vital to all branches in our govern– ment, and information bulletins and periodicals are , i tal to business or– ganizations , so also are these pt1blica– tions p ertinent to our united effort in doing business for God. Mrs. John Kautz, 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, Ohio, is Circulation Manager for the OIB and is doing an excellent job. The Editor would tell you that, but a ll of us need to do our part as well. Let' accept a project-challenge. In addition to every 'A'Oman in our churches being encouraged to secure a subscription for herself and her household, let us make a Christmas or ew Year's gift subscription for someone else-for in– stance, a subscription for all the mis– sionaries of your church. Also encour– age your church to appoint a circula– tion captain to receive these subscrip– tions and send them in to Mrs. Kautz. The price is $2 a year either home or foreign for the OIB, and $2 at home and $2.50 foreign for the Baptist Bul– letin. Pray for the editors and their staffs. MORE PROJECTS A group of ladies desiring a dif– ferent project chose the name of a11 "MK" living in one of our homes for missionary children . For 12 months a different lady acl1 month pur– chas d a11 i11 expensiv gift and mailed it to tl1is l1app y (<Missionary Kid." Accon1p,1r1 yi11g the first gift wt1s a 11ot t lli11g 1 r ,l gift woulcl be com– i,1g for tl1 r1 xt 11 1nor1 tl1s also. Tl1 first gift ,,vas attr,tctive sta. tio11 ry ,\,ith so111 ~ ti11 y "tl1a11k yot1" 11ot s. l s yot1r soci ty ru1111i11g 011 t <>f 1>roj ~c t~P ..cJrilact Baptist · 11<l- 11s– sicJ11s. rf)1 cy }l,l\' .. a fil ~ OJl 111issio11 · ~tri ':\s ~u1d Ll1 .) ir 11 '" els, tt11cl 11s~ c;Jaclys J3ai11 s \\ 1 ill lJt· l1 ttpll} to lJ ~ i11 tou ·}1 \\1 itl1 }' <)ll r )ga1di11g tl1is. Al sc>, vv l1 ·11 )' <)Ur sr,c:i ~t }' c)Jfi e >rs 1J1< ;>t to 1)la11 Fostoria Dedicates New Building The Fostoria Baptist Church vvas dedicated Oct. 2nd a t 2:30. Dr . R . T. Ketchan1 , ational Consultant of the General Association of Regt1lar Baptist Churches, spoke to more than 330 people. Included ,vere nine neighboring pastors and some of HI DRA E I TIIE P LPIT We ley 011ce aid ' Ther e are ome m 11 who preach o ,vell wl1en i11 the pl1lpit that it i a hame tl1ey hould ver on1e 011t of it; and when they are out of it they live so silly that it is a shame they hould ever enter it.' - t1nday chool Time yot1r 1961 programs , Miss Bai11es has advised that she will be i11 our area and available for April and May. That's a good thought for your Mother and Daughter party, when con ider– ing the speaker. HELPFUL HI T When sh1ffing your turkey, get son1e thin ,vhit ch esecloth ( tising it 2-ply, ct1t it st1ffici 11t size ( rot111d– i,1g tl1 two bottom cor11 rs ) to fill t}1 c·avity of tl1 bird. Ov rcas t tl1 clg s s ct1r ly, soak tl1i b ag i11 l1ot socla \A/ at r t<> r mov a11v tast of tl1c c:lo tl1 , ri11si11g tl1orot1 g l1l . Pttt i1 pc)rtic)11 of tl1e clr ssi11g i11to tl1 l>n.g i1 r1cl J) la(' it i11 tl1 bircl , tl1 11 fi11i sl1 {illi11g tl1 l)ctg i11 tl1 b1rcl . Place,\ itti(·y \\ 1101 ttJ)J)le i11 tll :\ c·r<>l) fc>r f]a, c) t . \~' ll ~11 tl1c> lJit cl is '<><>lc:\cl , r 1110,,c tl1 ~ l>n<~ ,111 cl i11ve1 l it 111l<> ,l 1>()\l\ l . rI,lliS is S() ~a\\ a11cl 5 , \\ 111t1cl1 t i111<" \\ 1 l1 "11 r '~1tl\ l<) s<.~1, e their 111embers , as well as a good many from t l1e local community be– longing to other denominations. ine neighboring pastors \,Vere presen t and some of their p eople. Mrs. Ralph Kemmerer of Findlay played the organ prelude. Rev. Kem– erer gave the invocation. Two beautiful choir nt1mbers were given under the direction of Mrs . Max Tucker. The Scripture was read by Rev. Clarence Townsend of Bo\vling Green, the prayer of dedication \Vas offered by forn1er pastor, Ralph T. ordlund. To add color to the oc– casion Fostoria churches ::1nd bt1 i– ness places had se11t in a large a - sortment of beautiful floral ru·range– ments. The v hole day , as a ti1ne of rejoic– ing. Dr. Ketcham also spoke at the morning service to 296 people· a11d in the evening Rev. Dean H 11ry pa tor of the Brown t . Baptist Cl1ur h of Akron, bega11 a "veek of va11- g li tic s rvice , ,vhich r sult d in the sal ation of ral ot1l . i11c we pictt1r d tl1e tlrcl1it t , pla11 o, , r a y ar ago, , clo not sl10," n ft1ll i \J of tl1 fir t t111it jt1st d ecli– cn t cl , bt1t abov i · a11 i11t r 'sti11g ·11ap sl1ot of Dr. R... f . K tcl1n111 ,l11cl Past c>r 1,1 ,. Tt1ck r ,ls tl1 )' 1 ft tl1 bt1ilcl i11g r joi i11g i11 tl1 " bl ss i11g .. of tl1e after- 11c>o11. It is a fi11 , 1nocl \r11 bl11lc]i11g ,,,itl1 a11 nt1clitorit1111 sea ti11g 30() it11cl ,,,itl1 a ft1ll bas ' 111c11t for tl1e ' t111(la, sc.:l1 oc>l . "fl1 <:ost c>f tl11s fil st t1 111t ,, as i11 rc>t111cl fi gt1res, l 00,t)()() ()() "fl1(~ St't'CH1cl t1111t \\ 111 ('11ln1 ge tl1e St111- tl,l\ St· ll t)C)} fa ·1ltl leS, a11cl cl f 111a} lltlit ,, 111 1)1 c>, itle a l><.\ \t1tift1l ~1 11cl lnrgc'r ,, <Jl ~1111) ll>rit1111 .