The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1961
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A motion was made and carried that the Candidate read his statement of faith in seaionc. and th~t the Moderator the Council in consideration of each. The statement of faith was read in detail and was accepted bv the Co11ncil. A motion '\J·as made and carried for the Council to dism=ss the candidate. Rev. Hall Dautel led the Co11ncil in prayer before considering the recommendation of the Council. A mo– tion wa~ made and carried to recommend the Ctl ndirlate to the Berean Bantist Church for or<linarion, with the consideration that Rev. Van?hn Son1nger his Pastor should cot1nsel him further on Baptist policy. A motion was made and carried to send a conv of these mintites to the Berean Bap– tist Ch11rch and to The Fellowshio of Bap– tists Mission Board of Elyria, Ohio. The ordination of the Candidate was set for Sunday, December 4, at 2 :30 P.M. An impressive ordination service was held Dec. 4, the ordination sermon by Evan.2elist John Gamble of Lynchburg, Vireinia; the charge of the candidate by Rev. John Lawhead, Grace Baptist Church, Minford ; the charge to the church bv Rev. Paul Hacmacher, Central Baptist Church, Portsmouth; the ordination orayer bv Rev. Raymond Cole, South Webster Baptist Church; and the hand of fellowship ex– tended by Rev. Leonard Uhrich, Calvary Baptist Church of Portsmouth. Rev. and Mrs. Felts have been accepted as candidates for mission work undcr the Fellowship of Baptists for Home Missions, and it is hoped that the Ohio churches will open their doors to have these young misisonaries present their work with a view to supporting them. We need more home mission workers, and we need to hasten them to the field by our support. Brother Felts is a graduate of Piedmont Bible College at Winston-Salem, N. C., and his wife a graduate of Bob Jones Univer- • SJty. Janu~ry, 1961 FlNAN ES J\l)l)l'l 1 llOME TOTALS ~ (1) (1) (.) :>,. ~ (1) 0,) .+,,,) ~ • ,-4 S-4 S-4 ~ (1) J.-4 ~ (1) ::s Q) Q) .....,> +..) ~ V'l V'l .+,,,) 0. <'d C'd Cl) Cl) >< Q) (1) S-4 S-4 ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ Current Building Missions 3 .:1 1 1 53 2,312 1,059 1,205 1 65 3,321 3,879 5,189 ] 2 30 43 7,712 1,900 330 3 1 5 13 2,450 943 15 56 5,080 586 622 3 2 411 118 498 656 18,599 $1,003,997 $492,990 $504,157 $2,l' YOUTH DEPARTMENT TREASURY REPORT By Treasurer Roland P . Globig Balance on hand, October 8, 1959 ____________________ _________________ $ 830.02 Receipts : Thanksgiving Rally Banquet ------------------------– Thanksgiving Rally Offering ------------------------– Camp Registrations --------------------------------- Pop House ---------------------------- ----------– Offerings for Finley Chapel -------------------------- Missionary Offerings -------------------------------– Credits for Pop H ouse merchandise -------------------– Mrs. H . K. Finley, Kraft House mdse. -----------------– Received for kitchen supplies --------------------- ---– Miscellaneous camp income -------------------------– Refund on mileage --------------------------------- Total receipts - ---- --- --- ----- - --- --- - ------ --- Expenditures : 962.80 136.06 5,106.00 2,285.07 589.18 370.90 146.51 26.91 13 .61 8.55 6.00 Home and Camp, Inc. ---------- --- --- --- ---- - ------- 2,509.68 Offerings for Finley Chapel _____ __ _______ 589.18 Gift for Finley Chapel __________,_ ______ l,000.00 raff board and ferry boat expense -------- - 920.50 Appreciation gifts -------- ---------- ---- 350.00 Director ______________________________ 200.00 Registrar ______________________________ l 00.00 Treasurer ---------------------------- - 50.00 Thanksgiving Youth R:ally --- --- --------------- 1,087.76 Gift & Mileage to speaker -------- --- ----- 28.30 Banquet expense - ------------------ ---- 955.70 Mileage & phone calls ---------- ---- ----- 71.43 Rental school --------------------- ----- 20.00 Adv . & misc. -------------------- - - ---- 12.33 Camp Patmos Staff remuneration __ ________ __________ 2,200.00 Pop House __________________________ 2,241 .96 Phone, printing, etc. ------------- ----- 218.2 7 Sports equipment, etc. ---------- ---- --- 132.80 Mileage ---------------- ----- - - --- - 318.50 Supplies etc. -------------- ------ ---- 121 .18 Award to Eli.nor Gayer ----------- ----- 15.00 Mission offerings given to ten mission boards 3 70.90 · -·- Total expenditures ---------------- -------- - ---------- Balance on hand, Oct. 8, ~60 --------- -------------- - --- - 9,651.59 10,481.61 9,566.05. 913.56
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