The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1961

J':,....a_n_ua_r.;,..;y ,_1_9_6_1____________TH __ EO_H_I-=0--=IN.....:..D---=.EPEND,ENT BAPTIST Page Nineteen They are strongly fundamental, will not even allow the new Bible to be used in the church, and are strongly evangelistic. The Brunswick church is also a new work, being organized in the spring of )57 under the effom of William Hollen from the Parma church. We might say this work was also helped along by the Medina church. Brother Hollen worked hard and in 1959 led them in the erection of a fine first unit on Subdivision Street, on the west side of Brunswick. Attendance during his last full year as pastor was consider– ably above 100. Now it is coming up to that mark again, and we believe that un– der the leadership of Pastor Hunter it will go on up until they wi ll have to proceed with their second unit. Brunswick is g row– ing at tremendous pace and the three Bap– tist churches within it feel no competition. The editor is serving as interim pastor uncil Brother Hunter can take up his work and we have found just the warm spirit we like. We have even gotten re-acquainted with some of the folks we used to pastor near Beckley, W . Va., for most of them come from West Virginia and Kentucky. ---------- Jordanian officials have spotted evi– dence of ruined cities 40 feet below the Dead Sea \vhich they believe to be the Bible cities of infamy, Sodom and Gomorrah. ' 'If the site is con– firmed as Gomorrah," they say, ' 'the area will be darnmed off and drained for excavation.'' ---- BY-STANDERS or STAND-BYERS A family once said: "Yes, we think the church is necessary, but we have not attended it for weeks." They were by-standers. Another familv said: ''Yes, we be– lieve in the church. We never miss a meeting except for sickness." They were stand-byers. WHICH ARE YOU? ---------- CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 57th Year A staff of eighteen workers wit– nessing to nearly one million Jews in Ohio, W. Va., and Brazil by ,per– sonal visitation, classes, radio, tract and mailing ministry. Preparing others to witness to J ews by confer ences, missionary meetings and the annual Institute for J ewish Evangelism. Our policy to work with local New Test ament churches in the accept– ed me thods of Scriptural evan– gelism, and the pl acing of new con– verts. Staff member s are happy to visit churches wi th inspirational and in– forma t ive presentation of the work . Wri te for ft"ee copy - "Trumpe ter for I srael ." Rev. Gerald V Sm e lser , Supt . P .O. Box 3556, level and 18, Ohi o ·---------------------------------------------------------· A CAMPAIGN FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS All agree that an associational paper for 123 churches and 19,000 or more members should easily have over 2,000 st1bscribers! Amen? vVell then, why doesn't your church do something about it? Twenty– five of our churches have done some thing about it-enough to get on the Honor Rollf Those 2.5 furnish us with about 2/ 5th of our paid subscribers. What if the others did as well? We would have I0/ 5th would we not, or about 3,376 subscriptions. Cedar Hill Baptist has come up strong lately. New London proved what two det ermined ladies can do. Now, beginning with the F ebruary issue we will list all the sub– scriptions that come in from our churches- every one of them; even if it takes a whole page! We will keep that up through April. Pastors or subscription captains who want copies and envelopes, please write to the editor for them. Let's all give a big push this winter and spring and prove what we can do. The Baptist Bulletin went after things the last three years and are now pressing toward the 20,000 mark. U we will push as hard we can do as well comparatively. What is the comparison? We have almost 13% of the GARBC number of churches, so if they can reach 20,000, we should reach 2,500. Let's do it! ·------------------------------------------------------------------· The BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OFFERS - ------- • Three Year Graduate Seminary thorough training for Christian Service • Bible College - with a General Course plus strong minors for Missionaries Christian Education Directors Music Directors Pastors Pre-Seminary work • Three Year Bible Institute Christian Secretarial and General Bible Orrhodox- Scholarly- Baptistic-Christ-centered Located in beautiful Grand Rapids, Michigan For information write : BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 811 Wealthy St., S. E., Grand Rapids 6, Michigan MAKE THE MOST .. OF COLLEGE YEARS AT Gain a Christ-Centered education with degree in ARTS*, SCIENCE**, MUSIC •offering majors in Bible, Music, History a nd the Social Sc1ences, English, and Physical Education. ••offering mo iors in Phy sical Scie nces, 810- log1cal Science,, Chri1tion Educotton, a nd Business Administration. /'J I J,. :AA Also available : Psychology a nd Education ~~ courses. WRITE FOR CATALOG TODAY CfDAIYl ll( OH IO JAMES T JEREMIAH, Pr* sidenf