The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1961

MIN OF THE EDITOR l t n1 ntl1 ,, c < nl , got o, t .,1 .ls t)U r t l ru n ,, 1ck , 1 n c the nn nu,tl n1 111 .lt th 1 UL ll t t lll!!l1,1n1 in t nr lttClll\ t t tl .lt ', l ll l h<: ,ll Ill '" l f tlrgl,t· ten l, n11n g, ,, th.1t ,, e ,, il l l (.' ,ui,- 1 l 1n a t l ru 11 ,, , k f 1 ,l fc.:,, ,, t 1',, ,, e ,, 111 l Jl le t , tth n1 nti r 1 r nnd hea:.1n .l r h ,, '"en ,, <: t.1 rt r an1ing t)\ tr the t\tt ng,i1 n. .. ~ r i ,, e l ,d 1 ,, on lerft· l t in1e ,,·ith 1'1 • r and r le >f ... 0 1 lt'\ . ,, hen ,, c t n1 rni n g an l ,1 , cernoo~ .1t the t1111e ~ rl1e 1~di\., ti t)n t' f t l1 ir renll) iell<:d .1nLl nlorg<d I il 1ing. \\ t t(l1 of l),1r expe r a 11 th\. in tl1~ t"'\trnl)tr 1,~u t , .1nd }1 ,, ,, e $... , '- t) O the ,, .1, h n1t .1 nll h;,t ti .._ 1u1t a t111le I fo r • h ut te1 d,l, , L, ·1t ,, ,~ a 11t it deti P tth ti n L 1 t'"~t"' fld that it ,, · , ot tl1eir f iult. 1 he, cre.1 te\.l u l ike • j..)1 t e. 1·1 e next t · n1t ,, e ~~o tl"ere \\ e ex– pe c cl e . rren ence ,, ill b.. t , c. n n1o rt than n thi , '- 1al tin1t. ot de l1(at ion Pa tor Robi on l ' !oi ng .l t Pe ,, 1 ork there. ~ v. 6th found v c; ~tt Cri lv., ry B:}pt1st o f ... L .. "'1. a11d the _('1h ,, 1tl1 F1r5t BaT)ttst of T" t1 ' l1rg. Boch of tliec;e are ne"· " orks un 1 t; 1:RH I. and t h,.1' 10 ~ T he 1 lem ,, ork is It than a year old in 1ts organ ized forn1. thua;h ,,,e bel e, e a Bible class was re 1 rl tt..e-e f0 r S(' f11~ m~nt~<; be ore Lesl ie \,~t ' nd h s fr m1ly of £1, e live upsta irs 1n a Iine -..11 m 1"' SJ "' '1 tl' e c'1· rch is bt1ving, and chur h -::i nJ 1 nc.~ay school ic; held d~,, n s:a rs The T \\ 1 1nsbc rg chnrch is b --,·, t m 1 0 ,ea'"S , 1d no". ?nd meeti ng in a br n.:l PC, ; .... ~~ s hc"l . T he rent is q11 ire rea ·onable and se~ eral rooms are made av· ilable fo r cl.,sses. Ot}-ler-s meet in the lar ge l1alls. r S({) f Pa11 l r henck ~ nd his '- pe "'n le a -e nevertheless looking forv.rard co bui lding O'l a la rae ac ...ea 0 e they are buyin~ just ac-oss from the school . I n be~een chose rn 1 0 trios we went the op..,,c s1'"e d1 recr1on to Va n Wen, wher e we n-ea ,.J..e-1 morn1'1g and eveni ng at the First B~,... ·1st Church and had \\'Onderfu 1 fellow– sh1""' "·ith Pastor and ~1rs. Jack R iggs. It "as 14 mo~t1's af ter \\'e first met him and ga, e a charge at his ordination , and we "e..e ha p y to <;ee chat th ings were sti ll going fine and h is apprecia tion of our 1 \ ll n st,1 nd <>n ~cp.1 r,tt i<Jn ro,vi ng. \ pn1t d.,y 1t 111 .,y hnt' l en jus t ,ts .,c l)e>llc t(>n t. inc, th 1t h<"Jth tl1c hurt 1 s ,viii l e i n t hc l r , \ ll l \ . <)V. 2() th ,, 1, ::,,1 cnr 1t hon1e t1ncl the 11,o rni ng t)f l)ll. , 1th, ind s(> ,ve had tl1rl • ()p1,nrtu ntt1L\ co hear our <)\Vn (),l s tt)r 1 1c.u 11. 1"hc. c,tning of che 1ch ,vc.. , 1~1ted ,tt l· ,r~t l~.ll tist in l;- in<1l,ty and J> .1 to r k. cm ml rcr asked us co preach .. incl 1c ,, .1s s t() l)OS~d co be Bible un<l'1y, ,, tol<.l ho,\ the Ame 1can Bible oc1et} has ,l t 1.tst su rret1dered co tl1c l) rcssu re to pu t 011 t the Re, 1sed Standard Vcrsi0n and ,, ·l1y ,, e cl1d not l"'"lieve rl1at \\ as a re– liab le translation. :\'{ e didn't ra nt abou t ,c, but jus t read abot.t a dozen verses that r eak for or rather against themselves. The next day Bros Tucker and \'{f orden, my– self and t\\ o deacons. " 'Cnt to Van W ert co the ordinat jon of Rev. Te"i Cary at Faith Bap tise Church. \V/ e \"\ ere g lad to ordain this faithful sc.rv1 nt of the Lord "ho is do– ing such a fine job of reach ing sou ls for Christ Then that Friday a couple deacons and myse lf got another ride " '1th Pasto r Kemmerer to go co the ordination of Rev . J ohn Teeters of Ambrose Baptist near Fayette. That \\ as another wonderful day and evening , w 1th the Holy p 1r1c ve11r near. The 11th '\\'as another home unday nnd the 18th ,,,c were al Il,uns,vick in the n1o r111ng ,lnd ,L t Fello,vshi1> l\dptisc c,,st o f l\1e lin,t in the evening. \'<le h.,vc told ,nost nt that in our story <Jf l\rothcr l luntcr' (,111. so ,vc ,,·ill s ign <)f f. J f 196 l i still y<>u ng eno 1gh . ,ve ,vi ii ,vish c) 11e ,1nd ,di a h.1J, py ,ind p1 os pcrcJus Rl~VIVAI.. AND ~OlJI WINNING '\' I::AR ! l\ 1I ION BR I J:: F ( Co11t i1111c,I / 10 111 pagu 23) the need of hel ping thei r l1u sbands. They carry a heavy load. A TOWN WITHOUT A CJ-I URC JI le 1s P~r Vcn ir in northern ~Iexico, wi th a popu lation of 1.500. There 1s not even a acho lic church the re. amuel Hornbrook of the Bible ~1ission has been going there, sho" 1 in,g Bible sli les, an 1 try ing to get a testimony started. ome seem interested , bu t ot t ers just ri dicu le. God h s blessed the H ornbrooks \\'i th a th .r .:l chi lJ, another red-headed boy who undoc bted ly will g row up to look just like h is daddy and maybe become a mis– sionary also. P ...odney Knicely and his family are home in Ohio for a fev. months and will be g lad to come to churches that ~v~ nt to hear abo:.i t tre work in Mexico. They can be contacted through the Bible Mission, Inc. , Dresden, Ohio. J o1in R. Dun kin , Th.D., Preside1it THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN THEOLOGY THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVI N ITY DEGREE IN fv\lSSIONS THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN JEWISH fll\l SSIONS FOUR YEAR BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE IN BI BLE OR HUMANITIES A growing graduatf: school of Baptist pers1tasio1i in siinny California Address all cor respondence to 560 Soutli St . L o1tis St reet. Los A 71 rre1P~ ,3.3, California - ams----------------------~=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• DI - ER' of RAMSEY, N. J. OFFERS INVESTORS6 o GUARANTEED INTEREST They must build large enough for a fast growing Fellowship of Baptists for Home Missions Church -at the cost of $125 000. As a mission church they look to the friends and supporters of their pastor and of FBHM for in- vestors \Vho will help them by buying bonds. THE AMERICAN BOND COMPANY has a1·ranged bonds in denominations of $100 $250 $500 · $1,000 at 6 per cent. 1. They mature at 6 month intervals from May 1, '61 through November 1, '74. 2. Interest is paid May 1 and November 1 through the North Jersey Trust Company. 3. Principle at matur ity will be paid through the above bank or your own. For infor111a tion without obligation, wr ite to Pastor Robert Rogers. Box 416. Ramsey. New Jersey •