The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1961
Januan, 1961 H. TED CARY ORDAINED At 3 P.M. Dec. 5th an ordination council convened at the r equest of the Faith Baptist Church, Van W ert, Ohio, for the purpose of having their pastor, H. Ted Cary, examined with the view of having him ordai11ed to the gospel ministry. Rev. F. Donald Worden of Calvary Baptist of Findlay was elected moderator, and Rev. Ralph Kemmere r of First Baptist of Findlay was elected clerk. The church clerk read the letter of invitation to the churches, after which Rev. Ralph Nordlund, editor of the Ohio Independent Baptist, of– fered prayer. The clerk of the coun– cil then took the roll. Twenty-fow· delegates and pastors from churches in northwest Ohio, Indiana, and Il– linois were recorded as present. The council heard the candidate's account of his conversion from a nominal church membership to real salvation, and also his call to the min– istry. Being well established in a good job and with a family to sup– port, his surrender to the call was not easy. His conversion and call were so evident that little time was taken in questioning him. Pastor Cary then proceeded to read his doctrinal statement. He covered the major doc trines of the Bible and was interrogated thoroughly on sev– eral points. At the conclusion of their questioning the council moved to go into deliberate session and excused the candidates and others not on the council. A fine testimony as to God's blessing upon Mr. Car).:'s mi11istry was then given by one of the members of the church. Rev. Henry Murdock of Harvey, Ill. , gave a few words of commendation as to his background and his faithfulness as a member and Christian lay work– er. A motion was made by Rev. Earl Umbaugh of Fort Wayne, Ind. , that the council recommend that the cht1rch proceed wi th the ordination. It was seconded and p assed unani– mously. The church took all council mem– l)ers who could stay to a restaurant for a sumptious supper, and th or– di11ation servic was co11dt1c ted that v ~11ing at tl1 cht1rch . Rev. Wm. Russ 11 , \Vall 11 Baptist l1urch , Foii \Va y 11 , I cl tl1e ~011g service, a11d also sa1g w ith R v. J ss Eato11 of e\v Ilav ~11, l11d ., i11 a 1) a11tiful du t . 1,l1e ·11. rg :. to tl1 ~ el1t1rc l1 was giv 11 by Il ev. ) ).SS atOJl . rl '}1 ·}1 ,trg ~ le> t}1 ~ candi(lat was l)y ll v. E ,lrl 111l),1ugl1 o f SJ c,aff l~ark Ii,tt)tist ~}1 L1r ·11 ol }~c)t t ' a)' 11 , rt11d 011 '" \\'ll<) l1ctd l>ee11 l,11 g ~– <Conttnued on 1>age 15) THE OHIO INDEPE_N_ D_E_N_T_ B_AP_T_I..:..ST.::_____________ ....:P:..:a~ge:.._:::S::..:ev:..::.:eo THE DIRECTORY ( Continued) OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Church 53. Grafton Midview Baptist Rt. 3 54. Granger Township Pastor Fra.nk Odor Fellowship Baptist Vacant Medina County, on 94 O·ff 18 55. Greenville· Faith Baptist 56. Grove City Bible Baptist 57. Harrietsville Road Fork Baptist Rt. 260 at 145 58. Hinckley Harold R. Green George W. Myers Vacant Hinckley Ridge Baptist Ralph W. Stearns 59. Huntsburg Huntsburg Ba,ptist 60. Kipton Camden Baptist 61. LaGrange First Baptist 62. Lancaster First Baptist 63. Lima Home·wood Baptist Center at Delaware 64. Lima Northside Baptist 635 W. Ashton 65. Litchfield Litchfield Baptist 66. Lorain Euclid Ave. Baptist 67. Lorain Ben H. Garlich Robert N. Barrett Cyril A. Smith John S. Whlte Bernard E. Horn Vacant Darre11 Bice Lorne Thompson Penfield Junction Baptist Vacant 5046 Broadway 68. . Lorain Trinity Baptist Elton C. Hukill E. 31st and Gary 69. Lorain West Side Baptist James E. Godley, Jr. 1929 W. 23 St. 70. Mannington, W. Va. Calvary Baptist Donald H. Beightol 71 . Massillon Calvary Baptist of Louie J. DiPlacido Moffitt Heights , Rt. 241 72. McDonald First Baptist J . Edgar Beckley 73. Medina First Baptist R. Kenneth Smelser 74. Minford Grace Baptist John A. Lawhead 75. New London First Baptist George Cosby 76. New Lyme New Lyme Baptist C. Richard Phelps 77. Niles vansville Baptis t Do11ald R. Loon1is 136 Ohltown-McD011ald Rd 78 Niles ~-..irst Baptist T. Fred Iluss y 26 E . ,hurch t . Pastor's Address 484 Royalton Rd. Grafton, Ohlo Rt. 5 Greenville, Ohio 316 Wendy Lane Grove City, Ohio Rt. 3 Brunswick, Ohio Huntsburg, Ohio Box 96 Kipton, Ohio Church St. Box 7 LaGrange, Ohio 1471 E . Main St Lancaster, Ohio 516 E. Market St. Lima, Ohio Litchfield, Ohio 2029 E. 30th St. Lorain, Ohio 2337 Sunset Blvd. Lorain, Ohio 126 Furbee Ave. Mannington , W . Va. 11776 Sinclair t. S. W. Massillon, Ohio 444 Indiana Ave. McDonald, Ohio 125 W . Friendship St. Medina, Ohio Rt. 1 Minford, Ohio 34 Park A nt1e evv London, Ohio \V Lym . Ohio 120 alt prings Rd Nil . 01110 615 , asl1 i11gt o11 ,,e. tles, l1 io
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