The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1961
1 1 1 1· 1 ·r~ l 11ti t , ll j 01n png 11 'l \111t, 1.\,, s .ll~ll f,1il<: l t<> il(' f r t l, l" l < ~ f > 1 <.:' 111 a, 11 >,,· cl () s l), f ii i 1, g i1 ,,.i,cr t'1t i i .1te lll ftJr111 '"'()il 'l 'l11, tl1c\ ~<' l '< 11 l <' te: 11,1t,11 f 1r l' lerg, 111t't1 \\ 1 ) l •l ll'l, () c) l llt' l 1 ll\ l\ 1()11" ,111(1 r~1ilt tc il( l ,fl rt' 1\ 1 rtl 1), 1919~ tltf' l re:~, ic l ~ <.lt'!lcll i11t • 1 "l1l l ' t1nlt" l_. i11!111t' l' ( tllllt11ittt'C l1,1s l ,t 111atl'l tl1at ,ll)l)' <l\.1111,\lt'l, 60.000 ie rg~ 111<: 11 .. 111 l ,ltl, i11 1)r.1t·t1<.'<.' ,1r' 11tl\ \ 11 c.'l µilllc.:' fclt ' <l ·i,11 s<.'.)c1111t~ l)c11efit l l ,llt~t tl1<., 1~11lecl to fil ,,,1i,er cer- t t l ,llt'~ 111 t1111 lerg\ 111t'11 ~tlfl'.)Ctt. d 1), tl1i · 11e,, la,,, • 11 ,,, li11<.1 1t ad, i ·able to file the ir ,, ;t1, er certific,1te ,, l1e11 tl1e,· file tl1cir • l ~)lit) 111('l)t11e ta.x rett1111. T l1e 11e,\' tl acll111e for tl1i i ~~pril 15, 1962. Tl1c 1960 l,1,\· c1l o affect t l10 e 1erg~ 111e11 ,,·110 ,,·ere othen,·i e eligi– l)le bt1t ,,·ere 11ot. for 01ne reason, co, ered for t11e fir t taxable , ,ear after ., 195-! a11d before 1959. If they filed a return for the ucceedincr }'ears, they ca11 110,,· file a upplemental ,,,aiver certificate bringing such years under ocial ecurit)·. They must pay the ta\. upon fili11g a elf-emplo)ri11ent tax return, but no intere t on the as ess– ment ,\·ill be collected. Editor' note: ,\.,e omit t,vo p ara– graph not needed for clearness to a,·e space; also one on a d ouble tax benefit for minister buying their home \\·ith help f rom the church . From '54 through '59 they cou ld d e– duct uch help from their income and al o take the usual deduction on p . 2 of Form 1040 for interes t and taxes. 1nce this may not be allowed for the '60 report, if } 'Our conscience won't hurt better ,vrite to vour tax office as ., to '\vhether this is still allo\vable. -------- EDITOR'S CORNER Like short sermons, 16 page magazines are hard work! Please help us get sub– scriptions so we can run 20 pages regu– larly! We hare small type and ha te worse to keep missionary news down so low. Do pray for Cedarville College as the plan for 450 next fall, and even then will have to turn down many applicants! As they say, "What will we do?" There is only one answer: more gifts and more bond loans from our churches and peo– ple. They can't build without bricks and blocks and they MUST BUILD! And while you·re praying, remember your editor as he holds a revival a t Open Door Baptise Church and pray that he may get more revivals and conferences and Sunday appoincmeocs. THIS IS A YEAR FOR REVIVALS! We had a v.•onderful time wich Pastor H ouk and his people ac Marantha ac Springfield Jan. 8-13 in a conference on prayer. That church is on its way up. So is First Bap– tist ar Brunswick, where Pastor H unter takes over soon. Weyre having a blessed cime c~ere. f ill:ng in uncil he comes. l) liP "NDl N 1' BAPTI .. 1· CAMP PATMOS CALLI NG AGAIN l lR~ l 'llll Rl· S \\/()R1'. W l~I·l\. '""'u rH.'rt ntcnc.lc11c o( G rou nll~. larcncc. 1o,,n\cnd. h,l, .1nnount.ed chc d.itc ,is l\,l ay 29-Ji•nc J li e ~.1ys · "11lts ,,tck 11rovi.Jcs (\'Cry cl1urcl1 \'.tth .1.n oi..,pot tun I ty to ht l p ()re11a re our Youth ( .1n1i) tor 1c rcspon51b1l1ty of l1ou~1ng {>ur t~1r11per for ten ,,eeks tl11s summer 1·he .1 1 't,1nte of latfu:s a ,,ell as men 1 ·011(1 tetl "During this "eek cransportat1on from andu ky or l\[arblehead to Camp Parmos, as v. ell as meals ,, hile at camp, wil l be furnished." e m1gl1c add that while the camp has some tools, it would be v. ell co bring an extra hammer, paint brush , mop, etc. Those who go should plan co spend two days at lease and some may p lan their vacations so they can spend the whole week if necessary. T here is much to do and yet it's fun also. car t planning for this week. 1:cbruary, 196 1 W l tvt A, . I IA VE A t liN' F •11 <)W– J 111> .. I: J>I • Ll-6 ! 'J"hat's rcitl ly good news and wi ll be– come a reali ty it enough sign U JJ f<>r it. "["he trustees c>f I lomc and { amp a t t heir OctolJcr board meet ing asked the })astors of the North Bethel Association to plan f <>r this tune of (cllov;shi1> at ( a1n1J T'a t– mos. It w1ll not be for JJastors alone, bu t for all the men of our churches that ca n possJ bly atten(l. It would give many men an 01Jporcunity to see what a won– derful camp '"e have on Kelley·s J5land; but more than chat, it should be a time of sp1r1tual invigorac1on and b lessing. Pastor Ralph Kemmerer of F1ndlay has been appointed chairman of the plann ing commi ttee The others on the commit– tee are Pastor J ohn Teeters of Ambrose Bapt ise Church of Fayette, and Pastor Clarence T ownsend of Bowli ng Green. Further announcements will be made in the near future. Questions and sugges– tions concerning this get-together should be sent co Rev. Ralph Kemmerer, 314 First St., Findlay, Oh io. The BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OFFERS - ------- * Three Year Graduate Seminary thorough training for Christian Service • Bible College - with a General Course plus strong minors for Missionar ies Christian Education D irectors Music D irectors Pastors- Pre-Seminary work • Three Year Bible Institute Christian Secretarial and General Bible Orchodox- Scholarly-Baptistic-Christ-centered Located i n beaut iful Grand Rap ids, Michigan For information wri te : BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 811 Wealthy St., S. E., Grand Rapids 6, Mich igan 400,000 GOSPELS,- • In En&lish, Yoruba, Ibo, Ga and Twf were recently delivered to Ni geria and Ghana, for a grand total to date of 5 million Gospels for Africa-the target figure set 5 years ago. PTL Teams are continuing thi s timely ministry in Africa, currently working in newly independent Nigeria, with phenomenal responses at great rallies as described in our film ' ' That These May Know' '· Your help is needed to finance "Operation Africa". Many areas are still unreached. send for free folder, " Afri ca Balance Sheet". ALFRED A. KUNZ, Internat iona l Director POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE, INC. 49 Hon eck Street, En gl ewood , New Jer sey
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