The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1961

p ht 'l ~ltl~ t) ltl ) INt) ;1 1 1· 111 N l BAl'·t~l~T February, 196 1 ~~-==~--------------------------..:...::~ - ______.......___________________________:_~..;..:..:.....:~ 1 :\\ r· t.t)\\ l ' l". '<litor. / o Tc rt111lc R,11)li t -"l1t1rcl1. .,nllia , l . nncl ] c."1r, 13(>t1LO, tl ~~is t rl 11t c·cltl <> r • How's This for Enthusiasm ·1~11l , ()t11\ g 11l'()11l(' ()f tl1c 1~ tr~ t l3~lr>t ist ,l1t1rcl1 of c;,1Ili11olis, ., 11,l\ l1a<l 111,\11, ()1111t) rtt11,it1(·~ () f st r, ice·. 11 0 11 t 111cl a 1' a 11011tl1 tl1cy take are of the 111t1Stl~,,l 11r<.lg't\ 1111~ ._'<.' t i11tt1r ' 1 n. li11g, tc ·t i11101 ic , p ra)' r , le ., of tl1e E ening t.' l' \ t ('. fill' 11,\~t<) t g t, cs tl1" 111 ,lge, ,, he ~ l1ot11c1, b t1t the yot111g p opl e h ave 1, rt1, t.' tl , ( 1, t",111,1l)lc 111 l1,111cl l i11g tl1 op 11i11g p a1t of tl1e s r,,icc. ( 11 n , nr tl1 "'e111or 1)01 or 01n p roj t tl1at i . geared to the ov r - ~111 c l1t1rcl1 11rogr,1111. ,1 ·t )'eclr it ,,·a ,111 \ ',l11g li tic s r, 1 ice i11 , , 1 hicl1 they took ft1ll l14. 1rge of tl1c ,1d, erti 111g, cottage p ra~er 111 et i11gs, pre- ervic prc:1yer er v– lLc .. fo r .111 3g grot1p . ,u·ra11ged th e 1nt1 ical p rogra1n - i11clud ing sp ecial 11t1111b r ·. a11d took ft1ll r p on ibilit)' for follo,ving up all decision . The follo\, '-ttp 111 lt1d d 111rtkil.1g tire that e ery 01 e \va brought in to co1 t act witl1 p , tor . d a 011 , a11d t111da y ch ool tec:1cl1er . Each of these ab ove-nam ccl p r 011, r c i, d a ft111 list of the one m aking deci ion an d they, in turn, 111ad co11tact . Th r e u lt of thi co11ce1 tra t ed effort was the b aptism of 21 for on ,, eek effort. After the football ea 011 the enior Youth joined the Men 's :r.,ellowsl1ip of th cht1rch i11 p o11 oring a program for the Gallia Academ y High Sch ool football quad. Thi i11cluded a buffe t lunch eon in the F ellowship Room of the l1urch. a time of ing piratio1 and d e, ,otions , and a film on clean a thletic program a11d port acti,rities . Eacl1 t111day E,~eni11g the officer of each of the youth g roups call all of tho e \\ ho ~ ·ill be p resenting the program of the evening together for a PRE- ER\ YI E PR..i-\YE R H UDDLE . This l1as proven very h elpful to the pre– enta tion of \\ 1 ortl1 1 1 progran1s for all youth groups. E ach of the groups h as their 0\\"11 officer and adult advi ors , so each group follows this idea i11 their sep ara t e group . XO DIFFERE rcE?? The differ ence b eh veen listening to a radio ermon and going to church i the rune as the differ en ce b etween c alling a girl or1 the phone and sp encl– ing an e \ 'ening ,vith her. A \vord to the \\Tise i sufficient. ----- - - T H E DE\ ' IL ' FU is al,vays soil– ed , cheap and selfish. vVe'll admit, i t ' attrac tive in a dazzling and t aw– dry sort of a \vay. But it does 11ot satis– f}· and generally leaves a b itter after– t aste . BUT GOD ' FU.. is clean , exhilar– ating and con1ple t ely satisfying. If ) 'OU \, 1 ant to find out if the fun in qt1es tion i God' or the D evil's . . . the t est is this: see if your best friend , "Friend Jesus ," i \velcome to go along. \\~he1 you h a ve nothing left b u t God, then, for the first time, you b e– come a\'-·are tha t God is enough ! ASSE~1BLY LI1TE USED I . T SHARO. "Voices of Youth," a youth pap er put out b y the ) 1 oun g p eople of the baron Baptis t Church \Vas b egun in January of 1958. The presen t edi– tor is ~1iss Jeanie Griffith. The young peop le keep a p ermanent file of ma- t erial they gather from time to time tl1at might b e u sed in the p ap e r. The editors give assignm ents to dif– fer en t young p eople wh o ar e r e– p orters. T h ey in tum \vrite the stories and tum them in to b e edited for correc t sp elling, English , e t c. The sam e m ethod is t1sed for art work. \ ¥ h en the m a terial is finally gather ed , all of tl1e young p eople m eet f or an e,rening to work on assignments, such as pu tting art work on st en cils , typing and rewriting st ories, and so on. The finishing touch es are put on b y the var iot1s editors . By u sing an as– sembly line method they ar e quickly able to put the finish ed produc t to– gether . It h as h elped in getting the n ews of the ch urch into h om es a1 d busi- 1 ess places in Sharon , and keep s the } oung p eople b usy. Befor e each issue actually ge ts under way the young p eople m eet f or devotions and a time of p rayer , asking the L ord to use them in this p roject. -------- "RUSSIA'S TE COMMA DME TS" A new manual for godless youtl-1, re-edited from a 1947 original , is now b eing dis tr ibuted in the Soviet U nion. H ere are the commandments: aller, Port5mo11th, 01, io 1. R 1ncm l)er tha t tl1C' (•l rgy, re– g< rd less of fa ith, is the f orc111ost 11 m y of O\Ir .,ommt111isl st a t . 2. T hot1 shall labor diligentl y to <lra"v thy frie11ds a nd ac<1t1aintan ces tc)\vard ommt1nism , 1 ever forge tting th a t the Commun is t p arty is the su– p r eme authority of the a theis ts of the wl1ole vvorld 3. T each thy fri ends to shun all priests. 4. Guard thyself against spies; con– demn sab ot eurs . 5. Busy thyself in the prop agation of anti-religious magazines and n ew5- p ap ers. 6. L et every f a ithful Communist b e also a militant an d forthrigl1t atheis t. 7. Thou sh alt r esis t r eligious ideas, alwa)'S and everywh ere , prot ecting thy· friends from them. 8. The faithful a theist is likewise a goodly p olicem an , ever wat chful of the security of the Communist st at e. 9. Give gen erously of what thou h ast to cany on missionar y work among the unenlightened , esp ecially outside the Sovie t Union , wher e a theism suffers undergr ound. 10. Rem ember tha t if thou b e not a d evot ed a theist, thou cans t not b e a f aithful Communist nor even a firm Sovie t citizen on "vh o1n our st a te can r ely . Atheism and Communism are the fou nda tions of Sovie t p ower. -Copied. I b elieve tha t \Ve, as the future - leaders of our n ation , should r em ern– b er our blessed privilege of r eligious freed on1 , and not only thank the L ord for it, but try, with his h elp to pre– serve it. HAVE YOU SE T I A AME? If you h avn' t , you b etter hun·y, for Editor D ave Govver must h ave all su ggested names for the Youth P age in his h and b y F eb . 11th at the la t est . So you h ave just ab out 24 h ours after you get this issue to think up a good on e and m ail it to him c / o T emple Baptis t Church , Gallia St. and W aller , Portsmouth, Ohio. You h ave had a whole month's advance warning from the January issue , so tha t is "vhy , ve feel 24 h ours more are en ough. T een Topics was good, but our n ew editors want a n ew name, so h elp them out- pronto( SE D SOME YOUTH EWS TOOi