The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1961
1 ),1, (' ·t1,, r·r. t'<.ltl<lr. <' <> 1"' <:\1,11)1(• l1~11>t i t ~l1t1 rcl1. c; .. 1Jl in. St ancl \.\ n ll C'1, Poi t~1not1th , 01,io l '11 , fl <)1 z.c>. ,t ssist .. 111t tclitc>r l•11... 11 (: l l .. l 1, \l \l~ .111 l l ig)1 l 11()()} llllt~t l1 rt\ l)<.'COlllC' t :\'.tr.t l< \ll!ll ft>r <.lttr l <.111 tl1 Eclitors. c r ~c t11t t l1t 1 g l<.)(l rr\t \ t) tl llrl' \ c11 tccl t l1t}111 t It 111 't.' 11tl 111g 111 t l1e11 t)ag . ttl l it l>' tl1,1t , ot1tl1 lc.. ld r (111d gr( lll-)\ (litl ll()t Sl'll(l itl l'll()l lg }1 11 \\ .111 l 11g{!<."'"t1<.>11 ~ i11t' l11lli11g tl1~1 t 11e,\" . 1 ') ? ') '.) '? If }),\111 f ()r t ) l)._\ Y( • • • • • Q, l 1{ .. 1 , t' l1t.~l1J t l1t"' l' be>, g t <Tri t for t 11 1r 111ill ! YOUTH EMPHIISIS DIIY, WINONII LIIKE ] l111 20tl1 i 011t l1 E1npha i Day (1t th 1111t1al 1 tii.1g of the General 11. of I, gt1lar Baptist l1t1rch s. Pla11 a cara\Ta1 from your ch urch . Ther \\'ill be l1ri t- nter d Bible 1 SSf1g s, Yc>t1th - n ter cl \ Vork- shops, R creation and ports, Or– chestra and Cl1oir, Banqt1et , and a ass Rally. ot1nds like ,1 great, bt1sy day I II Youth Conscious Churc/J \ \ ~l1er i , it? 111 le, 1 ela11d and it go , b: tl1e 11ame of Euclid-~otting– l1am B,1pti t Cl1t1rch. It pastor, eorge H tiffma11 , i )'Oung. o i ~I i Hazel ' '"illi , tl1e Chri tian Edu– atio11 director. Then there is a busy taff of \ ·olunteer \\ 1 orker . group lead– er and cou11 ellor '-\'ho keep things bu }'· ome ha,,e pa sed the 30 mark. bt1t the: ' are great boosters for the )·oung p eople . \\ 1 ith a youth p age to get up, ,ve \\·ill jus t let this church tell it tory from Thanks– gi, ing time on\vard. A XE\ \ " . . BUS came in time for the Pioneer Girl to break it in, or dedicate it \vith giggles, rov. 12th, ,,·hen they ,vent to a camp rally a t Fore t Lane Park. Two weeks later the tockade Boys used it on a field trip to the La,\ 1 Son Dairy near Akron . \\Te are sure the active young peo– ple at Euclid-1Tottingham are too busy to dance; but just to make sure, the December Challenger printed the following ,cQ11iz Yourself' on the sub– ject. Questions to ask yourself before dancing: (( Lookup the Bible verses ) 1. Is it of the \¥orld? ( John 15 :19, I John 2: 15-17 ) . 2. Is it to the glory of God? ( I Cor– inthians 10: 31). 3. Can you ask God's blessing on this acti\.11ty? (Pro\ 1 erbs 10:22 ) . 4. \,Till it be a stumbling b lock to others? (Romans 14:21 ) . 5. Does it ha,,e anv APPEARA CE ., of e\il? ( I Thess..5: 22 ) . t1nda)'S it i used to b ring in a big load of ur1da)' school boys and girls. Ho\V do they p ay its runn ing ex– pen es? By tax st amps . Ho,v do they keep from fighting over who is to use it? Each group h as to apply to Al Graham at least two weeks b e– fore the date it ,vants to use it. H ow do they save the church from being sued if there should be an accident -and prevent kids going places with– out notifying their p arents? They h ave to present signed slips from their p arents for each trip. A College Age Youth Group has b een organized and meets a t 6: 15 each Sunday. At least on e H .S. senior will be in that group next year- Ron Ilg-for h e was one of 23 seniors a t the Euclid High School who received le tters of commendation from the 6. Will it hold me back spiritually? (H ebrews 12 :1 ) . 7. Is the atmosphere good (II Cor– inthians 6 :14). 8. Would I like to b e doing it when Jesus comes? ( I Thess. 4: 16, 17). -REMEMBER ... IF I DOUBT . . . DON'T- What 's good about the dance? 1. ' 'It's fun' ' . . . It is, the Bible t ells us that there is pleasure in sin but tha t the pleasure doesn 't endure (H eb . 11 :25 ) . The ,vages of sin , vill be e ternally enduring (Rom. 6:23) . 2. "It makes me popular' ' ... Whose praises should you seek FIRST? ( John 12:43 ) . If immodesty is the , Cont inued on page 11. ) • ational Meri t Scholarship Corpora– tion. BASKET BALL Ba ttalion 657 got off t o a good start in baske t ball this year by win– ning over Parma H eights Bap tist 57-25. Bob Becker pumped in 23 of the p oints. The next game was played with the Chapel Crusad ers of the local church that are known to b e "rou gh and tough. ' ' Battalion 657 would h ave won if they h ad not for– gotten about the clock and run in some third-stringers. Before they kne\lv what was h appening the Cru– saders ran in 10 quick b aske ts. It was lots of fun , though. A BUSY DECEMBER The Young People took a bus trip (Continued on page 11) OTHER BUSY CHURCH GROUPS FIRST BAPTIST, CALIO , ob– served Boy Scout Sunday recently. The Scripture lesson was read by Robert Marks, Jr. A come t solo was r endered by James Trease, and a vocal selection by Ronald Trease. Scouts were used as ushers. Another big thing a t this service was the a,varding of 32 certificates from Moody Bible Institute t o those who had taken T eacher Training. FIRST BAPTIST, LAGRA GE, has four youth groups, with a total average attendance for the year of 88. The Seniors are known as The Christian Teens. Then there are the Junior Hi Training Union, the Jet Cadets , and the Beginners . RECE T YOUTH RALLIES were The Word of Truth Rally for funda-
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