The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1961

March 1961 ,.fEPPI G OUT BY FAITH ( Contini,ed from page 3) GOD NEVER FORSAKE The story of the next year is too long to tell, except in brief snatches from my d1ary. This is better anyway, for ic shows how I felt then, no t what I think of it now. "1936. This has been a hard, eventful year. I come to the close in almost g lee– ful confidence that the Christ who has led up to date will lead on to victory. . . It has noc been easy co surrender every earthly dependence . . . grey hairs and lines of care have come but the Lord has no t failed us. . . "I went to Creston to the state funda– mentals meeting ( late April ) and found out how Anderson had found out a nd written about me before m y resig na tion was even read. So at the a nnual m eeti ng my resig nation was referred to the deacons for study. I could then explain the situa– tion in the convention and my effor ts ac reform. But they were afraid of trouble ... and seemed to favor my leavi ng. Then the young people were so evidently i n– fleenced to vo te confidence in the conven– tion that I resigned again unconditionally July 1, and yet it won m e the sympathy of the majority of the deacon s. . . . "The next very evident leading of God came in my discover y of a letter of Ander– son co Morton ( the Nebraska secretary ) . .. . A fundamental Bible student from the Omaha B ible School had copied i t and we had proof of Anderson ~s blackli sting and misrepresentation . I showed it to a few deacons ... and the church vo ted 61 to 5 for me to stay until March 1, '3 7. It opened the eyes of m ost of our people and the spirit hzs been better. . . "Jan.-J une, 1937. T oo much time was taken with seeking for a church to do our best. Yet there has been a new joy of preaching assured me that G od was going to open a place . . . I have written to more than 60 fri ends and over 20 churches a nd proven the effectiveness and oppressiveness of the convention blacklist system. But who would su rrender to such iniquity... ! I might have accepted a call from the Grace Baptist Chu rch in Omaha, but felt it would be impossible ( the lead– ing deacon had been warned a nd would fight me from the s tart) . . . At Arla ntic I was put under convention-coached ques– t1on1ng. . . . I asked my deacons whether they would stand behind a fundamental · man and they agreed I could stay until the annual meeting in May. By then openings came for me in the east I had a wonder– ful crip co Johnson C1cy and the fine GARB meeting there, preached at W1lliams– ·vill<:, N.Y ., Cl1arleston, W. Va., and orsica, Pa. It sure was a JOY to preacl1 in out-and-our f un<lamental churthes, where there is Jove of rhe Wor<l, SJ)iritual \varmth, and 1, rayer. l 1 rorn tl1e; srarr I felt chat che J1a1 Jescon ch uJ ch was the one for me.. :· HC>W I~r· LC)CJKS NOW It sc1lJ see111s so clearly the ,vi ll of od, tl1at w it}1 so1ne n1inor i11lJ)J ovements and sl1ort-cu ts, v.'e would step our again . We \vere told our cl1ildren ,vc>u]d starve and tl1ar I would never l1ave a Ba1, tist cl1u1ch again ; but v:e took Ps. 37 :25 a~ our J) JOn1 - ise, anJ 1, rayed I w<>u]d 11ever 111is~ or1e unday of preacl1j11g. 1 only rnissed <>nc v.rhiJe mc)ving, ar1d thc::n 1 taugl1t ,unday ( o:n1i1111e,I 011 />t1ge 1 ) THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page Nine Subscription Campaign Slipping! TOO MANY EXPIRATIONS is the sad expla na tion . In January 85 expirations a nd only 29 new subscriptions cue us back to a coral o f 1650. For our campaign figures we count from Jan. 15 to Feb. 15, which may help some; but si nce I do not have the record of expirations the last two ,veeks, it may be that we have dropped further. Ir's the old story tha t little or nothing is done co get subscr ibers to re-subscribe, but mos t of t he effort goes into getting new ones. WE NEED THE OLD ONE too, and mos t people just won't bother to renew until they miss a copy or two, and then we have to put them bacl< on the list at the cost of 7 c each! Every pastor or captain should watch their expiration list and approach them a mo nth in advance and offer to send it in for chem. Boche1? Yes, bLt its tl: e orl , &y : Is the recession co blame? Maybe. I t wou ld be if we had the 3,500 subscriptions we ought to have; but now mos t pas tors and captai ns have half or more of their families as new prospects. A campaign co get them wou ld more than off-set our losses from people out of work. Let's t ry i c! ALL THE MORE DO WE THANK Bible Baptis t, Grove City ---------- 6 those who sent subscriptions in : Brown St. Baptist , Akron ---------- 1 Bi bl e Baptist , Bedford _____________ 8 Grace Fellowship Baptis t, D ayton ____ 1 Bethel Baptist, Erie, Pa. ____________ 1 Grace Baptist , Cedarville ------------ 1 Ambrose Bapt is t, Fayette ----------- 2 Graham R oad Baptist, Cuyahoga Falls __ l Li tchfield Baptist ------------------ 2 Temple Baptist, Portsmou th --------- 4 Open D oor Baptist, Spencerville ______ 6 Maranatha Baptist , Springfield ------- 2 truthers Baptist Tabernacle ________ 1 First Baptist, Van Wert ------------ 1 Unknown church ------------------ 1 Fostoria Baptise ------------------- 1 Out of state ---------------------- 1 . and 2 1·2 ACRE CAMPUS We take possession September 1st. It offer5 new oppor– tunities to Baptist Bible Seminary students. The purchase price of $ 125,000 is needed prompt ly . Jf / ri t e for Bro( Ii ,,re o,, tl1is JJropert . 'end <le ig,1atetl gift• to Bap tist Bibl , mititiry Johnson City,