The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1961
A_pr_il_, _1_96_l____________T.:.:H:.:..::_E~O~H~I~O~IN~D~EPENDENT BAPTIST Page Eleven chefs busi ly prepared the pizza for us– Darlene Corbi n, hirley Eisnaugle and Vivian H ill. One evening we had a film about Martin Luther. It proved to be both interesting and informing." Elton C.1-:lukill Resigns at Trinity, Lorain HARON BAPTI T haron, Pa. They just put out another extra good monthly paper. In it were Ten Command– ments of Christian service that are worth sharing wi th all our Ohio young people. H ere they a re: 0 1. Thou shalt do Christ 's work as H e H e did it. 2 . Thou shalt confess thy salvation. 3. Thou shalt have an evangelistic spiri t. 4. Thou shalt do the supreme business of life save souls. 5. Thou shalt keep a record of the souls thou knowest. 6. Thou shalt gee others interested in them also. 7. Thou shale not forget to pray daily. 8. Thou shalt use God 's Word i n thy work . 9. Thou shal t lead a consistent Chris– tian life. 10. Thou shalt let the H oly Spirit guide thee in all things." TORTHSIDE LIMA, CALLS <Continued trom page 9) lead ership the church 'v\ras received into the GARBC las t June . W e plan to t ermina te our ministry the last Sunday of April. M ar ch 19-April 2 we a re h aving Evangelist Stockwe ll for sp ecial services and tru t they might prove to b e the high p oint of our ministry at Worthington. ' 'We h ave fow~ children. Judy, our eldest , is married and makes h e r h ome n ear ash ville, T enn, Their tlu·ee year old son m akes us very proud grandparents. Our second daughter , Sue, is comple ting h er freshman year at Cedarville College. D a11 is 14 and completing his sophomore year h e r e in \ '!\/ orthington. Our youngest son , Marc, \vill l)e two May 4th." Then h e encloses a ch eck for a subscription to the OIB, a11d asks for our Jant1ary s tatistical 11umbe r , which shows he inte11ds to learr1 a ll abot1t our churcl1es and p as tors a11cl b e a good co-oper a tor among u s. \ Vhy not, si11ce we are a si1nple f ellow– sl1ip of Bib1e-be1ievi11g churc l1es? \ Ve wish Bro the r Add! m an a blessed minis try a t c)11.hsicle and welcorne l1im a r1<l l1is fa1ni ly t o Ohio. Tl1e ortl1sid Baptist (~ht1re}1 11ot or1ly J1as a fine lJt1ilcli11g, l)llt ,t gro\v- 111g a11d cJ1all 1igj 11g fi Jcl . It b g,111 as a 1nissior1 u11<l ~r tl1e Fell c)\.\lsl1i1) for 1Japtists for Hc,1n M is~io11s l)ack 111 tl1 ~ ti1l1 c>f tl1 :.o s >cc,11d wc,rld \var, a11<l I) ga,1 t c, g1 o,v rctJJi<ll)' 1111cl c.~r tl1 .) 1r1111istr)' <>I Rev (.,;. 1~:. SJ),tt1lcli11g, sp "ciaJI)' ,1ft ~r ll1 1J 1 se11 t l)t1ild111g ~·,t~ er c t d <J11 a 11 ,v lo ·atio11. Brotl1e1 Spau]c.l i11g \\ 1 ,1s t }1 • first full ti1,1 " l)as tcJt, ser i11g fc,r 11111 .. ) c.~a1 ~ t1r1 - til tl1 (;.11d oI 19.57 Jl,1s lor 1{1<.;]1,lrcl c Ir1 tosl1 s .. 1 , , ~cl t111 til S ·pt 1 l11>f'r of • After sixteen and a half years of faithful serv ice, Pastor Elton . Hukill has present e d his r esignation to the Trinity Baptist Cht1rch of Lorain and plans to leave May first. When h e cam e the chw·ch was till h olding a ll its serv ices in a n eat ancl yet very mall buildi11g on Thirty-firs t Street , witl1 a 1ne1n b ership considerably less tha11 100. W e do not h ave r ecord b efore 194 7, when the m en1b er l1ip ,,vas 99. It's average t1nday school a ttendance was 75. Duri11g his pas– t or at e, Bro ther Ht1ki]l h as baptized about 150; and the m ember hip last r ep orted is 18 6. The average at– t en cl a11ce is 175. Duri11g this time tl1e cl1t1rc:h l)t1r– ch ased and p ,lid for the parso11 age a t 2029 E . 30th t. , ancl also bt1ilt the b aserne11t p art of a 11e,v buildu1g right b eside the olcl cl1urcl1, m aki11g it possible t o tis th olcl bt1il cli11g for St111d ay school room . It }1as i11 cr e,1 d tl1e seati11g ca1Jacity to 300 . Tliis is a ver y attractive baserl1 e1 t, , vith tl1e front e1 trn.1 ce co1nplete a it vvill b e after the l)t1 il clir1g is fi11i sh cl , a11d 'v\ 1 itl1 a , ,e ry f i11 auclitorit1n1. \ \TJ1e11 the t1pst a irs at1clitorit11n is co1nple t cl , as it t111clot1bteclly ,,,ill b e i11 a fe\v years, tl1e Tri11ily cl1t1rc l1 ,,,ill l1uve tl v ry a ttrfl c ti ve p lt11 t. It also has a J(.1rg fi lcl i11 tl1 gro,,,i11g i11clus– tri ,1l ci t y of Lorai11 , a11cl , vith a 11 \ 1nar1 c)f c;ocl's c:hoosi11g sl1ot1lcl l1a rt l)rigl1t ft1tt1r . P as tc)r IIt1ki ll J1 as hacl a lo11g ancl 11s ft1l 111i11istr)', rt11 cl loc>ks for\ arcl to c.·c>11tin11ecl se rvic:(., ,,,I1erc.> \ c.,r tl1 ,. I"'c>rcl 111n)' 1 acl. I J (> gr ,1clttt1tecl fro111 1oody 13il)}-> I11sli l t1tt~ i11 l f)32 \\ itl1 l,ls l a i , a11(l a l~o \\ as ,1sccl to ta'le i11 111a11'r 1l1 '111 l,Prs c>,, ·, \\ itl 1 a J)tt~ l<>r <>1, t l1 i1 t.,1c1 agt111, , ,ve 111a)1 c> f)C~ ·t 1 al J)l'<>g1 ess. the Pas tor 's ot1rse clip101nt1, a11d took thre semes ters of college \vork ftt orther11 Baptist e1ni11 ,1ry, a11other Cl1icago sch ool. His first pastor,1te of 29 mo11ths , vas \¥ith the First Ba1) tist ht1rc:h of T hree Rivers , Micl1- iga1 , ,vl1icl1 Ct11ne t o a n e1 d i11 J w1e, 1936, b ecat1se h e could 11c>t agre ,vith BC cloc b·i11es a11cl practices. '"fhe 11ext pas torat e of over two years was on a t,vo cht1rch fie ld i11 Upper fichigan , at Dollar Bay. Both of these cl1t1rcJ1es \Vere i11 the RBC. In the fall of 1938 h e b ega11 a six year pastorate of the A1nbrose Baptis t hurch of F ayette and of tl1e Fir ·t Baptist Churcl1 of 'I\T auseo11-also a two cht1rch field . Dt1ri11g this ti1ne he led the Ambrose church ot1 t of the conventio11 and into fe llo,,,ship w ith the Ohio Associa tio11 a11d the GARBC. It " ' as from this field l1e ,,,e11t to the TriI1ity Bc.1pti t h t1rc:h Oc tober 29, 1944. Broth er Hukill h as be 11 a trustecl ounsellor all throt1gh h is year \.\'ith ot1r assoc ia.tio1 . H e e rvecl on tl1e Council of "f e n for a to tal of eigl1t years, and h a b een a trust ee of H ome a11d Camp ince it vvas orga11ized over 12 y ars ago. H e , va 01 the committee that found ,111d pt1rch ,1 eel Can1p Pa tmos. H e l1as er,,ed a trea t1rer of H om e a11cl Can1p from it orga11ization u11til last fall , a11cl i still the treasurer of the H ome Fund. H e cot1nts l1i en ,ice for the c:a111 1) a ,l thri11ing exp erie11ce, r,1tl1er tl1a11 a a bt1rcl e11. 111 fac t , l1 e \\'ill ,,·ork harcler for a111p P ,1t1nos tl1a11 ver for tl1i. t11n1ner , for lie ,vill l)e ot1r firs t ft111 ti111c Director . Afte r 1 tl) ' l ,5 t11 l1e , , ,ill be a,·,1il- a l)l for t111cla)' ' tlI)IJl)· 1)re,1cl1i11g a11),,,,J1 er i11 OJ1io or i11 sc)t1 tl1c r11 1ic l1iga11. H e \\ 1 ill recei,·c 111uil at ]1i pr s 1 t aclclre · · l111til 1a 1 2 .5tl1 , ,1ftcr , l1icl1 l1e c:,111 be reacl1ecl nt .a1111) Pat1nos, <: 1 cral D eli\ 'Cr) , Kelle)' · I la11d , Ol1io. ·-----------------------------· THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR ow on WEW -T\ 1 , t h 5, leveland, Ohio 9: 30 A ~1 on arurda} ~ J un1or ho1rs Bible Qui z Bible tor1e · rar1on PD-1~ , (h I), ' loleJl> 8: 00 a.n1., ' u nd.,y~ WATCH and PRAY and TELL YOUR FRIENDS THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Henry C. Geiger, Director Livingston, Tenn. .,________________
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