The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1961

I .:\ Bible co11fere11c:e, prelimina1y to tl1 regt1ln.r (11111t1al co1 fere11ce b egii.1- 11i11 cY ~1011d,1)·, ] t111e 19, ,,·ill b egin un– da, '-1ften10011 at 3: 00 P .~1. in the • Bill,· u11da,· T,1bernacle. Re ere11d • • .\ lf··c·cl C:ol,,·ell . ea tern reprc e11ta tive \\ ill l)ri11g tl1e op ening me age e1 - titled "E, ·a11gel of tl1e Etern,11 \\ 7 ord. ' The ,,~i1101 a Lake Conference grot111d. afford (111 opporh111it 1, to com – bi11e cl Bible co1 fere1 ce and a , ,aca– tio11 . ,,·im111i11g, boating, miniahu·e g:olf, . l1·1ffl~l1oard. are l),· t n f 0 ,\1 of the a, ailable recreatio11al facilitie . Re er,·atio1 for lodgi11g h ould b n1ade e'-1rJ,, c111cl dire(·tl,· to the \\TiJ1011a • • L '-1ke confere11ce grou11d . pecial arra11gemen t are b eing macle to m,1ke thi , ,.ear' co1 fere11ce • a famil)· co11fere11ce. A 11t1r e11· ,vill l tttt(' 18 ~:3 :t l \\ lll<)tt it I ,nkt' ,, il l 1u1 - {l<lt1 l)l<'< JI, ,, it11t'~~ tl1 t' gr<:':t l <'~ l c11111,1;tl lll('<:'t111g t)1 , (;(' ll ' t ,t l \ 'iSC)('ia tt C)ll <>f l ll'gt1lar l~ a1)l1sl C' l1t11c.·l1c~ lt tl\ t'\er 11~1<1. 1)1. l )ttltl It J .. tch\c>11, ,, 11<> fc>r tl1t' fi,~t t ii11, ,, ill l)<.' ,1llt't1cli11g 111 tl1t' <.'tt11at·i t, c>1 11nlic)11 ;1l rc'11r se11tnti, ', srt\ -. "I 11 ,}ic, t' tl1is \ c,,r·s co11{e1- <.'11cc.' ,,·ill l)c tl1 l (1rgcs l ,, c~,·c )ver l1c.1cl. 1~11 1)irilt1,1l c·li111(1tt\ of 111r1 - ic,1 <.'rtll s for cl re t1rgc11cc of ~111 - gi~111cc to t11 acr cl trt1 t co1nn1itlcd t o bor11-rtg,1i11 b li v r as revealecl i11 tl1 cri1J tt1re .' To tl1 1 ft ,ve i11troduce Dr . Paul R. Jack 011 11atio11al repres 11tative; to tl1 right Dr. R . T. Ke tcham, na– tional co11 ulta11t, ,vho ,vill speak acl1 mor11ing at 7 on "Manna From H eave11 ." b e provided for infa11 ts . Regi tered nw· e will upervi e the activitie of the tiny tot s. The jt1niors and i11- terrnediates will h a'\ 1 e a Children's Bible Confere11ce directed b y Rev– ere11d a11d ~1r . Mel tadt. A fully eqt1ipped playgrot1nd is available for supervised recreation b etween es- ion . The Cl1ildren' Bible Confer– en ce vvill b e conduc ted Tuesday throt1gh Friday imultaneotis to the regular co11ference session for adults . Special intere t programs are pla11ned for each eveni11g of the con– f erence. 11 all male chorus, a ser– r · · i·1 so11g,all yot1th choir all-yo11th orcl1e tra , an eighty voice missionary cantata, the film-uOperation Aboli– tion," a11d "The Gospel \ 1 esp er Hotrr" provide the co1 ference with added Edel1 Park f(ec{)gnized The Fir. t ~l issio11ary Baptis t l111rc.. l1 of Ecle11 P ,1rk. Ports1not1tl1. \\ ,l re('C)g11izecl ,l · ,t regt1l,1rly orga11- izecl Ba1)ti'>t C11t1rcl1 b:· ,1 cot111c· il h elc1 at 2 P.;\ I .. Fel). 19tl1. Tl1ere \\'ere pa tors a11cl l '-1)' 1nesse11gers 1)rese11t fro111 tl1e '"f e1111)le Ba1)tist Cl1l1rc:l1. c111 cl tJ1e Ports111c)t1 tl1 B,1ptist Cht1rcl1 of Ports111011tl1. E1n111a11t1el B::1ptist Cl111rcl1 of ;\ e,\ 1 fl ostc>1 1. Berec:111 B,1p– t. t c>f Sc iotc>,·ille. \ \ ·11eell"'rsb11rg B,11)– t1 t, Grace B,1ptist c111cl . I,1di<io11 B,11)– ti ~t of ~li11forcl. Pastor _l '-1 rti11 liol111e c)f \\ ·11eelersl)t1rg ,, <.15 elected ,1 !11ocler,1tor. ,111cl P ,1stor H ~1rolcl ,,~illis a clerk. \\ 1 itl1 scJ111e 1ni11or c:ha11ges 111 t11e ,trtic:les of f ,1i tl1 a11d in the co11 ti tt1 ti <)tl. \\ 7 }1ich tl1e cl1t1rcl1 l111a11- i1not1sl ~ accepter}. tJ1e COllllC'il \\.clS \\·ell satisfi ed \\'ith the chtuch and \ ·oted to recog11ize it . \\ 1 e l1ope to he<1r 1nore abol1t tl1is cl1t1rcl1 \\·l1ich is p c: 1storecl by Rev. H e11ry Tl101n1)so11. Qt1ite 01ne ti111e ago ,,·e 11:lcl a f i11e letter fro111 l1in1 i11 ,,·l1i~l1 h ~ tol cl 11s tl1,1t last fall tl1e (·ht1rc·l1 , ·otecl to seek fello,, sl1ip i11 l)otl1 the st,1te tl11tl 11c:1tio11al associ'-1- t1011s, l)t1t tl1at tl1e)' ,, isl1ecl to be rec:og11i~ecl l)y ,l loc::11 co1111cil before tl1e)· 111acle \\1.·itte11 '-1pplicatio11. , , ,e expec·t tl1,1t l)y tl1is ti111e tl1ese c:1p– plicatio11s are i11 ancl ,,·ill l)e actecl l!po11. Tl1e G_'\.RBC ,, ill , ·ote 11ext J t111e at \X.' i11011a Lake, a1cl ,,Te ,,rill , 1 ote 11ext Octol)er ; b t1t i11 the mean– ti111e ,,·e ,,,ill f eel that tl1is churcl1 is 011e \\ ith us i11 like faith a11 cl practice. 1\1,ril, 1961 Dr. Ket cham opportunities for inspiration and in– f orma ti011. Tuesday h as b ee11 designated 11ot only as "Youth Emphasis Day" but also "Su11day School Emphasis Day." \ Vorkshops are plru1ned for both the adults and the young p eople . Com– p etitive recrea tion , a banquet, all youth choir and orchestra are a few of the added activities for the youth. Pastors fron1 among the nearly 1,000 church es in the Association ,vill b e bringing Bible centered message daily. Missionaries from the Congo a11d other parts of the \\'Orld \vill be present to relate events of spiritual significance . everal thousand Regu– lar Baptis ts are exp ected to attenc.l this 30th Annual Conference. DAUTELGRAMS "The time are in His h and , but tl1e ticling are i11 ot1rs!" 0 (J ~ "H e , vho fi11d 1 othi11g of h ea, ,e11 011 ear th \\'Ot1ld 1Jrobably fi11d notl1i11g l)t1t ea1th i11 l1eave11-if h e ev·er ar- . 11" fl\ 'eC . 01ne ) 'ec:1r c:1go a U. . Senator ( O 'D,11 iel, Tex,1 ) ,1id. "011e of the 1nost ,,,}1oleso1ne tl1i11g that coulcl l1appe11 ,,·ot1ld b e for e , ·ery congre - n1a11 <1fte r ser v·i11g si-x }'ears, to go back l101ne ar1d try to n1ake a li,·i11g t111cler the Ja,,,s l1e l1elped to pas ." {J ~ Q God gra11ts t1s the erenity t o ac– cept tl1e tl1i11gs ,, e cannot cl1ange. cot1rage t o cl1a1 ge the thing ,,·e ca11, a11d ,visdom to ki10,v tl1e differe11ce.