The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1961

I ( onr,1iucd fro >t 7 nn 19 \l4l, 1· 1'11,l\,. la1ltist ~lill-~li~.. ~t<lll ,, < r c:·1 s ,ll l,, J.!( ' l~ .. k, . ,, rilt' <1( tl i l c l l ltl , ]1 tl1<' ' •tt(' llt1tlcl111~ tll('tt' tl 1i~ .. ·1 ri1 ~. ll , ~(, 1,, (,() ntlcl ,, 1tl1 le' s l ~-. ()()() 111 tltt' ll\ttltlttlg it111cl t l l l \ \\ il l ll('l tl ]1l:· l1 l ' \ l ' ll if t l1t' \ll'()- 1 I(~ t 11 l ) l l , , t 11 c 1 l l t 1l l l, t < l l t l 1 e ,, t) a k. r·llt:' \ llt' \'ll • l)l)l) \ 1 lc)<. 'h.\ ,ll 2 l t• (' , c l1 . a11l11l)l) l :.." lll<lt' h." ,ll 2~)c, ' ~ flttt' lll()l k, \l ~1 · ) , ~()() l),\g~ ()l c t~111t•11t at ~ l i--.. •• 111<.l "ll lc>t ll1 tl11 C)ttg l1 c11 tl<.' a 11,t l' l1c·, <. ' a11 gL·t lt1111l>t'r fell t H1l, 1()() ,l tl1c>11,.111cl 'f'l1c, ,ire l1c l i11g tl1 :1t ~cl111t• <.)l tl1cir fric11cls lll) 11c rtl, ,, ill l1c' lt) 111 11r<.>, i(li11g tl1ose tl1i11g~. ... \ l r: I r, 111 t,111to11. ,, l1c>. c l1t1 'l),111cl re<..' ()11tl, ,, e11t to l)e ,, itl1 tl1c Lorcl, is st«.1, i11g ,, 1tl1 tl1c111. l1e l1ad to . .... }13, c st1rger, .. 111d \\' cl ' i11 tl 110 ·pital for tl 111011tl1. ,111cl ,, ()t1lcl ,1ppreci::1t pril\ er for ]1e r reco,,er) 1 • T.\ .. .. LEl .. HOL!\I ~ ,vrites 11,1rch Gtl1 fro111 ~I ,111il,1: "" chool \vill be out 0011 ,111d tl1e Bible cl1ool tt1cle11t \\·ill l)e c,1tteri11g tl1rol1gl1ot1t tl1e Philip– pi11e~ dt1ri11g pril, ~lay ::111d June. ~I a11)· ,\·ill be holdi11g \·,1catio11 Bible cl1ool . Other \,·ill be as isti11g i11 e,·,111geli tic meeti11gs. "\\ 7 e are plan- 11i11a for n,·o ladies to l1old a vacatio11 Bible 'chool i11 Patero duri11g April. After that the tean1 ,,,ill co11sist of one 111::111 t111til chool ope11s i11 J t111e. The fi"·e belie,,ers and fe,v y1npathizers \,·110 atte11d the Center faithfully· need ~'Oltr pr::1}·er . "Lord ,villi11g, \\'e ,,rill sail 011 the • • \\ 1 011orato abot1t pril 22nd. go– i11g direct to Lo Angeles. The home c·ht1rch of George and r orma Haberer ha a hot1 e set a ide for missionarie 011 ft1rlot1gh. The Lord answered 011r pra,·er by providing this house for tis. \\ 1 e exp 0 ct to be in orth Adams about June 1st . During ot1r ftirlough ,,,e hope to see all of yot1 a11d rene,,,, ot1r fellO\\rship. Our ad– dress \\ 1 ill be, c o Rev. S. Edward Be11tz, ~ orth Adams , Michigan. ---------- _II SIO. ARIES TO PRAY FOR CAL ARY BAPTIST, Manning– ton, \\T. Va., has Charles Mitchell in its membership, stationed in Brazil; FIRST BAPTI T, 11cDonald has Florence Hot1ck, Fre11ch v\'est Africa; FIR T B..~PTI T, ~1edi11a, has Re\' . and ~lrs. Rei11hard Friebel; and Rev. ancl ~Irs. Da,·e Toro, \\ 1 110 are goi11g to Chi 1 i u1 micl-.. \pril ; F IR T B_..\P'"fl T . ~ iles : 11arie Gershon, , J e,, ish \\'Ork in Florida; Re\'. a11d ~1rs. James \\ 1 oos ter, ;\egro ,,,ork in Indianapolis, Ind. ; IXDEPENDE~T B.. \PTIST, .... orth Jackson, Pats}· King, C.A.R.. . :\fr1c a. , A J ril , 1961 BOOK REVIEWS "1\L.I .. 'rl 11; Kll"4<.1"i \Nl) () 11l·NS ()F ' rl {1! 11111l~li. ' ( l..,y l lcrl1e rt l..<><.kycr, Z<>nd~rvan l'uhli shing 1 lt>u sc, Gr,lnd l"',1111.l,. ~fich . 19(>1 . 25 l>,l,~l'S. .95.) 1·h1s 1s <>nc <lf the n1ost interesting and 1,rc.>tu.1l)lc l)O<)ks lu1s co111<.' frc>1n the l"t' n c>f Dr . Lock) er. I c is ,t t <.\. 1ew of Rc>y.1lcy ~1s rcl.1tcd to Bible l11sto ry tart 1n:~ ,, 1th the mon,1r(l1s of ancient Meso– })<.>t.11111a, the ,1utho1 describes the rulers o t A syr1,1, Egy1)t, B,1bylonia, Greece, Rome, and Palestine One important chapter presents hr1 t as the 1er feet Monarch . Another very interesting chapter <leals with the prophetic kings in Bible history and includes a study of che ten kings in Daniel's prophecy, the seven k1ngs in Revelation, and the Kings of the East, the orth, and the ouch as mentioned in prophecy. Every pastor, teacher, and Bible student should find this book a very usefu l and helpful addition to their library. Reviewed by Elliott H orton, Parma, Ohio ~ .. * ' ' J"J 11 l I3rl I l ~V l1. by lvc>r J'o\vcll , out st ,1 nd i ng \Vel sh cvn n.~el ist, Z<>nclcrv 11 f>ubli shing l louse, Gr.u1d l{,11, icls, 1\il1ch ['ri ce $2. 5t> ·rhc n1cs~1gc f>f thi s 1,ook is borh fascin at i ng and challeng ing. It concerns 8 yc>u nr n11n "vho is at one and the s,un tin1c the victim of over-anxious parent and the so-called higher criticism of the day in \\'hich \VC live. 1-fc ai)peal s to the au t11c)r of tl1c l1oc)k tc> establish to h 1 hc,1rt the fact of the existence of God apart from the cse of Scripture. ·1 he author complies with this request , nd usin~ an absolute minimum of Scriptur~ references, turns to the heavens and astron– omy, history and Christian experience, not only adequately to answer this re– quest, but co answer it spir1rually, bril– liantly and with finesse. Th1s book should be read by all who believe the B1ble to be the word of God, and should be pl"ceJ in che hands of every advanced high school and college student under the influence, actually or p otentially, of the h;gher criti cism of the hour. Rev1ev. eJ by Glenn H. Dt1\·i~ - ------- ROAMINGS OF THE EDITOR ince wr1t1ng last we have preached at che Fellowship Baptist Church at Young's Corner east of Medi na and are going there again tomorrow. The first time we had a fine time v.1ith this young church that needs a pastor. We feel this church will continue to grow and become one of our good country churches. On our way home attended the Hebron Minister's Fellowship Monday a t First Baptis t in Elyria and heard Pastor H erbert Webber of Rocky River speak. The H ebron brethren have GOD IS THY REFUGE God is thy refuge and thy stre11gth, Thy help i11 troubles sore; However fierce the trials are Jt1st trt1st in Hirn the more. Troubles without? Troubles ,vitl1i11? Be still and kno\,r that God Is still the great I AM, He k110,\' The path that thou dost plod. a real time of fellowship and prayer each month at Elyria and we always like to attend. March 12th we preached at the Havi– land Baptist Church near Van Wert in the morning and heard our own pastor a t Fostoria at night. Rev. Roy Johnson has closed his work at Haviland and is open for a new field. He lives at Latty, Ohio. The H aviland church is small and needs our prayers. It is an independent Baptist church. O let the \\rars a11d tumtilts co1ne. Distress 011 e, 1 ery hand; Look up i11to the face of God– He'll cause tl1v feet to stand. ,, He i the stro11g fo11ndation a11d Unshakeable is He! ect1rely re t in His great stre11gth No,v· ,111d eter11allv! • -Georgia B. _ dams The BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OFFERS - ------ - * Three Year Graduate Seminary t ho rough traini ng for Christian Service "' Bible College - with a General Course plus strong minors for Missionaries Christian Education Directors Music Directors Pastors-Pre- eminary work :;. Three Year Bible Institute • Christian Secretarial and General Bible Orthodox-Scholarly-Baptistic-Chrisc-centered Located in beautiful Grand Rapids, Michigan For information write: RAPT IST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 811 Wea lt hy St. , S. E., Grand Rapids 6, Michjgan •