The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1961
April, 1961 CHRI TI EA TED e reacl in Hebr \ v 10: 12 that after our Lord had compl ted his sacrifice 011 the cros , 11 wa abl to do something 110 011 of Aaron had ever been able to do i11 the t e1nple : ''B11t thi ma11 after he l1ad of– fered 011e acrifice for sin £or ever. sat do\v11 011 the right l1and of Goc1 ." His work vva do11e, cl11d l1e1 c fortl1 he could it amid l1ea e11l) 1 glories, looking forv\'arcl to the <la)' \vhen the earth l1ot1ld beco111e his footstool . Our work on eartl1 i 11ot c1011 . and so we may be far 1nore co11 ciot1s of cross-bearing tha11 of thro11 e- ittirig ; but we might bear 011r cross '"' ith le s complaini11g if ,ve st1,v b y £aitl1 tl1 t1 t ,ve \\'ere already spiritu:111)' joi11 d to the Christ 011 the thro11 . The11 '\i\' ,,,ot1ld hold up our h eacl s like t1e young Africa11 ,vho had 1) e11 solcl ,1 a slave to America, bt1t who 11 er forgot that he \\'as the so11 of tl ki11g. He might have bee11 c,1ptt1 red cl11cl take11 to work in th cotto11 fielcls ; but no matter how h ard tl1e toil ,vas, nor how lo11g the hot1rs , he bor }1i1n– self like a prince : a11d so shot1ld '"' ! The Apostle Patil mt1st hav bee11 clisinherited when he b c"1111e a Chri - tian, and like his Lord O\i\ 1 11ed 11othi11g, not even a11 ass or a tomb; bt1t l1e could \vrite to his poor co11 v rt. Jike tl1is: .:"All thi11g are yot1rs, ,vh tl1er Paul , or Apollos, or Cephas, or tl1e \\'Orld, or life or dea tl1 , or tl1ings to ( Continued on page 9) CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 57th Year A staff of eighteen workers wit– nessing to nearly one million Jews 1n Ohio, W. Va ., and Brazil by per– sonal visitation, classes, radio, tract and mailing ministry. Preparing others to witness to Jews by conferences, missionary meetings and the annual Institute for Jewish Evangelism . Our policy to work with local New Testament churches in the accept– ed methods of Scriplu1·al evan– gelism, and th e placing of new con– verts. Staff me1nlJer8 are happy lo visit chu rches with 1nspirat1onal and in fortnative presentation of the WOl k. Write f 01 fr e copy- "Trump t 1· for Isra 1." Rev. Gerald V. Smels ~r , Stapl . P .O. Box 3556, leveland 18, Ohio • THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST • ounci on The Mi<l,,i \\' Baptist Cl111rch of orth Ec1to11 , Frc111k Oclor, pastor, r - cently called a cou11cil of p ,1stors frorn tl1 Hebro11 Associ~1tion to 1n,1k rocomn1e11clations to the cl1t1rcl1 co11- cerri i11g tl1e qt1 stio11 of cl ivorce ,1ncl re1narriage i11 relatio11 to cl1t1rch 1nem– l)ersl1ip. TJ1e panel of pastors i11 - clt1ded Rev. Acla111 A. Galt c)f the First Baptist Cl1urcl1 of pe11cer, 'A'l10 "''as eJec ted mc) cler,1tor ; Rev. Rc)l)ert B,1rrett cJf tl1e Ca111de11 Bt1ptist ht1rcl1 , Clerl<; Re,,. Elliott Hortor1 of tl1e First Baptist Church of Par1n:1; R v. L elc111d Ho\v,1rd of th F t1itl1 B,1ptist Churcl1 of A111 l1erst ; Rev. Ke1111etl1 S1ne]ser of tl1 First B,1ptist l1t1rcl1 of Mecli11a; Re . Ly1111 Roger of tJ1e ortl1£ieJcl Baptist Chttrch; Re,,. Ralp]1 Ste,1r11s of the Hi11ckl y Ridge Bap– tist Ch11rch ; R ,,. Pa11l Scl1e11k <)f tl1 First Ba1)tist Cl1t1rch of Tvvi11slJttrg; Rev. Ke1111e tl1 elso11 of tl1e ortl1 Royalto11 B,1ptist C~ht1rcJ1 ; a11d Rev. Earl '"' illetts of tl1e Berec.1 Baptist h1trch . Missio11c1rv Dt1vicl Torro ... ,,,as i11\1itecl to sit 011 the cot111c il i11 a11 ad,,isory c,1p,1city. The follo"vi11g q t1estio11s ,,, sentecl h)' tl1e lv1iclvie \\' Cl1t1rcJ1 for. co11sicler,1tio11 : re 1Jre– B,1pti ·t 1. Ca11 perso11 s wl1 c) l1a,,e 1Jee11 divorced t111cl rem,1rrie<l bt1t l1 ,1ve bee11 s,:1ved, or i11 cl pirit of repe11t c.111ce J1ave b e11 restored to fello\vsl1ip \.vitl1 tl1e Lord, beco1n n1e1nber · of tl1e Joc,11 cht1rch? 2. Why or \.\ 1 l1y 11ot is it aclvisal)l to accept th 1n i11to the n1 1nbersl1i1J from a Scriph1rt1l point of vi ,,·? 3. C,111 tl1e e p erso11s fi11d a plc1c <)f service i11 tl1e loc,11 cht1rcl1 , vit11ol1t l)reaki11g tip tl1 pr s 11t 111arri,1g ? The cot111 cil \\ras askecl to "for111 t1 la le· a rccc>m111e11 cled polic)' ('C)11 (·cr11i11g the 1Jrol)le111 for tl1e locc1l c:l1t1rcl1 tc) act t1pc)11 fc)r ft1 tt1r referc11 c(l. ' ' QUE TIO 111EI{ 0 E J,e, ,. Acl,t111 ( ;,1lt ,1skccl tl1e cc>t111cil tc> c·c)11sicler first ,,,J1etl1cr l)ersc)ns ,, l1 c> 11a,,0 l)ce11 111arriecl, cli, ' <> rcc."'cl, r(>- 111 ,1rriPcl ,111cl tl1c"' 11 "iH\ eel c,111 jc>i 11 t}1() Jc>CilJ (·l1t1rc• J1 . r1,]l c' clisc:tl~Si<>tl <>l)l'llecl \\ 1 itl1 il rc\fr·rc?11cc le> !\ c.:ts 2: l7. 'J'11ert' it 1c; sl,1 t cl tJ1a t " tl1e I .. c>1cl ~tclclc>c l le> t11c"' t· l1t11 c.· l1 cla, l>, cla, Ll1 c>~c> Ll1al • • ,,ere' \,l\ec1.,, .S. \ ' . 'I,l1P) \\C'l(' ,lclcl - ~c l le) tJ1r• cl1111 c· l1 rt•gn 1clJ c,~\ <> f tl1P1r l)ac, t. r ,() l clll\ }>C>C l) \\ }1 c> ]1a\ l><'<'ll Ci,l \ •(l, 11 ,ts l> "c~,1 ,, as l1c·c l l>, tl1c• l)1<><>cl, tl)C-'l'-' ',lll }>' Jl<) C!\l l"\ lJ<)ll <>f \Ill. 1\]J SitJS arc• \t11clc•1 th (• )>]<><>cl. l'lt t' \\ ()l'cf I <> 1 111 < 111 I ><·rs1111) 1, .. f t"' J l <) \, , l 111 >. i 11 ls 2. Ji'c>r '><>111 ', it ,, ,l'I l1 ,t1 cl le> Page Five believe " tl1at a1no1Jg 3,000 that ,vere sr1vecl , tl1cr were 11ot so1ne tha t \Vere cli\'<>rcecl . v\ 7 ithot1t xce11tio1 , they ,,,ere clclcl ecl to tli e fello,vsl1ip." Tl1e poi11t of co111ple te forgive11ess <Jf si11s "''as e1npl1 c.1s ized i11 I or. 6: 10, 11: - tl1ev vvere \\',tshec1, s,111c·tifiecl r a11cl j ustifiecl fro11 p,1st s i11s. P ,1st<>r l~<)gcrs ret1cl I Ti1n . 3 co11 - ce111ir1g tl1 e <1t1,1lificatio11s for clcl rs a11cl cle,1co11s, c(.1lli11g a ltc11 tio11 :lsr)e– cic1ll v tc) verse J 2: ((TJJ cle,1c.·011 sl1<>l1 lcl • l)e "th J1t1 sl>a11 cl c)f c)11e ,vife." Tl1is , ·erse i11 tl1e ,reek 1nec.111s '\1 011e– ,,·c)111 ,111 type of 111 ,111," tl1 c.1 t is , l1c has f eli11g for <>11ly 011e ,vc>1na11 . "Ho,vever," saicl Pas tc> r NeJso11 , "tl1is refers t<> c1111rcl1 offices, 11ol cl1l1rcJ1 1ne1nl)crsl1i i1 . Tl1is cl1apter lists tJ1 e c1111rcl1 c)ffi ces a11cl <1t1alifi(·,1- li<)11s, l1t1t tl1e list cloes 11ot st,1te t11at 011e 1nl1st he sav·ccl <)r l)clIJtize<l. Ol)– , ,jo11slv there \\ ~1s ,l 11eecl for l)c)tl1 . • Tl1is i11clic<1tcs tJ1 ::1 t all of tl1e111 ,verc 11c)t C( tl1e l1l1sl1,111cl c)f 011e ,\·ife." 011 IJastc)r :.1clcl cl tl1,1t iI1 l1is cl1t1rcl1 tl1e 1JecJple (1greecl th ,1t 1)erso11s tl1c.1 t ,vere cli,·orcecl befc)re tl1cv \\ er . S,1 \.'ecl cot1lcl bcco111e 111e11 l)er if tl1ey hc1d l)ee11 bor11 again . cliffer 11ce l)ct,vee11 111e111l)ersl1i1J ,111cl l1olcli11g <>f– fices is 111,1cle ,vl1e11 tl1ey are acceptecl. i11ce tl1erc is 11<> 111 11 tio11 i11 cri1J- h1re of st11Jeri11le11cle11ts, clerk , ,111cl L111cla) ~cl1c)ol tc,1c}1ers, tl1e}' c1rc p r- 111itted to cr,,e i11 tl1es ca1J,1ci ti · l)t1t not clS cle(lCOllS. 111 ' Oll1C CtlSC ·, if tl1e)' 11,1,,e provc11 to b rc:.11 te ·ti– n1011i s for tl1e L<>rcl over ,l lc>11g p ri c)cl of ti1n , tl1e}· per111ittccl tc> l1c)lcl tl1e office- c)f clec.1co11 also. A11otl1er p ..1stc>r ,1clclccl t11 ..1t t11 e !)<: r– ~011 ,vas s,111c tific\cl c)r l1e \\ as 11ot. \\"l~ c·c.11111ot ac.'t'('l)t <> 11e si11 ,111cl 11ot a 11 - <>tl1 cr. rl(\ g,l\'C ;.111 f':\.Hll1l)lt~ <>f a 111issic)11 ,tr\ ,,·J1c) lc>lcl ,l cl1icl \\ l1 c> ,, <l~ . sa, eel le) gel ri .. l <)f all J1i~ ,, i, C') t' '\ - ct"'JJt tl1e first <>11t\. " I l,t~ t ll<' 111i~ sic)tt, tl1t"' rigl1t tc> clc> tl1is~" I 1(' .tslc'cl . - Ile>,, far c·,1u ,, l' g(> i11 c1t'n1.1ntl111e, rl"'<.·tifica l 1C>11 ,,l1ttt 1s tlit' t)t<>1>e1 j)l<> C{' clt tr(.\? \ cc. <>re.I Jl 1 g t<> l)(' l t l . ~ l . I~ tl1 c..' t)ast c,11111c>t l)t' J<'cl1ftl'cl it 111tP.;t 1><' <.'<>11"1c.ler<'c.l t111clt.'1 tltl' l>l(H>cl l/ t1rtl1t'-1 (l1~c·u-.;\ic>11 1 t ' \ <'~dt·(I tlit· f t'c'l111g tl1at ~<>111 "' J)l'<>1)le t'.lll l)t' g1t',1t l, tt\r·cl l>t.'catt\l' <>f tl1t' tlt ' })tl1, frc>111 ,, l11 cl1 tl1t'\ lilt\ t' t'<lll1t'. I>l 'r- 11 ,11)~ \\ {' 11,t \ l ' i.111 l '()llllllitll' I \Ill\ cl\ 1>,t<I tl"i cl 1, ()J'('l' a11cl ,IH>ttlll ]l,l\ l ' l >t>Cll \ {(Hlt ' (l , l<. 'C( lJ'tlitt~ ( <> tilt ],t\\ l)11t ,, t' arc tJ<>t sl<H1Pcl t<>lla, . • rJ ' l1t ) lll(>(I{' ) ,ll<>r Sllllllllarizc·cl \\ l1at IHtcl l>t.'t' tl cit!)( 11,,t•tl ltJ) tc> tl1i~ l >i11t . ( 011(i1lUC(t (iJl p<l(JC 7)
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