The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1961
ur a . or 1~, i\ l t , ' ' l' l'gll' \\ illt.\1\l\ , .l l\lt ' llll)l' I ()r l~t l>lc· l~,l}>li \l c :l1tl !'cl1 , B cclfo 1c-l Ol11c) u \ 11d l ,, 111 ~,, l' , l l\t \) ,t,l (ll, ,lt.' <.' t)t clit1g l<l 11111\<.' l1c\trl . \\ l11e l1 \ l1nll fcc•cl ) C>l t \\ itl1 k11c>,, IceIgr· a11c.l ,111clt·1 s l,l11cliJ1g.., - J ·r. 3: I 5 \\ .}1 ,, tl 11 , l"l,\,l l)t'? l •"\c' l'\ ti11l (' ll1c t•l1\1rc ll lclt)l, c) t )l'll . l,r: , tlt(' 11r"t tlt' i11 - , , I1c't l1t'l tl l>t.' f(> l' l)l ,l\t' l l>t' fc,rc· '°' ' 11cl.1, , cl1c,l>l l>c'g i11, . I c)r ll1l>r11 - i11~ ,, tl1,l111) .... \ tt1cl ,1, ,1ftl'111c><>t1 , is1l,1- tic>11. , <>11 tl 1 111t 't' l111g~. c, l ' l l ltlg S<.' r\ - • h. c <>111111iltt'C 111t' t' lt11gs, 11r,1, t'r 111cct - 111t!,. l,11~ ll lt'~ \ lllt"'l' li11p.S. tl(\ l C.'C)llS• 01 t111 , tc..'(' \ . l l l t' t' lll l~' · l1il)lt' c.·1\lSSCS , or ~ t ra111111t! cl,1-." t' ' · Ilc-'s tl1ere· c,c.' 11 ' ,, l1t'11 t l it' l .. 1c.l 1t'.' • 11i..,sic>11l1r, ·ociet, • 111c't'l-., tt> ht'l''l) tl1e l,1cli , i11 li11e. I"' l1r~ t•l1l1rcl1 111c.l\ 11,1\·e ,1 fi11 e , i ita- • tio11 t'tl111111itt<.'<.', g c)O(l tr11 ·tee a11cl ~ tlt~c.lttl1l ·. lo, t•l, tle(1cc.>11 ·ses. fi11e t111 - • tl\l , sc·l1001s :t11)eri11t 11cle11 l , ,1 f i11e t'll ~ tc>c.l1,111. goc>cl ) C>l1tl1 cot111 cllor ·, ,111c.l 11t1111erot1 . ft111clio11i11g co111111it– tees. Y t)tl 111c.l) ,l) , "T l1e p ,1 tor st1re l lcl it en ) ; ,111c1 to tl1i11k ,,·e pa)· l11111!H \ -et top a11d tl1i11k ,,,110 it i 1ocl l1a c,111 cl to be tl1e l1e1)l1 rel of tl1e fl ock '"111d to b e re po11 ible for >·ot1r "'pirih1al ,,·elfare. Re1ne1nber, l1e i the l1ertcl of e,·er)· com1nittee a11cl ('l1t1rcl1 oraanization. H e i re- 1)011 ible for eac11 of them. l T .... D .. ~Y \\"ITH THE PA TOR 011 unda)' mor11i1 g, vvho is the fir t one at church ? The pastor. H e con1e to pra)' ai1cl h1d) 1 before the p eople arri,,e. oon it's time for Sun- da\.· chool-"Are all the teacher ., here?" he mu e ; "I the unday school uperintendent i11 hi place?" tu1cla)· chool start , he fl a h e a greeting t o all and make a quick ,i it to all the department with a cheef)' "Good morning." The11 there' a cla for him to teach. undav chool is over he m akes • a mad dash to get the ermon note and pause for a minute of prayer. ""'~re the pianist and organis t ready?" '' I the c·hoir all here this morning?" Church tart , but doe the pastor re– lax ,,·hile the hymn are t1ng , the annot1ncements made, and the ch oir p erform ? ... "o! H e' making sure a ll the rumot111cements clre correct , joi.i1s in tl1e i11ging, and leads the choir. \\"bile the offering is gathered, l1e i pra} ing for \l\·isdom and strength. Then t11e m essage is gi,.ren. The pas– t or l1as sp ent hours praying over and p rep ari11g the message . As he p ours out his heart, he reads the expres- io11s on each face , and \Vatches the reactions . Brother Joe looks as if his toes are being stepped on , ... 1rs. Smith is restless, another is worried or has Dr. Ed,vard Morrell, Jr . Mrs. William's pastor orrO\\' i11 h er heart. The Holy Spirit is t alki11g to Brother B, Mr. S is smil– ing in agreement, or m~yb e is just h appy. An occasional amen is given t o prove some one is a\vake, but tl1a11k God for the few who are prayer– full)' listening and praying for the sp eaker . The ser,rice i over. Who is wait– ing at the d oor? The pastor. He shakes every one's h and. H e le ts no 011e pass b y u11less h e speaks to him. Occasionally ome one slips b y while h e is talking to some one el e, and h e goes home to say, "The preach er ignored m e this morning. " H e pats little Jimmy on his h ead , pulls Susie' pig tails, tell Miss Sue her dress is pre tty, t ells the young married couple they look h appy , offers h elp to wor– ried Mrs. B, and son·owi11g Mrs . R. " 1y, gra11dma," h e ays to another, "I hope wh en 1ny vvife gro\v old sh e'll be a yot1ng looki11g as you." Then there are prayer requests given him to remen1ber . Everyone's gone, the p astor can go h ome a11d h ave di1111er a11d t ake a 11ap. To! Mrs. B. is in the hospital and he mt1st call on h er. Mrs. C is t1pset a11d ,vant to ee the p astor in his study. Eveni11g comes and h e must be sure the you11g p eoples' counselors are there. Mayb e there is time for a little study and prayer b efore the evening service; that is , if some com– mittee doesn't decide to meet. The ('\' <.'11i11g SC'l" it' ' ~l ttrl \ ,111c1 1 c) thit1ks , " I 'll l1 a e t c> ,, ,1ke ll1c,sc sleep}' pcopl ,. 11p \\ itl1 sc>tnc I)eIJIJ}' sc>11gs ." So111:. 011r Stl}' S , "I l e s1 1rr i~ ~illy tc>11igl1t .' A11othcr ,vcJ11cl("rf 111 message is given \Vitl1 0111 ~ a ft"\\ cllTICJlS. g(li11 th l)astor is ,1 t tl1e cloor, ·haking 11a11ds a11cl e11co11ragi11g tl1e people. o,v he ca1 go home, bt1l, no, some 011e 11 ,ls a prol)lem, or some 011e , a11ts J st1s as )1is aviour-his greatest joy! t last he gets home, goes to l1is knees i11 prayer, and drags his \,,eary body to bed. THROUGH THE vVEEK E\·ery morning is spe11t in prayer a11d stt1dy . Hi prayers are not just, "Lord, ble my people," but plead– ings for Mrs. C ,vho is sad, for Mrs. D 's children \vh o are unsaved, for 1 lr. E ,,,h o needs a job. Each one "i~ 11amed and his need called t o God's 9.ttention. His study is not a quick glance over the Scriptures to be ·used , but hours of research , not just for one message but for six during the week. Afternoons are sp ent in visiting the sick, the mourning, the disb:essed , the needy, the lost . Mayb e there are ' 'umpteen" phon e calls in a day– each one cheerfully ansvvered. After supper it's time to see if the church is open for a committee meet– i11g or Bible class. Prayer meeting comes along and h e d are not forget or slight any prayer requ ests. Some p eople aren't there-so few are bur– d ened for the lo t . H e asks himself, "Lord, where have I failed ?" Then comes visitation night. Of cuurse, that's a good 11ight for us to catch up on our TV programs , or do a little shopping. After all , the pas– tor's paid to call and , vin souls to Christ. ~ 7 e have too many other jobs in the church . vVe have an ad in the paper-,, 1 h y pester the p eople? God will se11d them in if H e wants them in. Some one , vants to b e married Sat- urday night, \vhen the p astor is busy. They don't like to be questioned about the "u11equal yoke"; but if all is well, the pastor agrees to marry the1n. But ,vho has to see that the church is in readiness , attend and instruct the rehearsal, tie the knot? The reception is over. Who is it that stays to see that the church is all set for Sunday?
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