The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1961

n llh OUR FELLOWSHIP Ll 14 1 l l I.. r·, \ \ und.t ,, :1 ., ta n1e l)f r , I t,le ,. 111 ., t n ne,, 111 n1l r ,, r ,, l on1C{l into th f 11 ,, 1111 I. t r ], b rt 1·. l\( e1ll n l 111 I I le 111 1nt, i" 1 l u v i rog .,111 I ,d th r · 1 ,t , i cs, tl1 re nr tl1r utl1 gr up, "t nt ,l} ni ht k\t >nda night l 1l le lOllt J!fOU l • l'r. r n1 ting, 11 ir rch · 1 durin,t? chc 1, e d. f tl1e ,, c. I\., .1nd t cqut~nc I neet1ng, n 1::r;cl v 11 1 ght. In \l,trLl1 • l1t d, · \,.\ ·,. ,, .- held ,,ich Re,,. e 1t>r o L l\ t n. 1110. \'- cl1c i)rt.1c.l1- 1 n,l, he.. tl1.1n1 t>1 l).1 ker,l)urg ,, h 'l 1,.., ~\; ,1lier. l)l, ~l PPl '\ l")Rl \( 1-ILR~ Elco11 av ilabJe 1',1e". I l , nd. l " ) - _ ... . H l1kl1 ,,r1tt' th,1t he ,,·i ll be c L l'l:,lv i)1ealhin~ tl11 ·um .1 rt., 1 41n1p Patn10 . Ktlle:} o. H I l1one 15 Kelle, c; Island \[a,.cin O n1an. C) 5 Carnell r, . E., 1lJ s1ll0n. l h10, 1 - al o a, ailable tor a r,tu t · of 1 00 milt· .1rounJ 1fas 1llon. His ph nt. • Ten1ple ;_5469 1-fassillon He !?i, ~ his pa tor. Re, Ed,,,,t rd Helmick. as reterence He ha had several years ot pastoral t:"X rer1en(e Ernest G Rile), \Taughnsville, Ohio, a long time pa tor. ,, ould " ·elcome opportun- 1t1e 10 the "e tern l1alf of the state. In our 1far<.. h 1 sue ,\ e mentioned t,vo v;,ho had supplied at Bruns,,ick and welcomed other opporrun1t1es, but "'e will mention them again: D on Le,~:1s. 569 i\fagnolia Ave., Cuya– hoga Falls. Ohta. .._ Han ev Cl1r1sr1an, 1-os Joan Rd., R t 1, H inckley, Ohio. Clayton J . Bates. ?246 Fourth t., Cuya– hoga Falls. Oh10. All ot these men have had pastoral ex– perience and are ordained ministers. Sever– al of them " -oulJ also v. elcome opportun– ic1es to ser,·e as pastors if churches should feel led to call them. TWELVE DB CRIPTIO T" el\ e subscriptions from Calvaf1r Bap– t. ·r Church of 1fassil lon Heights certainly cheered up a rather drooping editor, v.·ho had rece1\ed new s that there were more expirat1ons 1n ~larch than nev.• subscrip– tions. inLe then :\frs. Kautz reports im– provement. To return to C1lvary Baptist , Pastor Louie D Placido report<: that a forn1er Jeho,,ah s \\ 7 itne~s. Ted Dencher of Phil– adelphia, recently tuld the Adult Bible Class ho"T to v. in these lose pef':"le ro Christ. 1farch ?6th "'as Laymen's unday, "-hen t\\'O of his laymen. Da'- id Angus and Glenn Hofacre, preached morning and e\ ening. At the mid-v.,eek service, ~1arch 29rh AB'X'E missionaries, i\fr. and 1frs. Fred Patron spoke of their burden and hope co go to the Upr·er Amazon part of Peru. Pastor DiPlacido heartilv recom– mends these missionary appointees. ANOTHER 1 TE\\ 7 l.B CRIPTIO~ ~ We received several "onelings from churches but doubt it is an honor to a v. hole church, so "'on't publish their names but only thank ..hem personallv: but here is one that oleases us. "Thanks for the - sample copie ot the OJB. I am enclosing a check for ::? for a year's subscription. s,n ,,c h , C) nlv been I\.11 tists c.incc • < hr 1st 111 \s, ,, e h. , e nt vcr h,,d < he OJl}'l<)r- tu nc, co Jen I it sc, ,,e sh di look for,,,urtl t,l re c.•1, ing it. ,111 e1cl •. t ,s. 01,,in J. Fn le'." Su h letter~ cheer one's henrc . It n1igl1t cnL >t1r.1gc .ill l)U l cl1ur<.hes to onsi lcr the I I 1n ,t f c,,· of tl1en1 .,re fc>llc),ving, of g1\ 1ng ,1 f1ee sul-~s ri1)tic>n fol' a year to ,111 nc,v ,1dult n1e1nhtrs not alre,1dy receiving it in tl1eir b<)n1<.s It \vill hcl1) ro n1ake chen1 l>ttttr inforn1c,J B,ll)t1c;ts ,ind n1ore le)\ .11 co their churcl1. 1-: 1R... T BAPTI T, e,\ London Ptt~tor Gcor ge osbv \\ ritc5 ,vh1le the Lynn Rogers-George Zinn n1eet1ngs were in J)rogre5s. H e says attendance was in– creasing nightly. oul5 ,vere being saved, and believers challenged Tl11s 1s indeed a strong team and we are sure the final results \v1ll be very good. H e also re– ports that 10 farch they heard D ean Walter Banks of the Baptist eminary of the B1ble, Cleveland, and in 1'1ay they plan to have Rodney Knicely present h is v. 1 ork in ~Iex1co. The First Baptist Church of Bowling Green went "Over the top for J esus." I t v.·as Family D ay, "'·hich is always a big occasion, but this year bigger than usual. I t was preceded by four weeks of Bible chool contest, which began Feb. 19th. Each Sunday had a stepped up goal, with a thermometer graduated to reach the top with the day's goal. Boiling Point, or ? 12, was chosen for Family Day. The January average attendance had been 136. Letters or cards were sent out each v..·eek ad,,ertis:ng next Sunday's goal The last week each pupil v:as sent a penny. which was to be brought and placed 10 the rube of the thermometer. Each penny repre– sented one degree. Wl1en the final count made, 226 penn ies had been presented at the door-more than cou ld get in the thermometer-it had blovvn 1ts top! Rev. George Zinn of Cedarville College v. as the speaker for the day, te.1ch1ng a class. s1ng1ng at the morning service, and g1v ng his ' ermons 10 Song" that night. The Clarinet Trio of the college also gave numbers. There was a spiritual response as belie, ers came to confess sin in their 11 ves and yield themselves for more obedient Ii ving. FIR T BAPTI T. pencer Pastor Adam Galt reports real bless– ings and expeLtS more. All records 1n at- PAGES - ,. - ccnd.tncc h.1ve been brc)kcn .ind ouls h.1vc been ,1 vc I. ever ,1 l h,t vc united by J ctter ulso. ;I.he h<>J cd for l)lessing is the cv,1nge– l 1~t ic n1ccrings 1,lanncd for l,1y 5-15, with 1 \',tngclist I' cnncth I)odson of Winona l .,1ke, In I., .ts the SJJc,,ker. TR IN r·1·y 13A 1)·1·1 ·1·, l~orai r1 [>.1stc>r 1 l ton . 11uki ll rc1,o rts a family of five ,vere ba1)tized A JJri I 9t h. ":r he father and mother came out of Catholi– cism. 1~hcy had l)ecn attending for <Jtlitc a \\ hde and then decided for bapt ism "'hen t l1cy heard Pa~tor I·Tu ki ll would soon close his \VOrk. T hey wanted him to l)aptize them. 1fE~!ORIAL BAPT l T , Columbus Memorial Baptist has had four m ission– ary speakers th is spring. 1v1arch 15th Don Falkenburg spoke for the Bible ivied1ta– t ion League and their missionary litera ture service. That evening Rodney Knicely and his fam ily were there to tell of the1r pio– neer missionary work in Mexico. March 21st M iss G ladys Baines spoke a t the Lad~es' M issionary Meet ing, a nd March 29th Wi llard Stull and his wife and daugh– ter were a t prayer meet ing, showi ng slides and telling of their work in Brazi l . Easter Sunday Pas tor Bill ing ton a nd h is people re– joiced 1n an attendance of 462, which has only, been exceeded once in the h istory of the chu rch. Three members have been re– ceived recently into the church . FIRST BAPTIST , Stryker The Faith Fellowship Missionary Or– ganization held i ts 16 th annual missionary conferen ce March 19-26. It incl udes the First Baptist Churches of Stryker , Bryan, W auseon, and W eston, M ich. The mis– sionaries taking part in round robin scyle were all from Bapt is t Mid -Missions: Miss Eunice Stowell, Franee; Bertis Schul tz, Alaska; Arther Brower , Belgian Congo; and Ed Schlegel , W es t Indies. Nine new members have been received into membership by baptism. J ohn Reed 1s pastor of the tryker chu rch . H UNT BURG BAPTIST Pastor Ben Garlich writes: HT hank you for the n ice wr ite-up in the 0 .1.B. We appreciate the paper very much and are p raying tha t soon our church will be getting i t for every family. T hese kind of write-ups give the people a better reason to get the paper than e~:er before." That is what we preach and p.:-each to the pastors. If they want their people to take the paper , they must send in ne" s ews and interest go together. BIBLE BAPTI T, Bedford Dr. Paul Jackson is lined up to hold a Bible conference April 15-2?, 1962 That is a long time in advance; but Pastor Edw. ~forrell hopes chat many pastors in Ohio will want co put the da te down and plan to come 1'1onday through Friday to take a refresher course mornings in pastoral theology, as v.·ell as co enjoy the e\'en1ng messages. T he church will provide h~us– ing. We think it is a good idea and think pastors should v.·ri te and say they hope to attend. NORTH IDE BAPT IST , Lima The young people publish a very fine mimeographed monthly called Events of