The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1961
- ~_fa_y ,_ 19_6_I____________ T....:HE:..:::..:......:O:..:H:.::I:.:O:_::IND:...:..=.=-:.EPENDENT BAPTIST ~~~~~~~---------~~~----~--------=P~a~g~e_Th..:..::~irt~e~en= "1as furnished by the young people's orchestra of First Baptist Church of iles. April 9th at 3 p.m., a memorial ser– ,·1ce was held for Missionary Edward Zouck, who was struck by a truck only a short time before he and Mrs. Zou ck were to come home on furlough. He and Mrs. Zouck were both members of truthers Baptist Tabernacle. They had served two terms together at iamey, West Africa, under Evangelical Baptise Missions. Rev. Joseph 1',fcCaba was the speaker at the . service. ANNA EA TWOOD REWARDED Anna C. Eastwood, teacher, pastor and Christian worker for many years, went home to be with her Lord March 26th at the age of ..., 6. he taught school in her early womanhood and later graduated from the Cleveland Bible Institute and was or– dained to the ministry in 1917. She spent 33 years in the ministry, preaching at Beebetown, ew Lyme and Hinckley Ridge. he moved to Medina after clos– ing her pastoral work to live with her sisters. In 1949 she became a case worker for ~fedina County Welfare Department and served until ill health farced her to retire in 1958. he was an active mem– ber of the First Baptist Church and served as missionary treasurer for many years. he is survived by her three sisters, the Misses Mabel, Alice and Florence Eastwood . - ·- - ----- MISSIONARIES TO PRAY FOR Bible Baptist Church of . Madison reports one missionary member: G ordon F. Baldwin, Puerto Rico; orth Royalton Baptist has Rev. and Mrs. Alvin rump; Calvary Baptist, orwalk, has Rev. and Mrs. D N McBride in ew Mexico. Bible Mission Baptist, Otsego, has Helen Smith in Brazil. First Bao r1sr, Parma, has Rev. James E. G odley, FBHM area mission– ary in Ohio, western Pennsylvania , and W . Vi rginia. TWO WELL RECOMME DED LADIE Pas tor ] . G . Balbach , N orrh Park Bap– t ist Chu rch , Grand Rapids, 1'f1ch ., recom– mends hig h ly Misses Beatri ce J enk1 ns and Charlo tte Bevier , \Vho l1ave been appointed to \\'Or k in the mountai ns o f Ken ruck1 1,y Baptist .tv1id-J\1issio ns. They are very anxic,us to get on the f ield in time for vacation Bible school \\'Ork, l)u t need open– ings to p resent chei r work a nd secu re su p– J>Ort. 'fh e)• are gradua tes of che Grand Rapids Bible cJl lege. -------- ·------------------------------· THE CH ILOREN'S GOSPEL HOUR O\\ on WI!\X' -'f\ 7 , cl1. S, Jeveland, h io 9 30 A. 1. on acurdays Junior l101rs Bible uiz l31ble tor1es St t1on PI -TV, 11. 13, Toledo, 8: 00 .rn., und ys WA CH ad PRAY and TELL YOUR RI NOS THE CHJLDREN'S GOSP L HOUR, INC. H nry C. G ig r, Director ivi g t on, Tenn. ------~-- ........ ------------------· Ohio American Council Meeting Well Attended The pring Rally of the Ohio Chapter of the An1erican Council of Christian Churches was unusually well attended, as it met April 3 a11d 4 at the Cal\ 1 ary Baptist Church of Findlay. I t eems to sho\v that many pastors and churches have been arou ed to the need of united action by fundamental denominations in this day of mounting 11odernism, Roman– ism and Communism. The mai11 speaker ,vas Rev. \Ven– dell Zimmerman, pa tor of the Bapti t Temple of Ka11sas City, Mo. He is one of the leaders in the Bapti t Bible f,ellow hip, wl1ich has many church– e in Ohio and \Vhich takes our tand on separation from Modernism. He combines able expo ition of the Bible \,rith e\'angelistic pa sion. A OTHER CHURCH APPLIE The Madison Missionary Baptist Church near Lucasville has applied to our association clerk, Adam Galt, for fellowship in our Ohio Association. We hope to have more information about the church and its pastor next month. ()TV all we know is that it is north of Minford, which means it must be east of Lucasville, or about 10-15 miles north of Portsmouth. If we are mis– taken in our bearings, we will locate it properly next month . tf 011day nigl1t he poke 011 Hu k– ers of tl1e \\'ord, condem11i11g tl1e Et1ct1111enical 1 ader \vho ell ot1t their Lord in their 1nist1se of the Bible, ,111cl calli11g upo11 t1 to pread tl1e trt1e ~ospel of J e t1s hri t. t tl1 Lt111- cheon 1neeting Tu cla} 110011 l1c ga\ e t1 s tirri11g mess,1ge 011 tl1e tl1e111e, .. I11 "fir11 Like Tl1es ~." 111 tl1 e, ,e11i11g lie took II or . 4 :7 ,1', l1i'> tc )i.t a11cl s1)oke 0 11 "Tre,1~urcr I11 l il} J>o t5 ' ' '\o pr a cl1er cot1Icl li t er1 to tl1~1t 1111- J)~1ssic,11 cl glo11f1cat1011 of tl1:') r i(·l1e\ <> l g ra · , ~111 cl 1 ot \\ 1 n 11 t to l> ~ a cl )a11 ,,e ·s<-~I ~111<1 ac ti, 1 ) i11 g ~tt i11 1 tl t · g(>Sl) "l () t It l <> tl l () I<>'> t Other peakers \v·er e Pa tor J o h11 1Iilll1eim, Cal,·ary Bapti t Cl1t1rcl1 of .l or\valk, who led in de\.·otions Tues– day morning; Pa tor \\l oodro\v \\T. ~IcCaleb, Firs t Baptist Cht1rch of Elyria, \Vho gave a Bible expo 1tion; and Missionary· \Vm. Fusco, v\'ho told of hi experiences in Italy that proved tl1at Romani m i "A Religion \\'ith– out the Chart and Compass." Italian Catholic look to tradition and prie tly authority, but eve11 more to dream , \ 1 i ion and reputed mir~1cle . They kno\v little of the Bible a chart or compass. Tue day ev·eninu "Operatio11 Aboli– tion" was hown before the me age. Thi authentic ne,vs reel wa a re– \·ela tion of the \Va)' trained Co1n– rr1uni t agitator can stir up college student to riot against their O\\·n government. ome of them ,vere hard core Communi ts who came to a11 Fra11cisco for that purpo e. Others \vere college in truc tor and h1cle11t ""·ho had accepted ~1c rxism. The great mass of students \,rere dupe ,vho l1ad bee11 stirred tip to think the l:n- merican cti,,itie omn1ittee of tl1e Hou e of Represe11tati\i·e l1ad co1ne to per ecute iI111ocent An1erica11 \ \ 7 h·v· do the leader of the .1. 1 atio11al .. C'o1111cil object to a 11e \\ reel tl1at 11npl) 110\\' \\ 1 hat the rioter did? It ,\ a edited to ct1t it clo\,11 to 45 1r1i11t1te l10,\·i11g t1111e, but t11ere l1ad l)ee11 no atte1npt to ct1t ot1t . c·e1 e" i11 \\ 1 l1ic l1 tl1e p olice 111ig l1t l)t' c l1~1i g~cl ,, itl1 brt1talit, . It ~11c)\\ t~cl tl1t"' tt1l)– l)or11 r eft1 al of ,, 1t11e ' 'i ") to t t">~ t1f y· a 11cl a11 \\ er qt1e t101 be for [l le– g~1ll) co11 l1tt1l ecl 01 gre ·1011al 't)i11- i11itte '~ 110 ,\ tl1c)t1 ,111cl"' of .., tt1cl l'Tl l \ 111,11 c l1f'tl ,111 t l (' l1r111t t."'<.l ,111tl t\trr1ecl c>11 '-I <' t) t11 C)11 g 1 t' "i~111e 11 ·ot1lcl 11<Jl l1e4 r tl1t 1 111\t' l, e "l)<:"',1k ,111cl tl1 1 l1t>,, tl1 l)l>l1c,, t>lJt' \ t cl tl1r'11 <.) rtl ~r: 1111cl c·lt·ar cl tl1, ·c>1 11cl (>1" If tl1 ) lrag~t cl ,1t- (C'ontinued on pa ge 16) r ear, •
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