The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1961

\ 111 l • • • • • • m f ge lb) 11 (.' \\ 11 st, \ t l ft l t llt' l l < l ll(l()ll • , .1 ~1l 1, cittl < f1l111. 111 tl1' t\ (llllllr , llltlsi , tld sl lt ('ll (lllCl 1 l t c,ttlll lllg l ] . . s(\tdl'tll, ' ' .\~ fll't'– ('tllt d tc , l , ( ke l ,111ditc ri,1111 tJf 1 4 ll st l ' l ll t litll t 11 . I :1sl<ll'S fro111 ,,c. ,lrl , t 11 1r ·l1t brc,,1g11t tl1t•ir , t111l! , l le. ,, 11< < 11ltl 11c) l .1ttc.·11{1 dt11i11 tltt' d.1,·. tc tl11 , <' \ t:•11i11g 111 <)- 1, 111. 1"llt' lll 1, t\. \ ClC'.ll a 11 l i 11Sl l' ll– lllC:tlt,l]. , 11 l tl1e 1 t•acli11g, ,, l1il'l1 {'<:'11- lt I c. d ,tr< t11,cl tl1t' Il t t S<)tl :t11cl ,, <)1 l of l1ri~t. ,,.t'rc.:• ,l l )l t' ~~1,1g t<.) ~111. ------- l) l l l \ \ l ~ ll I(. \ ( 0 l "' II.J ~ lF~F:·1~ \\ 1 ~1.,L T1"l4: " ED ( Coru"1ueu f rom p11g, 13 ) cl<''' 11 agit, t( 1, ot1t l), 1 tl1cir l1ecl . it ,, ,1 0111 , l1t. 'at1 t"' tl1ere ,, tl.. 11oth– i11u el. c tl1c, c:·ot1ld do. The, 11e, ·er g()t rot1 g}1 t111l ~ the rioter .. got rou gh , l)ttt ,11<>,, ed (li cipl111ed re traint and , , t t,Ot1r.. 1ge and de termin,1tion . • \\ ,, i h all .. n1erican could see th!, filn1 a11d t111der ta1d that freedom l'\ 011}~, po ible ,vhere there 1 la,v a11d order . a1d \,·here Comn1uni m is 1 ot allo,,·ed to tale over . Rioting 111ean an end of freedom for decent l)eople. Communi t cry for freedom to di ob e, · the la,v and call police ac·tion bn1tal ; but 011ce they ge t in ron trol. the, · n1le ,,~ith a11 iron fist. • 1 hank God for the Hou e Un- meri- <·an .:\ cti,'itie Committee, for J. Ed– gar Hoo, er. and all others that are tl')'ing to sa\ ·e i\merica from riot and re, ,olution. .. ·o 00:\'" IT' E\.EXI~C~' .... . l Contini,ed from page 15) 1nent doctor ,\·a1 t1ng to lear11 surgery a k to help 1n our mission hospital , ,, hen the p re ide1 t of the country complin1ents ot1r school teachers on tl1e fi11e job the)r are doing, you bPai11 to realize the impact Baptist . l id-~! i s1on 1nis ionarie are making ir1 the e cot1ntries. \\ 7 hile ,, 1 e rejoice i11 all these bless– i1- g and accomplishments there are ~till nine ht1ndred miles 111 the T chad still untouched except for periodic , i ·its 1))' a n1i~ io11ar}·. \ ~re are asking the Lorcl for more ,,rorkers, for \vith– in our hearts there IS a great sense of urgenc) 1 -'· o soon it's e, 1 ening." --- Pra, 1 ,·e for 011e ar1otl1er-Pra\r for • # ~ ot1r mi sionaries a11d their home of- fices; pra)r for the trustees, f aculty a11cl sh1cle11t bod)· of all otrr approved scl1ools. pra)' for the leaders and campers of our Christian camps; last but 11ot least for ot1r pastors and peo– ple in our o,, 1 n churches-that all of lIS do a good job for God. 1 111 NORTH BETH EL WOMEN MEET ~1·he tlrtl1 llct hel \Xfon1cn's ~l issit)n,t ry Fell<>,, , h11, held its si, ri ng n1ccting A1, ril 6t l1 ,t t t he F1r,t l'·'l t i~ t < }1urcl1 o f 11<)\Vl i ng , rec..'n. i\l 1 , Ken neth I{()U~cr. president (>f the. grour>, It l the mcct in~. 1·1,c n1~eting ll lX' nt.~l ,, 1th \1ngi ng, led b) r...1r, ' 1llian1 l l 1 le. ~l rs. R.1l11h (i l,ts$ of 1·osto ria gave our de, otton" us1ng J ohn 15: 1 l ' ancl Gal. «; ) ., • ., 1 a. l1er text Through flannel .g r t~"'h pre entat1on she urged that we l\ou lti be o cleansed that the Holy p1rit might ,, o rk 10 u and through us, and chat a ,, e erve the Lord, the fruits of the p1rit might be manifest 1n our lives. pecial music for the morning was a , ·ocal solo by 1rs Paul chaffner of Ambrose Baptist Church, "When I 'm With H im .' ' During the business meeting an eleetion of officers was held. ew offi cer elected are : President, 1-frs. Robert Thoms of Em– manuel Baptist of Toledo, Vice President, Mrs. D onna Haye of tryker; and ecre– tary-treasurer, Mrs. Paul chaffner. A pot-luck dinner was enjoyed during the noon hour. The afternoon session opened with sing– ing, led by Mrs. olan Eaton of Calvary Baptist, Findlay. Miss Eunice Stowell, a missionary home on an emergency fur– lough from France, gave her testimony and a few words concerning the need for the Gospel in Franee. Mrs. William Hile, First Baptist of Findlay, brought us special music - a vocal solo, ..I Am Not Worthy." We thoroughly enjoyed our speaker for the afternoon, Miss Gladys Baines from Baptise Mid-Missions, serving in the Wom– en' s Department. She spoke to us from II Kings 4, urg ing us to be as faithful in serving the Lord, as we share and care for our missionaries, as the woman of hunem was in caring for the needs of Elisha. he then showed us some samples of things we could make for missionaries and gave us ideas of many ways to serve. She also stressed the importance o f con– tacting her at Baptist Mid-Missions as to the needs of their missionaries. lt \ V t S ,1 fine duy of fcllovt' hit, and we I re I( king f or,v., rd t <) ou r next meetin in clverr,1,er. A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR fi d tr ials and tribula tions, ix hard days a t this issue come to an encl rind the editor finds he wrc>tc a ni ce " Roamings" and has to leave it out ! Other new must come f 1rst. But pray fo r l1is ministry in trying to l1el 1., pastor less churches and churchless 1.,asto rs. What a headache it 1 to try co do both prayerfully and con– sc1entiously! o one knows until he tries! Do you want the editor to fill in for you while on vacation? Better write soon and g ive first and second choice if possible. May 2 1 is open and all of June, July and August. We are reserving Aug 6 and 13 for vacation. Pastorless churches that wish him to fill in for a while should also write in ad– vance, though sometimes a few days' notice will do. CHA EL 23 The TV is my shepherd; I shall not want entertainment. It maketh me to sit down in bloody pastures; it leadeth me beside the waters of strife. It restoreth my lusts; it leadeth me into paths of unrighteousness for its advertisers' sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of shooting, I will fear no evil influences; for it is with me; its guns and s,vords comfort me. It prepareth a varied menu in the sight of p ast and present enemies; it anointeth my head with a few good shows to salve my conscience; its cups of liquor run constantly over. Surely its entertainment shall fol– low me all the days of my life and keep me from asking where I shall dwell for ever! The Golden Gate to Chrlatien Service On our beautilul campus overlooking San Francisco Bay, high school grads can obtain- A CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR l,IF'E AND SERVICE. B.A. and B .Th. degrees; Bible major with minors in Theology Pastoral Education, Christian Education, Missions, Music, Greek, Social &uence, &lucation-Psychology, or the H,imanities. Co-operative programs leading to B.S. and R.N. degrees, also B.A. and M.B.A. or M.S. degrees in Business Administration. Write for free catalog, Dept. I ACCREDl'l'~~D: AABC WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COT,T,EGE Rev. H. 0. Van Gilder, D.D., President IDIJ and Elm Streets, El Cerrito, Cal.