The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1961
'rl t I 1.ty , 1961 1 ,l , <' ,c ,,t1 . , liter. lo '"ll'1111)ll' lJ:11)tist l1 t1rl·l1 L~a llia Sl. n11cl \\ 7 allcr, J><>r l 111<J t1tl1 ())1i<J }l' rr, l~<>11 z (>. assis ta11t l'<litor • • )·c111tl1 1l .tcll~r~. c<Jt1tl~l·11(>r~. l):t~l<ll s , l)Jc,asr· sc'11cl tl1c:'111 11r,,,,s a11(l icl 'as 1~1c. ~11~ ,1 ~ \ 'I \ r 1\kI ~ 1 llt' ki k-c ft f(l r tilt' l ig Clltttt 'St l)l't,, t'<' tl tl1c' tl1rc <:' C) lclc'r )'<>1111g 11cc>1)lt'S gt l l l. f le: sstll ]l<lJ c· l a1 ti ·t l1t1r 11. ~1)1t11gfic,Jcl ,,,,, <>11 l~e l>r t1ary 5. lt ra11 f r lllll(' \\ Ct k~. ( r. tl1t ()ll{!l1 l ·t' ,\",t(' 1 ~llll(l~l\ rl l1C'"(' 1 1"{)\ ll)S i11c·lt1cl 'cl t11c· collt gt-.lQ '. t. . !'-C 11ic1r. .111 l it111ilJt -l1igl1 ,, l1c•rt' ~l ,1111 it <> f gc><>cl 11att11 c.'cl 11, al1, . 11 .ld) l :\ ,tl l. ~lll (l \\ }1i )1 St' t ' lll(' ll le) })(.' ()11 t}1c ll l) gr,lclc• cl~ pl:lll\ fc)r L}l(' ,, i1111 rs le, lc>1 t.:'<l . 'l l1t' grc.Jttl) tl1at ,, (1" , it-- t<.>ri<>tts ,, ,l tr at 'cl to a Pi1:.ta I , rt) b~ tl l('"-t of t11 :> ltl"- 111g grottl)' I'l1 a1111 ,, <1 to rcacl1 tl1c Ja1 gc 11111n l)cr e11r Ile l 011 Bil)] .. cl1ool , l)11t ,, l1c.J art°' 11ot a lte11cl111g n11) of tl1 )'Outl1 groups , ,, 11 .1, t l1l,,l' ,, l1c) al t<:·11<.l 11<.) c:11111 cl1 ~ll ,111. \ 11111.11 t()11tf""-l ,, .1, l1t'lcl ,1t ·1· 11111le B,lptist Cl1t1rcl1 . I)ort~1not1tl1, fro1n J ~t111.1. r) l - . to \ l .. trt 11 19 1--11 ' J 1111ior-Iligl1 cl parhne11l ch c1ll e11gc<l tl1 nior dt 11.1rt111t: 11t tt) ,1 c>11tc \t ,, l1ic.·l1 ,, <l, b,1 cl 011 p erce11tage of me1nber on tl1e roll , ,, 110 ,, crt 111 <''<.11t. fl1e e11101 took tl1e challeng ancl handily \VOn. They ,, ill lJ tr ,1tecl to a cl1n11er 0011. '1'EE'\ R. LL 1· .:\ .. lD P. .-\.RTY Tl1e ) ·ot111g People from the First Ba11ti t ("'l1t1rcl1 of 11cD011alcl, Ohio, ancl tl1e e111or l .. ou1 g People of ha– ro11 Bapti t l1t1rch \\·e11t to tl1e 1 .. ot1th Fo1 l1ri t 111eeti11 cr 01 . l arch 25. A mo, ie. "Tl1e High e t ~l o t111tain,' ' \\'as 110,\ n. Tl1i 1no,·ie pre en ted a chal– lenge to all \\ ho sa,, it. ~I an )' )'Ot1ng people \\ e11t for,\·ard to full y t1r– rt11cler their li"·e to Christ. ..~fter thh meeting the e n~;o groups \vent to tl1e ('ht1rch to e11jo>· a time of ongs, te,timo11ie . a11cl fello\'v hip. ~ ~ -0 0 IDE.. ~ FOR CO~TE T Kite Flyina-Tl1i i ,ippropriat e for pring. The objec·t of the contest i to tart \\'ltl1 the kite 011 the crround a11d get then1 o higl1 i11 the air tl1at tl .t) reacl1 the ceili11g. ,,,ires or t1111g 1nt1 t be h·etcl1ed tightl),· from tl1e fl oo r to tl1e c:e1li11g. To keep tip interest, have a real lite-fl} 1 ii1g co11test Ol tt of cloor otne afternoon. ·c·· Cli,b-Tl1e "C'' sta11ds for ' 'Co1ne' '-i11, itincr other to Bible scl1ool or ) ot1tl1 grot1p Ct1t large letter "( · ·· ot1t of red a11cl gold paper. F Ll te1 a tri11g loop on e,1c:l1 one to h ang 0\ 1 er a button. 0 "O O ~ \\TEETHE.:\RT B.L\ .. -QUET 011 F el)rt1ar)' 1 tl1e ~'Ot111g p eople of tl1e ::\"e,,· L on clo11 Baptist Cl1urcl1 11 ld a " , ·eethenrt '' b a11c1t1e t. Tl1ere \\1 ere abot1t fift)· prese11t . i11clt1c1ing crue~t fron1 a ne ig}1l)ori11rr to,\ 1 11. The e gue~t I)eaker ,, ,ls Re \ 1 ere11el Lot11s E. 1u]g, of \\ 1 elli11gto11 . D11111er \\US ser, eel l)\' tl1e \ ~ on1e11 's ~Iissionarv ~ , ociet) 1 , a11cl a pl easa11t e, 1 e11111g \\ as enjo) 1 ed b)' all . i\ 11, 1ne111 lJer of the aclt1lt classes . A JOB FOR U 11an)· of ti teenager have our o,\·11 cars. V\T e use them for trans– p ortation to ch ool , games, and par– t ies, but ,ve easily forge t that we l1ot1ld u e them for the Lord too. Tl1ere are prob ably several members of ot1r church who are not able to attend becat1se they have no way of getting there . We would b e doing the Lord, and these p eople a great serv– ice if we ,vould pick up a f e,,v each u11day before Bible School , and take tl1em home after church. The follow– ing poem is very appropriate. THE MA WITH A CO SECRATED CAR Ht couldn' t speak before a crowd; H e couldn' t teach a class; But ,vhen h e came to Bible Sch ool H e brot1ght the folks "enmasse." He couldn' t ing to save his life; In pt1blic-couldn' t pray; Bt1t alv,'a),·s hi "jalopy" \Vas Jt1st crammecl on each Lord's Day. ..t\11d though he couldn't sing, nor teach, :'\or e,·e11 lec1cl i11 prayer- H Ii te11eel ,vell , l1e l1ad a s1nile– A11d l1e \\:as al,va,,s there .; \ \ "'itl1 all tl1e others ,, l1on1 l1e brought \\ 7 ho li,·ecl l)oth near a11cl far– A11cl Goel' \\ ork ,vas greatly pro p ered For l1e l1nd a consecratecl car! Copied desiring a girl for baby sitti11g on 111E-eting 11igl1t can co11tact tl1e chair- 1r1c.!11 of the bal)y sit ti11g committee. All n1011ey earnecl is put in the }'Ot1ng 11eople's treastU")' · This is truly \Vork– i11g for hrist. (;j \ "l 1 ,-1\ \\ 1 \ 1 () JZ rl 11 (" I ()IJC)\\ J ng c1 arac l 'ris t i ·s "giv a,, <l \ ' ,. t l1c·1 r c,,, 11c·rs. '~111 ) ' <)tt ma tel1 tl1c~ 11a111 ~~ \\itl1 tl1(•ir l)(!Sl-kno\v11 p er – \CH1tt11t, lra1l ? rJ, ]1 a11S\\ 1 J'S \\ 1 i] ] ap– I)C1~l r 11 c xl 1non tl1. 1. •aithfl1l a. 0Jo1no11 2. '\' ise 1). Jt1clas 3. rf raitorOtJS • c. a1nsom 4. Powerft1l <l. braham 5. Ben evolent e . Pilate 6. Patient f. Dorcas 7. Cowardly g. Job 8. Covetous h. Thomas 9. Sceptical • Pet er 1. 10. Impulsive • Ahab J. -------- JOKES "Waiter , wh at is this?" asked the irat e cu stomer. "It's b ean soup," re– plied the waiter. ' 'I don' t care what it's b een ," said the customer. "What is it now?" ote from teach er on Tommy's re– p ort card: ' 'Good worker , intelligent, but talks too much. " ote from mother , over her sig– nature on the back of the card: "Come llp and meet his father some . ' ' time. The professor was delivering the last lecture of the term. ' 'The exami– nation papers are now in the hands of the printer," h e concluded. ' ' ow, a1e there any questions you would like answered?" Silence prevailed for a moment, then a voice piped up, " \\ 7 ho is the printer?" ------- Taffy Pull and Fun The )'Ot111g people of haro11 Bap– tist Cht1rch , and the Ambassadors for hris t enjO)'ed an u11usual party J anu– ar)· 23, at the church. After a time of singii1g, elevations, a11d t estimonies, tl1e ) 1 0t1ng people pt1llecl taff)t and had a ft111spii·atio11. U11t1sual games \\:ere pla)'ed, such as sh aving cream off a balloon with a razor blael e, boys f eeding girls as mt1ch food as they could, and many others . notl1er game \\'as pla) 1 ed in ,vhich the boys laid on the floor and the girls f eel tl1em donut dipped in )'rup. This turned out to be quite me S)' ·
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