The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1961
June, 1961 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ~~~~~----~-----------------------------~--~~ Page Th irteeo - - - meetings in the Faith Baptist Church of Mansfield. FIRST BAPTIST, wllipolis Some of the men of the church have be– gun to join Pastor H oward G. Y oung in daily morning prayer meetings before go– ing on to their work. That is certainly a fine idea. The men also have a monthly f ellov.rship meeting. Vacation Bible School is planned for June 5-15, with morning sessions. TRI ITY BAPTIST, Lorain Deacon Franklyn Greenwood reports a farewell dinner for Pastor and Mrs. El– ton C. Hukill, April 26th in the church basement. There were 100 present. An hour of fellowshi n and music follov.•ed the • dinner, ~'ith a message from Rev. Edward Greenwood of Clendenin, W . Va. FIR T CHRI TIAN BAPTI T, Coshocton In April the churcl1 enjoyed the W om– en's Glee Club and H andbell Choir of the Moody Bible Institute. In May Miss Ruth Hege, Congo m:ssionary under B3p– rist 1'.1id-1'-fissions, spoke at rhe Mocher– Daughrer Banou et. J ene 18th Rev. E. Richard Markel, president of Mt. F.;{:ho Bible Insrirute for the American Indians, will speak; and the following week the pastor will be at Winona Lake when his church receives the right hand of fellow– ship into the GARBC. CE TRAL BAPTIST, Columbus Deacon A C. Hug hes reports that 12 v.·omen attended the Women·s Missionary Rally ac Akron, April 25 th. A Mo ther– Daughrer banquet was held May 2nd, with 1'.f1ss Ruth Hege as speaker. She will also speak May 30th. The church is looking forward to the return to her home church of Arlene Spurlock, who will be on her first furlough from her work in Africa. The guest speaker for May 28 th will be Rev. Alan Metcalf, director of the He– brev.' Christian Society in Cleveland. Oth– er dares are June 3 for the 11 nday school J>icnic at the 011th ide Y M CA. Park, -and ummer Bi ble School will be held July l 0-21. ~fRUTHERS BAPTI T TABERNACLE Last month we reported the memorial service for Missionary Edward Zouck, but we are glad to print the fuller report sent from Pastor A. J. MaiSteller: 4 '1"}1ere was a11 atmosphere of triumph rather t}1an c>f defea t at the Memorial ~ ervice for r!dv.,ar<.i 2'ouck at rhe rrurhers Baoti t, April 9, J 961 . Rev. A. J. Mar teller read rl1e cri Jlture and led in prayer, and ,,,as in cl1arge c>f the serv– i e. Jl .. v. and 11rs. Tom \XI ri gl1t of hnr– on, J 1 nna , sang a duet , 0 Lord , e11d ~fe Tt,ere." A po .. 01, "J n f emoriun1," \\'rit- ten I> , ifi Jhlitl1 Bennett. our n1issionarv 10 t 7ir ini , vla read by J\Irs. A J. 1'1ar t JJer A trjo, J\frs. D n Price, 1{rs. n Barrli ai:-1d J\.fr . 1 n1e Barth, sa11 ,, "'TJ1 , f 111 l e done." 1"he announce- m nt nd r mar s v-•ere m de b , Re\'. . J o JI . TJl me age v-'a brou l1t Jo ep,h 1c l> , l)ire or of ]! \'a11 . B J ri c {is ions, und r ho,n ~d , 1 i~er o lonv, 1 e c r ord1n of cl1e ervi s was made to be given to Mrs. Zouck. An offering was taken which amounted to S 182.82, which will be given to Mrs. Zouck for the wo rk in Africa. " GOOD NEWS FROM MRS. KAUTZ Eleven new subscriptions came from the Berea Baptist Church and there were a few others here and there, and only one dropped, so our mailing list is now up to 15 91 again. Could YOUR church or class or mission circle help bring it up to 1700 again even if it is summer? Some people really do apprecia te it, as Rev. and Mrs. R ichard Teachout in Central African Re– public. They write, "We want to thank you very much for the subscription of the Ohio Independent Baptist. We are so g lad to re~eive it." In fact, they were so glad, that thi s year they paid for it themselves. If a missionary can afford it, why can't others? BLE ED HOPE BAPTI T, pringfield The Annual Report for 1960 just came to the editor's desk. During the year 44 were baptized and 11 taken in by letter or experience, with a net gain of 35. T o tal receipts were nearly $40,000. Average . S. attendance was 322, or 28 more than the year before. As it looks n ow, rhe '61 report will be better yet. BIBLE MISSION BAPTI T , Otsego Mrs. H arley King reports : The Bible Mission Baptist Church of O~sego, Ohio enjoyed a time of fellowship with the Ray Lewis family appointees to Brazil under A.B.W .E. during April 4 thru 9th. On April 21 our Pastor, Albert Kinsey, presented the film "Going ready" at the Otsego Grade School. Approximately 100 attended. The Appalachen Bible Institute Choir of Bradley, West Virginia presented a fine program in song and scriprure April 23. This was a real time of blessing. The group included 20 students and 4 facu lty members. FIR T BAPTI T, Findlay Rev. R alph Kemmerer reports a very useful unday school workshop held at his ARE church April 14-16 with Rev. Merle Hull and Miss Marge Raidt from the Regular Baptist Press as leaders. Three new members were added to the church last m onth, and in May a man and a teen-age boy came forward to confess Christ. A D.V.B.S. will be held June 12-16. This will be an evening school with ac– tivities from the nursery department through the adult. TAKES BAPTIST NAME Pastor Ralph A. Lenz writes that the Riverview Bible Church of Novelty, Ohio, has voted to add the name Baptist and call itself Riverview Bible Baptist Church. He is rej oicing that souls are being saved al– most every week. He and his church have for some time had informal fellowship with the N o rtheast Baptise Associa tion. ovelry is a growing village o n 306 d1- realy east of Mayfie ld Heights of Great– er Cleveland. In fact , it can be said to be within the Greater Cleveland area itself. HOMEWOOD BAPTI T , Lima Pastor Bernard E. H orn, sen t an an– nouncement of revival sen11ces lvfay 1-.., , with Ralph Davidson of Coffeyville as the evangelist. While we have not heard how they turned out, we can say that Bro ther Davidson is an effeaive evangelist. WHEELER BURG 111 IO ARY BAPTI T After h o lding a two weeks ' meeting at the Madison Baptist Church, and an earlier meeting at Willoughby, Pastor 1vfart1n Holmes held a week of meet1 ngs at his own church and 5 souls were saved and 22 re-dedicated their lives. fay 8-19 he \\ 1 ent on to hold meetings at the First Baptist Church of Eden Park. 30 young people are planning to go to Can1p Patn1os th1 summer. The Ladie ' 1,fissionary Circle i busy sewing for two returning m1 s1on– ary couples. everal of the lad ies attend the state missionary meeting at Akron FIR T BAPTI T. Lancaster Pastor J o ho . , hire high] y rec.on1- (Continued on n~xt page ) On our beautiful campus overlooking San F1 anc1sco Bay, high school grarus can obtai11- A ( ;JIRI Tl ~D , TIO FOR l .,IF " I ' ER I I~. B. . and B.Tlt. degr es; Bible major , ith 111inor · i11 Th, <>logy Pasto I ducation, hristiar1 "duc1,tio11, l\1ission.s, 1usic, , ocinl S ... ie11cc, Education- I> ycl,olog , or tl1 llum niti . o-op •1·ati progratns I adin,: to B. . 11d ft. . degree , lso n.1\ . a11d M.B. . or ... . d gr es in Bu in wnir1i!ttratio11. I 11 nd I.Jui ... tr Writ for fre catalog, Dept. I A REDITED: AAB , \\' ' .,.R 8 PTI "'T BIBI • t I"~ ' Re . II. . r1 ilder, D.l ., Pr id rat , .- - errtto, El •
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