The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1961

J_u_o_e,_1_9_6_1~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~0_H IOINDEPENDE TBAPTIST Page Fifteen ROA1f I i GS OF TH E E DITOR (Continu ed from page 11) is. Pray for this country church that has done such fine \, ,.ork in the four )'ears of its life. The Sunday· follo,ving Easter \\'as spent ,,·ith Pastor Vernon Billington and his people at the ~l emorial Bap– tist Church of Columbus. This time it rained all da,, as it has almost all • spring! Attendance ,vas good in spite of the ,veather. ho,\;e\ 1 er. and it ,,·as \ rer 1 1 e,rident that Goel is blessing the labors of Pastor Billington. April I .5th \\ 1 e started south to,vard South Oli, 1 e, stopping for a fe,, 1 mo– ments to see the ne,, 1 cht1rch at ~1as– sillon Heights , even if ,,·e missed Pas– tor DiPlacido. ' \ 'hat a fi11e pl ,lnt they ha,·e there no\v that thP upper part is completed! The next da,, \ve filled in • at the ~e,, 1 Harmon)' Bapti t Church at South Oli,·e a they ,,,ere begi11- ni11g to seek 11ames of me11 tl1at might consider their pt1lpit. T l1e chl1rch is 136 years old and came i11to ot1r as– ~ociation back in 1937. For the last four years under Pastor Leslie Kos– kovics they learned ho,\ 1 much better it ,vas to have a full time pastor, and the} hope to be able to keep it tl1at \\ 1 ay, even though it means an effort on both sides. It is qt1ite a problem for our country and village churches. Some ti1nes it is better to share a pas– tor \\ 1 ho gi,,es full time to t,vo cht1rch– es tl1an to ha\'e 01Je ,.,:ho \vorks 40 hot1rs a \Veek. 111 some cases it is the prol)Iern of getting 1nore tharJ a faitl1- fl1l f e\, 1 to titl1e their i11come. In other cases it seems too lJad so1ne 11earl)v ,I stro11g cl111rch could 11ot see the 11eecl of l1 0111e n1issio11s a11cl help a \veak sister cl1t1rcl1 . \i\Th} ~}1cJl1lcl all 1nissio11 ,,,ork l)e do11e i11 ~1r1otl1er state or 11 ,1- tio11? \i\/ e tl1ink t11e ~ ('\V I-I~1rn1011v cJ111rcJ1 ,,,ill l)e a 1J1e to 111~1ke it alcJ11~, l)ut tl1 ))' ,,,jJJ 11) cl <)ttr l)l fl)'ers \\ 7 11il clo,,,11 tJ1ere ,, 1 e l1ac] a c·11 :111c \ to s c.) J)astor ,ill)c·rl _. ltl)l)iso11 of o,1r Quak .)r .J it , cl1t1rcJ1 1 I ::. ,,,arks i11 a stc)r a11cl Jj,,.)s i,1 .. 1<tl(l,, 1 c::. JJ. II ~ t111cJ l1is JJ ' (>111 11 c>d c)11r JJr~t}'ers \ ' Cl")' 111uc]1 , for tl e tr11gg) .) of starti11g a 11 \\' cl1 tJ rcJ1 i 11 a s111a] 1 t 0,,111 is \ ' < r, 1 diffi c.·t1Jt . ,.J"J1 Jl Oil Otlr \\' a\' 11<)11)(:1 \V" slOJ)J)<'ld al Za1 s,,jJJ tc, "s Pastor \ 7, Jt r ) ' , g r, l,11t fo1111cl tl1, l lac ,,,as i11 1' 1 11 } ],,<. 11ia at tl1t f111l<' l"« I <>f ]1is fatl1 r . l )' t11 lJord gi,, , ]) ·c)111f<>rl1 Al tt . \tr101 ,,, ]1,cl n 1ict ,isit ,, itJ toi \ 'ortll . a 11 ~r ,)f t 11 J~ 111 - 111a11u ] 13a1,ti t l1ur ·J1 . ,.,,11 ,vorJ t] 1 i till ii1 tl JJi<JJtt r tag<') too, !)ut t] } Ji,, ~ J)t1t a J t;aa11tifu] fro11t 011 t] ir ·1J u1 ·)1 l 11il<li11g a11d s<J , r 111a k– i1 g ))J OgJ . ,.f'}1j is 3I) il )(]f~J) Jld Jl ( ·l1u1 ·)1 , l>ut ,, )10 110," \\ )1 11 t]1 lAr , iJI 1;) d t] e111 ot1r ,, , ? ~~--------------------------------=~~ Kenneth Good New Field Director For F.B.H.M. • I Actually he has been giving part time to this work since Jan. 1, but he is re– signing his church, the Madison Avenue Baptist Church of Paterson, N. ]., to take effect July first, and will then move with his fami ly to Elyria and give full time to this important work. Ohioans rejoice in this choice of a Field D ireetor for FBHM, for it brings back one whom they remember as the man who built up the Penfield Junction Bapti st Church of Lorain from a very \ \ 1 e l1a , ,e a1reac1 y 1ne11 tio11ed Oltr last trip to Fello,, 1 sl1ip Ba1)ti t 011 April 23rd. , so \\'e go 011 to April 30, ,vl1e11 \\'e 11acl 011e of tl1ose off- t111- clays. o \\ e jot1r11e,,ecl to Tiffi11 tc> l1ear Brotl1er G. I I . , , 1 i 1na11 , bl1t ,, ere J)ers t1,1clccl to clc> tl1e 1)rc'-1cl1i11g i11steacl. ,..f}1 e ,, orl tl1ere is till 111aki11g pt ogress, a11tl \\ e lrt1~t tl1,1t it ,, 111 t·o11ti11t1e tc> clo so after Pastor \\ i">c- 111a11 lea, es, a5 l1e is 1)l <11111i11g to clc> ac, S{)()ll ,1<; ,l l)C\\ l),lStOl IS f c>lll1Cl . rfJ1e\' als,, at C1.1l, ,ti,, Tiff 111, ,, 111 }1n, ,l • s trl1ggl "> t<> st1111)c>rt a 11,1\ l(>r f11ll ti111(~; l>,1t tl1 ") )' ~tr l>e11<li11g tl1 \i1 l>ac. h\ tc> it i11 a cl ·tc·r111i1i ·cl ,, ,1)', a11cl ,, l1c1c) tl1crc is a , re 11 , tl1 )r is ,l ,, 1 a) 1 ! ' f,l1c> firs( ~u11rl~1, (>f \l ,t\ ,, 1. fill(•cl iJ I f<>l' J"laSl<>l' rf t tc·kc') r Ill (]l (' ]lOll1t~ ·l1t1r Ii. I Ie ,,,ns 11 at l ,,, I3c. tl1lt l1t 111 , l't 1111a ., ita a 111c>st 11111c111c-, rr·, 1 i\ al . 1 i, c s 111 rt 11 ,, i 11 a g < • c I 1 t I r l 1 s i n t l 1 n t <. le )'- 111i11t,, ar a ,,,< 11l lc>g tl1< r ff,1 t111ic>11 111< < lings ,, 1 itl1 tl1 11<>1> tl1at r>ut <>f it 111igl1t <<>J11c <>11< g<><)cl ~izccl 13,tJ>li "t ·I 1, 11 • l 1 to , r, n 1] <) f t 11 c c· l, 1. t t r i 11 g , illa .. . So,11~ ,, r ~,t\ cl a11 l 1 al l J i1 g t'")XJJ rit 11c cl , \\ l1c> k110,, ? Ll1ool · c·<,11 '<)li lat i11 tl1 s (l~, of J,l})i} lJ'f\11 J)OJ'l, ti<>J , 0 ,,Jl) JlOt (·11t1r ·J1,~ ,, it l1i11 , f \\ 111 ile~ oJ d )1 small, struggling church and started it on its way toward its present strength and po– sition. He served there from 1943 to 1958, was ordained there, served for a time as Associate Editor of the Ohio Independent Baptist, and also served a term on the Council of Ten of the Association. He also taught part of this time in the Baptist Bible Inscirute of Cleveland, which later became Cedarville College. ince leaving Ohio he served as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hamburg .Y ., for seven years, and over six years with the Madison A venue Baptist Church of Paterson, . ] . This church has been known for years as a great missionary and Bible preaching church. During his pas– torate the church became affil iated v;ith the Garden tace Regular Baptist Fellow– ship and has sought fellov.·ship with the General Association also. Brother Good will take up the v.·ork done by Rev. Ewing Walters, visiting pres– ent fields to advise about their problems. and surveying and arranging for the open– ing up of new mission churches through– out our country. He will be v.·orking un– der the direetion of Rev. Kenneth A. 1fuck of R ochester, Minnesota, who has served as General Director since 1959, v.·hen Rev. J. Irving Reese asked to be relieved of the heavy responsibility of that office. Bro. Reese had served since 194~, and still serves on a halftime basis. We know that Brother Good wilt still look to Rev. Reese for counsel. We predict for him a big welcome from the Ohio churches as he moves to Elyria, and real success in h1 v.·ork. otl1er i11 ,111 area \\ l1ere 11c) 1)c>1)t1lation gro\\ tl1 ('a11 l)c XI)ec·tecl? Ot1r Ol1ic) t•l111rcl1es are too f,1r fro111 e,1cl1 otl1er fc>r tl1al exc_·e1)t i11 c_·itie \\ l1ere c.·011~011- cl a tio11 is 11ot 11eeclccl . bt1 t ra tl1er <11- , i. io11 ,111cl 111 t1l ti1)l1ca t1011: l)ll t it clot~\ gi\·e > C> ll ~0111l 1 tl1i11g tc> t}1i111'_ .lbC)\lt 111 <:io111e rtrca ·. Fi11:.1ll). catel1i11g t111 tc> tl1f\ 1)rt',t' 11t, \I ,l\ 14. \\ t' l1.1(l a gc)<)tl ti111e \\ 1tl1 J)ac..t(>r l{c>l>e1 t l~.11 r \tt a11cl 111" 11t'<>1>lt') at .1 a111cl<.~11 i11 tl1t~ 111c>111111g. llt' ~t11cl 111\ fa111il, 11~tll c\'\I)<.~t·tt\<l tc> l)t' <>11 , ~L– t•alic>11 , l>t1t 111c'.t\lt'\ lt'11t tl1t'111 !tt l1c>111c' . 1 et 11<? ,, .t, tc><) k111tl tc, t .t11- ('t'l ()lll \ i">tt \\ 111 ·11 \\ t' ,lI)J)l t.'l l,llt\Cl. l' l1at <.~, ('t1111g ,, t' 1)rt·~1<: l11.\ l fc>t 1 1 .t-..t<)r J<>l111 ~[dll1t\i111 at '\ tn,,.1Jk ,,11<) ,,.1, • t)rl , 1 ac atio11 . l )la11~ f<)r l>tt1lcl111g • r e ll} le> tl1c C't>11tract -l tti11g ,t.1gt tl1 r , nr1cl tl1P\' 11t P<l it ,, 1tl1 :..()() <>r 111o r e i11 " S1111 l:t, sc·l1()t>l <.)1 1 l>t1r ,,.t, 11c>111 ,,, .. ,, t)11t tl1 l<ltlg ,, a) arc>t111cl l l \\ ill, rel t C> gt t ,1 C' f J t t a i 11 t l , , i t I J) astc) r 1 {cl) - 111<>11tl li' itzsi111111011s, ,, 110 lla <>rga11iz- cl a ,, c,rk t11 r ,t11 l i ~ <.) i1 1 ot1J ~a, l . 11cl g o I ntt 11cl 111 • J\i })l'CSt Ill \ Ollr l;atlit ()r i ( 11, ll ok- cl t l1rt 11g}1 ] t111 t, s \\ l1cJJ t~ t11 i11, itati 11 le> stl}JJ)l\ cl t 11 iii , ,1 , t i 1 \\i}l SC)()tl '011 i11 .